4 ·The IFP· Halton Hills ·Thursday, June 21, 2012 MTO official says widening 401 is `best approach' "We feel that the widening of the 401 congestion and accident de401, plus the north-south connec- lays and has no capacity to handle But now he is saying the MTO tion (a.k.a. 4-2) through Peel is the more than average traffic demands consultants "quantified" the impact best balanced approach to 2031 as to 2031 and there is limited flexof a 4-3 highway on community, a result of this additional analysis," ibility for future expansion. cultural environment, agricultural, said Wang. The planners had also looked at green space, land use planning, "This is a very welcome presen- widening the 401 to 14 lanes but it economy, transportation, road de- tation," said Wards 3&4 Councillor did not measure up to the 12-lane sign and constructability and cost, Jane Fogal. "We appreciate that un- scenario. and have come up with different der a lot of pressure we got you to The next step after approval of results. look some of our issues that were this new strategy (expected in the Last year Wang told council- not strictly transportation but some fall) is to begin study of the exact lors that the planning has to look of the cultural and agricultural is- route of the 4-2 highway (from beyond 2031 horizon, but Mon- sues and natural heritage features York Region, through Peel to the day night he told council, after a that were of concern to us. I'm glad 401/407 interchange in Halton debate the plans are designed only to see that those things have been Hills). until 2031. Any strategy after 2031 more fully studied." The study area encompasses would require another study when Halton Hills resident Wendy lands between Eighth Line and MTO would have more reliable in- Bruchal, founder of CRASHH, at- Winston Churchill Blvd. from 10 formation on traffic patterns gen- tended the meeting, to thank Hal- Sideroad to south of Hwy. 401. erated by increased population. ton Hills council for their efforts over the past year. Impact of 4-3 highway alternative "Thank you very much Impact of widening 401 to 12 lanes for your commitment on this, and for MTO's par· 26-39 homes · 20 homes ticipation on this (ad· 5 tourist facilities · 20-30 businesses ditional study) and the · 27-32 water crossings · 37 water crossings community should really · 1 provincial wetland · 1 provincial wetland proud of this wonder· 2-7 archaelogical sites · 2 archaelogical sites (minor) ful group of people that · 1 heritage landscape (Scotch Block) · 140 hectares agricultural land we have elected," said · 450 hectares agricultural land · 21 farms (sever 10) Bruchal. · 42-54 farms (sever 13-19) · 60-90 hectares of industrial land Negatively, the wid· 40-50 hectares of industrial land · Cost: $440M (plus $75-113 M in propening preference would · Cost: $510-560M (plus $100M+ in erty acquistion costs not allow an alternative property acquistion costs corridor for minimizing Continued from pg.1 Teens rescued Halton Hills Fire Department and Halton EMS teams responded to the wooded path area in the Guelph/Mill Street area Wednesday at 11:15 a.m. to attend to two teens who were in distress. Friends called 911 when one of them reportedly stopped breathing. The pair were taken to hospital. According to police spokesperson Sgt. Dave Cross, there were heavily intoxicated young people in the area and one was initially reported to have vital signs absent. Yesterday was the last day of scheduled classes for Halton secondary school students. 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