13 · Monday, December 26, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.insideHALTON.com COMING SOON TO OAKVILLE Canada's First-Ever Private Hockey Academy OPEN HOUSE st PRIVATE HOCKEY ACADEMY LIMITED MEMBERSH HIP: AGES 6 - 13 Regardless of your hockey level of ability, y regular and steady tr raining will help you overcome any obstacle. This is our promise to you! INDIVIDUALLY!! L Our hockey programs are taught in a progressive manner from the basics to the advanced, and our complete hockey curriculum package will cover all skills required for each Member's level of advancement. Our job is to make it all fun and interesting. It's to motivate you and give you a safe place to practice, make mistakes, have victories, and grow. Our job is to inspire you, when possible, and be the best Coach for you. "Developing Healthy Lifestyle Habits Through Hockey" CALL US TODAY TO BOOK A PERSONAL TOUR OR DROP BY TO VISIT OUR NEW FACILITY. 289-430-7298 WWW.ADVANCEHOCKEYACADEMY.COM