Oakville Beaver, 1 Sep 2011, p. 29

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2 9 Th u rsd ay, Sep tem b er 1, 2011 O A K V ILLE B E A V E R w w w .o akvilleb eaver.co m To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Fax 905-632-8165 OAKVILLE Beaverclassifieds AD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 7G5. DEADLINES: Monday 5 p.m. for Wednesday publication, Tuesday 5 p.m. for Thursday publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We will accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS to ensure its accurate. The Oakville Beaver will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. If an error appears in your ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication. Friday publication errors must be reported before 5:30 p.m. on the following Monday. CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Classified Call Centre 8:30 am. - 5:30pm. For Circulation inquiries, please call 905-845-9742 Sir Richard Towers-Bronte Marina BREATH TAKING LAKE VIEWS Available Oct 1st: 2 Bedroom Penthouse suite with Million Dollar Lake View. Reg. 1 Bedroom suites available Oct/Dec 1st. Ideal for Seniors and Single Professionals. Suites are upgraded w i th ceramic t i le, parquet f loor, newer appliances. Enjoy prime location only steps to the beach. With outdoor pool, tennis court, playground area, sauna, underground parking, amenities within walking distance. Please call or email Rental Office at 905-827-9169 or info@sirrichardtowers.com. 110 Plains Road W. QUALITY OVERSIZED 1,2,3 SEDROOM B UITES Lake views available 5 appliances incl. Ensuite Laundry Indoor Pool, Sauna, Whirlpool, Gym Granite & Stainless Appliance Avail. 289-812-0103 drewloholdings.com Burlingtons First NON-SMOKING Rental Building HOME AWAY FROM HOME BURLINGTON TOWERS FURNISHED 1,2, BDRMS 905-639-8583 corporatesuites.ca $ Best Cash Paid $ We make housecalls Jewellery, Coins, Gold, Silver, Paintings, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Art, Antiques Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com CA$H IN 1 HOUR WE BUY ALL CARS & TRUCKS ($5 - $5000) paid 7 days, 24 hrs Scrap autos FREE removal 1 Hour Service 905-971-0861 905-574-4589 JOB FAIR HIRING FOR PART-TIME POSITIONS Wednesday, September 14th, 2011: 12pm - 9pm Thursday, September 15th, 2011: 11am - 8pm Tansley Woods Community Centre 1996 Itabashi Way, Burlington, ON L7M 4J8 Homes for Sale OPEN HOUSE- Sept. 3&4, 2-5pm, 303 Burloak Dr, Oakville. Beautiful Lake- shorewoods home, 5min walk to lake. 2800sq.ft. 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, fully upgraded, new SS appli- ances, granite, crownmold- i n g , h o t t u b , m o r e . $690,000. 905-847-3245 Apartments for Rent 1 & 2 bedroom apartment in Oakville, on Kerr Street, a v a i l a b l e O c t o b e r 1 . Also Bachelor apartment ava i l ab l e immed ia te l y. Call 905-338-9907. 1 , 2 & 3 - B e d r o o m Oakv i l l e f rom $895. 190 Kerr: 905-845-1777, 392 Pine: 905-337-0910, 1 2 6 5 S i x t h L i n e 905-842-8960. www.livehere.ca 1&2 BEDROOM spa- c ious apar tments in quiet lowrise buildings, Burlington. Please call 905-484-0990. 3055 GLENCREST Road, Burlington. Central loca- tion, quiet, well main- t a i n e d , h y d r o a n d heat included. Spacious 3 b e d ro o m s . C a l l 905-637-3921. BURLINGTON TOWERS INDOOR HEATED POOL UNDERGROUND PARKING AVAIL. FITNESS ROOM, BBQ AREA RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES INCL. HEAT, HYDRO, A/C, WINDOW COVERINGS ON-SITE MAINTENANCE & SECURITY LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION 905-639-8583 burlingtontowers.com 1, 2, 3 bedrooms DRURY/ NEW Street, Bur- l ington- large 1-bedroom basement. Gas fi replace, 2 parking, laundry, dishwash- e r. $ 9 0 0 / m o . s h a re d utilities. Oct 1. Quiet, non- smoker, no pets preferred. 905-691-7883 FACING BURLINGTON Mall. Large 1&2 bedroom suites. Brand new kitchens. Seniors disc. Hydro incl. Call Don 905-681-8115 or Dan 905-639-8009 PRIME DOWNTOWN Bur- lington. Upgraded suites 1,2&3 bedrooms. New windows. Modernized ele- vators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 905-632-1643 477 Elizabeth; 905-634-9374, OAKVILLE~ AFFORDABLE Rent ! Large 1 & 2 bed- rooms, hardwood, suites with balcony. Appliances, laundry, quiet, clean, near transit/ schools/ shops. 905-339-3245. Apartments for Rent STRATHCONA DRIVE- Newly renovated 2 bed- room basement apartment. Separate entrance, utilities a nd l a und r y i n c l uded . $895/mo. 289-337-5571 leave message. TYANDAGA APTMNTS Burlington. Spacious and bright lovely 1&2 bedroom Seniors discount. Hydro i n c l u d e d . C a l l D i a n n e 905-332-8979 TYANDAGA TERRACE, Burlington. 2 storey Low rise building situated on park-like grounds. F resh l y pa in ted . A l l rooms w/individual ther- mostat controlled heat- ing. 2 & 3 bedrooms. 1440, 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive. 905-336-0015, 905-336-0016. WATERDOWN CENTRAL location, walk everywhere 1&2 bedrooms $825/mo; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; www.livehere.ca MONDAY AT 5PM for Wednesday TUESDAY AT 5PM for Thursday WEDNESDAY AT 5PM for Friday. Please call 905-632-4440 fax: 905-632-8165 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES e-mail: classifieds@haltonsearch.com Apartments for Rent Furnished Apartments WWW.TRAVELSUITES.CA Char les Dr i ve Semi , New Mi l lcreek town- home, Unfurnished, 2-3 bedrooms, 2 bath, 6 appliances, C/A, fenced yard, Great Location! From $1350+* Immed. ---Furnished Corporate-- R e s i d e n c e s ! D a i l y , Weekly, Monthly! Busi- ness , Fami ly, Trave l Visits! Full Kitchen, Free Laundry, Pe t s O .K . ; From.... $49.95*/night! 905-681-7355 Condos for Rent 3 BEDROOM condo in Mississauga. Close to GO Station. $1500/mo. inclu- sive. Call 416-629-4046, 416-832-6491. PRIME BEACH Blvd 1-year new condo minu tes to downtown Burlington. 2- bedroom, 1.5 bath, A/C, granite, hardwood, Stain- less Steel App. Non-smok- ers only. $1300/ month + u t i l i t i e s . A v a i l a b l e . 905.315.8193 Houses for Rent BURLINGTON, EXECU- T I V E n e i g h b o u r h o o d / 2+bedroom. Ground floor on ly, C/A, F i rep lace, 6 appliances, private yard/ parking. Near hwys, GO. $1250/mo. 905-634-4871 M I LT O N , H W Y 2 5 / Britannia, large, br ight, 3 plus 1 bedroom bunga- low, f i rep lace. 1 acre. $1390/mo. plus utilities. 416-436-3008, 416-305-0888. Townhouses for Rent BURLINGTON- LARGE 3 & 4 bedrooms, Septem- ber/ October 1. Large 2 bedrooms, September 1. App l i a nces , h a rdwood f loors, qu iet park l ike sett ing. 905-681-0070. rentaltownhouses@ gmail.com NEWER TOWNHOME 3- bedroom, 2.5 bath, hard- wood, granite, stainless, Nearly finished basement $1870/mo. plus utilities. D u n d a s / T h i r d L i n e . 908-827-8682 Mortgages/ Loans DEBT CONSOLIDATION 1st, 2nd and 3rd mortgag- es, credit lines & loans up t o 90% LTV. Se l f em - ployed, mortgage or tax ar- rears. #10171 Ontario- wide fi nancial Corp. Call 1-888-307-7799 www.ontario-widefinancial. com $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI- DATE Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit O K ! B e t t e r O p t i o n M o r t g a g e # 1 0 9 6 9 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com Travel & Vacations S A R A S O TA F L O R I D A House Rental- completely furnished, immaculate, 3- bdrm, 2-bath, lanai, min- utes from beach and golf- ing, $2000/mo. Call Joel 9 0 5 - 6 1 6 - 0 5 1 2 , h t t p : / / h o m e . c o g e c o .ca/~nwaltonallan/ Lost & Found FOUND: DILUTE cal ico cat Brant and Ghent. We cal l Bacon. P lease ca l l 905-637-7325. LOST ENGAGEMENT ring Freshco area Brant St or Sobeys Waterdown or St. Timothy School Call Jen or Bob 905-407-7170 Personals/ Companions A R E Y O U R f r i e n d s m a r r i e d ? N e v e r m e e t anyone nice who you have chemistry with? Call Misty R i v e r I n t r o d u c t i o n s . 519-658-4204 or 416-777- 6302 www.m i s t y r i v e r intros.com Child Care Available BURLINGTON HOME Day- care- 18yrs experience, f u l l - t i m e / p a r t - t i m e available. Nutritious meals/ snacks, outdoor fun, re- c e i p t s / r e f e r e n c e s . 905-635-4694 EXPERIENCED CAREGIV- ER. Infant/ preschooler, fu l l t ime. Hot breakfast/ lunches. Lots of backyard fun. References. Receipts. 905-825-9689. QUALITY LOVING Child care, 2 years and older. Fun ac t i v i t i e s . Mea l s / snacks. First Aid/ CPR. Po l ice check. Westoak Tr a i l s / Uppe r M i dd l e . 905-847-8407. Child Care Available IN NEED of a little one to fi ll a spot in our loving day- care. 22 years experience, l o t s o f T L C i n w a r m environment, preschool activities, daily learning. nutritious snacks/ meals 7am-6pm, Brant hills area. Come make new friends. 905-332-9997. Q U A L I T Y, R E L I A B L E childcare available in my home (Upper Middle/ Tra- falgar). Children over 2. Full/ part-time, before/ af- ter schoolcare. Smoke- free, indoor/ outdoor ac- tivities. Nutritious meals/ snacks. CPR/ First Aid. Se- curity Clearance. Receipts. References. 905-484-5434 SPECIAL NANNY and Caregiver avai lable. Lots of years of experi- ence. I love children and seniors. Exception- al quality and service. I am a quiet, happy fun person. Ca l l Soph ia 905-855-7874. WARM LOVING fun day- care. ABC's, 123's, songs, stories, crafts & more. Ref- erences avai lable. River Oaks 905-825-1122. Child Care Wanted 12 HOURS/ Week- Drive teens to school/ mornings. Light housekeeping. Down- town Oakv i l l e . Ca r re - q u i r e d . C a l l L i z 416-388-3676. A P P L E B Y / U P P E R middle. Needed 3-4 days/ week. Drive three children to Orchard Park School at 8:45am and 3:30pm. Own veh i c l e . C l ean d r i v i ng record . $15 -$75/week 905-319-0355. $100 2 DOUBLE kitchen sinks $70, 905-336-2132 3 TOP qual i ty mirrors, each 24 " x 36 " , $75 , 905-335-9938 6 CRANBERRY crysta l wine glasses, perfect con- dition, $60, 905-844-4741 ANTIQUE WICKER coffee table, good condition $75, 905-335-0319 AQUARIUM, BOW shape with stand and accesso- ries, $75, 905-335-0319 BLACK SWIVEL o f f ice chair in good condition, $25, 905-637-5323 BREAD BOX, pine with roll t o p c o v e r , $ 1 5 , 905-842-5834 COFFEE TABLE & 2 end tables $50, 905-336-2132 DENBY TABLEWARE, in- cludes most pieces and teapot (Potters Wheel pat- tern), $50, 905-637-2604 DOOR INSERT, 24" x 38", l i k e n e w , $ 4 0 , 905-631-7986 D O U B L E S T R O L L E R , Gent l y used $30 Ca l l 905-257-0617 DRAWERS FOR handy man, no cabinet, 4 solid pine stainable wood, incl h a n d l e s , $ 2 0 , 905-510-6361 Articles Under $100 FOR SALE OSCILLATING SANDER WITH ALL AT- TA C H M E N T S . H A R D LY USED. $85.00 905 827 0570 FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica 14th Edition 24 volumes in own bookcase. y o u t a k e a w a y 905.844.1147 by 7pm "GOLF CLUBS RH - com- plete set - irons and woods in good condition. $50.00 i n c b a g . B u r l i n g t o n 905 315 9636" GOLF CLUBS, Wilson (la- dies) excellent condition, in- c ludes bag and cover. $75, 905-336-8893 GRAVITY EDGE exercise equ ipment hard ly used $50 905.827.5024 JUICE MAKER, Hamilton Beach sti l l in box, $20, 905-827-0032 LARGE MOLDED wagon, l i t t l e T y k e , $ 5 5 , 905-257-6256 LINED DRAPES, 8' x 8.5', clean, all hardware incl, e a r t h t o n e s , $ 9 5 , 905-465-0507 LULU LEMON crop hoody, s ize 2, charcoa l , $55, 905-335-4927 MEDICINE CABINET, oak trimmed mirror, 17 x 25, e x c c o n d , $ 2 5 , 905-510-6361 MURRAY 20" e lec t r i c snowb lower, g rea t fo r small driveway, exc cond, $100, 905-634-7481 PAINTBALL GUN AND AC- CESSORIES Marauder - excellent condi- tion. $50, 905-825-0077 POOL LADDER for above g r o u n d p o o l , $ 1 0 0 , 905-842-5834 QUEEN'S JUBILEE coffee set, 4 cups & saucers, milk jug, sugar bowl and coffee pot, $50, 905-257-5456 RUG 9X13 Dark green fi eld/burg/ivory - no stains excellent condition, $100, 905 689 4533 SANSUI STEREO Cas - sette Deck Model D-370 $20.00 905 689 4533 SHOULDER BAG, zippers & pockets, water proof s e c t i o n , b l a c k , $ 3 , 905-465-0507 SKI HELMET Bolle Brand - Adult Sml New $30.00 905 689 4533 SLOW COOKER (crock P o t ) , w h i t e , $ 2 0 , 905-827-0032 SOLID WOOD Desk milk p a i n t $ 7 5 . 0 0 C a l l 905-257-0617 ST. THOMAS Aquinas uni- form, long sleeve white shirt, navy pull over & grey t r o u s e r s , $ 2 0 , 905-827-0032 STORM DOOR, white 34 x 80, self storing half glass, screen, key lock, $100, 905-332-9243 STROLLER, LARGE, Even Flo, used by one chi ld, $25, 905-257-6256 Articles Under $100 TRAILER HITCH AND BALL FOR DODGE GRAND C A R AVA N 2 0 0 6 W I T H STOW AND GO, $100, 905-257-0653 TWIN HEADBOARD, steel frame, box spring & mat- t r e s s , $ 1 0 0 , 905-335-4933 WASHROOM CABINET for "Euro-style" sink, new, dark wood, 24" wide, $25, 905-510-6361 WOODEN TRAIN set with t ab l e and t r ack , $95 , 905-257-6256 Articles Wanted Articles for Sale **A1 MATTRESS Facto- r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y available. All sizes in- c lud ing custom Spl i t boxsprings, Orthopedic 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g $240. 30yr t ight - top sets starting $340. De- luxe no-f l ip Pi l lowtop &'Crown' series, Euro- top sets f rom $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontin- ued i tems ava i lab le . 905-847-2020; 905-681-9496 BEST OFFER 8pc dining room suite, l iv ing room couch and 2 chairs, small Roxton table plus 2 chairs, smal l 2-seater sofa, TV Hutch 905-845-6450 BUFFET HUTCH, go r - geous oak wood 5 ' 6 " $ 2 5 0 . N e g o t i a b l e 905-469-0648 CARPETS- I have several 1000 yds. Of new Stain- master & 100% nylon car- pet. Will do living-room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation ( 2 5 y a r d s ) S t e v e , 905-633-8192 www.car- petdeals.ca FURNITURE AND dinning chairs and table, very clean very unique colour,full furni- ture (love seat coach and chair and etc.) $650 and dinning chair very new and table solid wood life time. O n l y $ 1 5 0 . C a l l 905-6324190. Best Offer. HOT TUB (SPA) Covers Best Price, Best Quality. A l l s h apes & Co l o u r s A v a i l a b l e . C a l l 1 - 8 6 6 - 6 5 2 - 6 8 3 7 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper Articles for Sale POOL- SAND filter $50; Inground drop- in steps/ stairs $250; Creepy Crawly $200; Blanket roller $25; New B rom i na t o r $80 . 905-639-9412. SOLID TEAK dinette table, with 4 chairs, very good c o n d i t i o n , $ 3 5 0 ; 905-827-5024 WALL UNIT- Teak, made in Germany, excellent con- dition. Call 905-632-2460 after 6pm. WHEELCHAIR- BREEZY 600 model, small size, ex- cellent condition, only used f o r 1 y e a r , $ 5 0 0 . 905-639-6710 Musical Instruments WWW.PIANOS.CA BIGGEST Piano Sale Ever. Save up to $3500 on pia- nos! 5205 Harvester Rd Burlington Dogs B ICHON PUPP IES - 7 weeks, white, non allergen- i c , non shedd i ng , v e t checked, first shot. $500. 1-519-429-3447. POMSHIPOO MINIATURE pupp ies . Home ra ised. Dewormed. Ready to go. $ 5 0 0 . B r a m p t o n 905-793-8693 Cars 1995 HONDA Civic LX- 169,564km, Automatic, A/C, well maintained, certi- fi ed, e-tested. $2450 obo. Call 905-466-2702 after 5pm. 2003 SUNFIRE- Grey, 5 speed, 4 door, 160kms, e-tested, certified, $3500 obo. Call 905-331-0504. 2008 TOYOTA Camry - V6, b lack, immaculate, 98,000km, sunroof, new t i re s , we l l ma i n t a i ned ( r e c o r d s ) , c e r t i f i e d . $18,900. 416-579-9443. Motorcycles/ Offroad 2006 "PIAGGIO" (Vespa) 1st year made in I ta ly. 150cc. Custom paint, Roy- al Blue. Excellent condition. New tires/ battery/ cover/ Zox helmet. Certified and t u n e d u p M a r. 2 0 1 1 . 11,800km. Must see. M.C. License required. $1,950. 905-975-0535. Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking **OPERATING 25YRS** Cash (Avg. paid $250.) for usable and scrap vehicles. Free pickup, Same Day Service. Free battery pick- up. 905-320-3287 Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking Careers Careers CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET! yourclassifi eds.ca | yourclassifi eds.ca | yourclassifi eds.ca | yourclassifi eds.ca | yourclassifi eds.ca | yourclassifi eds.ca SELL 905.632.4440 .ca

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