Oakville Beaver, 18 Nov 2011, p. 48

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www.insideHALTON.com · OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, November 18, 2011 · 48 EVERY LEXUS THAT LEAVES LEXUS OF OAKVILLE COMES WITH ALL 33 LEXUS OF OAKVILLE EMPLOYEES AS STANDARD EQUIPMENT. LEGENDARY QUALITY COMES STANDARD. 2011 J.D. POWER AND ASSOCIATES U.S. VEHICLE DEPENDABILITY AWARD RECIPIENT LEXUS RX: "MOST DEPENDABLE MIDSIZE PREMIUM CROSSOVER/SUV IN THE US." CAMBRIDGE, ONTARIO (RX), KYUSHU 2 (ES,IS, RX) "PLATINUM PLANT QUALITY AWARD, WORLDWIDE (IN A TIE)" 2011 J.D. POWER AND ASSOCIATES PLATINUM WORLDWIDE PLANT QUALITY AWARD RECIPIENT 2011 J.D. POWER AND ASSOCIATES U.S. INITIAL QUALITY AWARD RECIPIENT LEXUS ES: "HIGHEST RANKED ENTRY PREMIUM CAR IN THE U.S." 2011 J.D. POWER AND ASSOCIATES ASIA PACIFIC SILVER PLANT QUALITY AWARD RECIPIENT. LEXUS RX, KYUSHU 1, JAPAN "SILVER PLANT QUALITY AWARD, ASIA PACIFIC (TIE)" The New 2012 Lexus CT 200h * COMPLETE LEXUS * TAXES AND LICENSING EXTRA PRICE $33,035 CT 2012 CT 200h LEASE FOR $ $6,395* DOWN PAYMENT A SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED 328* LEASE OR FINANCE FOR UP TO 48 MONTHS MTH 4.8 %* ** 2011 IS 250a IS CASH PURCHASE INCENTIVE $ 3,000+ + OR LEASE/FINANCE RATES A FOR UP TO 48 MONTHS FOR INFORMATIONAL A PURPOSES, LEASE APR IS ** 1.5%* 5.57%^ AND FINANCE APR IS 5.47%^ TAXES AND LICENSING EXTRA CASH PURCHASE INCENTIVE COMPLETE LEXUS PRICE $44,235 $ + + ES 2011 ES 350 OR LEASE FOR $ $9,120* DOWN PAYMENT A SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED 388* LEASE OR FINANCE FOR UP TO 48 MONTHS MTH 1.5 %* ** TAXES AND LICENSING EXTRA CASH PURCHASE INCENTIVE Complete Lexus Price $47,035 $ + + RX RX 350 LEASE FOR $ 2012 $9,990* DOWN PAYMENT A SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED 398 * MTH LEASE OR FINANCE FOR UP TO 48 MONTHS 4,000 5.82%^ FOR INFORMATIONAL A PURPOSES, LEASE APR IS AND FINANCE APR IS 5.70%^ 3,000 5.76%^ FOR INFORMATIONAL A PURPOSES, LEASE APR IS OR ** 2.8%* AND FINANCE APR IS 5.74%^ J D. J.D . Pow Power er and Ass Associ ociate oci ates ate s 201 2011 1 U.S U S. . Ini nitia tial tia l Qua Qualit lity lit y Stu StudyS dySM dyS M is bas based ed on re respo sponse spo nses nse s fr from om 73, 73,790 790 new new-ve -vehic -ve hicle hic le own owners ers, ers , mea measur suring sur ing 234 mod models els and mea measur sures sur es opi opinio nions nio ns aft after er 90 day days s of own owners ership ers hip. hip . Pr Propr opriet opr ietary iet ary stu study dy re esul sults ts ar are e bas based ed on exp experi erienc eri ences enc es and per percep ceptio cep tions tio ns of owners own ers sur survey veyed vey ed in n Feb Februa ruaryrua ry-May ryMay 201 2011. 1 J.D 1. J.D. . Pow Power er and Ass Associ ociate oci ates ate s 201 2011 1 U.S U.S. . Ve Vehic hicle hic le Dep Depend endabi end abilit abi lity lit y Stu StudyS dySM. dyS M Stu M. Study dy bas based ed on 43, 43,779 779 con consum sumer sum er re respo sponse spo nses nse s mea measur suring sur ing pr probl oblems obl ems con consum sumers sum ers exp experi erienc eri enced enc ed in the pas past t 12 mon months ths wit with h thr threeee yea eeyear r old veh vehicl ic es (20 icl (2008 08 mod modelelyear yea r car cars s and tru trucks cks). cks ). Pr Propr opriet opr ietary iet ary stu study dy re resul sults sul ts ar are e bas based ed on exp experi erienc eri ences enc es and per percep ceptio cep tions tio ns of con consum sumers sum ers sur survey veyed vey ed Oct Octobe ober obe r-De -Decem cembe cem ber 201 2010. 0 Yo 0. Your ur exp experi er enc eri ences es may var vary y. Vi V sit jdp jdpowe ower owe r.co com. m Co m. Compl mplete mpl ete Lex Lexus us Pri Price ce for a 201 2012 2 CT 200 200h h Sfx `A A'/2 /2011 011 IS 250 RW RWD D Sfx `A A' manual man ual tra transm nsmiss nsm ission iss ion/20 ion /2011 /20 11 ES 350 Sfx `A `A'/2 A'/2 '/2012 012 RX 350 Sfx `K' `K is s $33 $33,03 ,035/$ ,03 5/$34, 5/$ 34 985 34, 985/$4 /$44,2 /$4 4,235/ 4,2 35/$47 35/ $47,03 $47 ,035. ,03 5. Com Comple plete ple te Lex Lexus us Pri Price ce inc includ lud udes es fre reigh ight igh t /PD /PDI I ($1 ($1,95 ,950), ,95 0), EHF Tir Tires es ($2 $29), 9), EHF Fil Filter ters ter s ($1 ($1), ), A/C Ta Tax x ($1 ($100) 00), 00) , and OMV OMVIC IC Fee ($5 ($5). ) Ta ). Taxes xes, xes , lic licens ense, ens e re e, regis gistra gis tratio tra tion tio n (if appl pplica icable ica ble) ble ) and ins insura urance ura nce ar are e ext extra. ra $3 ra. $3,00 ,000 ,00 0 Cas Cash h Pur Purcha chase cha se Inc ncent entive ent ive ava availa ilable ila ble on 201 2011 1 IS S 250 250/ / IS 350 and 201 2012 2 RX 350 mod models els. els . $4, $4 000 Cas Cash h Pur urcha chase cha se Inc Incent entive ent ive ava availa ila lable ble on all 201 2011 1 ES 350 mod models els. els . Lex Lexus us Can Canada ada Cas Cash h Pur Pu cha chase se Inc ncent entive ent ives ive s may not be com combin bined bin ed wit with h spe specia cial cia l lea ease se and fi finan nance nan ce rat rates es of offer ffered thr throug ough oug h Lex Lexus us Fin Financ ancial anc ial Ser Servic vices vic es as par part t of a low rat rate e int nter erest er est pr progr ogram. ogr am All am. Al adv advert ertise ert ised ise d lea lease se and fi finan nance nan ce rat rates es ar are e spe specia cial cia l rat rates. es. Cas Cash h Pur Purcha chase cha se Inc Incent entive ent ive of offer ffer fers s tak take e pla place ce at the tim time e of del delive ivery ive ry. ry y. See you your r Lex Lexus us dea dealer ler fo for r whe whethe ther the r tax applie app lies lie s bef befor ore or e or aft after er the app applic licati lic ation ati on of Cas Cash h Pur Purcha chase cha se Inc ncent entive ent ive ves. s *Le s. Lease ase and fi finan nance nan ce of offer ffer fers s ar are e pr provi ovided ovi ded thr throug ough oug h Lex Lexus us Fin Finan ancia an cial cia l Ser Servic vices, vic es on app es, appr rove oved d cr credi edit edi t to qua qualifi lified lifi ed re retai tail tai l cus custom tomers tom ers. 4.8 ers 4 8% % lea lease/ se/fi se/ finan fi nancin nan cing cin g rat rate e ava availa ilable ila ble on all new Lex Lexus us 201 2012 2 CT 200h 00hmod models mod els. els . 1.5% 1.5 % lea lease/ se/fi se/ finan fi nancin nan cing cin g rat rate e ava availa ilable ila ble on all new Lex Lexus us 201 2011 1 IS 250 250/IS /IS 350 and 201 2011 1 ES 350 mod models els. els . 2.8 2.8% % lea lease/ se/fi se/ finan fi nancin nan cing cin g rat rate e ava avail i abl il able e on all al new Lex Lexus us 201 2012 2 RX 350 mod models els. els . *Re *Repr prese pr esenta ese ntativ nta tive tiv e lea ease se exa exampl mple mpl e bas based ed on a 201 2011 1 IS 250 RW RWD D Sfx `A A' man manual ual tra transm nsmiss nsm ission iss ion /2012 /20 12 RX 350 Sfx `K' K on a 48/ 48/48 48 mon month th ter term m at 1.5 5%/2 %/2.8% .8% 8% ann annual ua rat ual rate e and Com Comple plete ple te Lex Lexus us Pri Price ce of $34 $34,98 ,985/$ ,98 5/$47, 5/$ 47 035 47, 035. . Mon Monthl thly thl y pay paymen ment men t is s $28 $288/$ 8/$398 8/$ 398 wit with h $7, $7,585 585/$9 585 /$9,18 /$9 ,185 ,18 5 dow down n pay paymen ment men t or equ equiva ivalen iva lent len t tra trade de in, in $0 sec securi urity uri ty dep deposi osit osi t and fi first rst st mon monthl th y pay thl paymen ment men t due at lea ease se inc ncept eption ept ion; ion ; To Total tal lea lease se obl obliga igatio iga tion tio n is $23,35 ,359/$ 359/$ 9/$30, 30,263 30 263. 263 . Ta Taxes xes, xes , lic licens ense, ens e, re regis gistra gis tratio tra tion tio n (if app applic licabl lic able) abl e) and ins insura urance ura nce ar are e ext extra; ra; 80 80,000 80, 000/80 000 /80,00 /80 ,000 000 kil kilome ometr ome tre tr e all allowa owance owa nce; nce ; cha charge rge of $0 $0.20/ $0. 20/km 20/ km for exc excess ess kil kilome ometr ome tres tr es **R es. **Repr eprese epr esenta ese ntativ nta tive tiv e fi finan nance nan ce exa exampl mple mpl e inc includ ludes lud es tax taxes es and is bas based ed on a 201 2011 1 IS 250 RW RWD D Sf Sfx `A `A' A' manual l transmi tra ission/20 issi ion/20 /2012 12 RX 350 Sf Sfx `K' on a 48/ 48/48 48 month th term ter at t 1.5 1 5%/2 5%/2.8% 8% annual l rat rate t and d Com Comple plet l te te Lexu exus s Price P i of f $34,985/$ 985/$ 5/$47 47,035 47 035 (ex (exclu cludi l di ding tax din taxes) es); ) Monthl thly payment thl t is $84 $849/$ 9/$1 9/$ 1 172 1,172 72. Cost Cost of f borrowing i is $1 $1,223 223/$3 223 /$3,094 094 for a tot t tal l obliga gation of $40 $ 0,75 , 56/$ 6/$56, 56,244. License, e, regis g stration (if ( app applicable) e) and insurance are extra. ^Lease and pur pu chase APRs include the forgon go e Cas Cash Purchase Incentive as a cost of borrowing. g Lexus Dealers are free to set their own pri p ces. Limited time offers f only y app apply y to re retai tail l cus custom tomers ers at par partic ticipa ipatin ting g Lex Lexus us dea dealer lers s. May re requi quir re fac factor tory y or order der. r Of Offer ffers s ar are e sub subjec ject t to cha change nge wit withou hout t not notice ice. Of Off ffers exp expir ire e at mon month' th s end unl unless ess ext extend ended ed or re revis vised ed. *V Vehi ehicle cles s may not be exa exactl ctly y as sho shown wn. See you your r Lex Lexus us Dea Dealer ler for com comple plete te det detail ails s.

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