THE NEW CENSUS VALUE ttNIVËRSITY OF TORONTO PRACTICAL VALUE OF CENSUS Ffr.« Jnenr - Stona Wa lid A A d e aO, MERCHANDISING AND * Tsrs ASO-- ody SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS Uwas ThIse. a51 1 ed o Tire abject nf al science -ad ce- ln tire Toronto Mailt anoc Ee-teth8t search ta t bainlilgirt andod 0w auhsDMc-SrUI.u t OOgsDy a ieirt o ledge conceceing ire land tire world * enuL5T of tire LIed of Airril niren airout us. Only iry obtaining more Sirte Charles Bagot tard tir teundation knot edge aund lrgirt co rogreasstee Atrnrilhet made. Science iras etenero-- ne r atoeToAnreo fCi- t Oe field otter anotirer; nnlocked tire hd- avant le laterestrnc- -e n e'traying tire used to Ieolthlsc, ieaoyads oth ela h ootna hrcet ti as (ingsarss nte imratl- andineonnequnce iran lnenxnely uoiyas-nn occaseiion.- mpovoed tire mateetal conditioos et ance nf tirat taod every) eain ornes lite on tire eartb. Tire stndy Mlarly in tira mernleg, we are told, I e nomlt megeeaty ncltnte "FITY-FFTY tire St. Geor-ge's Society, tire Sens et b onoedicrnsg rel iroreeet . -FFTY St. Andtewand tiraonofn St Pat- te be de.oer.ogtire toon or mouler ROHE" rtk reîraired to tire rottieral of St. yng tendencren or internatîionlJames, wireedivine erie was sid the change roedd a cses, i meror She knows that hor. and a lqetsroapo to h n e ei nde res eene C irotd Park ate te, tire estival or Eograndr lPa gcapingose -ny bitrdly ite fait ni Farm Jersey miîk ey S,,dng, MA. ITnmeýdiatelY ail B!GGER HOUSE innîde the saine four Ignorane eand 'ce nireildlire soe . but t ewl ly other foltirpeerrorbiy (thteyarcse, n A watts soundsrimpossibie of accanpli stent mor ss dace ntet ai ih e.An eetr eeproie-or:eardtr -but t ly way t he Itimarte ciooectioe iretoteen metiood ce t Gypret is a re-resistant wailboard smade front oes opeseot natcr-iat pror-ee n d . ~e r. "' tr iStItcciie heetrlesiradbytscrence andere hîmto. Phone us to edrgconsthe pupis ofthtteeseî gypsum rock. Itcornes in sheets 4 te, 10 feet tong, earch.Tire say of etil ceeter pro- delii yu ml. itirictrrei rS eolis,]11 4 fcr wdcand ,8 ofan inch thick. Iîtiatand o-est ie althe sanieeryufines..rrithe eneerner aSdheet tîlseil t ct uta aiya ubradwta i =Among tire cences cosnety nttred tire porters et Kîner ill iand(i cutsJU5 s ca tiras lmberandoîth minmuma , UpCipee Caarda Crslec-e tirb icli of esaste. It rs used for nankng immde watts, t costres tofe strtcsiiese taetieadres) and btiriffes, and til- celinge and partitiorn. ireee ea IlnIt retd re ire irseeene E, mtan as weettasete otirc. Tiree tatotirIe od Snob iodaen pore lit has structurai strrngth, insuintion value, la tacrireiry letern irte net rirs iisEctecssi Cct drrnght atnd verrnin-proof and cents very littae. actiair-, ansd pengs tiese treto ic a eevdb r.M-aitl prps eleaties te etirr acts,liras ________________ tneeccrredflir c i0lMe ilrd i Gyprec that dors trot burn is exactty the materint tireen a cleare hlon se nriness peroirlirop et Torocto. rAnd tf iii pciti 'i ta use fer t nerds ne decoration when panetted cessese niicti iras e iecearr teesauile and sedtetter or per cinidol, , c rç s an excellent base for Alabootine, Gpz g-ide teaoction.Inlat-t îis incoar ratrne -Pc Ci. iC-lc ire Gytez cctsairetrortire coep buisinesstof Here2andTher,, soitn -o-- pneeted stirth ir - or seillpapcr. tin-daatesid iroceecrd le heetriir= ttt=l eecffl celr-sititrarrd on reaely saneeie tngae. TItri frlciil as eficentl wiholt abrriant tatsireli (rte, eaieuly ttt iiIf ,C CU Get a Gyproc direction sheet froni your dealer "It1Icfolrsmation. Stattetics hv Alirvleffre pouet telleet acd tho riepecre teeoI I or write us for tht FREE booktet, "Building and iîetped lnno semali menace teIorealpirc n Canada s piaeed aeeand $500,- tire site t-f the tii 'iln ttc t-ernellrng witb Gyprocr. 3recay pirases oetbuiesttas efcticit-ci 0050),0 ire tire (renadian Gecero- cwntire toIlleze asetcii, - sie 1 ('5P, S, IIE d LAASIN, CNAALIIT) as tlieyare te day ad accrt--, ment FiietryService.ond oyer liroccdsitl isettciie it i] GI .S,.tLIE ndALBASIN, ANDA LNIEice ne airet boltrel tevessential jtiet e5ne cperrrnsare earloaedin nera, a t i"etcilTrie te Pari. Ontaro ( ec tirat tire, masereten-fficett treisvrk.stris desv, tac se sec lîl tiret -i tt el on-clreetir t sec ne til Toirrri vIseetfceaie irlitan gord meridise epleîe dr lpt ees cîls et ~eN Wfar tro et peetectren n ote site Ciîrîrb n Ontarifteta irttttrr mrntrs taiccet -cetlete lut (sau. to-ses - actreitie s to roîscee t t il haýce eo r t31lepliced at i ,17,24 ns teirelet' Ois terIid tii l oti % d[ M Wadvanced f tctrctirant . iec P icacpneed nîir $5, ttto gir litete lîrrfie trîst,-i lîc f tc i ductîo so t e icceree esîcaecdleeeîl - eepelod e iras30,an n ioeero lnttoIo Il til1( efftcient, tnepetotise oheredaet seantd enr _ J-,. Iftitisncontinue, ndig plsttirce e riot tic1 setteand cptalae a epleeîtitil. aitpreeraarrrectrdseo etdantut welsîibutnet one,t, icuît0( Tire distribution oet gonde s te om pro- are lirely talire eneeed tris yrr. flireprocein. The cal-atl iiit, l dace, te ceseetir, hi tes ce ieelaiies, ctterettliiiieh thctîî nooged le presees. tt leeeeclîs Position et prerident et tire Boy orc 1 ScoutsAsociatîio etCanada Iras eetldirbpumsthre tretîsidsiC t1 a rogodslronetoeeclastefficieeteae oi eenofetendrrecetted bn-PE. stie speetale. esc productio.Titis ola atact etf5W Beattychaieeennand president Tie rccr aeettitttheccctccr greetimrrtaeceforcthec-pea e- ofethie Canadtan Paltic Rieaysoew credutvihtita- ORSALE BY- tare,ftacdiseteriruteole soecetftir- virose Intecest ln iray nettisce a~s terre sats the eled seiit tofethIi Chitn O t et fecosmi, accletics. Tînt sac-h oeg ireen rccanired ait oertire ýcso.Teew,-ýp-ý,,h ý tlmns C. iloOt ofetadesate inftoematiott et.ede Dominion. Jets MeCetil aed RtîceIr.J lt-c Il.W. -Ae Milton, Ont. ntko uthwgetisipr-,-nadosh ihpSra.qo 1ascefi,. e ictesise- o, teiJohnlardn ectionirard vvtir tht-triaI >hOIl nd fii lid- 1,il C ha . .Day & Son - Milton, Ont. mrhni on n eil c-este sh-tire Cnda a ii ilens tee -lie Vict-eg-illChancelier. netc esabihm ot -e tiitimr ohcetnpl(Ite g o 3 clbatd l 8 15h n e r e"to -st(ao r pr i Ltte cd, waces pasi esîslital ittvesîcedvlîre irthday Apeit 2. He doerrnet st ocwole e irc, t sin tise t! c ttial, eand ts l rl, TIt is I, gtaseets weitsleeprsnwelloand pe shv-o r,1i nu relofi eot e-eeeel ctlit île enolye ir e. lit e it bfis s ciP-i itttp rd etîe Ic r clc t t coc ltîcg i i er e les lassent- trý oCs e eceediuug ire e etac esltn-r ttoi tii -Il, ui Bette r be Safe Than Sorry ald onaieswltireornce mar. t 1W G. raCte îîd Creeda StsIIeenrit mIl Cofietrea Ira ti,,n b, BIIl .t.-I liLli on l tuý, hn --sn huoi posirrpvteArltadeldeda Use Goodyear Tires and Tubes e'tfi-e- tamptlnieCaea cdieetcitsed ittrr îdîct,îlî iti- rie ltliepileeliicit~nmdprrOetneaislre- forltscrrpit 1esll-e, (si-tii tliteilseteîterllhtseesisgMant2andicdii--leti lIedaitIîrltc t tfr uines, e ntrit (,ecrsli D Citef il al t s tý o i sî i lir rîd î5tt ic-s $ 50 Up.once s re o nsî lc e ilI elttA ister Ofifitîfi setteaa. n dida dîlo ta e 1,ide c cIlhj eirtaialeigo tf a cerehpnv, c trîctr eg-s ias rceertlpieen oesîeded Cli cet et Fe ,atid i i. i 1-i efcirlit îiecîîîîe- ilntr sl lic utof to the Daominion PirrirHatcerre t recter itnfeu r s , l - Iî s 1,>\1)1()LILCEIN-tSES MR EL tImmeesvalut iic rîtcîssE t î-îve Flot Lande, BestîgocereCourtrIo Ires .ittrsdlit oul i),ilt, tIf reeiee rteatmenetpcrier ta eii a9g ýiiss t-î iniecr-ti-t, titir sone o lac niîc-îirg e t ,,*,I l - ti r ,iw eostdlnihe pisielielRiveer s iiicct-itc teoi îî-îîî- menetiniretfl3peaceetrrtets fetcbis Conrtielithot, I, il, tti tý CAVELL BATTERY SERVICE resccin2NewBruswik fshig ritomer wh lill telrom11eiti c In e e ce ehielîrîotf lie aindt iti woaters. ot Kîce ssI, li te ii ! sevic e t.%Sesi et 11,oitlit imettI -olee- tîsr 'Astr \ILif 1- M11'ON. crcccofhtssîcv,rîtitil s e iseidiafot cast toeCost ttt, rtîrî i ýlttfti- evev woieal, rtai an sil ir ed teaices Cf tieEcellen cy itra,1,ant'sii-t __________________________etabiîrnIstetil i l(,tr Dtsain tits the GovreesGeeea andfR. ln'ce. 15,1%>,-v' lo e o- g P pýetet Cc., ecoo-cr.salet, R rr. enett,îr ie \tister oattire tiii,,-- _-i, j expeses(otl,ýr tn -t ofte odsed ,î Dminionla yl1trineadeeeatro ilies Iiti i o n-t i ti- tyeo tor e -, lontroient, ad o et tira sa ofettire Canedran Bcd e rrt lnvr i hf- daa, vi hebpCol- Crosse tireusta tione tinircd ire lre ihcetepleteregar-od tii crsCy tiereaedir beadenot transmirssien ilIR TOFNR OSltI tEJ. a fo niidrrlcrlîtrre trouir-, semî oethe Crrrrdicrr osîcii - lertebvInirlîssl ficcîset Rilrihay CesepaneeTelegcapire. Hos liecrePrecener ti te rr- Ii os- te aw ieîIcheonto see vt.Te l ciistttîettlttfortli- atenmeetos saecess totrace- XXteti.3 iituiiWethtteatm!in coapiationor is micssîl îssiet atble argeis teoeaorkeir Euehr tII ccatofetîrn--t ii,s ir igir ro e priltisetri trîcîr iii ailcord niorer in scostaotiy re- C'tteltor-oIeralft o rîtc t il- ~~c--c t!11- ývea es-esc tya ttiitliralt',s eitdeduitht iet le pororrnr itcoGccilthnlttit lit, sine i t h,, tirs t cocl Satety pnottses ira-ce iecose biis - Socreny. it, 1,,0 1,C%11tetlsit ottîl eorni at.-rtua],treretoreetireedronetiesen Mnurtoseestîrienir,îI-l o- Ce rj e bodpceteetîre tngIi reit5ttet ettrorenoe Ratteondpasseooeser- liieeffots te es-ieScotil f,,litC Iere s etf c lr itibutione, ec, cor vise is non teore etticien t oell Stusete, nise cartiretst i l, t,( ~ec01 01$neîrn~rreoreroots ii I tilslie arsntaer thao ererhbetseo-rt-uas n einteeieis an( hanIlmt,I s co e116e( s---c fglc feu oic- pereon United StoresCeenés traterAit Ediebhii unietMis '211 Retaîl Store, paleiels A50 lttîe(skachr et it r I t ii e adircleecallîîec Tire nes-614 firrvicece irtn- roi, the hsettwosptcihaeic ut-~,~î50e OtOBr Ietypes oret celliîrîîect (nut. toe mnateri and Torontoirsth iroc- cuoried. e-" omutlatiplc r dependth a tirts etcI oaee, unirloircome iloe pecanron Chiccreir,aceceedias te CeCîsIe cs"B ain(, ofsalee,.oCanodinoPacifiefiCesed ot Wieatt-Cowo, emaieel c th rrBycapitacl estient. Apeir as prooed io-irîpeouar cotnetnaetiftoecl i lti Ç ,LeCets (ecliItceettcftodF sittrtraveieeeandireavyetcnttie tieienweit-ew,e<,it-htiel o bogt o -ee.o tirenetrainso s eepoeted. Otta- ScotîanCi hy Mes. JoiasteeetfCairn-r Invntoisa bsrisereieenibrro-itirlfan locIntaleir cftheCisaipuiIIl Slsbrairdîsouri, or aoonee tefrtortreai and ps- Jotretootfamrty. Derec- lic fit lsrîr1sata ricîeandtoeptuasîc enoerfroeecresinoiad Il5 irodt ereinrIndra thiîîoî tri ons.mnutaes etiptred freete t e o f tolen sand iroîrht b h ,, r ire s. o if ______________________________________ CascirpdlteitllI salter s theirelsea Aeettrlo retoedfitîste,roeea Wiroiesale Stores te rth, Joiirsorosirhes aa so f ilîs Be types ofcf rmoî(sîtîis-, let-d Psprraityoferedosed ,er tairtyosaedhfisire. nele Caiioteod tcrars whicir rent totoeteet B types ofestashent dIlice rayt t en aItCaoodîanoPacîtc iese Tes Muer RenIIons ircoire,menotaciit ess ec-esnt, ematou e aroas red fttetrtiseacscord- Wlltard Disaireit. s-ho tutrî nfire tactoreeeesoles bsacuheemîi toissa o- ta reports ftt tattîs ettîsiahe tendîno-roseio trot delîshtat ptee MD~5mpr cgha'sW neetefetc.,tcte. etofthe reilhnne Thee repreetone "Strtl Dshonorableisoeoftire EDE~N~JE./'I JtA 13Y vaiu salote.oaohegof etalprosimrately 33% te fticreaesl oid-timers oethtie Aooerecsae e 01 H GH CL SSBypc heelnCuteneittteavellrng pubi ir-th edcaedtrars1 nlnitstorty easoft.eclie-ht SEx rpslerretodimo- cest rt csurî, viaiileteo oaonPeudaytencouert ad suec rorti--atnee, prh se o eseale). Sondap and retor-rportiosîtrit, te tragc-erperlecs nc e ioOs HlIas Invetoris.eidCigirt oftho Moodsy folo ro-. ire wseptnyino- le a tecledeeten Sals rea(lwn.(70)whilh the irere rnrrcired thc atttote 0111 1?tNoTI N ash anQuestionsles.rlteo a irirr nTirelasir cote, erc Estabishmenets eshen tire illain cliroied ot oetrie _____________________1___________ v tpsot servicest dro v Ms Ase usin. ceal-in ea oeeed sctirsontOit ioýitiitira nic-it et n-ir, ir M. Osai li By types et estabihmrentî litait AIh persons le Caeadn nre c aleaslreaire - iooemer, anCes- eadiec maie muliple he iO i derreouhenetceue. wan Cthe ijir, nnd big eîe ce . Si BDy value otsales. eltaete nertirequestions o ete hirededrire villaiooarlIsoliep. Wecaciîî-cive votitptrompt and satis- à Be capital IvtCent. eeoooetaire, 'cm -Il st teaino-The md sean n-selaidotsoi frît SEnpeorre .thirirroundsone Jane lot,fit le sînred bliritan lune.and thir mc- sofe fatov ç-vî5ciii îtîtînttW Satle ireeklnirds-nhoa Royal proclaatnione rened 0 the play otan rulocd. Mpca aaci nantomscers utr.Meidny lenireCanada Gazette. At- gays Mer. nsmreli. Da. n aufctreatien fa calred te tire met tint the __________ - Dta e tinela tircougo-ir h ireriformation oitained ln tire cennar n rtshRilas et' Ieasgffdoare dstetirsted, i.e., drecttac-nCalirbe nsed tor statIsticai Iroee 8 rdisIsisa eons mer, tireongirirer, agent, ly, air nd net for taxation, mlitace ae Tire tastent dalhy ran on Bellis mîntilon mereirant, etc., tirrogh eon- n -Note leadsjary services or tire entocemeenet ofalwa sItie 345tpm.fom S- Etîvelopes, ail sîzes - îfbanches c.. ottr merevlee n a- 'rveil siieln - îtcc The Census 'of Canada 1931 m. I the opening weelcs of lune ever farnil, and every home in Canada wn11 be vianted bN a~re sentative of the Goverument for tse great ni. s 6 purpose of taking the aeventh cenana of a ia a. The census io really a stocktaking. Tjiatit provides the information to enabie tht î a tj ment and others interested in the de%(,!,, rr 'f of thre country to formulatprgeim i,,. for the bappineas, comfort and prosperit.'if orr peopie. Ail the information suppiied iLe atrictdy confidentiai, and th,- t. lit "trý of ire Gos ernîrrent arc subjeet to severe penalty if they disclîr-- Jllîtof thinîformration sshicb Le given lu them by residents Ln the erurtt. îej any otirer tian tire Gos ernment. Furtierirrore.Lt fias îrotriîngsshatever 10 dowitir taxation, or riiii lire service, or crrnrlrrrrory schiool attendance, or inmmigration, or a i ie r-JiI matîer;rarriie Crrerîrtrtnt iteif cannot une Lt ecept for rt iii a totais. Tire Gos ernrent representatise wiii put the same qusaetionr> i il, ancd Lt rs Nour duts irs a resident of tis country to answer projtJr "11,1î trutirfull. lTie Gos erîrment les ery aîLxious a a id forcing iie niP to anermer these rquestionsc, but Lt le empowered to do an Ln thte fessea-, ssereLnrdis iduale rrray refuse. berri-n l by HON. H. Il. STEVENS, Mnne DEPARTMFENT 0F TRADE AND COMMERCE OTTAW. I o- K Ailti t 55 K iii ~-i 'Set 5' i - i-t-luit I e 1 ru - Jimmie Sheppard Goes to Camp After Ail ý -1~- -i - LEC, 1 A tT iite! i', l 1»t1 DENT!-T P1 i DR. F. E. BIABI( lW - liow flo eteteMc Scîsi td, i1e-a chance-strucir roen t1ireard eaa aod Mr.Sirenurut [J c-.n ntir th illle scCairoît5 - no r tttJornso eras tethe-s s-aorn isc cirttiag. -o ousae,ctoidhotur(l l t itt .etocoMy lleteeîesprid, NSte. Jtehsos.cTheinct is Mr.irheppad ad Ijstdid i gyesehmasmerCtedtusie, attgo-teecampeith the otheeheboys oeiiiisediyeredit t lIin olîî 1(11.o-ecs leliutetti fleso seeofitee boys tîat they lnd afteicihone lune itl uscae it.lii oecoittte -,eeueirgta ece-few days he coud llu on omongdisai . NI. Seîsulsd rt-le et-tcattte hItethe cher-ces emade se suc -eount, and i Joheluton tosetaIks. sel s tc'e, sce tîîkeeey the worry,- y- Newest Lucoir.-tive is Monster Indeeý f71E laresecct andmitset peeetah e. , Tionsîte 1e ied,,, ir e zz t' ,eeuIrehs iset hec'-rtaeefictettis tireac-es Sirops eh tire Cerresasn Pocihie Faile-e, MStetl, lot-cee tut,-e in tire Roehy Mtatins.Tire Oe'c -8000" lose-otiv e reciçýtee n nero era in tire adi ancooncet et team mostive pascwet c reter er- ieoey and iigirer sutelincetcais- simt. ,Scie elied a tii repsarc, erroineiecasc ito-,eeotee usectearn n tiree seCarated potitons anti at tireee dîfferent pres-suores and, is ofe ta radios-I depectoreet binoile desint', rd ce-atiof sornetingofaointure eintmeehon- icalanrd railroad cice Faetn and figures et tire ac-0' w-i gis e orne indication oe tis esagnitnde, efiSieney and streo-tir. Ic i5 oniy a scant erne ics sh iort of 10feet ho ien-'tb Weigirt of enoine is 4d5000Irîllire&C of tender 300,000 Ino. ms-ing s- total et f15,000 ire. or 302 1-5tons. It irasfo-£e dehetetg nieeto on eneir idrte eir of rouer inst3 riresin dis-oeter. Its tractive fort ls 90,00irs. whiiet mesns trat on s- leveril tunckitilw-ii irauri a freigirt tramnos et- oltelle in lenoIn ms-de np af one rundred and fStty il i.îuý repesenting atotaliveigrt oft),)t -,r- ts tendecreeas aapnrty o 12,0 gnllons of wnteeeandî1i etut of fuel nil enabling t to ma!, i - - -i is tirout rerrleniseng. Tirere ses fîtoOfeeet-eriti ttt a-nds aitallmiles ni nes-mieso es; eý -deinsetheecontruction aitire roier anitsialne. An autsts-nding fester -----ca-"is th ire o-ris unit vinr in a cissed circuit ten-lutý-l t -s of distitled vs-tee are continori.! e tclstisg wthtboisn by evapors-tion. Distiiiad veter e oce t - pravents acctemulatosnifstudge anod seate se common je vater tube Seier,. Tire cloecd cnet-ut unit axtendainto tire hiri-pt-rssre biler drmitirafores cf 16 couls, raiied besttrasfer ecul Tireaare tirees locomotivs ofaIthis type je Europe acd tirey nshow excelecnts-vin-us in ijlu frant 25 ta 53 per cent, as compared viti thre oventionjat eosootive. But tire tocgecetilft f pea-liocomoatives ai ibis type in oniy 42 e cent af tira velbt and deveinps only *86 pernt- ee utt5 ni tira 8000" ' tt vilie ia sed ile t oeiyMountsin iarritory ai tira rampany. R. B. Bovan lioset) Citaioa Motiva Poyer ansd Rallie1SocrCaadian ielle Raiow-O-esitî co-opaeratise vutis the émariean Locomotive Camps-n lan tira 9 rester mpaoy, el7,o fi desigedtire 18000" mterelire na-dmadea a peda trip ta Europe ie 1929 ta atady loconot iv e t I 1 developmnent Tiracontruction oi ibis monster locomotive ass Issdled undrdct r upereis 0ut J. Beirna, orke ManagerAngs osan r .Donald, of Mr. Sovec's saaW DR. G. A. Vi FRANK P T LiCENsStEA.DAICt C tir'se O fr Phone im,,- i - TRUCKING of Ail! li A'iso for i'l fi -i I t 1 M. MCHNi. t CLLIBBI N(i 1,1 1i1iS. Mail antid î Toronto Dail- Sit -- Montre-i Fa.iniliout -od 'sVcklv Stiti - i. ut1 LOCAL COUl Se t - lu - i ... .... .. l aIrceaT eiut9.1 î n 8 nt -k e tauto Os.,j n - Gf thi P . ...uie .o, emlyaSttosa-soses, .Ire MMO MM , ýýl4 1 '1ýW 1 cANDY Your wîndamm otte nais VOLOMA 7L m