DR~S. McCOLL & SYIIR DR. A. G. lBRENNER. phyalcii- a- O.iaei PALERCMO Ph... Brefto r LEGAL WILLIAM I. DICK liareiOter, oltor and 0000e CO. IitTCtlINSON mil-,oOee 000 A. H,000 A O 0 00oo,0 & ILLIOTT GENTISTRY or DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Oao- 0c rooeiThceioe. X l0A SERICEtiAO 00EXTROACTIONO DE. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON OffieeoR 0 tDoal ttoooteg ftlo T RATYOooi- l'y.0.000000 0.0 "OQUALITY PAN'D SERVICE' PHoNE 42 w. ' MILTON H. WHEELER Teachep of PIANO ani VIOLIN Peepile irepared fer Toronto Cois. seeivatory of Munie ' aminatiens. KinIf St., Milton, Ont, PHONE 24. Mrs. F. B. Rusolil Superivîor et Publiceteisool Micli and Piano Cassee. Teaciser of Volte. Plana and Theory. Ai ecddae t-rcto . -aOiOàt0 andithery sicmufuniiH St 'di. -iiO0darafi Milito Publie chani .. Wdiidoy. Toronie Addea-2n Weitaeorisnd So. POLLOCK & INGHAM Seicemei-a te Calai- & WOtis MONUMENTS Denîgne oneRequnt.' GALT. Pisone 2%48 ONT DR. STANLEY BRAUND D)ENTAL SURGEONI C. R. T UR N ER 4- At oostdeu-,Uharl-e St.Fanerai Direcer by ao-ooi r poo'00 nd Babalmer xO. OooOe RAyT Ph... 209 ____________________ Agent for Gale. Fanerai Guigna. _________________ RONB 63 MILTON. Phone me for ___________ TRUCKING of Ail Kinds Also for Sale LIe, Fire, AteobIll, Brilsry S ood haod Rfond Steel. Plate Glass, Accident. loati. i-Brooo. (Channel ron. Angle [ron, 6% itot"rgad bd Bonds. StelPlate,,Pipe, Shaftiog. PI'olry, laogers. and steel of all kmodo. District lteprescitaiii M. MICHNICK SUN LIFE INSURANCE CO- Phonre 171or Soka MILTO'N, ONT. 1 F.D- DEWAR i-buse 72 0oUae0r. Os àMW CLU BBING R.ATES. _________ Rui, T. GQ RAMSHAW Toronto Doly Globe $5.00 86.35 vjna ~Afo Mail and Empire.... 5.00)635 . vinlee se Ialns Toronto Daily Star.. 5.00 6.35 sàles endtstla msL e glu-ci Montroal Fam. Herald and Weeklv Star.. 100 2.85 PifoU 108 . MIO CO0UN -rY 0 F KIA.TONI LOCAL COURT'S ,C*LKt4#"W î sibu Bgz -M1-ne NaSe A» Au Moo Md50 b.smsGB.O Hot'Water Heating . Warm Air Heating Tinsiithing Eavetroughing d Water Pressure Systems e Septic Tanks THE J1. F. Crowloy Co.t MAIN STREET, MILTON TELanootax 2L REIINecacs2050 'Tnaing Alone Presrvea tise Toue')d H. WHEELER MILTON. ONT. Piano Tuntng, Voing1 Aotlon Regulatlng and Repatlmg. emmeth ae a plae i&. i-sdce ata ,c v n r S aàé ssced Petote 24. st P.0. Bex 1W4. T. F. CHISHOLMI Licenaed Auctioneop Parai Sale» glren Prompt Attention. PHONE 9-r21 - HILTON. FRANK P ETCH! LICIENSEIS AUCTrIONEERi Fer tise onetion et Peel and Halton. Prompt Service. Telepisone», Ohelteaplte litr38.Geegetove i. T.0. DOL'SON BRAMPTON, ONT. Lteoennd AuOtlonoeP Far tise Co=stofs et Ie»and PFui. ]PARK SALE8 Prenpi yAttmed tli; Fisan 17-r31 Braaiiplo. s A M, H Frso mhe esn&»ie» 4e dla StienMd eutvi- b se cen». ' toi-ce On "tsaoatseriMad iE -s soi-e otse o aui- estUia 0isos = I ouwgtlde.ibnse stfs.-ugstisgbemm1 tellabi-texan sin i ois Wgaon rle ts -qnbg i a ia tes ad seondir paeiat»Oc ail "ie' lgtad gene aeUiia-e forcselectheclt HoneItheacpren- tsar' t.e lteseetmois tatbtatiuni Otion, sbail ligistaînatmbvesall eid mteaisefnilfors Ha Aincostite 01pe Whe» etiallte e briulat.î A r te. ieun lngvtialbn be Theada l e mi-raits tise pureda dtei'm oing viseltisai- ti itatigot laite'hal gtai n a b ic aotai- tisiscastcBDApo -aperannofbale c entertainanent. A ne '!bseetien ln iseen fond te voman's modernoe- tueiraod tbe use utfesil nste»d et pwool ekirt.. Accordag to tise Aconstical Socle- ty ot Ameia tise resuit et tnvsstIg- attans tisat were accepted an ecidence sisoieel tiat.tise pr-enent atyle of drens la ebout tvicesi naisy an tise gar- men te etan aider fameilon. PoimeilY a woman'e trilîlat drs'eeof veolle ansterial youd abaarb a ocantt>' of eoaind equal te tisat 'ehisis escaffc tisioucis a vindaw et 4.7 fact aguaie. naeiay iser come alserb oly' 2.2 equare test of noise. becaune tise si-anti' ailkgai-mentes'reverberate tise niseessadas icis vealien vuld zoome. A man's suit stil' retalnemn ais. fseri-btg quallty otf 1 r tact. Thisee veetigatlis tisat isa" y peldesi tises i-anuIte vere undertakepi ta detèrmine tise relative values ai 'satn absors. ai-s, vitis tise nimate atm et ImpiO- lag ernustleis publie places. LAMP HLACxý Cmoison lea mOentdouefl lubsimue ta tise Weeld. Tise mont vendes-taI substansce t»ý tise world la cas-bita.Sont" l black, uad pene leRsamareiftm et i-aibai-en astise dianiend. Tise cai-boi stoi puaem onaie i- moakable qualiti'. It ciaisaOthei atome te cambune isteisege graupe as tailesfi-aise icisail Siodaet o s .nje .aem. '.]3y icem mtle» isl J.fIS~" to syfo = an outside point, a ote s -for any proe Vs 1 tte t l mb r eil àt any Branch etbi Bank and secure a 1A1risonia .If e507 the, 0 vndewtl la etortis. Di-aft for the amondnti "over the counter," couse la . m< fro lee 1 ýtaver. tl with no delay or fa m* , Banik o oa oi i~w~*t ~ W". pastir eosld Willsed tc tisatai - drafts offer a saf e w convenient method ai Wis< e5Od o Croate nuage.gs t - W isooks m at à Bcasutle aaing money away.' Lsd*Ie 54tes siare o eît ooul i a ke. It resemblen acans- lwrbbie ;ansosets'nare Wal, foi tic iiitise airor la tise moon-tor H BAa( N VA S O I ee~B~tserct "îlortis Polo" din- rcaIly vomantie coatis damnoct loak]O A S O I Ëwe-40am by Mr. George A. Kiemier.an if It Vrse ever I id ted obe a TH BA K O tse Champn Kng, et tise Bava)lforti-es. bu arthei à work 0f pure. bel te te at var. Tiis baisquet if somevisat feoleis pisantlay."1 ESTABLUMED 1832 visuel-tM $e»Q*1 a isead. vae leelO la Màe Wliaer Garde»» decorated te i- TEIf LOHSTER. Capital 632,00,000 Reeerve 824,00,0 mensat tise toijeOf the wvend. . a te ceotre aboudtise Pale, imr ChlasesAong it Wlitise Shriaip. Total Ameeaor $265,000,000 nded lby teebergs and filtit»of Cenis.anssi armacle. j.AIcEO à,IlneTrna asac lvaidanatCof sii--ar iotnd ta varices Part» et tise world leob- *w P. basatbltt"n ennd stre -biighly « eeesed for tise________________ u., ba Pole. t iea tioable, bat tise variation mont comoa- at pbuae lteie the e i ~î Il placesi on tisenmai-ket are foond pendY ontie cr 5. oeeO1909.enter- Sloisg tisoe es.of tise mnrtis AUiantlc Boouas rnKseci-d. 1T0he nter ond ý Mediterranean se». v Jttau oeEn A.Tie ner-Tiselobter han a pretertîve ci-est. , taal pnAsna a l raisil [e 1 tseefr caeliedBteo' eal at Da.ays'. l .c,- hiile tise-river banlis f-oic-. h l.g nd it tis foe si asi-tf is.bi-a Bauras. Sud aulway bridge ta tise end lo nd ct ertai s raneanae eom oofi n ee ese PL litebmi-Masi-a utacea.uth e isnt 1al tate, o r let Cohtmerc la lit p ltel- le I andcaeinaiter rne cniae, l rane-beds. traenand liesgerava. Aon I lrea-lattiseb....,itcoriad ce e.tetadha ge backgrouend tisa-ean a scontc CIty of tisen-btethaele i-enSe rd-hn E m ie.o adR n e Alioses.prepaied by epeelally rom- tsengibsteulppakd t M.lne orBte99oigi alg n lateg misiosel artiste. And tise feast vas Altisg uPedlo t wbth lnertrCok ofaig n eaig vnrtsy ofettise background. mlegs aothe l by Ol e ite peoverof-. Fonedte er tnm it rwr ihf 1 ftel ltbYwhlchlt can make audelen N edt or i Itmso hnbaking w »h a U. 0. saOWult SAN('rUART. ecka trdmonate b lai-ce tWo f rronTt Empire Rural or sihe a n Br ite Day hey ooted son llfM~h5Ot5. Semetimen Il teviowe ln te sandy ttdy growth je populacity and sales, due to being urictly Acorrespondent from nocten, botton and maee a rachbtet food, M hogh grade, ouperier te ail othere in peinte of ecenomny, eflici- Has.. write» vlth rafereace te wle vlitch It tuai-de vlcei-euey. itseremse raiy. simplicity and beautfful le design. Ask yeur coigbbor. aver sancteaiis betng set tpai-t le ta pi-fer fi-ekb mateili but Ic i, p Shnhetn England. and staten tisat nome tisier abore doleg siavancer duci h hsoe , eMr ga MeMbere ef tisa Lanox Tise temale may predace ne many PhnZ C.T A & SO ,Mto Garde» Club, et Leneen. Hase., n-e- 5,090 eggs, whii-biciomi-tloi-d Poe2 .T A O ,Mlo lied tise "Pleamant Valley Bird ou~t tiste uader surface ef ber body and SWiII, Ployer Baectuan'y. li.," and are rarrled about wlth ber foi- eeveral anqie îlte te a tract of somt 300 montiss. Aiment as 0000 as tbey us-e ars ai vaodlandn and abaadoned Iatiiesi, Younc leboteru bett _________________________a_____ f as'sn landn one ths epaetfbeantîfu efl i-nof moltiag this iells ah i-h LesasSotin ln tise Bai-tsire repeala Itnelf at intai-val8 octil thar Huiset Wsten Maeacsusetn. harave attaleed thei- r rth. apti- mu uusmU a5I ,5U UuSu a i Il bistianad animale ai-e pi-ucited mena var, l nea o-aeua y, is-nlioitetier asanhset.reewlbo osewsnmtrt atnCoa banuhot h bee aanllad theevrme ai-aatgised25 E L.Ji..ifi.0.e.aJ aI0 natiuie trahir. and tieseoilety It Io a remaikable tac-t that vison I a aiden viso al"actarts tise lebter mtse a lwi-ît' --g A N A C NC R native wlld foewei- ai-e rigily pi--per cent,.utftIti)ters aogh[ exhIbcaaisiteetI ueie ieaae eine bo htaot7i cactuS. caines scages oft tis erenewint lM THEL Seeclea vici ai-e native te tis re 0-. PI wGOi T É AT RE. M ILTON l planteel and it laisehped la time tisai tise maistnary vIieziibit prai-tlcallyA ail efthtie native ioanfethtie viinlty. Cossierble educatienal vui-k la daste by tisheetta lnaroustot in- teret is tise preeervatian cf wild boyers, abolition of bilîboarda. pi- tection et birde, and kinSi-ad matiera. TRE 114 SLARBE. essai sAisaArePaisons fer r hela Cusne. Pressacisspare a aeanon ar tiseir cuisine au are Pacocis-istels antd- restaurants. A feW Items tram thse lar "d as tae-rooni lista aftaa Isser sitt ftrom Havre serve te re-1 tete-tise b~ tee iat appettes are ser .1 teaejyly tertied vwitis iy an ocult 1 lacet 40,000 joaa ofd etf-s I Ï5Ot andi 10.000 paunde etfas, aleste9 'ectis 70,000 l iaStheseit. Tiscea ised;tupe'noftcaviar, 12,0001 iteanad 1.000caneaf1aipsaugibe .Psnttmriiy tari.--ld X huisndresi L-ie Sf cisoel= e1.snet .0n"ide aeaiif S. Amonttise ciseser1 Imlsetlastise-misila acallaln .lle Adept Thise tisesof Rtddiag Thiete saelven of titti lase. Hve-yisedy bas seen remmen iatu arcistiseir isackn anSd aw at the hart et a trac. Tis prattc iralaCemetool- deecribed as "saipeoloc tise claws- WIld caca are aiso addlcted to chie practice. In,, Aia mani- trean ara trr vaii meatisby theseiatnc umber ot 'cieetala or isutlog leeparsdtwicis go tisere tn ctaw tise bai-t. Trape are set arischti-iea tecati-b tisanaimale fan unee In untteg. Gi-. O. N. de Wanrdt. nf Beloît Col- loge, La an astiile le Science. etatas tisat tise notice htlmcrate dlaw the beakoret t es iai-pan thiai ilave je erreneees. it te eqeal' eireoneaes ta suppose tisat tbey go tisraugb tise Mmecuvres us aider te etretris and cacercime certain mumctee. He obaai-v- et split clav a t5ela ntise bai-k andi thse reine at ofeeveral otiser clv lytng. an tise giopnd sns a tree vise-ehis pet ont maie a practire ot 'isiar is claves." 11lt um DrGi. Se Waci'St ex- pliS tisat cala sImd tciel claetm inte eals. lent-an damer seS tiaian- tis, ImiS intttise bark oat ci-ce leti mem» adoptcO ta rld tisete selMv4 *tt issu- 014clavsvitéishava _. Cz"teet. itreet censnaalan- P e 0f eclsbar. F.. rcty foond a lUw isthe K«6. 7. 17823 banc ofthtO an o Pont. Tisa paper JISCWe*B . entaineS, feus aanboltbsthtecaise af pi-ma- lTce pi-liselPa I ON Thursçla.y, Feb. 5th, 1931, at 8.15 p.i. I ASSISTED BY THE TORONTrO TROUBADOURS (lma.s Quatette) AclmiOUiwa 35 Cents. any of tisa Obeeni Seciety membare. UIGtI*CLASS SPRIE. TIN-G 0- We eau give yeui prompt and satis- factory sericîe in ptintiilg Le.t* Hfeads Ne Heads Envel* e, ail sizes Statement& Bill Heads Circul Tags, Cards Aue Sale Bis Dodgers ets, Bookiets Buuîne Visiiting Cards tationery rui may require. i tl#'dmefCoin lic Chotau Laurieri f,, i rth ï h r ' , ""' i ,g 'i;- ,,,] f 0eig . if f t ther f ti 1: ctio ocfortaby n National Cho irof Cots arc at to the go g or 'ne route Vicoiac. De ~lRaini