Halton Hills Mompreneurs' Showcase Gets Growing with Frankie Flowers On November 5, at Christ the King Secondary School in Georgetown, 46 local moms in business, a.k.a. Mompreneurs, gathered together to showcase their services and products to the community. With over 600 visitors through the doors, the inaugural Showcase for the Halton Hills' Mompreneur Chapter was a great success. The day's acvies included cupcake decorang, a live reple display, a bouncy castle and face painng. Families had a great visit while discovering the talent available in our own backyard. Adina Ingram, owner and longme resident of Halton, said the day was nothing short of amazing. "As a small business owner and mom myself, having an outlet like our Showcase is what mompreneurs need to help market their talent to the community. We are a proud supporter of the Shop Local Campaign, and the public here in Halton Hills spoke loud and clear that they are here to support these businesses as well." Brenda Damota, Latasia representave and vendor at the show said, "I had the pleasure of being a vendor at the Mompreneur show in November. It was a great experience with a wonderful turnout. I am looking forward to the next one as I got plenty of leads and some great sales as well. It was one of the best shows I have parcipated in here in Georgetown...very professional." Mom-run businesses are not here for the short-term. With the desire (and need) for a dual-income household, moms have turned to entrepreneurial and homebased businesses to connue supporng their families financially, while having the flexibility of schedule and workload. The Ontario Mompreneurs Groups and Showcases has 12 successful chapters in the province, all partnered with the Canadian-based magazine, MOMpreneur® (www. themompreneur.com). With the achievement of the Fall Showcase, Ingram was eager to start planning the Spring Show, set to happen at CtK on March 31 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. "Our Spring Showcase will need to be bigger, beer and offer more for our guests. We welcome Mayor Bonne at 10:30 a.m. for opening remarks and we our happy to have Economic Development Officer, Doug Penrice join us as well. Our list of businesses is amazing and we know the community will love to shop, browse and play amongst the talent that is Halton Hills." The Showcase also offers some celebrity presence. Ingram has been busy securing a wellknown Breakfast Television personality and naonally acclaimed expert gardener Frank Ferragine (Frankie Flowers). Frankie will be on stage at 11:30 a.m. to demonstrate some ideas for poed flowers this spring and will welcome quesons from the guests. A book signing will take place immediately following the demonstraon. His new book "Pot it Up" and his naonal bestselling, "Get Growing" will be available for purchase below cover price. One dollar from each book sold will go to the Show's charity of choice, Halton Habitat for Humanity. Admission and door prize cket sales will go directly to Habitat. The November Showcase brought in close to $1,000 for Halton Food for Thought. The Showcase is made possible by local businesses and their sponsorship dollars. With a hey adversing campaign to help aid in the Showcase's success and, in turn, public awareness for our mompreneur businesses, the show relies on the generous support of these companies to help brand the show. If you are interested in joining the line up of mompreneur vendors or want to be recognized as a business that supports the local mompreneur by becoming a sponsor, contact Adina at info@haltonhillsmompreneurs. com or visit their website at www. haltonhillsmompreneurs.com. Halton Hills Mompreneurs is a proud member of the Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce and supports the Shop Local Campaign. 15 In Focus, February, 2012 MARCH 31ST SPRING SHOWCASE Guest Speaker Frankie Flowers D I R E C T O R Y For advertising Information please call Amy Sykes 905-873-0301 ext. 237 AIR, HEATING & FIREPLACE CALL TODAY FOR : · FURNACE SALES · INSTALLATION · HUMIDIFIERS · FURNACE MAINTENANCE · GAS LINES · SERVICE AIR, HEATING & FIREPLACE PAINTING DENTISTRY www.bauerpainting.com SAME DAY SERVICE 905.703.7609 FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL HVAC NEEDS. Hire a Local, Friendly Professional Painter Call Today BOOK YOUR INTERIOR Local References Available Dr. Anoop Sayal & Assoc. Since 1995 Located inside Georgetown Marketplace Mall Family & Cosmetic Dentistry · Bonding · Extractions · Wisdom Teeth · Pola Teeth Whitening · Implants · Asleep Dentistry · Emergencies Seen Same Day HOURS: Mon. 9 am - 8 pm; Tues. 9 am - 6 pm; Wed. 8 am - 8 pm; Thur. 9 am - 6 pm; Sat. 8 am- 3 pm W W W. 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Its main symptoms include anxiety, headaches, stomach and bowel problems, and muscle tension. Stress can also cause an increase in cholesterol levels or blood pressure and can result in a narrowing of the arteries. Managing stress first requires that you understand what is preventing you from feeling relaxed, whether it can be directly resolved or not. The next step is to become more physically active, which will help you flush out the stress hormones in your body. Try not to bottle up your emotions; share your feelings with loved ones. Try to set aside some time just for yourself and take regular vacations from work. Eating a healthy, balanced diet should also be a priority and, last but not least, make laughter a part of your daily life. Laughing is a great natural mechanism for relieving stress and it is guaranteed to leave you feeling good! PHOTO: JOHN HOWARD / THINKSTOCK The main symptoms of undue stress are anxiety, muscles tension, headaches and digestive troubles. 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