Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE No. 1 Bram West Parkway (Heritage Road to Financial Drive) and Financial Drive (Heritage Road to Winston Churchill Boulevard) Class Environmental Assessment Study The Study The City of Brampton is conducting a Class Environment Assessment (EA) for a new north-south arterial road, Bram West Parkway, from Heritage Road to Financial Drive and the extension of Financial Drive from Heritage Road to Winston Churchill Boulevard, see map. In order to best address operational deficiencies and the need for additional transportation capacity in the area, a number of alternatives are being examined as part of the study including the potential Bram West Parkway to six lanes, extension of Financial Drive to four lanes, cross-sectional elements, intersection improvements, traffic operations, and the overall impact of improvements on the social, cultural and natural environments. The Process The study is being carried out in accordance with the planning and design process for Schedule `C' projects as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007 & 2011), approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. The Halton-Peel Boundary Area Transportation Study (2010) has completed the Phase 1 (need and justification) and Phase 2 (alternative solutions) of the Class EA process for Bram West Parkway. This study will satisfy Phase 3 (alternative designs) and Phase 4 (Environmental Study Report) of the Class EA process for Bram West Parkway and Phases 1 to 4 of the Class EA process for Financial Drive from Heritage Road to Winston Churchill Boulevard. Public Information Centre No. 1 A key component of the study will be consultation with interested stakeholders (public and agencies) at Public Information Centres (PICs). The first PIC has been arranged for: Date: Wednesday June 27, 2012 (Drop-in-Centre Format) Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Location: Chris Gibson Recreational Centre 125 McLaughlin Road, Brampton The purpose of the PIC is to present and obtain public input on the background information, the need and justification and alternative solutions for the extension of Financial Drive, and the alternative alignments, evaluation and preliminary preferred alternative identified for Bram West Parkway. Anyone with an interest in the study is invited to attend and participate. If you cannot attend and would like to provide comments, please forward them by July 13, 2012 to the City of Brampton at the address below. Following the PIC, the study findings will be reviewed in light of comments received and the preferred alternatives for Bram West Parkway and Financial Drive will be confirmed or refined. A second PIC is tentatively schedule for fall 2012. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the study, or wish to be added to the study mailing list, please contact either of the following project team members: 19 ·The IFP· Halton Hills, Thursday, June 14, 2012 Youth recognized as Chief Scouts On June 10, Central Escarpment Council held its annual youth recognition ceremony at Knox Presbyterian Church in Waterloo, and Credit Hills Area was proud to have four recipients from Halton Hills presented with their Chief Scouts Award. The Chief Scouts Award is the highest award which can be achieved at the Scout level in Scouts Canada. In the photo, back row, left to right: Credit Hills Area Commissioner Daniel Millard, 4th Georgetown Troop Scouter Peter Luu, Credit Hills Area Youth Commissioner Sara Boyd, 1st Acton Troop Scouter Warren Jackman. In front (from left): 4th Georgetown Chief Scout Ryan Carpentier, 1st Acton Chief Scout Sasha Daleman, and 1st Acton Chief Scout Andrew Galati. Absent for the photo: 1st Georgetown Chief Scout Ali Reinhardt. NOTICE OF OPEN HOUSE BRAMPTON BRICK LIMITED 225 WANLESS DRIVE, BRAMPTON, ONTARIO L7A 1E9 HEREBY GIVES NOTICE THAT AN OPEN HOUSE WILL BE HELD: FROM 4:00 TO 8:00 PM ON TUESDAY JUNE 26TH, 2012 AT THE CHELTENHAM COMMUNITY ROOM 14190 CREDITVIEW ROAD, CHELTENHAM ONTARIO THE PURPOSE OF THE OPEN HOUSE IS TO PRESENT, TO THE PUBLIC, THE DETAILS OF AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE APPROVED REHABILITATION PLAN FROM PONDS AND STEEP, 3:1 FORESTED SLOPES BY BACKFILLING THE EXCAVATIONS TO RECREATE THE PRE-QUARRY TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE REGIME TO SUPPORT AN UPLAND FOREST, WATERCOURSES & WETLANDS. THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING LICENSED QUARRY IS: 14370 MISSISSAUGA ROAD PART OF LOTS 29 & 30, CONCESSION 5 WHS TOWN OF CALEDON, REGION OF PEEL Faculty of Education $SSO\ QRZ for classes VWDUWLQJ LQ Fall 2012 Centre for Adult Education and &RPPXQLW\ Outreach Faculty of Education BEd in Adult Education Brock University's Bachelor of Education in Adult Education, as a ÀUVW RU VXEVHTXHQW GHJUHH ZLOO enhance and advance your SURIHVVLRQDO NQRZOHGJH and practice of Adult Education. 7KH H[SHULHQFHV WKDW \RX JDLQ LQ WKLV SURJUDP FDQ EH DSSOLHG LQ D YDULHW\ RI WHDFKLQJ DQG OHDUQLQJ FRQWH[WV LQFOXGLQJ LQIRUPDO DQG IRUPDO SRVWVHFRQGDU\ DFDGHPLF VHWWLQJV DV ZHOO DV SURIHVVLRQDO DQG The degree you've always wanted -- your way FRPPXQLW\EDVHG DGXOW OHDUQLQJ HQYLURQPHQWV <RX·OO WDNH FRXUVHV SDUW WLPH Study online or, if you prefer, in a FODVVURRP DW D VHOHFWLRQ RI YHQXHV LQ +DPLOWRQ 1LDJDUD DQG WKH *7$ ,W·V WKH ÀW WKDW \RX·UH ORRNLQJ IRU WR EDODQFH ZRUN OLIH DQG VWXGLHV %HVW RI DOO \RX·OO EH SDUW RI D FRPPXQLW\ RI OHDUQHUV ZKR VKDUH \RXU SDVVLRQ IRU WKH PDQ\ IDFHWV RI DGXOW education. Khurram Tunio, M. Eng., P. Eng. Senior Project Engineer City of Brampton 8850 McLaughlin Road, Unit 2 Brampton, ON L6Y 5T1 Telephone: 905-874-2500 Email: Michael Chiu, P. Eng. Consultant Project Manager McCormick Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way Mississauga, ON L5K 2P8 Telephone: 905-823-8500, Ext. 1243 Email: Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. This notice first issued on June 13, 2012. )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH YLVLW EURFNXFDHGXFDWLRQIXWXUHVWXGHQWVDGXOWHG RU FRQWDFW XV DW [ HPDLO DGXOWHG#EURFNXFD