20 The IFP · Halton Hills, Thursday, March 29, 2012 SENIORS LIFESTYLES Acton Seniors elect new 2012 board of directors By JULIE CONROY Acton Seniors Centre The Acton Seniors Recreation Centre's 2012 Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, March 21. President Bev Jones welcomed everyone and introduced Town of Halton Hills Councillor Jon Hurst, who brought regrets from Mayor Rick Bonnette who was unable to attend. Nancy Dunbar, supervisor of Marketing and Customer Service, brought greetings on behalf of Recreation and Parks Director Terry Alyman, who was also unable to attend. Bev also introduced the board. The Centre's co-ordinator Wendy Krever made a very catchy budget presentation explaining where the monies raised at the Centre come from and where they go. Wendy said she would welcome any questions you might have if you were unable to attend. Wendy also explained the need for accreditation. It is very timeconsuming, but necessary, and our future funding will rely on gaining accreditation. There were several vacant positions on the board and a new board member Joan Blight was elected as Program Chair. Real Teatreault will remain on as Social Chair, Connie Fix as Secretary, Pat Frizzell as Treasurer, Betty Green as Travel Chair and Julie Conroy as Public Relations Chair. These are all two-year terms. In the second year of a two-year term are: President Bev Jones, Vice-President Dave Maloney, Past-President Mary Walsma, Reception Chair Suzanne BlanchetHaffey, Membership Chair Dolores Wright and Fundraising Chair Sylvia Mitchell. On a sad note we would like to extend our condolences to Mae Milton's husband Don and family. We will miss Mae playing the cards at the Centre. New Acton Seniors Centre board members are front row, from left,Treasurer Pat Frizzell, Membership Chair Dolores Wright, Program Chair Joan Blight, Fundraising Chair Sylvia Mitchell, Travel Chair Betty Green. Back row (from left), President Bev Jones, Public Relations Chair Julie Conroy, Vice-President Dave Maloney, Past President Mary Walsma, Social Chair Real Teatreault, Secretary Connie Fix, Reception Chair Suzanne Blanchet Haffey and Town of Halton Hills council liaison Councillor Jon Hurst. Photo submitted Georgetown Seniors Centre to sell handmade Easter chocolate on April 5 By FLORENCE RIEHL Georgetown Seniors Centre We have actually arrived in the 21st Century. Our new completely user friendly electronic system for checking into our Centre is now up and running. If you have not paid a visit recently you will need to drop in to have your picture taken and receive your toggle so that you may activate the screen. No more sign-in book! With Easter creeping up on us rather quickly, you need to be thinking of buying all your chocolate needs at the Easter Chocolate Sale to be held on Thursday, April 5 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is all handmade and delicious. If that is not enough of the sweet stuff, come out to the Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, April 14. You can eat to your heart's content from 8-11 a.m. For the tidy sum of $5 a ticket you get pancakes, sausages, maple syrup, coffee/tea & juice. Tickets are on sale Reception. Help is needed for the Pancake Breakfast. If you could spare a little time please sign the "help" sheet on the Reception Desk. Saturday evening is Euchre and Bid Euchre Night. There is a charge $3 per player and is open to the public. Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m., we have hands on drop-in computer course. For a $2 drop-in fee you ask questions about computers. Call for information regarding the Wednesday Hot Lunches. They are not held on a regular basis. Dates are also posted in the HillsView. The movies for April have been set. On April 13 we are showing The Descendants. For April 27, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close will be on the screen. There is a slight change in movie fees; toonie for members and $3 for non- members. Your fee still includes popcorn and a drink. 130 Mill Street East, Acton Full & Partial Dentures Implant Retained Dentures Precision Dentures (BPS® Certified) Same Day Service for Repairs & Relines Dental Lab On Site No Referrals Needed Seniors Lifestyles Please call for a tour 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Accredited by: Creating confident smiles since 1982. Alexander Trenton DD, F.C.A.D. (A) Denturist Published the first Thursday of every month. Call Amy Sykes for advertising info. 18 Church Street, Georgetown (Across from the Library and Cultural Centre) (905) 877-2359 www.georgetowndentureclinic.ca 519-853-0079 R.R. 2, Guelph 519-856-4622 www.edenhousecarehome.ca 905-873-0301 ext 237 asykes@theifp.ca Mountainview Residence This 81 suite Retirement Residence offers home-cooked meals, daily housekeeping, laundry services, nursing staff and planned social activities. Specializing in Alzheimer's Clientele Away A Home e m From Ho Mountainview Terrace 60 apartment style suites for cognitive self-sufficient seniors. Included in monthly fee: NOW Weekly housekeeping, lunch & dinner, N E P O activities. Owned & operated by the Summer family Situated on a beautifully landscaped 5.6 acre property at 222 Mountainview Rd. N., Georgetown "TOTALLY SECURED ENVIRONMENT" Fox Run is a country estate located on four scenic acres overlooking the Caledon Hills, and close to the quaint village of Erin, Ontario. Fox Run caters exclusively to individuals in early to mid states of Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. We offer a non-institutional alternative for those who can no longer live alone and need around the clock attention. For more information or to enjoy a personal tour simply call 905-877-1800. www.mountainviewterrace.ca www.mountainviewresidence.ca Contact Patricia Kelly (Owner/Administrator) at 519-833-1033 RR2, Erin, Ontario