Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 10, 1991, p. 2

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Page Town Stiver Sunday November 1ft 1M1 News at a Glance Candidates integrity questioned as municipal election looms ByBENDUMMETT be Herald A requirement to defend their in tegrity instead of their position on the issues was the first order of business candidates responded to during Wednesdays Hills Chamber of Commerce sponsored allcandidates meeting at Georgetown District High School Georgetown resident Ed Spicer one of the 250 people attending the meeting asked all Ward 3 can didates if they had any outside in terest that could conflict with being an elected official Ward 3 Town councillor can didates Tom Anne Bill Hyde and Gail Rutherford all said no pointing to their current oc cupations as proof Mr said he was semi- retired while Ms said is retired Mr Politi said he works for a Brampton cement making com pany while Ms Rutherford said she is a part time teacher at a local school Both Ward Regional Councillor candidates Bill Hyde and Johnston also said they had no con flict Mr Hyde said he is an engineering consultant and in this capacity has many projects on the go However none of these conflict with being an elected official and if a conflict ever did arise Mr Hyde said he would declare it Ms Johnston also said she has no conflict in her capcity as a part time college teacher but said she would declare a conflict if there ever was one Having cleared that up the Ward 3 candidates were questioned on whether they would support the construction of an Acton arena to begin in 1993 While Mr Emmerson and Ms Johnston expressed confidence the arena would go ahead the other candidates were more hesitant All said they favored the idea of an arena going ahead but approval will ultimately depend on available money and how it measures up as a priority against other Town needs Ms Currie had the most in triguing response saying if you plan to buy a car but the fridge breaks down you dont buy the car Meaning the arena should go ahead as forecasted in the budget unless something comes up that must be dealt with im mediately Asked to outline their vision for Georgetowns downtown core Ms Rutherford said revitalization of this area is a major concern I see development as playing a major role in order to attract people to the downtown core With more people shopping in the area an open market could then be established she said Mr said improvement to the downtown area primarily rests with the store owners The merchants need to brighten We goofed On the front page of the Wed nesday Nov edition of the Halton Hills Herald the list of municipal candidates mistakenly didnt in clude Ward Regional Councillor candidate Linda Walton Also the name of Town Council Ward 2 can didate Robert was misspelled The Herald regrets the errors and apologizes for any inconvience they may have caused In the story entitled Tame can didates face the voters appearing in the Wednesday Nov 6 edition of the Hills Herald Russ Miller was quoted incorrectly as saying As far as I am concerned you should be paid off with taxpayers money The quote should have read As far as I am concerned you shouldnt be paid off with tax payers money The Herald regrets the error and apologizes for any inconvience that may have been caused up their stores and try to bring their prices in line with the competition he said Mr said it will take a cooperative effort on the part of the entire community to revitalize the area Not Ward 3 can didates were asked to state their position on the proposal to build two high rise condominiums on Maple Avenue beside the NorthHalton Golf and Country Club Mr Politi Ms Rutherford Mr Emmerson Mr Hyde all said they wouldnt accept any development other than single family homes Ms Johnston stated the con dominium proposal has been with drawn and currently there is no development proposal for the property before the Town She said her vote on any future development proposal for the property will depend on he proposal submitted I make my decision only after I have all the information in front of me said Ms Johnston On the issue of sidewalk snow removal Bill Hyde said Town residents should be required to clear that portion of the sidewalk that borders their property Ms Johnston said the Town previously investigated the possibility of introducing the ap propriate bylaw to force people to clean their sidewalks but it was determined people would be un willing to take on the responsibility She continued by saying over the past few years the Town has in creased the number of sidewalks it clears It would be too expensive to clear all sidewalks she said- Asked to identify a major concern in the Town Ward candidates focused on either planning growth or water Regional councillor candidate A said his major concern is Georgetown South To the applause of many Mr questioned why Georgetown South was planned as it was He objects to there being at poin ts only a 50 acre buffer between residential and industrial zoned lands The Georgetown South plan should be reviewed to allow for a minimum of at least a acre buf fer between the two zones he said One of Mr opponents Linda Walton said she wants to en sure Georgelown doesnt grow too fast That means said Ms Walton the projected doubling of Georgetowns population over years is too fast Regional candidate Ser- jeantson said the has im plemented a good plan to ac commodate the expected population increase without jeopar dizing the existing community feeling She points to the fact that new development is supposed to go to the outlying areas of the Georgetown urban boundary arid in and around the hamlet areas Ms Serjeantson predicted population growth would increase no faster than three per cent an- which doesnt represent rapid growth Ward Town councillor can didate Peter Norton said his major concern is water Without water there can be no development said Mr Norton Mr Nortons opponent Al Cook said growth is a concern as long as Georgetowns population doesnt grow beyond over the next 20 years the Towns com munity feeling wont be negated Ward Town councillor can didate Ron also had no ob jection to the population projections because they dont represent rapid growth Some growth is needed said Mr Chatten to prevent the community from stagnating On the question of industrial growth candidates were asked how they would attract industry to the area Mr said he would establish an industrial commission as existed in the Since the dismantling of the commission there has been very little industrial growth he said Ms Walton laid her work as a consultant for various government agencies and companies means she has the experience needed to walk into the boardrooms and sell the community Ms Waltonsaid she wants to try and bring the Ontario Archives to the community While defending the Towns past achievements in attracting such in dustry as to the area Ms Serjeantson went on to say the acres currently zoned industrial in Georgetown South must be serviced in order to attract more industry Mr Chatten said his experience as an administrator will enable him to attract business to the area while Mr Norton said his years as a salesman gives him the tools to sell the Town Mayoralty candidates Miller and Rob Barlow got off com paratively easy compared to the rest of the candidates However they were asked what they mean when they say they want to preserve the character of Hills Mr Miller said Hills population must not be permitted to grow beyond people He went on to say he opposes a pipe being brought up from Lake Ontario to provide water to service residential growth Mr Barlow said the Towns character will be preserved by rejecting spot development As well high rises shouldnt be allowed and any new buildings that go up should be in keeping with the existing architecture he explained Mr Barlow also said he opposes a pipe being brought up from Lake Ontario to service growth in town Asked If he would support Hills disassociating with the Greater Toronto Area Mr Miller said no Its better to be a par ticipant in the to ensure Hills needs are protected Mr Barlow said he would con sider the idea if he had residents support Acton fire hall gets green light ByBENDUMMETT The Herald Construction on the new Acton Fire Hall at the corner of Highway 7 and Churchill Road will now go ahead as a result of Hills Council giving the project final ap proval during a special meeting Tuesday In a recorded vote all councillors but Rob supported the construction price tag Conn Al Cook was not present at the meeting and therefore didnt vote Coun left the meeting before he could be questioned on his vote As well he couldnt be reached for comment at press time Council had deferred deciding on the fire station because the projects cost is over the original budgeted amount of The approved construction cost was recommended after was cut from the originally estimated construction cost Halton Hills Fire Chief Bill Cun ningham said another 7000 could have been cut from the construction cost while still ending up with a suitable building The 7000 was allocated to build a second entrance way off Highway 7 The primary eritrance will be located on Churchill Road A majority of councillors voted to keep this expenditure in the budget after Chief Cunningham said the Highway 7 entrance would be used for emergency purposes if the Chur chill Road exit was ever blocked Acton Councillors Rick Bonnette Norm Elliot Gerald and Georgetown Coun Pam Johnston all supported the more expensive of two heat and air conditioning systems be supported The councillors worried the cheaper recommended system may be inferior to the more expensive one The difference in price between the two systems is 5000 A majority of councillors opposed the more expensive system after receiving assurances the cheaper system was very reliable Position clarified Ward 3 local candidate Anne Currie contacted the Herald Thur sday to clarify her position on apar tments in response to a letter in the Peoples Forum under the headline Remarks disdained appearing intheNov6edition Ms said I have always said apartments are not only needed in Town but are an at tractive welcome addition I no doubt will live in one by choice in a few years perhaps in the same building as the writer Chris Mahon Ms Currie explains in Ward 3 one of the most suitable sites for an apartment building would be the former Halton Hills Hydro Com mission building on Mill Street in Georgetown Another appropriate site in Ward 3 would be the area overlooking the Glen and the whole escarpment she said This would be an attractive site for apartments and sadly now houses an old vacant industrial building Certainly Id prefer it be rezoned for industry but since that seems unlikely at this time apart ments or any housing would be an alternative said Ms Currie In redeveloping any areas nowadays conditions are stringent and demand all the attractive lan dscaping lighting and amenities of fered in the existing new buildings she said Voter eligibility Eligible voters for the upcoming Nov municipal election should not despair if they have yet to receive official notification that their names are included on one of the voting lists corresponding to one of the our local Wards Voters can still have their names included on the appropriate voters list by submitting their name to the Town Clerk Janet LunnStewart by election day Nov 12 at the Hills Civic Centre People are only eligible to have their name added to a voters list if they can provide proof showing they are at least they are property owners or renters in Town and they are recognized Canadian citizens Say I saw it in Herald ACCLAIMED MUNICIPAL CANDIDATES Halton Hills Regional Councillors Halton Hills Town Councillors Hydro Commission Halton BrJ Education Trustees Catholic Board Trustees Mayor WARD 1 Acton Rick Bonnette Ed Wood Gerald Norm Elliott Claude Roger Haggett Frizzell Dave Whiting Rev Bell David Colvin Ml Hilton Hills Irene McCauley English Representative Ken Norman Representative Russ Miller I WARD 2 Esquesliig Township Joe Hewitt Bill Robson Alt Spence Rob Joe Hurt Allison Dave Whiting Craig William Bell David WARD 3 Georgelown North Pam Johnston Bill Hide Grant Emmerson Tom Anne Currie Gail Rutherford Fisher WARD Georgelown South Marilyn Linda Walton Peter Norton Ron Chatten Smith Dick Howltt

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