4 ·The IFP· Halton Hills ·Thursday, May 10, 2012 Georgetown man faces charges after driver stopped in Guelph A Georgetown man is facing charges after Guelph Police stopped a man for driving erratically on Woolwich St. near McTague St., Guelph Sunday. Halton Police report the vehicle was involved in a collision in Milton about 8 p.m on Sixth Line Nassagewaya. The vehicle, a 2003 Ford 450 that had been taken from a Rockwood business sometime over the weekend, had sideswiped another vehicle while passing it, causing damage to the utility trailer being pulled behind the victim's vehicle, and the driver's side door handle. The driver failed to stop, and the victim followed the vehicle and contacted police who advised him to stop following the driver for safety reasons. Guelph Police stopped the vehicle about 9 p.m. Charged by with possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000 by Guelph Police and take motor vehicle without consent, dangerous driving, and criminal fail to remain by Halton Police is Mark Scott, 18. ARE YOU READY TO UP YOUR GAME? Region issues emergency challenge Halton Region is challenging residents this month to get prepared by assembling or purchasing an emergency preparedness kit. Halton's Emergency Preparedness Challenge will run May 1-31, and individuals can take part in the Challenge by taking a photo of their emergency preparedness kit and uploading to the Region's emergency preparedness Twitter page, @BPreparedHalton or emailing a photo to bepreparedhalton@halton.ca. All submissions will be entered into a draw and one winner for each municipality will be selected randomly at the end of the month to receive an emergency preparedness related prize. Local activities planned for Emergency Preparedness Week (May 6-12) include a display with handouts at Halton Hills Fire Department's Public Education Information Centre in Georgetown Market Place. Visitors are invited to take a quiz and be entered in a draw to win an emergency preparedness kit. You can also take the quiz online at www.halton.ca/beprepared. For info about Halton's Emergency Management Program and to download or order Halton's Personal Emergency Preparedness Guide, visit www.halton. ca/beprepared, dial 311 or 905-825-6000, Toll free 1-866-442-5866 or TTY 905-8279833. PRIVATE GOLF=MORE GOLF TRY US FOR A SEASON TO SEE THE DIFFERENCE... TRIAL MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE 905-877-5236 363 Maple Avenue West, Georgetown, ON Visit our newly designed website at www.northhaltongolf.com Autobahn for All Sales Event 0 %+ APR up to for 48 months* towards your rst payment** No-charge Roadside Assistance 4-year, unlimited mileage 24 hours, 365 days a year $500 Up to $750 Rebate^ for qualified college & university grads. on our most popular models new vehicle limited warranty 4-year/80,000 km 2012 Motor Trend Car of the Year® 3DVVDW That's the value of German engineering. 2012 JETTA from $17,615 * / 2012 GOLF 3-door from $21,815* / The All-New 2012 PASSAT from $25,815 * / The new 2012 TIGUAN from $29,930 * Georgetown Volkswagen Selection Georgetown Volkswagen 203 Guelph St. 905.877.5285 /LPLWHG WLPH QDQFH SXUFKDVH RHU DYDLODEOH WKURXJK 9RONVZDJHQ )LQDQFH RQ DSSURYHG FUHGLW 0653 RI IRU D QHZ DQG XQUHJLVWHUHG -HWWD / *ROI GRRU /b 3DVVDW / 7LJXDQ 7 EDVH PRGHO ZLWK VSGVSGVSGVSG PDQ WUDQV ,1&/8',1* (+) WLUHV DLU FRQGLWLRQLQJ OHY\ LI DSSOLFDEOH b209,& IHH 336$ IHH DQG GHDOHU DGPLQLVWUDWLYH IHH )LQDQFHG DW $35 IRU PRQWKV HTXDOV SHU PRQWK 'RZQ SD\PHQW RU HTXLYDOHQW WUDGHLQ GXH DW VLJQLQJ PD\ EH UHTXLUHG &RVW RI ERUURZLQJ LV IRU D WRWDO REOLJDWLRQ RI /LFHQVH LQVXUDQFH UHJLVWUDWLRQ RSWLRQV DQG RWKHU DSSOLFDEOH WD[HV DUH H[WUD 2HU RI DSSOLFDEOH RQ SXUFKDVH QDQFLQJ WKURXJK 9RONVZDJHQ )LQDQFH RQ DSSURYHG FUHGLW RI VHOHFW QHZ DQG XQUHJLVWHUHG -HWWD*ROI3DVVDW7LJXDQ PRGHOV &HUWDLQ FRQGLWLRQV DSSO\ 7',b&OHDQb'LHVHO *ROI 5 *ROI *7, DQG -HWWD */, PRGHOV H[FOXGHG 2HUV HQG 0D\ DQG DUH VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH RU FDQFHOODWLRQ ZLWKRXW QRWLFH b-HWWD +LJKOLQHb/ DV VKRZQ LV *ROI 6SRUWOLQH / DV VKRZQ LV 3DVVDW +LJKOLQH / DV VKRZQ LV 7LJXDQ 7 ZLWK 6SRUW 3DFNDJH DV VKRZQ LV &HUWDLQ RSWLRQV DQG DFFHVVRULHV PD\ EH H[WUD 9HKLFOHV PD\ QRW EH H[DFWO\ DV VKRZQ A8S WR UHEDWH IRU UHFHQW FROOHJH RU XQLYHUVLW\ JUDGXDWHV 5RDGVLGH $VVLVWDQFH LV SURYLGHG E\ 3URIHVVLRQDO 'LVSDWFK *URXS :KLFKHYHU RFFXUV UVW 9LVLW *HRUJHWRZQ 9RONVZDJHQ IRU IXOO GHWDLOV JUHDW FRHH DQG WRQVRIXQ $IWHU DOO ZHUH GULYHUV WRR