Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 26 Oct 2010, Focus, FOCUS06

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In Focus, November, 2010 6 Georgetown Little Theatre G Studio Open House The Georgetown Little Theatre (GLT) kicked off its 50th anniversary season with an open house on September 25. The company invited the public to the GLT's Stewarttown studio to watch improv shows and stage combat demonstrations, have their faces painted, check out the company's large assortment of costumes, sets and props, and enjoy delicious barbecued burgers. Don't miss the GLT's upcoming production of Wait Until Dark, which runs November 4 to 6 and 10 to 13 at the John Elliott Theatre. For more information, visit Photos by Andrea Lefebvre GLT Youth Company member Emily Hale transforms Graham McDonald into Batman. Carol and Griffin Kane check out costumes from a production of The Importance of Being Earnest. LEFT: Boz Marekic (left) and director Doug Feggans discuss the set for the GLT's upcoming production of Wait Until Dark. ABOVE: Rowan, Jana and Alyssa McDonald check out some makeup books in the studio's workshop area. LEFT: Michael Halsall mans the grill. The Youth Company raided costume storage to come up with these colourful ensembles. RIGHT: Through the magic of stage makeup ­ and Tony Nicholls (left) ­ Pam Cooper gets a glimpse of how she might look as a senior. Georgetown's Best FLU SHOT CLINICS! Mon. Nov. 8, Tue. Nov. 9, Wed. Nov. 10, Wed. Nov. 17 and 7KXU 1RY WK 7KH &OLQLFV DUH $0 WR 30 Free flu shots are available to those above the age of 3 years. 3OHDVH FDOO IRU DQ DSSRLQWPHQW $QG &KHFN 2XW 2XU &OLQLF 'D\V 6SHFLDOV 'LVSHQVDU 0HGLFLQH &DELQHW &OHDQ XS 'D\V 2EXVIRUPH 6OLSSHUV ZLWK $ PLQLPXP SXUFKDVH RI ERQXV 0LQL 0DVVDJHU RI DQ\ :DUP %XGG\ %HDUV %ULQJ LQ \RXU ROG H[SLUHG PHGV 0LWWV RU 6SD LWHPV ZLOO HQWHU DQG SUHVFULSWLRQV IRU GLVSRVDO DQG ³8SOLIW 7HFK´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