6 Independent & Free Press, Tuesday,November 22, 2011 OPINION Lend a hand With the Acton and Georgetown Santa Claus parades now a fond memory, attention in the coming weeks will turn to various holiday fundraising campaigns. Be it the Christmas Hamper program, the Toys for Tots campaign or the Salvation Army Kettle drive, residents will be asked to open their hearts, and more importantly, their wallets in the rush towards Christmas. We hope you intend to give generously this year to whichever fundraising campaign you choose. Many of these local campaigns go towards ensuring those less fortunate have a brighter holiday season. It could be the donation of a toy for a child at any of the dozens toy drives-- both private and public-- or a cash contribution. It really doesn't matter as every little bit can go a long way. While Halton, and specifically Halton Hills, may not experience the level of poverty that other communities do, there is no question far too many people in our community will have a lessthan-merry Christmas. Personal hardship can come from any angle-- a sickness in the family, the loss of a job or even a death-- and spin a family out of control. Local social service agencies are there for these people and they rely on your generosity to make their programs a success. Yes, times are tight and if seems as if every dollar is being stretched just a little bit farther. But the season of giving is upon us. Please lend a hand if you can. 905-873-0301 Publisher: Ken Nugent General manager: Steve Foreman (sforeman@theifp.ca) Retail advertising manager: Cindi Campbell (ccampbell@theifp.ca) Managing editor: John McGhie (jmcghie@theifp.ca) Distribution manager: Nancy Geissler (ngeissler@theifp.ca) Classifieds Kristie Pells (classified@theifp.ca) Accounting Rose Marie Gauthier Editorial Cynthia Gamble: News editor (cgamble@theifp.ca) Ted Brown: Photography (tbrown@theifp.ca) Lisa Tallyn: Staff writer (ltallyn@theifp.ca) Eamonn Maher: Staff writer/sports (emaher@theifp.ca) Letters policy Letters must include an address and daytime phone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should not exceed 150 words and may be edited for content and/or length. Publication is not guaranteed. Email: jmcghie@theifp.ca Steve Nease Mail or drop off: Independent & Free Press, 280 Guelph St., Unit 29, Georgetown, ON., L7G 4B1. Letters to the editor Injured cats in need of help Dear editor, On November 5, a barn fire demolished a barn on Wellington Road 52. At the time of the fire, there were approximately 30 barn cats living in the barn; 15 perished, but what of the others? The Upper Credit Humane Society have trapped and euthanized three that were badly burned and two others have been processed. The remaining traumatized cats are homeless, skittish and very frightened. The extent of their injuries until trapped are unknown; some of the cats must be in extreme pain and are hiding with burnt faces, fur, paws and other injuries. The rate of infection is setting in rapidly and we are endeavoring to capture them so they do not die a slow and very painful death, if not treated or euthanized. Adding to the problem is the fact winter is almost here and the remaining injured cats have no place to live. Once trapped by the UCHS, the cat is vet-assessed and if it can be saved it will be vaccinated, spayed/neutered/ treated with antibiotics, given food and temporary shelter. These are not domesticated cats and need to be relocated to another barn when one becomes available. The average cost to trap and treat each rescued cat is approximately $300...and we are seeking donations to help cover this unexpected cost. The UCHS exists on charitable donations, and we need your help. Donations of gas cards, the loan of a spare live trap, help with time/fuel for transportation are all needed as soon as possible. Above all we are seeking a nicely heated, secure barn for a permanent residence for the survivors. Our community has pulled together in the past and hopefully can help us help these animals in need. Anyone who wants to contribute in any way please call Jody/Senior Animal Care Co-ordinator/Supervisor at the Shelter 519-833-2287 or monetary donations should be marked "Barn cat rescue". Please help us help those who cannot help themselves. Thank you! Judith-Anne Kolu, UCHS Volunteer hampers rush hour. How unfortunate that drivers have been inconvenienced in the short term by construction at Mountainview Rd./ Delrex Blvd. Be assured, these changes are not being done at the request of local residents who have been, and will continue to be, impacted most. Mr. Lesniewski is apparently unaware that "rush hour" on Mountainview starts at 6:30 a.m. and continues until 9:30 p.m. but, of course, drivers "rushing" north/ south would not be cognizant of this. It is unfortunate that Mr. Lesniewski's commute home is a little longer than normal but I, for one, am happy that for once, cars and trucks are not constantly whizzing past my house at speeds in excess of the posted speed limits. One would think that, with traffic moving so slowly, drivers would be considerate and allow Mountainview residents to back out of their driveways/merge into traffic but, all too often, that has not been the case-- I guess consideration flies out the window when residents are "frustrated and want to get home after a day's work". I hope Georgetown drivers are happy with the new left-turn lanes at my nearby intersection. I hope as well that they don't see this as another opportunity to "speed" home; but perhaps that's why they call it "rush hour". M. Lowin, Georgetown WEB POLL RESULTS (Go to www.independentfreepress.com) When it comes to Santa Claus parades where do you stand? · I prefer a nighttime parade (50%) · I prefer a daytime parade (38%) · I prefer they don't hold parades (12%) The Independent & Free Press The Independent & Free Press is published Tuesday and Thursday and is one of several Metroland Media Group Ltd. community newspapers. Editorial and advertising content of The Independent & Free Press is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Dear editor, As a longtime resident of Mountainview Road South, I had to raise an eyebrow and chuckle when reading the Nov. 15 letter Construction work Resident hopes lane will deter speeders