For complete details, please call 905-526-3377 or simply fill out the online application form at and a Hamilton Spectator representative will contact you. Work for the best boss in the world. Yourself. *Profit potential varies on size and number of routes, 7 days a week. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY GAS BONUS! As an independent distributor, you will deliver The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star in Burlington door-to-door. Must have a reliable vehicle. MAKE BETWEEN $800 AND $1,200 EACH MONTH.* 14 16 MILTON JOBS ASAP!!! Assembly/ Production/ Counterbalance /Welding $11.50-$14.00/hr FULL TIME / LONG TERM OPPORTUNITIES IN MILTON PH 905-631-2259 Pre-apply on-line ablemployment .com GREAT JOBS In the Milton area Assembly - 12+/hr Forklift - $14+/hr Rotating Shifts HCR Fax 905-876-4090 Tel 905-876-4661 E-mail: emailmilton@ HANDYMAN Part-Time General Repairs. Flexible Hours. Trafalgar/ Derry area. Experience needed. Call 905-878-1105 Experienced Body Man, Prep & Detailers for Milton Please call 416-605-2612 IT Administrator/ ASP.Net Developer Multi branch electrical contractor seeking IT Administrator at corporate offi ce in Oakville. Must have 5 years minimum experience. Must be fluent in C#, Server 2008 Enterprise and Vmware. Full benefi t package. Please contact: LOGISTICS COORDINATOR (Junior Position-OAKVILLE) Manage & coordinate inventory consignment; Coordinate international shipments and stock; Excellent interpersonal & communication skills; AS400 experience and solid understanding of Word & Excel; College Diploma; Innovative, open-minded to change; Valid Drivers License. Repor t ing to the Logist ics Manager, this position offers full benefi ts and pension plan. E-mail resume to General Help SKILLED & committed A Jumper Groom for N. Bur- lington stable. Must have superior horse care skills. Wages 420520/wk. Send resume: or mail: Linden Ridge Ltd., 5577 Walkers Line, Burling- ton, L7M-0P9 General Help STORE AND Baking as- sistant Required full-time in Milton for Couture Cup- cake Boutique Please call 416-919-7916 or email re- sume to info@couturecup- SUN HAVEN Tanning, Mil- ton/ Burlington, hiring out- going, energetic Customer Serv i ce S ta f f . Va r i ous hours. Sales experience fa- v o u r a b l e . F a x : 905-319-5955. S W I M M I N G P O O L / Landscape Company looking for General La- borers for fall season. Email: or call: 905-335-1111. UPS SUPPLY Chain Solu- tions in Oakville is seeking Warehouse Assoc ia tes (Casual / PT). Afternoon and midnight shifts avail. Shift premium available. Va l i d R a y m o n d R e a c h and/or Walkie Certification and 6+ mths exp. in ware- housing/logist ics req'd. Email or fax 905-315-5567 WAREHOUSE POSITION- min. 3 years experience, shipping, receiving, order p ick ing, fork l i f t . Some heavy lifting, $12 to start. Fax resume attention Rick 905-829-5320 WORK OPPORTUNITIES Enjoy children? In Florida, N e w Yo r k , C a l i f o r n i a , Boston, All USA. Salary, airfare, medical provided, plus more. Available Spain, Holland. Summer Camps. Te a c h i n g i n K o r e a . Different benefits apply. Interviews in your area. Call: 1-902-422-1455 or Email: scotiap@ns.sympat Computer/IT General Help Technical/Skilled Trades FORKLIFT MECHANIC re- quired in Oakville. Other trade mechanics or appren- tices considered. 44 hour week. Excellent wages and benefit package. Apply to: Fax: 905-849-3515 Email: g lendon@halton- l i f t .com Drop Off: 1054 South Ser- vice Road East, Oakville. PRINT BINDERY Operator PBI - Printing has an imme- diate opening for an experi- e n c e d f u l l t i m e P r i n t Bindery Operator. Great hourly wage for the ideal candidate. Please fax re- sume to: (905)549-7417 or email: VINTAGE & classic car restoration shop seeks a full time body work & paint person. 10+ years experi- ence required. Some me- chanical aptitude an asset. E m a i l r e s u m e t o : i n - Computer/IT Careers Careers Careers SHALOM MANOR a Christian long-term care home,currently has openings for REGISTERED NURSES Please submit your resume to the Director of Care, 12 Bartlett Ave., Grimsby, Ontario. L3M 4N5 Fax: 905-945-1211 e: INSIDE SALES LYM is seeking a enthusiastic energetic, motivated sales executive. Strong communications skills an asset. $2500/month + Commission Apply: Careers Sales Opportunities Careers Sales Opportunities Careers Office/ Administration SMALL OAKVILLE office requires Part-Time Recep- tionist for 20 hours/ week. Send resume to: Health Care/ Medical Health Care/ Medical PAID VOLUNTEER! Home Instead Senior Care Helps Seniors Remain Indepen- dent providing non-medical daily living skills and com- panionship to seniors in Halton. Caregivers/ PSWs needed for on-call, part- time and live-in positions. C a r i s r e q u i r e d . P l e a s e a p p l y a t : PATIENT CO-CORDINA- T O R w a n t e d f u l l - t i m e a t B u r l i n g t o n P l a s t i c Surgeon's Office. Medical e xpe r i e nce p re f e r red . E m a i l r e s u m e t o : CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET: Careers Office/ Administration RECEPTIONIST/ OPTO- METRIC Assistant, PT and FT available. Seeking high energy receptionist with ex- cellent phone and interper- sonal communication skills. Must be prof ic ient with c o m p u t e r s . A p p l y a t cyeung@ Restaurants/ Hospitality JOIN THE Stout Monk Team Now! Full & Part- Time dynamic servers a n d L i n e C o o k s required. Apply in person w/resume, 478 Dundas St. W., Oakville. STONEHOUSE RESTAU- RANT now hiring Full-Time Line Cook with experience. Apply in person at 3106 S o u t h S e r v i c e R o a d , Burlington. WORK 905.632.4440 CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET: 3 7 Th u rsd ay, Sep tem b er 15, 2011 O A K V ILLE B E A V E R w w w .o akvilleb m EVENTS COORDINATOR, Temporary 6 month Contract Premier Publications & Shows has an immediate opening for a motivated & energetic Events Coordinator responsible for providing sales and ad- ministrative support to the show division of Premier Publications and Shows. Premier Consumer Shows is an industry leader in Canada of consumer shows, producing 8 annual events in and around the GTA with more than 1500 exhibitors and 200,000 visitors each year. We are a division Metroland Media Group, Ontario's largest and most successful community newspaper publisher (Metroland is a wholly- owned subsidiary of Torstar Corporation). This position is based out of our Oakville offi ce. RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide administrative support to various show managers & sales team Maintain & update various databases Assist in preparing show materials & communications Serve as a liaison with exhibitors & suppliers for various shows Assist with marketing administrative duties as required Be able to work occasional, scheduled weekends during show season Other duties as assigned QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum 2 years administrative experience or a post-secondary graduate Experience working within a team environment Excellent computer skills (Excel, PowerPoint, Word) QUALITIES: " Highly organized, ability to multi-task, detail focused " Excellent Interpersonal (oral & written) communication skills " Ability to work in a fast paced environment " Solution focused " Ability to manage multiple projects from a variety of staff Interested candidates are requested to forward their resume and com- pensation expectations, no later than September 14th, 2011 to We appreciate the interest of all applicants, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. *MONEY* *EXERCISE* *INDEPENDENCE* Paper routes are no longer just kids stuff! Excellent daytime opportunity in Oakville for service- minded, conscientious adults. Part-time- Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. You pick your hours and must have your own vehicle. If interested, contact Bob @ (905) 637-8795. Your career I s wai t ing for you. List for 15 days for only $125