Accident involving youngster prompts safety improvements came to a voluntary full stop. In the afternoon hours, 3% failed to stop, 38 %came to a rolling stop, 53% were After digital petitions, residents' stopped by traffic and 6% came to meetings and a staff operational re- a voluntary full stop. Based on these view, safety improvements will be results, Town staff say the majority made to the intersection on Eaton St. of motorists do not obey the one-way at Huffmann Dr. stop sign control that's in place now. The Town will install a three-way Staff also stated that the number of stop sign at the T-intersection, includ- cars do not yet meet the warrants for a ing sidewalk extensions, paint a cross- three-way stop. walk and stop line on the south leg "We're hoping the three-way is approach and prohibit parking on the something we can do quite quickly, north side of Eaton St. in the vicinity and I think would add a considerable of the intersection to improve sight- amount of safety to the intersection, lines on the curving roadway. As well, especially in a comprehensive way the Town will request Halton Regional with the other recommendations," Police do stop sign enforcement and said Inglis. approach Silver Creek School to eduTown staff, instead of a three-way cate parents and students to reduce il- stop, had recommended the installalegal crossing on Eaton St. tion of speed bumps, installed during The cost of the improvements: the spring/summer/fall months, at an $3,000. annual maintenance cost of $2,000. Director of Infrastructure But Inglis said the majorServices Chris Mills said the ity of residents did not want hope is to have the signs and the speed bumps, and most line painting completed this wanted something done week-- weather dependent. It now-- not six months later will then take a few additionin the spring. The mayor, al weeks to have the curb and Ward 4 councillors and sidewalk work completed. Town staff met with neighThe actions were promptbourhood residents' repreed after a three-year-old boy sentatives on-site on Oct. 12 was hit by a car about 8:30 and again at the Civic Cena.m. at the Eaton St. and tre on Oct. 17. BOB Huffmann Dr. intersection "There are issues at that INGLIS on Sept. 16. He received miintersection right now and nor injuries. school is in session right The boy's mother said at the time, now," said Inglis. "The mayor and ward "they were very lucky everything councillors have been down there and turned out the way it did" and urged seen it first hand. So the sooner the drivers in school zones to slow down better is something that we're looking and be extra cautious. for here." This intersection on Eaton St. is loWard 3&4 Regional Councillor Jane cated between two elementary schools: Fogal felt the speed bumps were the Silver Creek and St. Brigid Catholic best solution, but the wait was un(on Miller Dr.). acceptable. She noted, however, the "This is something that this council warrants are pretty close to getting a takes seriously, the safety of everyone three-way stop. in the municipality, and in particular "So in the end, we have to go with our children," said Ward 4 Councillor getting some action right away," said Bob Inglis, who represents that area. Fogal. "(The stop signs) is what the An operational review showed while community is really saying what they most of the children cross Eaton St. un- want and will certainly make great imder the supervision of crossing guards, provements to the intersection." located at Miller Dr./Eaton St. and in In his report, traffic co-ordinator front of Silver Creek public school in Matt Roj warned that traffic studies the morning, that stat drops signifi- show that unwarranted all-way stop cantly in the afternoon. Approximately intersections could reduce road safe40 per cent of both parents and chil- ty by increasing speeds at mid-block dren chose not to use the controlled loactions, reducing stop sign complicrossing locations in the afternoon. ance and requiring regular police en"I find that to be unacceptable per- forcement. sonally," said Inglis. "And I think eduDuring the Sept. 19-26 time pecation will go a long way and hopefully riod, the annual average daily traffic we can bring that number down, and (AADT) was 2,288 vehicles on Eaton zero would be ideal obviously." St. at that location, and 1,085 on HuffThe review also showed non-com- mann. About 85 per cent of the drivers pliance with the current stop sign. In exceeded the speed limit of 40 km/h the morning hours, 4 per cent failed with an average speed of 45 km/h in to stop, 69% came to a rolling stop, the morning and 47 km/h in the after19% were stopped by traffic, and 8% noon. By CYNTHIA GAMBLE Staff Writer Halton Hills HIGH LOW 5 Independent & Free Press, Thursday, November 3, 2011 WEEKEND FORECAST... FRI. 70 -20 SAT. 80 20 SUN. 90 20 Getting static about the dry air in your home? An whole home humidifier delivers perfect humidity to your entire home. FURNACE & FIREPLACE SALES and SERVICE 118 Guelph St.(at Maple) 905-877-8990 THIS SATURDAY Squirt's has the Best Toys of the Season! Shop p with us & earn up p to 4% back with our Squirt's Piggy Bank Rewards! No membership fees, No Extra Cards to carry. Stop by the store for full details & to register. 211 Guelph Street, Georgetown Northview Centre (Beside Police Station) 905-873-4410 email: HOURS: Monday-Wednesday 9:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Thursday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Saturday 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Sunday 11 am - 4 pm