Job Fair EMPLOYERS Put your employment opportunities into the hands of households in Burlington, Oakville, Flamborough and Milton. Post your companys profi le, contact information and a list of job opportunities you have to offer. JOB SEEKERS This special section will contain job opportunities and editorial content providing tips and articles on how to get the job that is right for you! Thurs Sept. 15 2011 IN-PAPER SPECIAL FEATURE Burlington Post Flamborough REVIEW OAKVILLE Beaver SIZE: (3 x 5) Back Page Available COST: Burlington and Oakville for only $699 BONUS: Add Milton and Flamborough for $249 Spot color from $50 and Process colour from $150 call for details DEADLINE: SEPT. 12, 2011 PUBLISHING DATE: SEPT 15, 2011 Call: 905.632.4440 Fax: 905.632.8165 E-mail: classifi add for only $125 add for only $100 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS A l l c l a i m s a g a i n s t t h e E s t a t e o f Rober t D. Reynolds , a lso known as Robert B. Reynolds, late of the Town of Georgetown in the Municipal i ty of H a l t o n , w h o d i e d o n o r a b o u t t h e 24th day of February, 2011, must be f i l e d w i t h t h e u n d e r s i g n e d E s t a t e Trus tee on o r be fo re the 30 th day o f September, 2011; therea f te r, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then fi led. DATED a t Oakv i l l e th is 26th day o f August, 2011. David Reynolds, Estate Trustee, by his Solicitor, VIRGINIA TINTI PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION, C - 344 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 1J6. 905-815-1717 Sheriff's Sale of Lands Ventes de terrains par le shf UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at 10 Louisa St., Orangeville, Ontario L9W 3P9 dated March 23rd, 2010, Court File Number 43/10 to me directed, against the real and personal property of, Morgan D. Rawson a.k.a Morgan Donavan Rawson, a.k.a Morgan Rawson, a.k.a Morgan D. Dawson at the suit of Citi Cards Canada Inc. I HAVE SEIZED AND TAKEN into execution all the right, title, Interest and equity of redemption of Morgan D. Rawson a.k.a Morgan Donavan Rawson, a.k.a Morgan Rawson, a.k.a Morgan D. Dawson Defendant in and to: PCL 75-2, SEC 20M410; PT LT 75, PL 20M410, PART 55, 20R8224, S/T H310397; OAKVILLE. The subject property is municipally known as 217 Ross Lane, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 5K6. ALL OF WHICH said right, title, interest and equity of redemption Of, Morgan D. Rawson a.k.a Morgan Donavan Rawson, a.k.a Morgan Rawson, a.k.a Morgan D. Dawson, Defendant, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction sub- ject to the conditions set out below at, The Milton Court House, 491 Steeles Ave E., in the Town Of Milton, Ontario, L9T 1Y7, on: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 11:00 A.M. CONDITIONS: The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the po- tential purchaser(s). TERMS: Deposit 10% of bid price or $ 1,000.00 whichever is greater Payable at time of sale by successful bidder To be applied to purchase price, Non-refundable Ten business days from date of sale to arrange fi nancing and pay balance in full at: THE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE at 491 Steeles Ave E., Milton, Ontario All payments in cash or by certifi ed cheque made payable to MINISTER OF FINANCE Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price Other conditions as announced THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION UP TO TIME OF SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. NO EMPLOYEE OF THE MINISTRY OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL MAY PURCHASE ANY GOODS OR CHATTELS, LANDS OR TENE- MENTS EXPOSED FOR SALE BY A SHERIFF UNDER LEGAL PRO- CESS, EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, Date: July 20th, 2011 Gina Chiarelli A/Supervisor Court Operations Regional Municipality of Halton 905-878-7285 X 3065 Sheriff's Sale of Lands Ventes de terrains par le shf UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at 491 Steeles Avenue E, Milton, Ontario L9T 1Y7 dated March 10th, 2010, Court File Number 26077/04, to me directed, against the real and personal property of, Joan Reid Montgomery a.k.a. Joan Reid Montgomery-Cunningham at the suit of Eric Gordon Cunningham. I HAVE SEIZED AND TAKEN into execution all the right, title, Interest and equity of redemption of Joan Reid Montgomery a.k.a. Joan Reid Montgomery-Cunningham, Defendant in and to: Unit 66, Level 1, Halton Stnadard Condominium Plan No. 421. Halton Condominium Plan No. 367 and Halton Condominium Plan No. 374. Oakville. The subject property is municipally known as 1267 Dorval Drive, Unit 66, Oakville Ontario, L6M 3Z5 ALL OF WHICH said right, title, interest and equity of redemption Of Joan Reid Montgomery a.k.a. Joan Reid Montgomery-Cunning- ham, Defendant, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below at, The Milton Court House, 491 Steeles Ave E., in the Town Of Milton, Ontario, L9T 1Y7, on: Tuesday, August 30, 2011. CONDITIONS: The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s). TERMS: Deposit 10% of bid price or $ 1,000.00 whichever is greater Payable at time of sale by successful bidder To be applied to purchase price, Non-refundable Ten business days from date of sale to arrange fi nancing and pay balance in full at: THE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE at 491 Steeles Ave E., Milton, Ontario All payments in cash or by certifi ed cheque made payable to MINISTER OF FINANCE Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price Other conditions as announced THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION UP TO TIME OF SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. NO EMPLOYEE OF THE MINISTRY OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL MAY PURCHASE ANY GOODS OR CHATTELS, LANDS OR TENE- MENTS EXPOSED FOR SALE BY A SHERIFF UNDER LEGAL PRO- CESS, EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, Date: July 18th, 2011 Gina Chiarelli A/Supervisor Court Operations Regional Municipality of Halton 905-878-7285 X3065 31 W ednesday, A ugust 24, 2011 O A KVILLE BEAVER w w w Discovery Language Centre Ecole de Langues DLC Depuis/since 1992 Burlington, ON (Near Brant & Lakeshore) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ New classes start every week Flexible schedule: days, evenings and weekends Private and Small Group classes start this week French, English, Spanish and more On site lessons and Assessments available Adults & Children welcome- Senior lessons (small groups 2-4) Customized courses for corporate and government employees Sessions are from 4 to 25 weeks. Courses can be extended Limited seats! 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