Valentl M W datm theo4udaTa oï"0 an Tueoada vmisae lutImaun. The a M tcWnl peem obe 1hal.c Inthre United Ohorch. 10ev. 1 Ml Iwaddviaisi USBUIot Y.P.L. leat Woemday svtalog, 'de Thon. Brown~@dm'shed man e an ugly ec n bi faim when kieked w a horns test Thurmday. Fred Wrigglomworth sl nmli k eoý_f A satifstary reo.ery tram hl@ reS o br-hm mis operatian. inm ri ai obaélmfl Foster Brain Ila la hompitai nloon-havW'1.Tb5tO lea b~Iim fl b ri tu, recaverlng tram a serions aperatian w. on 8aturday. l b Prhdgmn «ym The next meeting of the HornhY Y. 'à am55Iii1am or Sio~iwe the« cl P.L. wili hbc bl inthe IUnited Chorch eruiehot gradingDo il mnd the irnaq0as Sunday. t 8 p.m. BppliI.Bta Iruita whmre.Abe I&g l km ' a Mr@. Victar Hall la ick wtth pleur- pr:is-.a bpei.m cnfsion to theb. ieMussionBand met t the par.- mTeuIbn rsdglta 'hemittoV conage StrdBy. cnel"I r adm tha proucala basfte . lefcent-, iW»; i. atent. The Womien'm Inatitute beld a suc cInuthe mndlo the po 0f e a onfuiag. umnecc.S cesfui tocial oveaacg t the home ofuthecnlmrino 0ifln. rm tm . Mr. Robinsan, on 6thlione, on Wednes-- oued to express tohee Br diffèrent, g Th-st- oeii.r M 4lso day evenlng. For the pradocermable gradin« co; Ioft aTrâ- #rBusth. an.5Pauo' MIr@. Ciayton May làa lavly recaver- mans a. remsumfoqui e flant;l iagtrm e rcea aortie.~ ma s tablemarket far ench.goads In Reftoe-Erame Wrtlcy PeaiRaill. utleaaebaco Mra. Jas. McDaoll vistedlatve tse mcurig and mitie 9« oi -y Mrii i L in Miltan an Thuamay. hepmtmakt arl an o n oea- d*gd10 - -.ti '1&-A YR S Mia. Jas. Bailey visited her laughrtordpart adiketlprne and oalby nnor. MiOO W NSROND,7-.E.1 1L-b sL . : raf.,,& hcicM -e. d in Hmilan astvél. a supIy. the mont nmportanst fastar. Mictioca junioasva maeU teolbetlsd 'mId , hsupoae FI.8 AT B33saWànrau-UBghentprie.- Permi tng secaad eclandImare in. raund of the 0.1 . inoborpba- -dawnm fI extaa i11ev-lalaatassg l Al»a. gond prii .ld for 807 CAMPBELLVILLE. feraoranoale ta hoecalei '*Brate" and Ilat night ehen &h0y defettetMltasneuh ai hggrenopil. I mAH h ni Balla-I.appte. PhoneLynd- thon adapting caafusing tarmns for by 4 tao Inuthe aerena bore hefave 1.000 iahovimasîtse a ngond shapse. havt 6= or -vritto 1e aStJolne$ --4r-hotter praducta can have but anc ne. fans. tahng the rannd hy 7 goa1. l'bel MISCLLAN BOUS - 80 rots wireRoamI. Tronta.-il. Balay. The Ladies' Aid of Ê. David'a Church mat and tiret la ta permit prolueera lacivassott, vbleh praved tu hbcaace nec, et plattoru s9B1eB1200 03& Al RKInds of Tcuckîng Dame-lIve beid a vary secressful'Vaientîne Tesa af su-quaaity goals ta nnfairly exploit Xmînleas favor as they autelammiel )411-2 et;iangle harces. 2 atdb eraeant, stock. famitm aserie, short or long let Saturday atterconon and deapite consumera. tan lu weght aldcondiians rns po r 14lrotte creuserc"parolter. ianQdistaace&s. isanable pvlees-Stamley the icy raaditioc of the rmade and the A simple sygtom ila ch h "lrsla" gond cambînatlan an lnpassihliirlia tsufd gue engins.e. ru. butter Boardil phcsar27ml.1MIlles. PuillInfore- bitter raid weather there vata goal meaa fliras. and --seconde" moan Pay as tairlyfast andvras etvenîîîaîr ba. iB*hoîl esurttr. vline vat, atian t Coapens@ Garage. attendanrr. The programma luring serands ia naresar' in the public in- tram tarIta finish, muy penaltirl anil*, rrrîîng race. spray pnasp. car________________ the atterncoro va gi»en by different teresteanad ia the Interesis of thons e ing imposed. The tennis: jc.bodrsoe6 bc aai vembers rf the aocity, aiz.: piano, produrers vbo torn out articles that )dmanoaî.God: lefence, Murphy jarres h. roaeîoa 000 hîci racl fut ,ia omnra ,teUie solo, Mis Jean Corcriaol, Mr"' C.G. deuirve s preferred markt et aIBpro- and Lachbury -eoe n t re, Harrison;n@ab. chifiletrer. crkyokea foriastato gaernent-tht cosmlalr JaOD Zdurt, Mre. T. Mei'baii and trrred prire. Win"o. Daviluon acd Gruger;-eih., grain baga. coer posta. quaatity of closse the bcnepoe.Thsrae Modenîn. Mrc. B. Frrrio ; pianoa cria. Mrs. L. xxx TamIlnson, Stinton, Gar; sali. gaaier. rails. 3 stick s square tînuber 30 ftt 20 actiiedîsa-trpot.ThsrMInao Crwfrd uana t isliti grl, Immigration taOCanauda in the vay MeCtcheat. carde cari!. theelsambrsed"hrc4san oe and readîrgo by bîru Sheuit and Mis wrbave linovu it for tbirty yeare la Miton-Goal, Budy; letenre. Ta. BAYad GRAIN-110tant of bal tseniOsaby MeMilan. Tbe tva tableu vere lainty tke oe ad tefr osde-llaadFrd;cnr.Buhbey-_________adalaita,_________o witb prîng ouvrr s andvaientice itiwIlte or aslr oia aid oronad Orent But ________________ drroratioro, vbiie aiocg vîth the able perird. Tbrre are Incsdai W5Thmscationseent auo hy lW b alit,qU.Antity1o4, taoty rvtrhvrnts maIe everyrne dn"plc oait ou. o.cue that nover again vili the vile-apen. Lawis. Pryde and Transom ; ubi. aas, rly.-bon erd2 Dsall Oat.O.d 144.C LLCTR farget tbe raid outoidr..Ira?'priiry omeitchelogue.amilCroi . 300bu e talveat. 21 h4 us. ali el ET O LC Th YP . etanModa crncg At the presenit lime the peopt nhy- Reec-.MthlHmla. Sse.vlntrrrI,4bssîke___ TeY .Ai. Thet pr ograe vs r tbr uaiiy quasifllcand pooaesing means MOUSEBOLD EFFRCT8 - 3 bel- ITS NICE banderouthtbovilliage arebrit. Thce hr orxtete iiDtham Thteaoes aftht ChainStores ta. room usuites. clitan rug iici3, 3 tailet te recetin. irsli. me cf car mirsth'y topic warrtuber by A. T. Moorr and publieochargea, or lispiare the p1pe ayisItlueru. vhih elrse Lcit -1 ma-u rrtaoiuil y araiattb arrdyemio'e oià - inintheaf et that they sîverîlse est, .12 fI, extension tablr. ierord cud tltl5findmese itsatiflAISa jalr ebea ittdelmtiy bted paaa.cgae ?'their priree- cri oeilifor cash, 6 chaire. 4-piece living rom tsuite. coeu teuic Arragrvc ra r nse bsrion ofmade o rotra ainataraibu othe urcet ofthe . . . teelcmachs. titerochaire. No. 9 ar bi pvisi. areinarlh juniorrkisg staonrvacTicaurl resMate, o 2heoa T.itadb. asJoarird, lacfbai satfy tbArldgemertsai reaerme or aPrairie Provincesu arts an enditoafree C MAINGbrIerg2âtave, 4Oylc.iMie2ou o;iga orsowad dbi oiT the orl's ay f Paye sevic teland, and rver-produrtian of rereals ý ý A N etn.b.tv4yelnlus be bell ir St. Daidi Cburrbon iIalit ai bttyeo .~-. Nnev, carnet lOtS, a'linoleum ruaO 501 KELLY & AIKEN day atterroon et 230 'rlouk. Al h amleaatbrtve hsMi to UC,,I" e SALE 1A.minster rug 9c12 laieboete elmuihyar nvie ela iîkely ta impove rioviy and "" aCaibatCole aly LE The choieeat bhotil as the. pro. Colection Sporialiolo fon 40Yseart. la viestrit, ew marlietsare developel. uyCsattie hoc Dtiyprietor in.retirin trarm tarvîng No C;oletion-No Charge Me Misite W J earta vtri- arthefaim t theso prvincesade- _______ I andthe tarnibas beanel. Gep wnSud-Oaeil Mr adMr. .J.stwrtatMrk srngf r ettieru viliibo able ta 'The rn>ereigred lias beauinoîîuted hyi TRRMS-Hay, grain. sarI sold fatGubh0c Son-Oasele brim. _ -________ uaue Ibemce îfrliy, and stIlersrattit and ail îuvo aof 820. ta be cath LOWV1LLE. rumiaf to anc provinre viii have ta MALCOLM McFADDEP4 ovri that amount 7 monthba crel t on rettir ibere for a rearonahin terce oftol oeil hy publie rorlior ai lot5. leti lire, approveil joint rote.0'% perrsunaia yearr. Iiothur vorîet ley cesynot Trfalgar, 3miles carih ofMiltoreand'Of ftorrcshb. Mr. andMrs. Wm. Harris enterlair. immigratr as tormeru teoNev Bruns-. 1irileacetof ihbay, oni W. A. RU88ELL, Aurtotneer. ed St. GSerg's (liiîld enibir buveurn aîuk nI tbon tortbvitb into surîher TRhAé______________ Murduy rrerirg. Fub. îîîb Tbe erer- province viuere farveru want lesr, dut F -Y FEB. 27tb, 193à,-.. 1h o ua irgwaaa upeot inubhreanid danig morumpetiton. a 1p. Ihe iollovîrg Acln aeRe:tr ro an ar îrub enjayel by ail pierrot. Holsteiîn bnrala o ol. 5HOE WOaeRKiser Or thee raruiof utFr1>. ih tbe 2 Hosenirr oar 4 yrt, cmlve, ai foat, tulbe ata5AtnoHStra, Expr WtaeseRKeerlneu Cuild rutetriard tbe A. Y. P. A. of THER SHY OKAPI. Holstin rua. due Mur. 10. alfeSeetAtnoStudy Exrtrdsm ieeyln f Miiltonanod Nelson t a darue andd rat r.deMor ePb. 21a1. Boîrer .ahop equipvnent tht hutineas. roure KiOrdo ovvoît bll.Mor ~irîreur Tan rarieSppoese - rua7 yr.due Apr. 1, and large retrigeratar aI R. A. Fitch Ladibt'Ssoes Tlnted snd DyeI sny Mevl>err fruuî Miltun put ornaahort Sait Harder. - u r, u p.1, ette. Aiso ail ofh hbuteholriterto: TogTalrau bertra mappreci upled d. c0 ralleg ia raow 7r, drue Apr. 15. inriuding piano, ilvervare, etu. R.J: clorteI match your Ireîl mal, ri>gîe uîg eenid uL nthu7 a Souath Ailarbruiter of -- rua7 yîei. due J3»v1. Kerr, Aurtirneer. or eveung gawn. muicluun teyon PnPt ureoia, alur sortaiue yeae ha rua7 yria, due Ju ., F. %Mach. Naîuuguvcya. at; Daui>p- Ruherrtaots & Oerehoet neatiy unith ring the rarolig t»ua r.'-brunst u>llri>the Tara dIisriuc t f rao 6yri. due Ait . 14, aille. viii hol un extensive saIe uf 4à repuired. Wr aru pleourd ta Lnouta tirtM. Diue 1i uuii, ash.isuurudrd ir utalolug av, reg., duse Septi, attr, 160 linge, implevents, ay and 1 ii u hnSiePro n hou reraurreil uaiffietly ta rouble iteuSo hn Prrad hlm ta eauve1>10 bed. aunsi:uu>uaulu.ule photurruphu ut the -- brune 4 yia. due Septi. 20, grain. on Tharnday, Feb. 26, St 12 30. get thal elabarata chine. rUi(.> L'id slic>ol.aîî. whirbehhito -, rua yre, dueOc(lt. i R. J. Kor, Art.. ahane 36, Artoo. Spcîtlbukaehrpsnj Esqucaluf Coutcil. uon>îr u - hll 2 yra. ult MaeiaRsobe The uiti»teu».'ýd>au eek taap.d 4 heies 1yr. Cardrs novw gavririguerul Priirt. Qairt Service and Fine blu>allau.Fr 91>.11.r>oSicO the outre> î,it0hbisr ryers, , bern reg., i ye. brirgu a Frenchli ife t10bho rhtciaine Worlvarehip. StwrtwFb .13.bultaud >the okapi couiaIer. Erra- 6 beilei> 10 vanthe. ot Rideauî Hall. A huppy o -ne, in.JC ENSN The Lsquuuiug Towusbip Coarluliluduide lorPrtJrsy ote y.d IJ -IDNISN parsuau Ita oadjourimntu, usîlO Ruru i i.uliuloeiadd>tudiaralar lumirPolJrebrniy.____________________________________ Cleaur an>the chair. Couucillaus Apprîbu. ,vl 91hî ululoti o Hltl elr uaîe ________________ Mallinanaul Wilsouaprscrit. Minau oaI ihbitheu$unve country as Holsteinu bull 2 vunîhs,rerg. lait meetin gawru rradand orfiraiud. the okîapi and ai whîichtlat ter in wThe ahuri herd rare u ehuilotand Il wae maurd hy W. A.Wilson and upliaueuuly nat alcaid. vilI i vI ald ihaulreserre e fthe pra. secnde b L.L. ulin hatth folow Sinuing a hag, ho put bis arvopiietar ir obutging hi, vrlhud ai laîm. 1930 ing acouau>î bu pasurd aud paid: thog h rn as rane in3ig UYC IC K S 93 Bell luleplinauucc't 381-33 tla euh iîaiuder of the ileerebs bloaut- Aiso i boy lîîeingre.oie, o i ofai Fui slavon yeare wa bave heu breelung and hatching hlgh pro- 151h, $5 0>. S>Illa Pub. 1510, $235, Onu, sud lyquiruly ina spoit nuwr eflasegotsadr .1,.5 uto hirlens. Wr gel etîly maturîty. largo eggu ail lais rt them. tatal137,3; 1iM. Bnett, barily, $7.95 u> bc, lavred hytheokuapi. I lu bl nhe. rerd cote. Iceprel lItner, 1 Lehrns81 Maunlaîn Sauaorim, maintenance ni vuy heoe>aa suauessu i lu uhiain didk drill îCarksbutt). idle fîrrroa il- Lgn 1 par 1(0. Bairel ana Whit.e Karts $20 per 100. Atter Edîlo I>ydr, Ja. 1 tu31. S71 ~L. rlaseu upu mg ilow (Qarbeel, I sg3uIntemuilioui1 May 7th, 02.00 pir 100. Sqieu ec-resiluioaý A H elarsIil tha hugh the okupi Stocki FouI. CUSTOM HATClIING-Sî GO tuer 100. Indiviuel ramportament Suaies. uc urasGau Baus Asoc'_ lu relaiîîuîrarr, Ilt ismare rm atoS3.15d:bal leru.txoms, cou 4:raI uaut ha» -people rappuu.Tenul- TERMS-$211 O00 aIner, cmsL. arer POULTRY EQVIPMEPT-Agentu for frll1 inn of Jameecuy îîulalîuocu.hmatealiuaryon teamul8 oaeh' ceeii natikr. Poulry Equipvint. sleretas prseulel îytIeîR Baud SupI , ertrîliTu:> ar uaer urru lagether able payer 6, pur oauaî >11ffbuerash. ICoULAdSONorRuqucEs. S114i -0 Carrird. rxcept ur tebreudirearaon. tGrin, ierd ceaI cluco la bcucah. Il ws muvud hy W . G. Apuelbr and dsuth sucundtil lîy L. L.Ouullinala eurbu ý Tieiunir 10entucrucru rre i J. M. ALDF.RS1SN, uheriareer, MURRAY W. FISHER grne uitoueab-a opoideiliaNig h u abii fheokapri, suid J, F. Rainsar, Ceret. PHONE-BCRLINGTON 125 r-22. FREEMAN, ONT. lau uad uspeudiluru bur theu pru911, i'liiru af the zubra. giraffu and aut and thal said hy-lau bueau uurad a fbrst îîî us ai> the tender shaots of CLEARING tîve.-Cariud. fr>iiîuîîr, wt, ndsh ostc___________________________________ Il iasuioud hy L. L. Mllit and lirr>iidiau o Oa aCREDIT AUCTION SALE seroued by W A bWilonuihal thrby ili usilouainst aeds fFr tcIpeetEc lau tu pias du laurupeudiluru an ruads » siuai liur oelr fFi tc for 19,31liaviug beearad theuhrstlt lidimu >> smiîe neoei h tr buouulîsouadlîdlmes »i13: b»t> >tea hou the huuiu:,Tha ho hne bs eetu insrrutel hy RA ISJIN BR ESAD-- and pa sud aud the Crpurale SuaI bu - 111unlywiuuý-PLuad aI e hur whi-the uirng allached lliuuuî.-Carriud 5i»yai- ip> ryaeaîe ALFRED COWTON iii. i movcd aIl by prblir Ifeetianoni Lutatsror.-CHOCK-FULL of plump, juryiraisins-erery deliejous surce secaudul lîy LLI. tlullir Ihal the Rurur Dîiiiiiu liosed on.t e -b uleacio iLtcn ard uyuy uus rbu elealesla tehleI90 dayu hu suent li 4 lijeBHenry Frv.l Rtquing. on taoîiog lite "more."> Its a big favorite with ouir ustmere. Gaul RuaIs Convution -Carrird. >u idlflaui at iiPc MONDAY. MARCH 2nd. 1031, ecidunlv tbcas lt cet ri no Ilwaus mus ud lisW. G.Apprîbu aud, Mli e W.lire until h a o he hul rouie beaue fit setfriy godes. secanîrd hy L I Mullîu. thut Ibis ai> îuisofuight aaeg the glarII' xr ihi urto rintemlyatadfut ra tr luî,th(e poale attrubel bit pur- BORSES-Maînhel braonteam 10 lnetarc nntiinte h ikyaîadtat ra MarncS I i I no arrourd e mua o tr, fi>.» pinod arruar. They yrr, ravt vain riing i yen. bit mare I Rolle and Pasîrues in gral varioîy. Ordeî to-day. iiîs Ieraeutu- ttrvîed a ulahrsri7 rs, sy maie rlsiog 0 yre, grey huitas urias rhe whitu mou appear- bon ,iue yre, bay mare riing 4 Nassagawrya Coutcil cul,i>lîr puuirr vs elel lir ths yre, hlackrlingiigrisitg 3yrc. aprief A GOOD BAKERY _____ ~ao sclt, Parcheron, riaing 1 yr. POE11 T AIiüeai îîuuelerewhu aisit the CATTLE-Ayrebire ncrciltofat. 1 POE11 .PARK, Prop. MITN Pub. 910, 1931. Ccii u uueu rsou the rmn pygmcesita. p.Jersey roicral at fort, Pt. Bal-. Aoouauts passer] w li l hoeroeDcu led inle rsiioltore bn etein adJtrsey c. ,springtng, Mai- Municipal W >1, supyplies.. 139 40 te lueuefi>bu ufthu larnt, buun barsteir roc, spenging, baktcrcsprieg.: C. R.barrer, urial rîpeases oai iliru u>at and lei'dling lso on rote smg, hlatckco prntging, 2 Holstein E b-riuol.. ...50 10 TIi>->ar nut oraid of aoytbinn, fro r os.upining. raI roc salf at a,n _________________________________ Luv> Elsley. carulakur......40 LAoasziahu lu an elephoni, roI oi amy- vol Darbcoca nîtet alle, rai roc, Mrs. Roberson, lloirance . ...:0 X)iliug uspringiaf. lcktroe, tpricgacg, Jersey Cud uel deulvluchelur hy1 rcocncait at aida. 3-yesr-rld Holstini,' to.uaauucîi l dcddtircua unoiuu BclPlcsNtDu, Pt. Jersey rcu rmeh, Pt. Ayr- Aet.laris aof tauerru agr Cun ie srec, trenh, Part Jersey ralat A y-lau sas passel aîtharirg the The reportlof thei Bm. G. D. Roeord.. shim oletepgin, 2rey 2 Dur Rerrur auI Treasare labao ram the son,.Miitnr ut Labour. icta tht breeam c.sneig,2Jre ae Bank aI Nuva Scotia abat murry man baing indrotry reala la part as toi. dut ie 0f2saIs 510 isvs1yD, leadu- aryonbuies.ham huit. The Aadutu>s' report un the rasar Wihi the binaI bakicg inlustry er's arcuuiuflr 10 o au perrnad aIre tva typesOfut onPeition-rample. B.ERP. F188soindMENS-1l goal carrîaîîy e>auîi»s-il1 ition ir qnaliiy, service andîsalesman- bvoedbng ecea, 1 soc, secnds littar. A By-lau> aau passrd eroiuvtiec the slip in rectl eare I campetillan in -9 Yatmg tOcs. brel, 42 ycng pge 2 oxedtre oads and bridger lur the pricer. ery martelly la renent moaths. siontha nid, 100 hans. i 5on yau t i 00 There ta nt aginusying tret the IMPLEMEBNTS, c.. blaler, Thn Clleo sainsrutel ru callmai cunnumer bumait ehaul acrept s car. naavl ec. RiCanas ote oui the balauce of taxes lac 1930. tainu asitof tht rnspenslhbity for ec. V . -borne cake, M.EL miel Couo il alouarnel ta meel or April pritsent day higb prîces ut breaul, as at drill 13 boe, International Gbh ai i ocibok. matyrotharncommoditirs. Be leargt- rotivalar, P. & W. iUff= .ldva& JOHN MARSHALiL. CierL. I ing mure, sodleispaying more tarît. tan, @à& scalesa,P. & W. dite.-, Sa DIED. the lots lravertislng. Such a mmise o Neel-lt Orer i arigmemory uot ouicanstr.csh ar wy lta agoand e&lapeaull, tahr weu eeu, chu p555ed goals and can affavd le eut on osa for2 aeqaop .-syFab. 21er. 1930!I adot Or ASURANCES IN -FRCE (net) . $2,863,701,000 TOTAL INCOME (net) . . - $18l6,662,000 PAYMIENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARES IN 1930 - -- $81,274,000 PAYN33NTS TO POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES SINCE ORGANIZATION $500,949,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES $552,201,000 (iactdutotpil up Capital Sck) SURPLUS AND CONTINGENCY RESERVE - s $36,3532,000 ASSETS, AT DECEMBER 31s4, 1930 - - $588,733,000 la s year le vMS m&U euses af husinessae e mlunorl ssp calies, the Company lis, mtade gratifying p~a.New paicuiez pil for showc anisrun.et45,227,6 32.32, bat thue arltnaay aid gra-p partcass akiug tub. stiai gainai Tatal assurancem ia force show an ittuicase ut $462,464,542.58. Tl"isgain repreucota ery hia-h race af peoaisbimcy. islicacing the high calot p 'cll Ur paibphallrs an choir contras cvth the Campmy le a periad oatescresse fi.oanis PreMsure. Thnumbr of palciez gandp assurance cercuficates autuemsdlag passedEI luisfmlion muet ducbg che yer The ttsl acmontssihaws au incieatc of $13,804,544.54., The tatal paymma ta painyhaldors anl bene. ficieries tince orgat Zan ; c ; equai tle total assurances in fariI teCampantyt fidtieth rear (-o p-is88g)4 The morcsllty saong oui policyhalders a been highly tavascale. The race of inter« earmi ancthe mean inrestd asta cas 6.44 pet mec Profits pail ta plcyhallera iuig the rear e11te a 2,4,231.044 la a peer of alesta snprecoedoamubbutines. le- pression tha oueftmallsg q«UldofaIthec ineesi- manda bas hoon ataltngliehawn. The armai cash divilecla reeetrel an the total cammun ceacka bell by ibe Campany cere *969,103.84 in escesufthce dividesls payable on thon. iden- dcal abares in 1929. u; Bren on lise basia uft dc toc Prines en ib cm ofuthe year aur cammon stock holduigs show-*sestsintia.i exceia otmarket value ovor cost. Profits ta pallcyholl=euantiolecl ta parcicipr luring tise eunsg pmv ill hoagate aUalea tise anale at praesi i. persoon. Thc spensal Mlwhvy DivilenI is alto con- tintesloamibe basil. aouncerb lanyese. SUN LIFE ASSU-RANCE COMPANY 0F, CANADA C rr oW s JLt e::: SPECIAL! C lmie P mre0R i«y Cuit 3 MACARONI !12. M"pnda4.10c lm lSm..2 Wu& Z C-- y 34e Specmsi-Cim e d pomma ~ 21 Che~ 6»,»i Apricots 19e L & S.5e O ,_.Ir. 22. ,d3P9 MI Gkw.?Ha. Boum _ Ccintsa rseoeui PO* Mdan' 3wz.IU Spime voibyGad.Biatas CWrn ý.-3 iN. 2dm» 29'e m P aCUKÇZJ2 NUm. il& edos; mediu amp O mibs !RED RILTO .1VOf Jasscaa, nel MOM-àmjbdkaaf a go ýb shmm Oranaeigb orelngI aut chlch1 IPl îu 4> j LaEM i ia I 'S PI ile -uil liî l i (loi> 1 1îTrouble> . PH oN E estfo if 3 b est re besteIrS h kh for p bo &Y. Raisins 21 ka 2 5 Spects-Llly'. Buâ -Mineenieat 2 m.3 rSpda-*stesî u*o or Coblen hl Marinalade J-21