www.insideHALTON.com · OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, July 13, 2012 · 18 The Regional Municipality of Halton Access Halton at: www.halton.ca Dial 311 Please contact us, as soon as possible, if you have any accessibility needs at Halton Region events or meetings. It's Our Own Garbage What We Did in 2011 By participating in Blue Box, GreenCart, yard waste, reuse and household hazardous waste programs, Halton residents are sending less garbage to the In 2011, the overall waste diversion rate remained constant at 57.6 per cent. This rate applies to all waste material managed by Halton Region through our programs and services. It is important to note that 60 per cent of household waste (i.e. Blue Box, GreenCart, Yard Waste, Metal, Backyard Composting, and Grasscycling) was rates in Ontario! Thank you Halton residents! How We Did It Communications & Outreach including WasteLess News and Waste Management Calendar community groups and apartments reaching 27,772 people www.halton.ca/wastetools) @HaltonRecycles and blog www.haltonrecycles.ca Waste Diversion Programs plastic plant pots and tray recycling at the Halton Waste Management Site Extended Producer Responsibility (Industry funded programs under the Waste Diversion Act) In collaboration with our neighbouring municipalities, Halton Region has advocated to the Provincial government resulting in legislation that has enabled increased support from industry for the proper recycling and disposal of material through the following programs: www.halton.ca/takeitback) www.makethedrop.ca) www.greenmytires.ca) 311 Joint Municipal-Regional Waste Management Committee The Committee was established as a Condition of Approval for the Halton Waste Management Site when it opened in 1992. The Committee advises Halton Region Council regarding programs and strategies to promote the 3Rs--reduce, reuse, comprised of members from Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville. In 2011, the Committee focused on supporting and reviewing the development of the 2012-2016 Solid Waste Management Strategy. The Results through reuse, recycling and composting programs: 124,654 tonnes Amount of materials collected at the curb, depots, events and Halton Waste Management Site: 1992). Visit www.halton.ca/waste to read Report PW-39-12 for more information on Halton's waste diversion results. What's Next On November 16, 2011, Halton Regional Council adopted ed the 2012-2016 Solid Waste Management Strategy. The goal of this Solid Waste Management Strategy is to reach a waste diversion rate of 65 per cent by 2016. being developed in 2012. Visit www.halton.ca/wastestrategy for more information. Novemb Halto n Regio n's So lid Was te Man agem ent St rategy our www.recycleyourelectronics.ca) Special Events Waste Halton er 201 Region 1 Counci l Report 12/13 0512