Missing cats concern brothers Continued from pg. 1 The brothers are next-door neighbours on Russell St. "It was intentionally placed on my porch," he said. Zaretsky said the loss of their pet was bad but, "to get this type of response is even worse." He contacted police but said they didn't take the incident seriously. His message to the person who left the poster on his porch is, "don't hurt my family. Come to my face and talk to me." He said if a youth left the message on the poster he urges him/her to come to him, apologize and talk to him, and if it was an adult, he asks that person to come to him and tell him what problem he or she has with them. He said several cats have gone missing in his neighbourhood located off of Hall Rd. He's lost four cats in the last year, his brother two in the last 14 months, and another neighbour has also lost four cats. "I want to give a kind of warning that something's going on in this neighbourhood. Beware if you have pets," said Zaretsky. If anyone has any information on Dalai, a Persian long-haired (white 5 Independent & Free Press, Tuesday, August 17, 2010 LUNCH BUFFET Featuring: SERVED THURSDAY & FRIDAY $ - Roast Beef - Ham - Meatballs - Assorted Salads & Desserts 11.50 HST INCLUDED CAR SHOW BUFFET Friday 5 - 8 pm Private Catering Available able ~ LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ~ Fri. & Sat. 9:30 pm - close 79 Main Street South, Georgetown Dmitry Zaretsky of Russell St. holds a poster that placed on his front porch with the word `DEAD' scrawled in red. Photo by Ted Brown with silver) cat who has been groomed to look like a lion, call Zaretsky at 905873-3091 or 416-834-8737. 905-877-3388 2FCÏ0CEGML?J +SLGAGN?JGRWÏMDÏ&?JRML UUU F?JRML A? Town Guide delivery is postponed The Town of Halton Hills' Community Activity & Service Guide was scheduled to be delivered on Thursday, Aug. 19. Due to production complications, the Guide's delivery is postponed until Aug. 24. However, the Guide will still be available online Aug. 19 at www.haltonhills.ca/recandparks for the public to access. Fall and winter registration begins Wednesday, Sept. 1. The Community Activity & Service Guide is a keeper for all households, listing all recreational programs offered to residents of ages plus vital Town information about services, upcoming events and contact info. Halton Region's Drinking Water System Financial Plan -LR?PGMÏ0CESJ?RGMLÏÏMDÏRFCÏ1?DCÏ"PGLIGLEÏ5?RCPÏARÏPCOSGPCQÏRF?RÏ?JJÏ KSLGAGN?JGRGCQÏAMKNJCRCÏ?ÏÍL?LAG?JÏNJ?LÏDMPÏRFCGPÏPCQNCARGTCÏBPGLIGLEÏU?RCPÏ QWQRCKQ Ï&?JRMLÏ0CEGMLhQÏÍL?LAG?JÏNJ?LÏF?QÏ@CCLÏBCTCJMNCBÏRMÏAMKNJWÏUGRFÏRFC PCOSGPCKCLRQÏMDÏRFGQÏPCESJ?RGMLÏGLÏ?AAMPB?LACÏUGRFÏRFCÏ+GLGQRPWÏMDÏ#LTGPMLKCLRhQÏ "PGLIGLEÏ5?RCPÏ*GACLQGLEÏ.PMEP?K &?JRMLhQÏNJ?LÏBCR?GJQÏRFCÏÍL?LAG?JÏQR?RCÏMDÏRFCÏ0CEGMLhQÏBPGLIGLEÏU?RCPÏQWQRCKQÏ?LB GQÏ@?QCBÏMLÏ?ÏÏWC?PÏDMPCA?QR ÏÏ2FCÏ"PGLIGLEÏ5?RCPÏ$GL?LAG?JÏ.J?LÏU?QÏCLBMPQCBÏ@WÏ &?JRMLÏ0CEGML?JÏ!MSLAGJÏMLÏ(SLCÏÏ $MPÏ?ÏAMNWÏMDÏ&?JRMLhQÏ"PGLIGLEÏ5?RCPÏ$GL?LAG?JÏ.J?LÏAMLR?ARÏ&?JRMLÏ0CEGMLÏ@WÏ BG?JGLEÏÏMPÏÌÌÏRMJJÏDPCCÏÌÌÌÏ227ÏÌÌÏMPÏTGQGR www.halton.ca/DrinkingWaterSystem Tornadoes can occur at any time. Know the risks...be prepared. 2MPL?BMCQÏA?LÏMAASPÏ?RÏ?LWÏRGKCÏMDÏRFCÏWC?PÏCQNCAG?JJWÏGLÏRFCÏ QSKKCP ÏÏ5?PLGLEÏQGELQÏGLAJSBCÏRFSLBCPQRMPKQÏUGRFÏDPCOSCLR RFSLBCPÏ?LBÏJGEFRLGLEÏ?ÏB?PIÏQIWÏPSK@JGLEÏMPÏUFGQRJGLEÏQMSLB MPÏDSLLCJÏAJMSB %?PWÏ!?PP 0CEGML?JÏ!F?GP *GQRCLÏRMÏWMSPÏP?BGMÏBSPGLEÏRFSLBCPQRMPKQÏDMPÏRMPL?BMÏU?PLGLEQ 'DÏRFCPCÏGQÏ?ÏRMPL?BMÏEMÏGLRMÏRFCÏ@?QCKCLRÏMPÏJMUCQRÏJCTCJÏMDÏ? QRSPBWÏ@SGJBGLE Ï'DÏWMSÏ?PCÏMSRBMMPQÏJGCÏÎ?RÏGLÏ?ÏJMUÏJWGLEÏ?PC?Ï?LBÏQFGCJBÏ WMSPÏFC?BÏUGRFÏWMSPÏ?PKQ ÏÏ"MÏLMRÏQR?WÏGLÏ?ÏTCFGAJCÏMPÏKM@GJCÏFMKC ÏÏ2?ICÏ QFCJRCPÏCJQCUFCPCÏlÏCTCLÏ?ÏBGRAFÏMDDCPQÏ@CRRCPÏNPMRCARGML 2MÏJC?PLÏKMPCÏTGQGR www.halton.ca/beprepared MPÏBG?JÏ 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 "G?JÏÏMPÏÌÌÏkÏ2MJJÏ$PCCÏÌÌÌÏkÏ227ÏÌÌÏkÏUUU F?JRML A? 130810