4 Home, Lawn & Garden, Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Do Your Part to Conserve Energy... Halton Catholic District School Board Alice Anne LeMay Chair of the Board Michael W. Pautler Director of Education Chair says Region is `committed' to reducing ecological footprint On Saturday, March 26, Halton Region will join communities around the world by turning out the lights for Earth Hour. A global initiative led by the World Wildlife Fund, Earth Hour encourages communities and individuals around the world to turn out their lights for one hour to symbolize their commitment to fighting climate change. Starting at 8:30 p.m., lights and nonessential electrical equipment at Regional facilities, that do not compromise public safety or interfere with essential services, will be turned off for one hour. Halton Region also encourages local residents and businesses to turn out lights and non-essential electrical appliances to show their support for action on climate change. "Halton Region is committed to doing what we can to reduce our ecological footprint and make Halton sustainable for generations to come," said Regional Chair Gary Carr. "I encourage Halton residents and businesses to take action and participate in Earth Hour." As part of its efforts to help reduce energy use, Halton Region kicked off its air quality (www.halton.ca/airquality) health promotion campaign earlier this year. The program aims to educate Halton residents about the links between air quality, climate change, human health, and the steps they can take to reduce their impact on the environment. The campaign includes four short videos: Energy Reduction at Home, Energy Reduction on the Road, Active Transportation, Air Quality and Your Health. The videos will be aired on Daily Web TV (www.dailywebtv.com) over the next six months. Other initiatives being undertaken at Halton Region to help protect and enhance our environment include: · Landfill Gas Capture Project at the Halton Waste Management Site · Waste diversion programs such as the Blue Box for recycling and the GreenCart for organics collection · Halton's Naturally Green Program · Smart Commute Program to promote car-pooling · Forest Management, including protection of the Region's 1,645 acres of forest · Halton Region's Land Stewardship Program for Natural Areas · Halton's tree bylaw · Corporate initiatives to reduce energy consumption and use alternative fuels · Involvement with, and support for, organizations such as the Halton Partners for Clean Air, the GTA Clean Air Council, and Partners for Climate Protection. For more information about these and other initiatives, visit www.halton.ca. For more information about Earth Hour, visit www.wwf.ca/earthhour. LIGHTS OUT Saturday, March 26th · 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. Halton District School Board Don Vrooman Chair of the Board David Euale Director of Education Are you going to the environmental fair? )UHH DGPLVVLRQ )UHH 3DUNLQJ )UHH *LIW WR ¿UVW YLVLWRUV KDQG VDQLWL]HU IURP 1DWXUH &OHDQ 7KH +DOWRQ (FR )HVWLYDO IHDWXUHV 11th annual JUHHQ H[KLELWRUV HGXFDWLRQDO VSHDNHUV DOWHUQDWLYH KHDOWKFDUH VLOHQW DXFWLRQ VRODU JHRWKHUPDO HQHUJ\ PRUH www.oakvillepeacecentre.org/haltonecofest Saturday, April 9, 10am to 5pm @ Glen Abbey Rec Centre, 3rd Line, Oakville ! g a J g a W e h DoT WagJag.com WANT TO BE WAG-JAGGING! Call us at 905·873·0301 Buy together and we all win!