ND. ~DS !nance the sr O On Pl" 11n, wle m 0t ,cce c th 527C CANDY Y0ur isdsai ioîlb sayB ]BARNAR P S No.1 C IAmpION Travellerr GUtde. ~iL B& SV VlI 1~,tX MORNING JÂNADIASI PAOOtILWÂTléb .1I MILTON ONT 7>m é e bbenbma01111:tuM AAS T140 p n. (SOL only) 1052 a. Il- ats . L L e Iîm murance. vIII b. 1.s.pp.d .00 t.mfl:(ex. Bat.àhSUD.) 750 >p. ____o uTeV1e11 rreeOTOi No matter how large or bow smeIâ'our estate, it will suifer ,oopl h. pOU -UDT l. oeef i ele - a sir-i < ~~<~ heavy deducin eoe trai*your vif e or famil2,. 8&00 . isln<W ed m55P-~,w~~y~ a.b4glebahmneD.RDoctors, nurses, hospitals, undertakers, Iawyers, etc., flot o(ing at-7.21 aBm., :L pm.ratdas med b.hIO darns.vor Mll*dVOevhe iitn e& Uilièlth textian 0f l . Roy~ wmninscesindtef heett ern - - The Amrum a. iad eeSmon hle dellcate; oameekiaia refcods. Il la as toit 0fimportant CANADL&2N NATIONAL RAILWAY la novsuanymjii y la lie tur- of the humm» band 1.10 tonea i dIource01 ifl au my87of le pree be ilrdc h e mutpybet rler $8.84 r Gpreniaea 0sr momie neyeroui.aSl no, thoogi orne may have ta dig by nything front 10% to 25%é. 8erese . 23 a.rn. I &057 P.m ,free ~aia en.venb«Oore.Dr. Goldsmith nid. -As a a Uttlê deeper lien tasuai la gel tTkeyu pnaanir aanp i u n aritlhmetic, by . dOiltoel ortront hevatertrn rei*tsuait t111. elIdrm wM .lota .nducelhe troea. Ooo.sOOOIOa*ueInuA*NATINALnAILWYS 500 inUai Ivo o a Unit vthenl th.edlem ofet lerosela vbet athe reaent tanoalmtion usiIig an actual case as an example. PAUSAI Parti et Grernaliere de~émiesdeva ils telumsy. nlet--ng Puma. bY Rome. of the Carndirnalmit mas- TptlCt 5Ct hi hu4'- fr001 lthe Brth vee iugi lie rol- ad tiépublie vill ahow a renewed i7i Il8 repr Iintliaor5 lumsi oa ac au falmylf nuac to u uiThe Double Tpaok Route lng teead Save lie Dm rne Ilutreelalad ivldaw perormrace $5,00vl0erite 8 a-Ttl o aleo i uylf oeef oood ,ib. .~j.dier oud" ta te lie le oe et et by ra artiw&tmuillr Sin 8117t tr eGarntihe phci ..$5, $ ..a ýhueud bo srce lIf ths1e edge et Rigil Park). Tie goutTva meanleal deviea vhich ai-membor. Babillueaofoe Gmale. Every MOTELail &long th gh tnkMd rmeal "y hae pened nwmsS o-line le lmpregnaled vllh thae alelly Eliad vler a yseestut.......e 20, .od dtalhORNTO T~ the dense Woods or viai la nov atilloaare the Iheremin. vhle iri 1 t lite Young Partslae Prient acuelies udahsact 2 f. tio y DTOTEIl Whou lovele banS nt baannov muaeni poe fotOo11.DT0OT.iSouth Parkdaie vau hoavy on accouaI pred«ceamoulei la mylng tonua s w vice. l..ve...t...ed.....d.....s7,000 * ,,ttoÀeo . suad ofmyaafh1. f thea prlng lhav andthle artillery a bamd ile ved about il, aadho5*for the sulse of the Hurons. made oa $,e - , h o l HC G laojc orohad i ait greaot difficlty la drageina their eleetrie carillon. ohl lievas fthee taa t a th erbeLe 15 asidct niv....... 1oo $ thspot Weris dis- I. haavy <nn.la iltorial arn aima, experts dans- h a ued~I~ tIaLm 1%a detdat ..$ 5 & WHITE, Ue Omle iingCar Soeî se. cSk tg ,ytte a The iadaafougil etnbbornl aoted. rneehaalaldevleaise ope- hoat le _______Irquos.Totl______(et_.............._5,90_ ____ __ lu spftaetofteraendor toreco. bol leg or, ustold neorainseid.Te nan Inventary cf tht corre Ttlcae(st 55 Sleigcars on 1Slt tan sd l--cmatC ra overcome by nomberi. ni noma of beartigcdown and aoppreasnlu- apondenceacf Hlahop Briand, covrîng ParLOH lereCr o i i ran. a fun & .I lbhomme apparent liaI lie fort dWalaigonus. aPerlait rgroal aouequanra le Que- lnvsted in gondd curitien t 5%tibis PalsCronicp Av e ud01 abI o te rgre h etatrtn oell.c 5bat-tram 1741 lu 1704. Balveeen ehould yield my tamiiy uanual l i- t~ E I CAL Pull inormation tram inâl Gadan j 3ef o10uvl Th <eladOe 15. isrnasThenot t a ft4le arahpasilur5.of thetemdeinvlhievfre0coe I..........$7.5$ National Ticket Agents or HV.TIIIFfl asl1 5lin(aqaitemene oa 1 r aachpnu e ammIler parlho. ara round mat- District PBseenger Agent, Toron- nte il f nîficont description by lhe late E. z Ivieed hy Alexander Archipenko.teorbaocl sNS0,M. 1.i toa.II~ Hathawany) - "Piae, the Amrina Archipenko,& machina le a simple de- lae 0ghiia ica ce. In IS IT ENOUGH? '~ i E. ELL goniMitTis , l ceh ommander, laoks tor propais for vite for erroall<a onalantiy mavint 1750 Mgr.-do Ponthrland write. t Fil in ad maillte oUac.hd coopri 1E.BL.AetMitn ivie&c peu, surrander. eeding farvard a party taavaa As lia toroe a crai o M. Brand taiing hlm thal Gen. Mur -________________________ TaLmpHorcs 17. mina remuIyln lowP& t eeratoitra, leha blus oalPlapibe a bultan, oneaarIttei mage ruy han givan very preluo ordere thul Tkase 000 mol ____mu*u__closea blaied. Buddealy liera le a tdOl %oaaher. tha prlesta muet sol mention religion SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY i -d st l>O9P-. lsaitad n explosion vhlch ahakeai Thomase WlftradInventor of tlbt101he aloiBritish coliero. AI etto0OF CANADA .1 N F ~~~~,t MS~d-à-df- P'â £. the graund likeauan arlhqtiakeanad elavilox. le ta demonstraeltshiede- d141t maea os ory J.eCC M. DOLMES lnstanlly Ions cf rockse and tOmber vice. The lavlux dotastelghrgard for tht poor. cnd Briand lO- HEAD OFFICE MNRA Nh 0 ~ h9 sNI D , L V. jE - tâea. ar-ra a hvrtlwtearva haligmcinadta lgth nuez a circuler la vhlcii hosailli the arc urle in ahoer nto he jar.1hat he alovg mahinedrsvantephito"oernoro 11J rgston -FORl- -x nr wwîme Tho-gent maeonry magasne, but munie. It meualîs' playe petor tamilelinboara la disîres temate Pieuse .eod me ysss para1t "e totght ts AMu vLW to Ynarsoaiora by Broti. tontas-retords and muta m..,.t abutlt net 00e ef mandate orareio ropel X T~ Fcesh, Cooked and Cured j&i MRCmDense00baraof gunpovdar aRH--lnd aon' Dr.mestam nNaof alaer mmnaQuanlits' cf ammu lbn D adml cuo ihumryr uttoean fttmuIl METSJEWELERS - - MLONuo bodeal as bus. delîbaratoels'vîgor tha Ideasahat art tatht omeriagt or King George III., and an Naine(Mr.,lies, sr MisI)ý ....... lYttocet ____________________________blove uit uner instruetionsfrtrmfev datada. vsuld "go meehacl athe ta o ts spcist el a cDtEiBrt Mob ct F1sh andi Poultrv in Season Gen. Oheafe. Tva hundred and fifty is'vh a vane. the tie ettof Wauin la 15e proatdemof(Srt) Co tîO- _________ 1, Ui~I f tht enomyn csoldltro ara killeti orthPrneoWasIte ayF 0ona yth ye ocsat O- DANCING IN 1CATHEDRA4L. of toechorclo. drs(Set)Ciy O¶LI Oo Morro bas ounetbythe it 40rocf& andova Wheo Briand vao promoted t15 l ANDSEVIE'Plumbing re. troope. vho bcdiutl ot e able 10taiet aut Dlacing OereenOny of Bevilue B11ho ut Quobe, G-to. Murray veato _ awaUAinTY ANDanSERVICE'keaMouvoir au uM One. hlm a long leller of congrautiton! ili'; .o o t'ooau42 w...MILTON s-- -ss, se' le mortmlly voueded hy ftsing Tha quaiet dancing raremoer 0O vhieh lhe sayet "My Omadiano 1Ie W - t. 8.43üC Hot vvatertieating titbr.' Sovillo Cathedral. iaen se one, .and commeed ta orue mt.thty have lot When thea levadero had ralloed il& crgin la obscure; but Il le0mi hevou sa au ta fix oy affection tI War.Air tiotir1,1,force.stty mproaehed tht fort. thal tht costumecsud a largo suraai 0O heai orover.' WH. ER var earg bst it vas ompîs'. heaffelhat ralle- money vere a gîf t Ou the emîbedrol WoaGvro Oe now Sioacae treettta sel rire 1a the shoulti tale place setOl ltecostumer 1774,îtebisloui vcste to tricoadu Il/g.t * 550 t t iISEI!ttil H. Er ofTmnsmthing ctlIo itrh iurn.thaitoktie aPre- vlh he o aitnt. hatto eoau htP00f f h uet At Teacer f ta ovrohlouou tt uoei ta ro-var vor ai. Toyare aieeady Fracetliiog theai that saotriios / O 5,t ~~~~~~~~~~~~vnt iloir faOieg Is othe teuOemycors' oid and math mended.vioeIroogarnrld tsedrs,. PIANO and ViOLIN Eavetroughing ~~ofO oc~Tht ctrtmony tlplabce POOOO0 Lentdos 541er otainOg frtra tS'«5 utc t, os A etemerîcico e tmmna o ati e uOOg hen- 'King and traie Purlameat a bill tas e tloe dcermodta toyîth oe claie the 1gh sitiar. orolitela osereligion' and ta theo 4< Pu-iPs pttpepared tar Trants Can- XVater Pressure In 500 ovu vords, Sa vouit -makolTht Cardinal ArtSlblsop of aSe- abs pratouo t. Tioea canno sdaste BtS e tovn oaf foric Ex-Iville lu presna.t ls oi tate, se-anista the Part tht French-Cado ovac Bevaor'atMoo E- aOlob arnngta orasabistelivn aeJie tp o o heoae roade tha Corepndne!o LEGAL ~~amînatiossSystems G erigGl.Jh lehailrmvaeied by ics rtîlose.hSulong piayed In heepiot Canada for iiritair SSII! II îî~I< Ki~ St. Milto, Ont Septie Tanks Ilat lot Intendeta10buro the tleva Tan chotr boys ltaie thelr place. 1a yoar. îîtlaeougbtuanay that tho(fteC BLnet lvln sssc O eing toit thut eueb vus the de- tva rovo, faiag eueS other. betara Canatianu who embracod tht cause eto h C BLn o lvln THE- PON 2.cision, the young cltrie inaeethat t he hîch loitar. Their ccote lteBoutannaise.&autha Amesîcano onsIet n otws PHHE 4.the order le casattreandet. h quainl and pictorease. vert caiied. vert conealdred bereticospit et n otws _____________ uisl;it os nlomm; h asurt IlconsistuaI a bine and vwhitt A tev pages of Dr. ltsy'u repart -New Low Fares and Auto ýXates r ot.,.1.J 0e oerai that tht exploion a s s trlped doublet aed blue cavaler loat are talion us vith a cntinuatinlsO!Btea UFAOudC VLA , tyît-Ns 10 58 . - ta a~~~eci l ia rao gonein lhvIOpbmu h netht Jsurnal ot Messrs. Baby. WjIiiam. iteaoaBUrFSFAy L9 .an .. CLE ED, M5 Os t LNoT1 lobrae) e ethreatentd tht gen- I celot'"ae ho le cahot lun Spain, togs of tbcet sPuci»i caaimissoaere Suoto1-os, ..àaioo e. r . -has 5 -N a- t-1o Sipoetiotof PublS 9,basiMusic TELsEPHNso 26. RFIEaNCEc05eai vitS voat the Brills oult de wvarca etlff white roff. IDo bis bande appointtd loy Govectoor Cucicton 0 BrscoPOTST ANLeY AADA50 od CC9SFLA satdPiano Cassos.o Osciiea on thoe Uited States If theloe he olds a paie ut casaeets, vSlcS travel from parislo to parliS, enqo;r Jot200hPOsTST NEY ND,5and PsCLEoVELAND y 00 , _________ Tabe fVlc in vece loooued. lot inisted, the British, The dance camenloat reseml.es dinioyal at the tineofctheloc luvsiso lv $ad930 paoc vop. dce1:9. . 00st.Sr, l o a.m D F NTI ST R______Yand_____________ vo weve o osd ta Sa victoriaesIn Englilch leecere "The twa rond a!t-.0f.0 ne177..15.0 oud1.i 'w N TISTFOY anriThr. oS.ve. sst o 0compuine- vaece sud retreat. and thea OIn co- The aut Suif af tht volsme rs- scsmlscaonieAO0t~d,0.0t -DAttoF. L.nia 10,0Tsrou-.Cfoi e es80. . . S a ru e tyic le îlo t 1 l- tht boys pirouette le a stîtely tains a lot aof cagagemoatu taîereciae e admie f cangesird Otots%-y antrvI otts l tpy. s! Monts .. 1.piu.. caoi Tuang n rsre teTu' tloon pisinsfsipao cisobl ly aliu rea lstottt'tsttn0tth cid ....Alen-cr c ountryTen' vs otbey vad ed ta wt t. clacief the cataaeta and inta o y Youeg Frencb Canadians etul nonoal ytkngteelxrosscnu ots DR. F is.BABCCK 0d. or..PH.5aieîOiaia5a.icarp. Sao OSep o. sglcg. TermvmsuaecocuPIou f centories ago-oatvecu tb< 5,.tooSaTtt5Oa0itttt RGO7 Sade-sodaatBosePaSlsOooO H W EE E isli' tocbn an Tt ~fuI atdin perfect rhythom. pos07 x 71t oo aousoiVot-ous Otoat. tAu. Mac ostt ot MITO. NTgroeýd ts vlnodricarerbad The mascof the string orchetra poditiaus te thet ve.t. Racii ceutoso THE CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO TRANSIT CO. -- Tt.,Ou Totoo AddceaOO8 t.taaeitod co. îLT N. O T. oemid ur .Th terlae ome and deep telles of tht argan. the vuns igued Setare a aatary. Mc Pas, ot.C .u - - . 55tt Pian Tuing Voîîngvooid S Ssued TSetere o rai- voiceu of tht boys, aud thoe ciackhio R. Z. Maoulcttt. thoe arcltvioit at th, tsTtIrACTtttN __Piano___________________tuiution. made thut tveieg.pro id 4oftIhecestenete roll aed eclos amont Court Hauac n Bautreai Sas compi - POLOC~ AtionRegulting that thtermaidlent mîlila cheulti sue-tht arches of the liattp.vauited roof od tht lit tcem the recardsofatwbiei al cavfof acd PLOK& INGIIAM AinRepaing couder au parole. tbat aIl pulile pro- o h ahdoi otsotan eai s hLofCBea R A.M1NG ScesrteCtr&Wortb Perty sloosid bu gie ai. but that Thtevhoaeeffet la magiicent and There are ather Items o etutrest 0Tosl. ,ai.. Me Patc.U_____________ DR G A 1 NG scesst a uie embellthar piano aonlys ooal uiprivate property void bu ]pratee- elemn. -Suntht large oSaotofS1pages, vrit MO5 - "NUMENTS mthcoraao s1Ilv.l eold boil cdi. In cpite of Ibis agreement. ta- t.lI oua-d ai 1.tae a a par. îred it htectzneeyton le French and caiied itapporil vein nRqet HN ý . o 8. i31 vi outasvitS thectteneep ANCIENT BAVARIANS. do L'Arcloiviat do Os Province de Qse________________________________ 0< OolOa Dcigs o Reiaet. PoNO24. P.G Bo 384 toesia vs volutd. scet tteocSs1929-1930." DurOeî the pasi s I_______________197___ hat thelousseoouit eat bu bursot. Excavaions Tara Up Urnu Datle« peur the Archives Sas received maut GAL.Phonie 2048 sONT..Pivte sSsps met homes vert raih- r 80B. git-Ithtee01isocadcu I_______________________________ I Os~~~~ed tceaooireo vert talion freaithe rmilBC. cfuattaai!Sto-slda GL.T. O. DO LSON cioa <S; pillagea wsnt on uerebuked. A settUtaiet unmng ftabout mente, pamaphlets, picto rts and F R ANK PE T CH BRAMPTON, GNT. But t nettu a burne. John 0 IB.C. ha% lomu foatuurGtr-o< a fvh t re ae Ftuiiy I Pays to Deal at Das ALITIOLERStracSaa Sat prevetet that-Fret haone.Lover Bavarlu. Excavations ackoviattet. - Masrea WiliamsIano tht Toronto Mail and hmve turoat up vessetîs of varions Herait ant Weelly star. LI1 t ti t 1,'CTan iON toZER C. R. 'T URN E R Licenood Auctioneer Empire. knz led. res. ceramîca paleted ced, - 5 lteilaîe. Foirai Director Fos tht Coanteof sIalIsnantd Peel. and a milîsîone. Cave twtllirgis tram TOMB0F RA OITER. jrneanti Embaimer FAUX SALES Promptiy Attendate . KEL FIGHTSI TROUT. tht Neollîhit cge vera alco foundat -rvo t BeMostimpotan t s0 g.tevs irS -Phone 17--Il Brapton. Lifts Trout Ont oftrwete ss Shook Near Darmîta. nolt fr tram Erian- EgYptlan TQI ete Discovarti. [ Agent orItaeotiPaerai e ______litsaTrrierhakosa___L gen. an rs hu-lI Iplace dallng tram What mas'prove ta Se the aiset Use Martin-Senior' 100% Pure Paint Agon ta Dmeî uncel t5li55 j asa lsylr Saie 8 laL tht laie bronze age le beint un- tmporant EgYplian lomh yet tlecov- __________________ IPaons 68 MILTON. S AM H E N SON The Hualaki river, whlch ruai tovarat. arail la one vhlch hlia Js b aeape- A Pait( e10 lioa utU SS l Phone______________melcag fSorv o enPymuiAnoccietan uefuether led 1te etdqultaeclosea ou tha Sphiex. Tht - whyMartin.Senler Paint (s the noot ecots ois Il .st Phono me for DO~~UIER amidCONTRACTOR New Zealant. vus e novneot mmonediecovars' of lede tram tae Rolas teoeyvn aeSrt ______________________ tS Muelafoucelures erthelar artad near Gunzburg on tht Dacube. etfthe Univereity'of Cairn, and avers' factory paint to use. Guarsnteed 10 be cotirlcS t -t.[ TRUCKING of Ail Kinds Mem ýGi5. smeulot if elo vhîch grelvfat a<, enu ggisg a titelo came upun a tas'lha le ringing la lighl mort and aebnie bttgsc te dleaios[ li UR N E si,,ms.raGvs arge in ilsvwatrs. Rmngrave noea s fet ctdovin. noce vondertul objectas. wtr ezie[2tn adohrauleail INSURANCE On~sso aaae 0e ootec.aerecettisa mozneladamn' kltnla er h I 55for alemotoecls vetoe egragatet arou ude ude aabaonzlse i erll TheThe lamb leaGt t fHa Oner, Who CVR OE ER .NF /llo orSae it, ie, nlmali, nriay OMEEIeaxax. ITON a place of bacou that SboaIbee hensat of Vaupsian vlth erava. iigh Priest cf <gypt, butle hoesem ottoîlst . ~ îoiese, Are laAcienColletions low ?tiraonnto 15e traam. Thea, sang- and tha inscription. Imp Cmasetonta hvheao~bildorteg nom- PhnDe &S N ilou[ III 000 1 tttt eS o.aotigie Iraes, 6% lat Morgae Golti Banda. pociene ta bg piump teliea des a-llef»v imbs. Oa s h lit ,,l sStes1 of alj oes 1,AeCleton lw7-npatiedo nwegt sy teTra t]Eo toc2[e.Oe ft id. District Ratnd. &tvenaki Newa. Whiîe the sels vereta- ug esWINEM.cnoos aimeth et s'otbeen t ofaQued M. t ltapraeantativa You tan c"ed then up by sn ies unt bitingetht bacon ats-Asdoe r olglutilt Fe mameis'.stDotgh bas a rond.-__________ M.DICHNICK r E AKEL9 hel eghntheTaa- WpigErsAreVOîCED WImtNlEd go Thmatnie aaropigom ot a quat IISUN LIFE INSIJRANCB CO-. g yor nit to pusittraut eppearat on tha cons. t MI TON.oo, GMT. I piof the tact thal the sels tie AU Wlwee May BeH Mtrt. - Ifit ldcrovn iahing vili jevels. F._____-_________R 1lt teapt tlu ight tuch othar a cou. MostBritish orts eetahaeThe aecond chambar le. perhaita I150.. m. oë . a" MilZ.. KLL IKN pe ttelargar Oua. altackodti liabeen bult tor he speailporposeof te m î oreataima. ho Ugytanho-E / CLUBIO RTE. ~Th Coletio ~ troul. Oneeeieed the Irout. lites making spoien vorda diacoît taleiioetfiat 15 he i tya dadoen CLUBIN RTE,5-TheColecio 4pcilstaItsefaadtlitevieGhaiout of lie vîtes bear. The Iruli le thal hy oepasedlata a nti vi l voult ua _____________________ etndhaât litan a terrier saae eskite aledi ..s..Cmi h l iIb I soit eomAaR. vti ORANGEVILLE and GUELPII rat. Whee lie Irool oventisallu SnVas teiettoL about the aco»uathe is' hta h"orIba rouoe'e- R.las Chamjo T G A M S H Wcapet liteaida vas tara andtrRt noato quasiies of boildings. Maltersan ary ntr.Vi hi « Ote r Tnoto $ uItt 5.00 T.6.35 soti ladremmar mas aynoecarrant, preSayteasdie.10mate vorae y hiea.shi mstondPlaitlg.tomb. aZPO81-m1 od ea. -=317l t Sd 86.35 Valeaiet aM Axetnot m Ne Collection. No Charge.vitnoefood, bunt dotit olbOced11 -91Fr Sdn -90PlmuhSdn Mi r 5.0Builiding Artiamolet la Camili. la fturoe. thaugi. t in11ba un chaire;b, baie. ua nta md~±yI t ttt- 5056.35 lsinspopyailandot teo. Etabiahaed 18M50a.0 tdil iimfr»» «mm o olig<e san o m o l-outil of houiem iLLh*.Thania luth used oniy sligbtly am demonstoîro 5.0635 m on@n _________sud_______9-________ dreports a TeOM»* »$svs"t Peaki l-absout the Z hmm &ot tien0Tdo.2-99Tuo F.oiss. mllccooWiltooiotm ,Omtglop lOIOtrcs - . ~ seu af~I~5 w ît - 1 nb afotc ie wa 1 l aimti *~iLight Delivery Truck. COU NTY - __________________arox9inate-' .î@*veoe otameu 5tQft I1.01().2.85A-------T. 2site fer gatas Wad___________ar ---- O E T.- te telit.112 odo rcei lsa P...of 05siti.Og 826M a. E0e.1mev IeIm q F. no sss&S t5-D AD aaIu; OF OLZKLtil JjW s. v. o. w ea. . mOeri Qom. s!tha. e idOi fse uhe iselata-a 5m "d 'thsiOslsa eisaje You'1i Like b~X~IDte.svo yu the à r Way= uaaîty and serviceal delicesy or dmîntînes touh (a the final uoth moot in nu- KERY t5 -ON 1