Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 6 Mar 2012, p. 2

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2 ·The IFP· Halton Hills ·Tuesday, March 6, 2012 Movers' & Shaker's Marketplace · Residential Storage · Affordable Workspace · Commercial Rentals WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Save up to $39 for a Get Moving Starter Box & Supplies Package Reg. $79 A M J SELF STORAGE & MOVING SUPPLIES Reclaim Your Space! Variety of Storage Units Moving Supplies Hwy. #7 & Mississauga Rd. Access Hours: 6 am-12 midnight daily Office Hours: M-F 9-5, Sat. 9-4 2026 Hwy. #7 West, Brampton 905-459-5265 Redecorate without spending a fortune The best way to give your home a faceli without spending a fortune is to use materials that you already have on hand. With a bit of me and effort you can restore furniture and freshen up your home very inexpensively. If your old furniture is made of solid wood, for example, it can easily be refurbished and enjoyed for years to come. Just strip it down or paint it a fashionable colour. You could also remove or add decorave features and change any handles or knobs for modern ones. Next, find out when and where aucons will be held in your area. These estate sales and close-outs are one of the cheapest ways to furnish a home. If you're a real bargain hunter, choose defecve items and fix them up: chairs with damaged caning, drapes with frayed edges, or repainted furniture. Anque dealers may turn up their noses because of the work involved in restoring such things, but if you're paent and savvy, you can acquire the knowhow to do this kind of repair work. If you'd like to create a warm, cozy atmosphere in your living room, a bioethanol fireplace could be an economical as well as an ecological soluon. This type of fireplace is easy to install, does not require a chimney, uses renewable energy, and quickly heats a room. It is also smokeless, scentless, and there are no ashes to clean up. This sort of fireplace does require cerficaon, however, and can only be installed in fairly large, well venlated rooms. Last but not least, LED lights are the latest trend in penny-pinch decorang, as they consume very lile energy. They are available in every possible size and shape to create a welcoming and cozy atmosphere in your home. AIR, HEATING & FIREPLACE CALL TODAY FOR : · FURNACE SALES · INSTALLATION · HUMIDIFIERS · FURNACE MAINTENANCE · GAS LINES · SERVICE 905.703.7609 FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL HVAC NEEDS. W W W. G E O R G E T O W N H E A T I N G . C A ALEXANIAN'S FLOORING California Shutters 50% OFF $ Trusted since 1925 Stain Master Carpet Bamboo Flooring 2.99 sq. ft. installed includes underpad 2.49 sq. ft. for a limited time 23 Mountainview Rd. S., Georgetown Marketplace (behind Winners) $ 905-877-7688 CONTRACTOR - RENOS proudly serving Halton Hills For all of your carpet, flooring, area rug & window covering needs Reach over 55,000 people twice a week! Ask Advertising Specialist, Amy Sykes, how to start today. 905-873-0301 ext. 237 CONTRACTING - RENOVATIONS 30 years experience Making Renos Easier Renovations Specialist Complete Renos · Basements · Bathrooms · Kitchens ·Stucco Removal Your Best Choice For Bin Rentals 6 - 40 cu. yd, sizes available Halton Drywall Pros 905.965.5679 10% Off when you mention this ad! No job too small Quality Work - painting - drywall taping, plaster - tile - trim - bathrooms Contact Steve Biggs 647-393-9670 MORTGAGES DISPOSAL CONTAINERS 519-853-3332 905-702-2339 1-877-633-6259 HOME INSPECTIONS BRENT COOPER, RHI, CEA MEMBER REGISTERED HOME INSPECTOR CERTIFIED ENERGY ADVISOR Since 1999 PRE-PURCHASE INSPECTIONS PRE-SALE INSPECTIONS WARRANTY INSPECTIONS ENERGY EFFICIENCY EVALUATIONS COMPREHENSIVE ON-SITE REPORTS NOW for GREAT Call Today's Mortgage Great Rate! Rate (905) 877-7633 REDUCE DEBT RENOVATION SUPPLIES REAL ESTATE ... INTEREST FREE LOAN to Help with Home Improvement Repairs When You are Listing with Us! ... FREE Professional Staging and Virtual Tours! ... Cormpilas Team's Seller/Buyer Guarantee & Benefits WINDOWS & DOORS VISIT OUR S H OW R O O M 341 GUELPH ST. UNIT #3 GEORGETOWN Diana Eljabri Agent MONEY ISSUES? CONSOLIDATE DEBTS & John Fallis Agent Orange Tag Sale 15% Off PLUS NO HST! March 1 to 14 in selected depts. 1800 Appleby Line, Unit 10 905-637-4446 x 229 R E D U C E PAY M E N T S U P TO 7 0 % 416.456.5619 Privileged Investments Inc. FSCO Lic. No. 10653 - Mortgage Agent Lic. M08004096 & 0 (DFK 0RUWJDJH &HQWUH RI¿FH LV LQGHSHQGHQWO\ RZQHG DQG RSHUDWHG 905-877-3629 Angie Cormpilas Broker INC., BROKERAGE w w w. b u y w i s e . c a Your Window & Door Professionals

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