ACTON GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE PARKING LOT SALE Saturday June 16th multi-family 39 ·The IFP· Halton Hills, Thursday, June 14, 2012 4 MOMS!! Saturday June 16th in Acton COUNTRY REFLECTIONS 37 Mill Street, East in Acton (Parking lot behind Country Reflections) GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th in Acton 11857 HIGHWAY 7 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Something for all Women and Moms. Household items, clothes, baby and kid toys, clothes (Newborn to size 8), boys and girls. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Country Reflections is selling off stock that has gathered for years. GARAGE SALE PRICES. Collectibles (Bradford Exchange), Christmas items, curio cabinets, vases, candles and lots more. 22 DAVIDSON DRIVE 8:00 am - 1:00 pm NO EARLY BIRDS PLEASE! PUNCH AND COOKIES TOO! GEORGETOWN GARAGE SALES BIG GARAGE SALE All Day FRIDAY June 15th and Saturday June 16th LET YOUR TALENT BE HEARD! 8:00 am - 1:00 pm numerous household items ... LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM! GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th and Sunday June 17th GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th 51 PENNINGTON CRESCENT 7:00 am - 11:00am (turn along Delrex at Highway 7 traffic lights by Ford dealer. Then go 2nd left on Chelvin to Fagan) 18 THOMPSON DRIVE in Stewarttown (just south of Maple Avenue and Trafalgar Road) 36 FAGAN DRIVE 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Most Items $2.00 or Less Early Birds Welcome! Lots of Good Stuff! Including items for Fathers Day GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th 8:00 am - 12:00 pm AMAZING DEALS GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th 8:00 am - 12:00 pm GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th 82 and 84 MILLER DRIVE 8:00 am - 12:00 pm No Early Birds Please! household, electronics, furniture, bedding, kids toys, dishes and more .... 122 STANDISH STREET We are Moving and Everything MUST GO! You don't want to Miss out on this!!! playpen, baby swing, highchair, 3T clothes, household items, electronics ..... the list goes on! 21 ROBINA AVENUE household goods, furniture, blinds, electronics, decor items and more! Rain or Shine!! RAINDATE: Sunday June 17th HUGE GARAGE, BAKE and SCENTSY Saturday June 16th GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th YARD SALE Saturday June 16th 15 HEWSON CRESCENT 8:00 am Start CD's, books, housewares and kids' stuff, including 2 strollers 45 MOWAT CRESCENT 8:00 am Start TONS of children's clothes and items, adult clothes, household items, and so much more! 20 EVANS PLACE 8:00 am - 12:00 Noon Furniture, electronics, 2 port. Air Conditioner, Stihl back pk blower, Stihl chainsaw, tools, toys and much more ALSO COLLECTING Non-Perishable Food Donations for the Georgetown Food Bank GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th 29 MEADOWLARK DRIVE 8:00 am Start Spoiled Children's Stuff ..... Disney costumes, Step2 easel, household, furniture, tools, Coolatron, Wii, Creative Memories, Air Hockey Table MOVING SALE Saturday June 16th 10932 - 22nd SIDEROAD in Limehouse YARD SALE Saturday June 16th 7 PRINCE CHARLES DRIVE 7:00 am Start flat screen TV's, antiques, kids stuff and more! 8:00 am Start antiques, crown moulding, Tonka toys, tools and miscellaneous items ..... GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th Competition JUNE 20TH, 2012 AT 2PM AT THE FLOWER CITY SENIOR CENTRE 8870 McLaughlin Road, Brampton GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th in Norval YARD SALE Saturday June 16th 14 AIREDALE COURT 8:00 am - 12:00 pm kids downhill skis, toys, clothing, bikes, small furniture, wicker stand, suitcases, TV, stands, miscellaneous ..... 32 BYRON STREET 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Some Things OLD, Some Things NEW, Lots for You, To Mention a Few ..... 408 DRAPER STREET 8:00 am - 12:00 Noon No Early Birds Please!! stampn' up and scrapbooking supplies, seasonal decorations, household items, and electronics boys toys, girls clothes 10-12, children's toys and books, boys golf items, and MUCH more. Elliptical Machine, Hockey Net, Kids Toys, Books, MEGA Spotlight and more! JOIN US AT THIS FUN FILLED EVENT! Cheer on your favourite Senior Star participant in our regional musical competition. Refreshments served. Call today to save your FREE tickets. 15% Off 1800 Appleby Line, Unit 10, Burlington 905-637-4446 X 229 GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th 45 ANN STREET 8:00 am - 12:00 pm AVON Products, books, CD's, household goods and more! CONTENTS and MOVING SALE Saturday June 16th 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Yellow & Pink Tags June 6 - 16 56 JOHN STREET GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th multi-family GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th 8:00 am - 12:00 pm GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16th Visit us online at 100 Ken Whillans Dr., Brampton, ON 29 CRAIG CRESCENT CtK school uniforms, gently used and some tags still on. Girls clothing, all sizes, Aritzia, Lulu Lemon, Garage, H&M, Le Chateau, gently used and many never worn. Dance shoes, ballet, tap, jazz-many sizes. Dance body suits and tights, some never worn. Solid wood furniture, light fixtures, mirrors, fine china, Wall art, household items, book shelf, Books, school supplies, scrap booking supplies. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm 12 ROBINSON ROAD toys, videos, furniture, books, baby stuff and lots more stuff .... 22 LAWLOR STREET 7:00 am - 1:00 pm Call 905-799-7273 or scan our QR code for more details on our competition.