the HERALD Community Wednesday December 1991 Artistic flair led to career Continued from Page times when you have that click of recognition She said she immediately knew that the introspective and thought child character in the book wasnt a blond and v as a bit serious looking Obviously judges who reviewed hundreds of books ta nominate can didates for the award thought she captured the essence of the girt and story with her illustrations Doctor Kiss Says Yes is the third children s book Ms Fit zgerald has illustrated Her two previous works include Plain Noodles written by Betty and Emily House written bv She s currently at work on a page childrens book called Ten Small Tales written Lot which includes over 100 illustrations It s her biggest project to date and Ms finds it somewhat surprising that she en joys it so much considering she never had any intention to be an illustrator Having always exhibited an flair she knew early she wan ted to tram in the arts and chose to study fine arts earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Mount Allison University in New Brunswick But upon graduation she soon found economic circumstances would dictate her fate and landed herself a job as an illustrator on staff it the Royal Ontario Museum It was a bread and butter issue she admits artist but at some point you have to make some money After one year at the ROM she decided to freelance her illustrating skills and soon became busy illustrating food for the Globe and Mail and magazines such as Chatelaine and Toronto Life She then branched into illustrating educational books and one of her illustrations in the nature magazine Chickadee caught the attention of an editor at the book division of the publishing company Douglas and In time she was working on her first book When undertaking a book Ms Fitzgerald says she tries to put her self into the story as an observer and screens the manuscript for clues about the characters In a book there s not a lot of manuscript so you end up doing a lot of second guessing she said You find yourself looking at what the character does and how she or he reacts to things to come up with a complete picture of what that character is like She admits she rather likes illustrating childrens books now because it s a nicer place No doubt she 11 be able to spend a lot of time in that nicer place now that her talent has been recognized in the top literary competition in Canada Chamber sponsors consultation meeting The Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce and i and Peel Industries Training Advison Committee announced that the will be co- sponsoring with the of Canada a public consultation meeting on economic com and learning issues The consultation in Hills w ill be held on December 9 from 6 to 10 m at the Georgetown High School is one of such meetings being held across Canada as part of the govern ment The meeting will be facilitated government officials and is to allow individuals the community the op portune to gather together to of fer input the federal govern regarding its petitneness and learning priorities in the vears ahead This consultation will result in a series of concrete recommen to the government regar ding the views of Halton Hills residents on the issues of economic competitiveness and learning said Doug JPenrice of the Hills Chamber It is a unique to have input into gov ernment decision nuking Dave Wright of said the format of the meeting has been designed to allow as many people to participate The bulk of the meeting will take piace in small discussion groups so that we can keep the atmosphere forma and allow evervone to contribute fulK he said All residents of Hills and area are invited to attend and expre their views on such issues trade policy skills training science and technology and other issues that affect the economic competitiveness on the area lor more information contact Doug at the Chamber Of ficeat877 7119 You can lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving mwt r yr ml fat it dliDta Br Kit I Optimist Youth Award winners These four local youths were honored for their ac and ded cat on ng Optlm st Club of Georgetown annual Youth Night Nov From left tor Allison Lynn Mac Farlane or runner up Christy Michalak Junior award John Manning Sen or runner up and Senior award winner Streutker Herald Photo SAVE YOUR BODY NORTH END NISSAN 4137 Martin SI Milton On 8779896 WINDSHIELD REPAIRS We Handle All Insurance Claims Que St Unit WIKWPI LI I Illustrating the fact Fact is that Joanne Fitzgerald a book illustrator from Georgetown has ust won Canada s top literary award the Governor Generals Award for English Literature in the Illustration category The award was presented Tuesday three days after Ms Fitzgerald spent the afternoon signing copies of the book which garnered her the award Doctor Kiss Says Yes at Oxbow Books In Georgetown ANNIVERSARY COFFEE DAY Sale Price applies to 8 oz coffee Req Price 75Tax MONDAY DEC 9th 4 am1 1 pm Come and See our great anniversary selection of Fancy Treats Treat the office to some Monday Morning Coffee And Donuts 306 Guelph Street Georgetown 8731211 Mister