Oakville Beaver, 19 Aug 2011, p. 7

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WOOD N FLOOR Call KAZ (905) 338-1881 www.woodnfloor.ca W We will beat every written quote! We install all Kinds of Floors, Stairs and Railings Refinish Your Wood Floor Like New Serving Oakville residents for over 20 years. Kathys visits with her mom used to be about groceries, laundry & cleaning 180 Oak Park Blvd., Oakville 905-257-0095 www.chartwellreit.ca Come in and see how it feels Now they are about catching up with each other If helping your parent live independently has become more about the to-do list than about time together, there are options that can help combine convenience and care with an active lifestyle. Chartwell retirement residences provide the safety and security your parent needs with the services and activities they want. And that way, your time together can really be spent on the important things in life like catching up with each other. 7 Friday, A ugust 19, 2011 O A KVILLE BEAVER w w w .insideH A LTO N .com POPCORN FAN: Maya Steinwender eagerly awaits a tasty treat from a popcorn making machine at the Mix and Mingle street party on Liptay Avenue last Saturday. Anticipation MICHAEL IVANIN / OAKVILLE BEAVER Oakville Riding PC Candidate Join us for the opening of our Ontario PC campaign offi ce on SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th 341 Kerr St, Suite 220 (stair climbing required, we hope to accommodate those requiring assistance, please RSVP to: oakvillepcpo@gmail.com) Volunteer Donate Vote 905-901-3455 www.LarryScott.ca Authorized by the CFO for the Oakville PC Riding Association 12:30 pm Light Lunch 1:00 pm Short Speeches 2:00 pm Afternoon Canvas Crew Departs (new volunteers welcome!)

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