Oakville Beaver, 9 Mar 2012, p. 3

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Vision 2057 a roadmap to Oakville's future Continued from page 1 3 · Friday, March 9, 2012 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.insideHALTON.com under one clear vision framework so the diverse initiatives work together. Vision 2057 will outline where Oakville's employment lands will be, what public transportation will look like and how much parkland the town will boast. Questions like `How many community centres will Oakville have in 2057?' have yet to be determined by the visioning. Town staff dubbed Vision 2057, the mechanism by which the Town hopes to achieve its goal of becoming the most livable town in Canada. "This generation owes future generations a plan they can rely on, and adjust as needed, rather than a legacy of no plan," said Tariq Remtulla, chief of staff and senior policy advisor to the mayor and council. "The Corporation of the Town of Oakville is a corporation and like any corporation, it achieves greater success if it is working to a longrange vision and plan. Today shapes tomorrow, and council is determined our todays will create better tomorrows," said Remtulla. Vision 2057 covers four main areas. The section called `Create it' looks at the makeup of 2057 Oakville using the Livable Oakville Official Plan as a guide. The section entitled `Preserve it', considers all the ways in which the Town will protect and preserve the natural, social, cultural and heritage environment of Oakville. The `Afford it' section focuses on how to make growth pay for itself. The `Live it' section looks at what makes Oakville a good place to live and discusses how to support culture, recreation, parks, harbours, economic development, libraries, transportation and the fire department. While many things will happen and many administrations will come and go between now and 2057, Town staff said putting together this type of plan still makes sense. "I think the key word in Vision 2057 is `vision'. This is not a static document, but rather a living framework for community planning that creates a roadmap for where we want to go," said Remtulla. "Vision 2057 recognizes some decisions are made annually, such as budgets and business plans, while other documents like our Livable Oakville Official Plan have a lifespan of decades. Each council between now and 2057 will influence this roadmap, but if we establish a destination we all want to get to, hopefully the route we take to get there will be much smoother with fewer twists and turns." Creating Vision 2057 has been described as an ongoing process with the vision expected to have its key elements in place by 2014. Remtulla said council's commitment to public involvement in creating Vision 2057 would be similar to the high levels seen during the creation of the Livable Oakville Official Plan. Consultation, he said, has already begun on many of the initiatives under the Vision 2057 framework and a database of more than 1,000 residents involved in the process has been created. For more information, visit www. oakville.ca/townhall/vision-2057. html or call 905-338-4173. ® Helping Families Every Step of the Way! March Break Special Come in wearing some of your best beach wear and receive a history, examination, state-of-the-art neurospinal exam, x-rays (if necessary), and report of findings for $40! (Regularly $120) Expires March 24, 2012 Post-Game Interview 250 Wyecroft Rd., Unit 15, Oakville, ON Family Chiropractor/Acupuncturist Dr. Jenna Davis 905.844.WELL (9355) Every year, over 70,000 boys and girls play Timbits Hockey, where they learn the skills of the game, and share moments with family and friends. Tim Hortons is proud to support the over 800 boys and girls in the Oakville community who play Timbits Hockey, where the first goal is having fun. www.acornhealth.ca drdavis@acornhealth.ca © Tim Hortons, 2008 We sell the most homes in Canada. Let us help you sell yours. www.remaxaboutowne.com Aboutowne Reality Corp., Brokerage 905-338-9000 (Downtown Office) 905-842-7000 (Uptown Office) Independently owned and operated.

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