Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 12 Apr 2012, p. 4

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4 The IFP · Halton Hills, Thursday, April 12, 2012 Open for the Season Saturday, April 14, 2012 at Show your Support for Georgetown Hospital Saturday, May 5, 2012 Where's The Trailer Contest? Win 2 free tickets for GCS Spring Hospital Fundraising concert of May 5th! OPEN EVERYDAY NOON - 10 PM Ice Caps & Fresh Fruit Smoothies! *Ice Cream Treats *Scoops *Floats *Sundaes *Milk Shakes *Brownie Delights *Soft Twist * Oreo Frosty "Paws" * Banana Split The Georgetown Choral Society has parked its trailer somewhere prominent in the Georgetown area. If you see it, send an e-mail to Enjoy all of your Favourites! providing a detailed description of where you saw it, your name and telephone number, and you will be entered in a draw for 2 free tickets for the GCS Spring concert of May 5th. OPEN SEASON STUDENT SPECIAL ONLY $ Ice Cap or Fruit Smoothie * *With this coupon, one per customer per visit Coupon good until June 30, 2012 1.99 * 16 oz. See you at Sammy's Across from Dominion Gardens Park One entry per person. Concert details at Autobahn for All Sales Event 0 %+ APR up to for 48 months* towards your rst payment** No-charge Roadside Assistance 4-year, unlimited mileage 24 hours, 365 days a year $500 Up to $750 Rebate^ for qualified college & university grads. on our most popular models new vehicle limited warranty 4-year/80,000 km 2012 Motor Trend Car of the Year® 3DVVDW That's the value of German engineering. 2012 JETTA from $17,615 * / 2012 GOLF 3-door from $21,815* / The All-New 2012 PASSAT from $25,815 * / The new 2012 TIGUAN from $29,930 * Georgetown Volkswagen Selection Georgetown Volkswagen 203 Guelph St. 905.877.5285 */LPLWHG WLPH QDQFH SXUFKDVH RHU DYDLODEOH WKURXJK 9RONVZDJHQ )LQDQFH RQ DSSURYHG FUHGLW 0653 RI IRU D QHZ DQG XQUHJLVWHUHG -HWWD / *ROI GRRU /b 3DVVDW / 7LJXDQ 7 EDVH PRGHO ZLWK VSGVSGVSGVSG PDQ WUDQV ,1&/8',1* (+) WLUHV DLU FRQGLWLRQLQJ OHY\ LI DSSOLFDEOH b209,& IHH 336$ IHH DQG GHDOHU DGPLQLVWUDWLYH IHH )LQDQFHG DW $35 IRU PRQWKV HTXDOV SHU PRQWK 'RZQ SD\PHQW RU HTXLYDOHQW WUDGHLQ GXH DW VLJQLQJ PD\ EH UHTXLUHG &RVW RI ERUURZLQJ LV IRU D WRWDO REOLJDWLRQ RI /LFHQVH LQVXUDQFH UHJLVWUDWLRQ RSWLRQV DQG RWKHU DSSOLFDEOH WD[HV DUH H[WUD **2HU RI DSSOLFDEOH RQ SXUFKDVH QDQFLQJ WKURXJK 9RONVZDJHQ )LQDQFH RQ DSSURYHG FUHGLW RI VHOHFW QHZ DQG XQUHJLVWHUHG -HWWD*ROI3DVVDW7LJXDQ PRGHOV &HUWDLQ FRQGLWLRQV DSSO\ 7',b&OHDQb'LHVHO *ROI 5 *ROI *7, DQG -HWWD */, PRGHOV H[FOXGHG 2HUV HQG $SULO DQG DUH VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH RU FDQFHOODWLRQ ZLWKRXW QRWLFH b-HWWD +LJKOLQHb/ DV VKRZQ LV *ROI 6SRUWOLQH / DV VKRZQ LV 3DVVDW +LJKOLQH / DV VKRZQ LV 7LJXDQ 7 ZLWK 6SRUW 3DFNDJH DV VKRZQ LV &HUWDLQ RSWLRQV DQG DFFHVVRULHV PD\ EH H[WUD 9HKLFOHV PD\ QRW EH H[DFWO\ DV VKRZQ A8S WR UHEDWH IRU UHFHQW FROOHJH RU XQLYHUVLW\ JUDGXDWHV 5RDGVLGH $VVLVWDQFH LV SURYLGHG E\ 3URIHVVLRQDO 'LVSDWFK *URXS :KLFKHYHU RFFXUV UVW 9LVLW *HRUJHWRZQ 9RONVZDJHQ IRU IXOO GHWDLOV JUHDW FRHH DQG WRQVRIXQ $IWHU DOO ZHUH GULYHUV WRR

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