18 The IFP - Halton Hills -Real Estate Leader, February 16, 2012 GEORGETOWN SOUTH $654,900 sales representative Julie Scarlett GingerHomes.ca G ingerHomes.ca Beautiful executive home; Fernbrook Elmwood Model. 2650 sq ft loaded with upgrades: Granite counters; hardwood and marble floors; main floor family room with cathedral ceiling and fireplace; second floor laundry; eat in kitchen with walkout to fully fenced and landscaped backyard complete with Pioneer in-ground, saltwater pool. The list goes on. A must see. Call today for your private viewing. 905-699-9010 office 905-877-9001 cell I have buyers actively looking for: Heather Gerchikov Office: 905 Sales Representative 338 9000 Direct: 289 Sandra Boshell Sales Representative IN D L SO DAYS! 242 9342 Y5 L N O D L S O IVAN OLIVEIRA Sales Representative Y 3 or 4 bdrm home in Park area Y 4 bdrm home in G'town South If you are interested in selling your home, please call me for a free home evaluation. Direct: 647-999-0324 Office: 905-877-5165 www.sandraboshell.ca Thinking about Selling or Buying a Home? Let's Talk! ROCKWOOD BUNGALOW COMING SOON 4 years new, walkout basement, granite, hardwood. 2 car garage. JAIME OLIVEIRA Sales Representative (905) 451-5977 1ST AD WON'T LAST! Brampton Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated OPEN HOUSE SAT., FEB. 18TH 1-4 P.M. AND SUN., FEB. 19TH 1-4 P.M. 5650 SIXTH LINE, ERIN Large ranch bungalow with oversized 4 car garage on 36 wooded acres and pond at back. Great value at $684,900. MLS #X2234009. Call Ivan Oliveira or Jaime Oliveira for details. Take Trafalgar Rd. north of 124, left on 17th Sideroad and right on 6th Line to #5650. SERVICE DIRECTORY AIR, HEATING & FIREPLACE AIR, HEATING & FIREPLACE AIR, HEATING & FIREPLACE 905-877-8990 SALES, SERVICE & INSTALLATION HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING FIREPLACES ~ BBQ'S 118 Guelph St. (at Maple) ~ info@asghomecomfort.com AIR,HEATING & MORE SAME DAY SERVICE Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Energy Management, Commercial, Industrial 24/7 Service 877-8023 AIR, HEATING & FIREPLACE APPLIANCES We Sell APPLIANCES Plus PARTS & SERVICE Showroom located at Water Softeners, Coolers, 55 Sinclair Ave., Unit 2 R.O.s, U.V.s Georgetown 905-702-1212 / 416-222-9444 BASEMENT APPLIANCE REPAIR FIRST CLASS APPLIANCE SERVICE Fully Certified Technicians IN HOME REPAIRS - TRULY HONEST, Repairs to Fridges, Stoves, FAST & RELIABLE SERVICE 24 Hours · 7 Days A Week Washers, Dryers & Freezers Servicing All Areas Senior's Discounts Written Guarantee Mr. Gallant CHEQUES 905-874-1930 905-877-3376 Mention This Ad For 10% OFF GORD'S BASEMENT WATERPROOFING LTD. 27 YEARS EXPERIENCE the SPRING RUSH Special! As low as 39 + HST per week for 2x a week in colour! Call Amy Sykes 905-873-0301 ext. 237 asykes@theIFP.ca $ Ask me about . . . ADVERTISING CARPENTRY WOODWORKER with 35 years experience SERVING HALTON, PEEL & SURROUNDING AREA INSTALLATION, SALES, & SERVICE 905.703.7609 FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL HVAC NEEDS. W W W. G E O R G E T O W N H E AT I N G . C A 25 YEAR GUARANTEE s We will match any written estimate! MEMBER OF THE Specializing in Cabinetry, Built-Ins, Entertainment Centres, Kitchens Call Tim Call 905-702-1182 24 hr, 7 days a week 905-454-3141 905-703-6580 519-833-0735