(905) 639-7740 2243 Fairview Street, Burlington (905) 628-8562 294 York Road, Dundas www.hollandpark.com Selection may vary from store to store. All specials are while quantities last, unless otherwise stated. GARDEN GALLERY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. HOLLAND PARK Fall Decorating Decorate your home indoors and outdoors with our fantastic fall decorating collection. Open Labour Day 9am - 5pmPrices in effect Sept. 2nd-15th, 2011 Roses 60% our regular prices Mums Choose from our amazing selection of colours. 1 gallon -499 or 3 for1200 2 gallon -699 or 3 for1800 each each OFF Perennials 30%OFF All Shade &Flowering Trees 40%OFF Regularprices Burning Bush 17993 gallon Regularly $29.99 Millet, Purple Fountain Grass & Fireworks Fountain Grass 1299 or 3 for 3000 10 pot Regular prices Bloomerang Lilacs 1499 2 gallonRegularly $24.99 Japanese Maples 30%OFF Regularprices 9 Friday, Septem ber 2, 2011 O A K V ILLE B EA V ER w w w .in sid eH A LTO N .co m Trying to engage your children in books, reading and imaginative play can be frustrat- ing. Often as parents/caregivers we want our kids to experience the joy of being immersed in a good book, just like we were as children! Let the library help! This fall and winter we are offering some unique and really fun pro- grams that could be just the thing to get your kids excited about reading. Adventures Unplugged I, II and 111 are book clubs for kids in the age brackets 6-8, 9-10 and 11-12 years. Each book club gives kids the opportunity to hang out with friends whilst discovering books with engagement through cool activities such as art projects, role playing and even creating YouTube vid- eos! For those kids who either love to write creatively or who need some direction and encouragement with their writing, sign up for our Write In a Box I program for kids aged 6-8 years. Each week participants will get to open a new box and experience the worlds of hieroglyphics, secret codes and much more. Let these programs challenge your kids creative energies! For our younger audience (ages 4-5 years) our fantastic staff will continue to grow their amazing imaginations with the Crafty Kids program. This hour long un-parented pro- gram is a Storytime and a cool craft rolled into one where kids are motivated to dance, sing and play based on special childrens book themes each week. Sign your children up for something new this fall and winter with these programs and many more including Lego Robotics, Digikidz Stop Motion Animation, Kids Cook and Science Kids. At your local library, we have it all covered! Registration for programs will be done through IRIS (unless otherwise specified in the Guide), either by phone 905-815-2000 or fax 905-338-4188 or online www.oakville. ca. Simply keep the IRIS course code (listed with each program) handy to search or iden- tify the program of your choice. To obtain a printed copy of our Programs & Events Guide for Fall/Winter 2011-12, please visit any one of our branches, or go to www.opl.on.ca/guide/ to view it online. - Submitted by the Oakville Public Library Registration open for fall and winter library programs