Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 19 Jul 2012, p. 4.

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4 ·The IFP· Halton Hills ·Thursday, July 19, 2012 GEORGETOWN GARDEN CENTRE 140 GUELPH ST. 905-877-8882 (The former Georgetown Fruit Market building) Residents voice cell tower concerns Continued from pg. 1 said no for three reasons-- health risks to people and livestock, devaluation of property, and because it would be an easement on his property. "You still own it, but you can never sell it, and you have the privilege of paying the taxes on it," said Brander. "It's way too close, they seem to be hiding behind the Safety Code 6 of Health Canada. But at one time they said tobacco was good, asbestos, there was no problem with that...wind turbines, they've just finally said they will have a study on the health effects (of those)," said Brander. Greg Riedstra, another Winston Churchill Blvd. resident, is also opposed to the tower, which if built, would be about 250 metres from his home. "My number one main concern is health," said Riedstra. "The EM radiation is 24-7, we don't escape it." He was hoping to see someone from Sheridan at the open house and speak with them, but said he did not see anyone. "They're either saying they're the good neighbour, or they actually are the good neighbour ...if they are the good neighbour it's just a matter they didn't get the information, and we'll change their minds." He added there will be "legal repercussions" if the tower is approved-- for Sheridan Nurseries, Bell, the Town of Halton Hills and perhaps Health Canada. Bill Stensson, CEO of Sheridan Nurseries, said three people from Sheridan were at the open house. "We didn't have (name) badges on because we didn't host the meeting," said Stensson. He said he spoke to at least three neighbours there. Regarding health risks, Stensson said, "we believe Bell Canada and Health Canada are very responsible organizations and would not do anything to harm the population. "We have a contract with Bell to lease that land, it's a firm contract," he said. Moving the cell tower location would be Bell's call, he said. Regarding the potential health risks of the tower, Jason Laszlo of Bell said, "all our sites across Canada meet every applicable local and federal requirement governing the construction and operation of telecommunications infrastructure. This includes health and safety standards and public consultations." Comments on the tower application can be emailed until July 23 to Bell will respond to the comments. A summary of the comments and how they were addressed will be provided to the Town of Halton Hills. Town staff will report to council on the issue, but the Town is only a commenting agency on the tower application. Industry Canada is responsible for providing approval for the tower. As of Wednesday 343 people have signed an online petition ( opposing the tower. 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