'j, TII cA A-I&A cN 4L *1 *MP I oN. HÂVNG PURMIASkID ONE 0F TRE ARGT Tabla tti OP#oitsrtyof lafsWaing bas aajeros castoiners sud the Pubùlieýeerly, hthwl n f dcspq .at . F.thîja Iiniaam Stock, coostlng 16 pan of De «dpriùted Muslin,' tlo'll. Dr=sePatteres coau &Il Caors landi Site-ts, TbbtCss.leala e*Bi, ~ 141MasSe Windaw aur"i., Wlaàdow Hoilnad Btak Hoa.e àr7 ,igs weItd7i4rdK Go -e les u yEel o1 " ' Yelret ibbong, Ae mgga Vl,' ~~ ûJ ~ ie nimloe-t, French - - FIàIIE1UhIIU Diaiel âdreusrtel : n he- oj e, - i ait e itaeaoasih a ralypals t atiaVclaa * lias,# y vo .ýuý» t aasmi Mraie of iniaureut -b3pe o là tae LATEST!, do.t tbin 4'ue p4inttheoS osasàe probeime. t, hiasks th.sar as viraa i Pe..~.i Bort ,,au antt S eny lm on tbh isla e. ira t lte il<o. L dbore testirooiîy 10 thé ffoýis w1 v Il àREïrVIll 1BOT &SHOEl;9AEEj ko- Oppstè 4bêl Stols,(Ttineru i l -tcùif) tai .al c dsrsttsld to It ,pucctcalt sgd tai osthsest eete « ý 24-Ij17 n Dalias.toe, woCotre e o:de- Jlh. Mr, nof . h ~nmlsalIoa~ban~fsr .B il teeose Goodu Wàtd s . qj1 Ou,_ ivrathlrs!! lio s! dob kthbs CIatLu cdLos s ma Tse 0Il r6 bp.osboss p ci, Una4o eer ccl r ande f eoie lit . oe h akse Cuteaa t dtb et oib aibe. uth@ ma ot he :mass pg pé cep ne, osandy a <frmieet ta y me var. etts ortpa tt et es 4îr ofa 'In Aies Ce s Pale tnt lîtinro. se bica Mca Ssbnri "stre e ue tosotie afwsys Pol et the a1 co t "fI-ri S caidî s -or Umap.s f 550 ln. ieif vhe. - th& mi) i uelli.49 I! ý D 1 & tlé eJ "P e nu ot)4n sP o'be7à.date AtCo l ae iolptns sp sosec ; or lista1 s i t i W ls.adetaitsescf in WOÔLEN a kOR. î ali tMig&isiee LIN'?S'OORT e ta r 9lbtbsaîtge7xiliums.In le tlmn g : e per ig *ll 1on lb la so i:theosrll ile es cFerb.11 ttt ansdllojle t*o et tel, HiE hrby evssyebi a buiïbi po er ts libepegi vof41 o, jCo.-',.;pr ltalga fia.;super l srbgîe4tiil r0a o uauei i tbo T edgl Md ho bcbsijaUaeMsltu baelourage- "tEUSPpEowerJPI Ut4152t15 Wc DuounI; ô MCn..6! 'rra-ip aicielsal sai l elefo lieu t eal~Wtcp ee~ 4as 4«31p, wocge cltehlasl.rcei rM lise i J~~1 e a 5a..~Duj* T Wo Twnm=te "M,11104H. L ktonE0SXj DUS0 DLWAJ i~ LLIAI i .4' C901liy sffwoMt M lricrt ab ýOLD SQUE-sso We aaiaicflitwd up, lin god ordre Irce ~ ~ n hommeaN wuACIN tbr uctu e lolir .eWstep s reatarite PFaitory,4 Lalgai aortasento LL WÔO0£ LOTHS1 a n d * W an G Do hnevr et 8yIba caa4 Lcte l'ttrai etbeAasspy.ato -anhe Itbcase ket eoaaieadity IoaiaosbdQoeebi IvAqSI neite re 8 l caiOtaaagraus field ehl abs , -mIeoes Pa Sitlydry. 'Cat tsTag Lio Rilaceddo= ençVséte erely; - Cie It* i peoes <tvlne e nd ttr Id. l s5pluae,, fm irn a .at . 1o oosue i us ulsauadsl tin tes pria, e amDowsuaacturinir a.le ô(n f gceda ftcasWeetveb g ln ti te ooetry toen à sseteeal we Rendtid o oltte assnsy, erilch ail be I1 rielaîd basssgstorseres, cit conY> e k"lit4OfWooI ne * lw l.,ernia..~ !lo leouwilllpa cprise lainopstImon Il raril oîe-. cttention pcîî lta lia tcg ofIale rdt for suosu sadet etFcwlt i Oleas t 'o fremg atlsoaclrIfaag ores or iaythse Yi, donc ls the blce or Mt l ithe o 4. ÂtA4.- lng tbalet to tw aPublie frtbe v t patron: gaiifùen&e j ntiacas cle by tbic asar' t erefuro ret a.asred abiat no - bahte . 6f abelrs e vlll b. vuatlsg te etanelslis haraotr ogèair e ria. y 2à, tee:. . - 22n lu! u .per a asIl r Fetcy 1c, keep toalce alae as se t ti 0cn s s ' n e l o a bs b e TJNIO VTWEEIi$S Rie- leu je odli.tall'te- a 9OUthe .vsble met ..t1 aslseAl oime, UNE4mTe ttU'. (utfEbe T e~~~ ~~ Prees feurssiere ~ g tiae 's1,ar*i't s lesago Olt, JB0Cfield Mio nOpcvi~ ete a pcéyte ais keep banl Sa U in Ia c assnl seo l é~a*nILtthe wel'd suriaè réoste.sl - a i .". .l .ble w ste atil d' lseo ____ if OL y 3 Froin the best asakers suld o be, bat qiaatiy et leirmeid reqale5ar mld 0df Stataseor AI Tmi ýCHEAP GROOKRY T ioRtEl George Sm ith. .Curor fmain '<batus.is JUST ;RECEIVED". A LARGE 49T 0F NAiLs, PUTTY, LAS SIIOVELS, SPADEFS,U IAIS. BJAY FORKII. -SCRUSBING and VBrlICWÀSii UiUN CAP$l. POWD ~, SUOr, Il or wbil 1 ujb eWnst a iv Picrs5 end bepiti2yliosse in aba t Toblaiat CEEAP. l'es Sell Tceaiics Istddor. Fsuic a mdà otrarticlesooalyrqieitcycn GEORGE IHS .JesC ara-ied and of Gond quai ty. '(SEpstoOt. pP2ose. GEORGE-?ofTm' am aielss prepaiel b aon« dp Taero Keepcis asd ti oit taLf4uars3( &U hed» dHOLI eIWiN9 ton.L 3ct à. per Anti atlé-peiwat-d*i o a tt 4t C . gon. etitlos. CEt I Stfeeîs 52 Ury 4~ù~ds ! DRJSS OD. ~ALPACAS, PEINTS, 1lI1DONS LACES, 121811 LIN£N. TABLE DAMUS DIAPERS, mi w ceoL, - FELT BATS, àq.âc- 1BOOT8 & SHOES, la grect aicy, etu'as on haed. GROCERIES!1 GOOD TEA, CIIEAP SUGý% 1,Mes. covado, Oehd astitond, RICS OOFFEE, GOLDEN taYiÙP, RÂtIINS. CURBAWMI,, ktta'E,- 1 CREI TORACCOi, FISE, 80 &P, CANDLE,, VINFceUJl, AND SPICES 0? MLL KINDS, Taigstbee with evorp saher attIfe ornait> kcpt le a Gcoccr epsseWIl. COMMON ANcD FANCY siti lenletis or by ths Dpe. 15k tpans, Crqam crochu, ..aasuw u~5maaao ~Ioa. -A splndi.d lot c bf Bleek ls Sib A-ÇOMPLETE ASSOIR LAD IES -ÀND G A large lot of ,Ladies Bot a si sulerior Tatry Carpetîeg aI Wosi. Corpcting Twoandsti lre. p A Loto ior Oi Ccthà. lutudaag pu rç neq OKE OF THE LA.RGILST ST'OC L DIANt $UMM£ lIent A Ellotta us Pl- l'v .Friser k&to.'e Union WolDyctI iWsaot M lisIlastBrndcd loib Fritcljit a - tsiDsbn5 tebTwes sin gria aricly, hit, (siaSalit Fracas. Blut emis,, Jems lripe. - . ' * . * Lieoe sud Coilas Dîapcr, D1E WO ULD ALSO CALL PAR TIC ULÂR A 'E Iwo HEÀVY HARDlWARE!c ROMseFiad4aga, Osatsg- TeOisa StiilsLr * arsT% oajIaý T. St Ho lgi U- éutiBa.e GsafttogSak hvtid~au Red, SIdCd---Ln Puis leS et 5L u laîthaIlge, Bdefde~i~ YI E lê ()il.t 1-r e f tae Japoe, PatentI> M&. sel U ty %eraïat tt s i e d tb slersanl 'WD.h .A. LirO~~Ioe bbjsdo ýâ.l. er t pisa. tlmleirlse&aai [Brlei'St muit a ouj I'eu=Bmgwslr pponl MItO A Iila, 16e r4DM As blisSock 0forblths, Tveeds, die., lunou very larg, astei a-l mariti aàntila> hiasaui. tiat for Stye, Quattan Prian, bas Ooii annt est ae ad utic aylacdy ir"ac to sOapete wilb abus uho demiinlaSI-p Uoiiing-bast to oeil s psirchaig UlotbagCietsestablishenat iltLeâd pelces u lau sagond usa-k caue p A cuplata Stk of llesdy Matie Clttlig ai aadc o the prrailc. IN TH iw hi f caand a choîce tet of Fsmity l3racries nt Prie n el Veoug ai" ops e ahiUn stena of "icdi oet enp lmisoiagarticle as eàlauit listsois viE compare facorsatp uwith atphbc Great Ikducements wfll be 09 TMENT OO' STRAW HAT&S!ý of the latest style and Lnish. Unosdo,.Uesp do. atire a.'à juottIo ta liandi an Umsm 'V CX.IfDA EST.OF . ' si isw frele Mîil Dnwkda >tckti s Nsjrt at 1LTTENVTIWN-TO ,I*IE ykseptng nos. bultromt ales. vorkhas e ta.LiCi lié iseaing w, pre.teîîic astarti Clthlngaiaitaeperaa IL, leut ises Article ai e Pair Pcýce o adýit scsily bai niau le ic C.saal. pr suw as eny cilie haiaeg tn Towe. la aieicé it. u-Pbli, heislu atiss ta n bwti ause l ie tTrasls. ' rered orOdash11 NEW ~P JNG G O AS j8PEcýAË NOTICES. TWEYY'J.Ii3ARS AG0., cati Drsgtg et tie clIp c f BlIe; N. Ylc- 13011nréale,.. Isatel d masnsfacloeolaamposacdkos IlollinrakeMIt's liaQucof Hoarisuati, wbicb soa 1 T .pertrct apeaiilaifai Coegbuts,0Mirney Brisa . ; ilTO . aial se busg Diicutties awat'Itm tlup. £ noS esu necc riog oc rtensice Stock of Goal, l'or thc lnnpenosfct! i s Castampe, onnd std, or sabtcs disoge efabe vesler.- I siîbasoa b:_ lthemfo firetotclas. boses m eicsmailcsteadeaîc, bc ltident- Espprs rah cfrn osl t l a o b s u f.elliag GIo cti a iaap, anewl dcc t it attrsilaa as a hs fllo ws- b ope sa W b s e er ti k béi el l. a - isstai moprsag e palettasof bis Stock. Balai oef ltsbriassnla preoiocessa lthabsboa Straw Sommets, Ladies and Mimes'. lBats la the Newest Sgyle, reesi «tatlteal sojomlutipeeicl.fl lower1S, ParaSol1, Plumes, StaYs . i tatsioas, counteira-ub, ad. molt 1'or>- p5h ci4~burgsý -libbewo - Prim%:, oue aoapounda, iaadér t4e camne <iiiosga ef luiiFà4 FaneDreslîs[Iorbouel. Tbcaerce, mlwya las care1otle Prbuted Delalstes. oel fer ristols Il, ýdeehtbl r - tes sîgattors ba 'euthe otilde, 4bel of Ibe MANTLES IN CLOTII& SILK EN THE NEWEST SqHÂ,PES ttiti M a.'iauIniclneble Mdoltta.b s bec GeRtlomenaa Btraw e-id S&ÈàÉta - nov ooRoetucsiy-cae jeas e ore Illes pubile ald vihtia t u r a oaolias part el tiatijoie WHITIND OREyCOTNsIrns c Iýeady-Xade Clothing,&o.,s faOrder.lias Melclae q nuJalifié@.atimî t JMSIILIIZSenolaaibtiarers, atloalélikn Nimtos, Apnit1, 1062.chenl b. tilesail. - çIlla Georgetaivby R M .- ;Q1RQÇE1IIES. ÂND CROCKERY! '! mATuweWSîcaOCOLATEI'S f 8UQ13RG Ws~ ~ ~~~~~~~I, ar osco tjflt g1~igai a aluglvelat trimetiaspaaei. Nsior faIl te leslrop ald sstc e at t ss,.u,~. ___ bblsolsminal Wero., ArooalI T0as-50c, 75c, , Gy 20 11o tbe1rmé WE ARE ABOUT TO OFFER A &110.1? o" -ss. m4aapcehb 5 eltlots tb perfetsa.ufeby.asa tmasa nbo étltlvjapaaobaa.ukibuaIleî Tu vibls %be-*léto0baui atalia -oboing ernatl>t esl e nPlace etgreea Tea-trp1la. cblrto .. R (N is1 t n.2o v t a S:CR. HEA P! abi suaes. blyrr ise~c isla lI 14-Mm Lo:$ Superior Rctined Sugar il Ibe. lot -$i. timlrlMlcne' à 1aCandies for' 95c.bottp 12ic. perbar. ' P]ENSYtLVA1N lA ROCK OIL 4t5c. ]PR GAILLON - i4peta n.* te t e ApeIl 1, 1862 ' Â5AJi50 NIALTONNIUTUA LM Urie > tettes. . ,b 1.sbih dile asi pilbun uru rad T M al vbieb a Wssaa lir eo ,]Mru uftwaIy s~4lplalgcp fIE MJ. OF CA.5<ADA. Ltrsl a etliqt. ieris'b nolncedsorolot"isésjat asmt Ys tIsaES 1 asoomanusa ofeor Oc5u1 ecc biraIj ot1 Io Wg ]Ws 4WeS n thabem08 a11 fiietslic T.nohlsvae Lambe by pbn nB blosof cIl PromlmiiNotes o e taFras (,setnzreSltbationa, ari uob.,saasrIg.aïsnoh -f. 1 .efied O*ie.5lla ~~ Red ...................... 5,15 P. X . odÂAgent, vil i ssriM 5. e Ii t . A AAR. Seerelary. ttl5ed,,...... ........a5A ~rterefsL 1 i May) 15allv t a~e n. ' G01 N G EAT ig iere&W.., -a-- ~~~ - -i l'ss~~.s .... ..........4,005p-M. FrsslyI spatjl au~. gANS loto l.thue cflisusbcriber- -~~ *' s .~ si e rgmovhtjj, a J sUs'Lt Ogoasadot, Base bisa, W. SRANLY, Go an îager. Tesgsouio e' o h, C.lt. CHIiSTIE, Supetessent. i,- .&I OLDiGRAY MAOE ir~cUyttto. AGE ~s .- -~~-ge.aaatF5*f '. ' --- PosI Offle iopen$a at 7, .MCoe RÔèBET siMI-soN. at 12, rlan3 a>c&an ut 1, P.M., Clometa- sssea îe4ir 'bé6 si TrsfcIerKu~~(blkLi -na-3 7,.r. :U. ~î~aeis.bl os1 isil lif t t t I . 't r , t-t'- --i.." t., 1' b t i 1 ýl 1 1