w w w .in si de H A LT O N .c om O A K V IL LE B EA V ER W ed ne sd ay , A ug us t 1 7, 2 01 1 1 2 A batch of mosquitoes collected in Halton Hills has tested positive for West Nile virus. The mosquitoes were collected last week. It is the first instance of mosqui- toes found in Acton with the virus this year and the 14th batch in Halton Region. This latest batch was collected from the area of Mill and Main streets. Our surveillance indicates that there is a risk of West Nile virus infec- tion throughout the region this year and there are still several weeks of summer to go, said Dr. Bob Nosal, Halton Region Medical Officer of Health, in a press release. It is impor- tant that all Halton residents continue to take measures to protect themselves from mosquito bites throughout the rest of the summer. Mosquitoes can transmit the virus to humans after they become infected by feeding on the blood of birds with the virus. Older adults and people with underlying illnesses should be cau- tious, as they are more likely to develop the illness, the region said. The Region provides the following steps for people to protect themselves from mosquitoes: Cover up. Wear light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and pants with tightly-woven fabric. Avoid being outdoors from early evening to morning when mosquitoes are most active and likely to bite, as well as at any time in shady, wooded areas. Reduce mosquito breeding sites around your home by getting rid of all water-filled containers and objects. Change the water in bird baths at least once per week. Use an approved insect repellent, such as one containing DEET. The Regions Health Department has maps of locations of mosquito pools and standing water sites that have had larvicide applied on its web- site, available at www.halton.ca/wnv. People are also asked to report standing water by calling the Region at 905-825-6000 or emailing wnv@hal- ton.ca. l f dWest Ni e oun in Acton mosquitoes Walk for children of Guatemala Aug. 27 On Saturday, Aug. 27, the Canadian Central American Relief Effort (CCAMRE) will host its annual 5k and 10k Run/ Walk for the Children of the Merendon Mountains, Guatemala. The run/walk will take place starting at 9:30 a.m. in Erindale Park, Area B (northeast corner of Mississauga Road and Dundas Street) in Mississauga. The course will move along the banks of the Credit River. Registration costs $40 for adults/10k or $35/adults for the 5k and $15 for children. Founded by Oakville resident Hilda Rossi, CCAMRE is a community of Canadians working in partnership with a com- munity of Central Americans, resulting in improved lives in both regions. To register for the run/walk, contact 905-639-8053 or www.vrpro.ca.