Oakville Beaver, 23 Nov 2011, p. 10

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www.insideHALTON.com · OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, November 23, 2011 · 10 Grand Oak Trail house fire Tuesday sends one man to hospital An Oakville man is in hospital with unknown injuries after being pulled from a Grand Oak Trail blaze by firefighters Tuesday morning. The Oakville Fire Department was called to 2361 Grand Oak Trail around 10 a.m., after receiving multiple 911 calls about a fire within the residence. Oakville Fire Acting Platoon Chief Doug Cann said heavy smoke could be seen coming from the home upon the fire department's arrival and when firefighters entered, a fire was discovered on the main floor. A man, described as middle aged, was found near the kitchen. "At this point, we are not sure about his injuries," said Cann, at Oakville Beaver r press time yesterday. "He was semi-conscious upon removal. DAVID LEA / OAKVILLE BEAVER MAN INJURED: Fire crews respond to the scene of a Tuesday morning fire on Grand Oak Trail that saw one man sent to hospital. The paramedics were on the scene right away and he's under the care of the medical system now." Cann said the man was rushed to OakvilleTrafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH). While the exterior of the home appeared almost untouched, Cann said, the inside was another story, with medium to heavy fire damage to the second level of the home and the roof. By 11:30 a.m. the fire was out, however, firefighters could still be seen hosing down parts of the house to prevent possible flare-ups. Cann said the fire probably originated on the main floor, but said a cause has yet to be confirmed. Members of the Oakville Fire Department's investigation team were present at the scene. No one else was in the home at the time of the blaze. Visit www.oakville.ca Public input needed into new Harbours By-law Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 7­9 p.m. Committee Room 2, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road 0HPEHUV RI WKH SXEOLF DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR SURYLGH LQSXW LQWR WKH QHZ +DUERXUV %\ODZ WR HVWDEOLVK UXOHV DQG UHJXODWLRQV IRU ERWK %URQWH DQG 2DNYLOOH KDUERXUV 7KH +DUERXUV %\ODZ ZLOO LQFOXGH D FRPSUHKHQVLYH VHW RI UXOHV DQG UHJXODWLRQV IRU DOO ERDWHUV ZKR HQMR\ WRZQRSHUDWHG KDUERXUV 3XEOLF LQSXW DQG IHHGEDFN HQVXUHV WKDW WKHVH UXOHV DQG regulations DUH FOHDU DQG XQGHUVWRRG E\ RXU FOLHQWV )RU PRUH VSHFLILF LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW WKH E\ODZ YLVLW ZZZRDNYLOOHKDUERXUVFD b) the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal EHIRUH WKH 2QWDULR 0XQLFLSDO %RDUG XQOHVV LQ WKH RSLQLRQ RI WKH ERDUG WKHUH DUH reasonable grounds to do so. Any submission to the Planning and Development Council, either in hard copy or in HOHFWURQLF IRUPDW PXVW EH IRUZDUGHG WR WKH &OHUN V GHSDUWPHQW IRU UHFHLSW QR ODWHU WKDQ QRRQ RQ WKH GD\ RI WKH PHHWLQJ WR HQVXUH LWV DYDLODELOLW\ WR WKH 0HPEHUV RI &RXQFLO DW WKH PHHWLQJ ,QGLYLGXDOV PDNLQJ RUDO VXEPLVVLRQV DW WKH SXEOLF PHHWLQJ DUH UHTXHVWHG WR VXEPLW D ZULWWHQ RXWOLQH RI WKH VXEPLVVLRQ WR WKH 7RZQ &OHUN $OO submissions should include the full name and address of the presenter. If you wish to be notified of the passing of the proposed zoning by-law amendment, RU RI WKH UHIXVDO RI D UHTXHVW WR DPHQG WKH ]RQLQJ E\ODZ \RX PXVW PDNH D ZULWWHQ UHTXHVW WR WKH 7RZQ &OHUN DW WKH 7RZQ RI 2DNYLOOH &OHUNoV 'HSDUWPHQW 7UDIDOJDU 5RDG 2DNYLOOH 21 /+ + 7KH SXEOLF PD\ YLHZ SODQQLQJ GRFXPHQWV DQG EDFNJURXQG PDWHULDO DW WKH 3ODQQLQJ 6HUYLFHV GHSDUWPHQW EHWZHHQ DP DQG SP 0RQGD\ WKURXJK )ULGD\ RU RQ WKH WRZQoV ZHEVLWH DW KWWSZZZRDNYLOOHFDGDSDOHUPRYJUKWP 4XHVWLRQV RU ZULWWHQ submissions may be directed to Robert Thun, Senior Planner, Planning Services 'HSDUWPHQW 7RZQ RI 2DNYLOOH 7UDIDOJDU 5RDG 2DNYLOOH 21 /+ + H[W RU DW UWKXQ#RDNYLOOHFD The personal information accompanying your submission is being collected under the authority of the Planning Act and may form part of the public record which may be released to the public. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Records and Freedom of Information Officer at 905-815-6053. Statutory public meeting Monday, December 12, 2011, -- 7 p.m. Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Council Chamber Zoning by-law amendment 2OG %URQWH 5RDG 'XQGDV 6WUHHW :HVW 9*5 ,QYHVWPHQWV /WG File: Z.1430.26 You are invited to attend and provide input at this meeting hosted by the Planning and Development Council. The purpose and effect of this application is to amend the town's zoning by-law for the subject property from `A Agricultural' and `A - Agricultural with Special Provision 216' to a site specific C3 zoning category to permit the development of a five-storey medical office building with accessory retail uses. The subject lands are located on the VRXWKHDVW FRUQHU RI 2OG %URQWH 5RDG DQG 'XQGDV 6WUHHW West. At this time there are no other applications, under the Act, pertaining to the subject land. ,I D SHUVRQ RU SXEOLF ERG\ GRHV QRW PDNH RUDO VXEPLVVLRQV DW D SXEOLF PHHWLQJ RU PDNH ZULWWHQ VXEPLVVLRQV WR WKH 7RZQ RI 2DNYLOOH EHIRUH WKH E\ODZ LV SDVVHG a) the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the GHFLVLRQ RI WKH 7RZQ RI 2DNYLOOH &RXQFLO WR WKH 2QWDULR 0XQLFLSDO %RDUG DQG 'DWHG DW WKH 7RZQ RI 2DNYLOOH WKLV UG GD\ RI 1RYHPEHU New graves available at Trafalgar Lawn and St. Jude's Cemeteries 7KH 7RZQ RI 2DNYLOOH UHFHQWO\ RSHQHG JUDYHV DW 7UDIDOJDU Lawn Cemetery that allow for the placing of upright PDUNHUV 7UDIDOJDU /DZQ &HPHWHU\ LV ORFDWHG DW WKH FRUQHU RI 1H\DJDZD %RXOHYDUG DQG 'XQGDV 6WUHHW RYHUORRNLQJ WKH EHDXWLIXO 6L[WHHQ 0LOH &UHHN ,Q WKH VSULQJ RI WKH 7RZQ RI 2DNYLOOH ZLOO RSHQ QHZ graves at St. Jude's ' Cemetery for interring cremated remains, for which a waiting list has been created. St. Jude's ' was established in 1853 and is the resting place of many of 2DNYLOOH V HDUOLHVW VHWWOHUV 3ODQQLQJ DKHDG HQVXUHV WKDW ORYHG RQHV GR QRW KDYH WR PDNH painful and difficult decisions during times of mourning. Choosing your own final resting place offers both you and your family peace of mind. It also ensures a permanent and special place for loved ones to visit and celebrate your life. 2XU XQGHUVWDQGLQJ VWDII DUH VHQVLWLYH WR \RXU QHHGV DQG FDQ DVVLVW \RX LQ PDNLQJ \RXU DUUDQJHPHQWV )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ WR PDNH DQ DSSRLQWPHQW RU WR KDYH \RXU QDPH DGGHG WR RXU ZDLWLQJ OLVW SOHDVH FRQWDFW WKH &HPHWHU\ 2IILFH DW RU YLVLW ZZZRDNYLOOHFDFHPHWHULHVKWP

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