CANDY usoistootb B"Ys BAR NARfl S onFair P4j ERY PffON Moth imîîlîng î'wîh ho' Il sun-liday fron à IAIRY terest ners liree tires -ait andi t ee d. Tires for Ford, Whlp. pet, Chevrolet ai reducd grices offer greater value tian ever bef ore rr m,. i ng than îi tose! IVe icar owner, .,ts Canada CHAMPION I Tra.Fël.WGut6"$ ,Vsy iqjRSDY J~~SAYADAN IP1O II AILW WV ,,I . M - Pbl 1io. 40 pM u SaT.. 6ty 10.5 5Oi * N T. MILTON ONT 1243 a .ooOu ,-2.ix-~ 6 11 '211P* à o, ?j opar i o s 0.00 6(*P.,u.(ex OBat.. & Sun.) 7.60 pmn *. .p.î effs a$thuuiia umda ,.uuisuOs-$- ailOO aGOng at- 7.21 a., Il1tpm..O.44 Pm. CÂNÂDIÂN NATIONAL R&ILWÂ'y ,, ton w. o ix. .P.,' iOINs' NOEra . GOING 500?E. T, 5a lfm. b. trsok .a S. 23 a.m(1.57 P.3. T1 .." .. , d ,.xmai. .1 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ý" icANAD AN NATIONAL RAILWAYS theZuBJiSof h105 1»ji ba "hofarichit The DQUble Traosi xOUt.O taud.xiii>betwssms y .ci-' ~ ud NuPC. MONTREAI. dmi* TORONTO luute r lino .DETROITIi 1, rainc,»or th. iiret HICAGO F&WHITEI, Useooeiied Dining Car Services. l'UBLlIS55iiO 8IOerPîs1 ra onu uîght trains aud - Palitjsarin inipal Day Trains. MEDICALFPi> ,irfoîrnationfron al Caniadien MEDICAL Natint ai Ticket Agents or H. V. Tilly, District Piisi-eger Agent, Tomrou. off ui-o h-s..8t C. K. Nl VFNSON, Mi, L.M.C.C. uýc& n s urgeon, X RAY 1-3 il-, P n IO.McCOLL & SYLR DF G D, DENTON l,tlicîafl and Surgeon f0 A i. BREMNER, PIANO and VIOLIN Puil prp cpsd for7Toronto Cons Kinz St., Miton, Ont PHONE 24. LEGAL Mrs. F. G. Russel î 1.1 I oCK :l bit ' 1P1.110 c l. î -A liucsy)Teacher of Volts Piano - s-i C-u....mcandl Tbeory. i-A u.'cs, -i.scnucani..ei-lc _- fosu siS iin P19icsc0. M 1I.iN'SON & ELLIOTT nc-.uiisy 51 "u TsIulon 5 POLLOCK( & INGtIAM DENTISTRY I ii-srttOicWOO DR. PR.1-MO0N UM ENTS D..E.BABCOCK ocig,,,son R1oeI1st 'iqNTAL SURGEON GA LT. Ph.ose liASNT -yi b. îu RXTAi-li 6-.,05 C. R. TURNER L -t G.A. KI NG I Fuserai Dietor U G. A. KIGENG andlEmbaumer Or Oij(Iîing. Mîilton. Ageontfoc Doca Fumeraoi Deigus. I. i.-pb. sin197apiisn PaO HILTON. 1 N E1iLS E N - Tl,. ( hir tprttO ~N SUR A NC E i t i 0 Lt, Fîre, Automobile, Bsrgtury '.0 59:0 I . 6,is otag od Bonds. hý.1 1 i tie'5r 4>455anst Isusrs 6 a oîae G i i4, 'i.'cLIie. lJnnOuIRTaWc. District tepr cuttiso ISUN LIFE INSIIRANCE CO- Phiono me for F. D DEWAR TRUCKING of Ail Kinds lrosifiouMii .4lso for Sale ULA i Su, .>isst la-od Sie. .GRAMSHAW' v I B,. ha'luoIrhi-o. AngeeIron, aaor andA Artl0sUf Oi.iî .,>uiShafting. tujîcys, Va Bs, g"... and.>steet oSfaIl tisda. Vl 'utsum rntjy -atteided la. M. MICHNICK aumil. Phîou'iý.t ir 80,v MILToN. 09T. iPnoau tes 108hMILTON.- COUNi'A' 0FHALT-ON LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR it, -shako the sulo.i~f 55&ate&l2h #M g "V. avr ,ailieram 4i "i eWr Ie \ Ladieo&s'h... $2.95 864VShoes $198 upsueilsope soiu sver-greatet 5mfl, ilsy gth* biO s Vale5 O5t A gond quaiity tethe with A iuixed lot ot Ladies orhr M500 et riCiier territor3. Asearip s« tihe0M . tu hrWO «o th o mi pa ni@and bees.$I6O grade Strap Stîppers, Ties and i sthb subtantiai et c e n c t M t b e c ens q A9 0 fin e q aa ity fu i l g ra in P u u p o , i n p a te n t . id e a th e rs t. e a t îh i a n d r o b b e r h e o t . * 0 effort aud cpital bâdillinceuls &MOI,, tg.I truted snd thse organiaatiM etoSsuebi Thsy iclkeil 5YiifUi5et5IOWOY5 and eather Work Shoe, i.ith panco............... .......$2.96 Esther Stî Blppor or Oxford great soispaules as the Levant. the foweriug brancies and reat edte on ftolit ther slip soies. A _____________ Fut Iodla sudthie Huilions Bl teVllg fh thém aboit goul reat shlos 54... ..........$:5___________ - o bo nd alon Te îe t idiChOlIws Strap SîtppersI somethin beside ]andA hleio m $5tSfiniîoheds Strsp tilegelsse. wn bclue a-! nd hmeswer plnta! l th Adui e inoofoshe i tie pirs S temulvs-i wtle!o,, treets. A yonng strercoul 80 boiter, Meno Oxfords, made from, Stîpper, &dcoty ctendtru royalty iigbt partirtipte ito ltt hresilmiceofutbis tady tove. In ad- selected Black Clt ;Goodyear md M hefrteltl fulmumcourtlngth0eustaistIgma attacheS toi dlttua. the faIrait muId of the villagl wts etirsi adrfo il 571 trude.wu crowited quoca.0150wuD tbroesil dlahirsl n rbe il sâ i7 ... 1 o lslimccnSoa ______ ntier a floral srcb anil prcsilolo __________ 3.0 HE or3.9 Sz0 . I W O i nO O & .a i a 5 . f1 .t h e j u b i a t i o n . T bi s c st o m o f s e î e c$ .0tH E S f r 3 8 ~ltg fa.toedes Sinilarit cof Ssirnamels 1ing oa1May quecu was uais C t Mns xoraLis'Srapliees r ofp, Féen's Spectal" lep= omnily. nkid and patent tgather.A TE 10 O H'LDE Norttsslstosie csn bout of a NUta Made frorugn uiy rattvn orS 9 todwltdiuhr soi c t fsmmèdau 10lu inwlîctose-SOrd <of the lnbabi-1 gond q T. iku'~ slo 'eisvigfr......S.9 Soid1lether black ai8 O So5maddBarmaIF." jap 1. ats posss theisesmramne- Thi roesrWol ae lcand boi..........*sole5 rbbeltd.lboni ol d--edf- m- un7 lu Boxent. estîrt bat o population oet I rla suFroin Eriesucan an el......$28rui S. bast oser 1000.NarO00o065 Anothor ptriotit xsytb bas beau Stucs 8-10j.. $2.. Neary 30 o tim - Sappy Ladies' Shoei Stucs 11-2, widthBD29 buvete eursumne or DisSe. torce e lowtrer lit colornlth0e fac Hoteproof Hoalery WdhA( J. & A. MWARCHAND abow surprlolot sunters oSa en sui-ý William IL. Rae in a Boston poiler., $1.25 pair. A enappy oeioctioflof high BOy. Schooî Shoes1 JEuESMLO owlierc cisc la suds o large percest-I staSes led tbe rest of the rvorld ln the srir nihto hshigh grade Footwcar, cuban and spiko By'seholsof bhatro ________________ geoforpeople ivîtistihe sane nnmstoi' Introduction of tincluil sarsiptsud I sriewib fti eli tas isadPnp iltn l isiriissa.lcsHcmmmlle ftut coba 'd. gr6' ade Ioac ;in ait thc e nesi Srapo, ics an Poîp isetusd disoNert, hat* the drafmatir .combat nan. tîhe b h oteho .It la dfficutte 10 e hwI ail, Montor and tise Merrimac tega lbias shades. Peor pair..$125 ..................... $495 oxford .. .... $2.49 iappescd. Srona are a comamn-1 neniatisu lu naval arcitecture nbicb o Plunibing ~~ty nodern Instiutliiton rinthebotransformeil savies the nocid 0ver' raytomM ou vr P lumbing su doya thore wrnN ?e. To dstn reselves no rointensuce froua Prof. OUR UP-TODATE REPAIR DEPARTMENTis ed ometyu vr ot Waer Rati guis>' iietrneer, tro Wllams, ose migt i James Phinuey Bater, asistant pro- need in Footwa ear)g son,anod thc othor wlliam 5fr00 Band-.'mater of thesesves06 bous e tobo s -a e Warm Air Heating ly couseofIlmet5n issOt ul ne avr'onwbnepa. M T A H E S ( R endt illa tobenton andsilWl. "Theiramatir qualltIes -oS thits Irt POE27R .F S E TN N liHansdIcy. Or, ogats, Ia ma- igt figt betweecu Ioaciadi bovs led POE287-.M F S E ILOOT tisnthn e lsorno bybiss trade, Johs tise saith Amerausever sine teoexaggerate the E_____ T.t.omsutiUsnJo coneStmitn. effets of6te battles of HamPtPn E avetroughing rni teyfoi- 10cr lun no etion of exas iltos of msssacrlpt materlal thin utise oit records.-London LCt-t iluParts. Londonu aud Wsington'a Water Pressure Bt.- sows cleorly tsaI Fi-suce, uit tbe' I"giou anal Seular Unitedl States, piuyed tise leudillu rolo St i at asl Systems in ~lutisa Introducrtionof oS csrada5- Al hegratreigob a te SytiemTns Oeîyth guSret fis oli-sî Nns at parailet eacis otherin oie eil S ep bic Tanksed a0a, tut Lepzig, gi rre. l'or isotaucs. jephtbii, one ot la greter thus ver i ibasubecs. It C.asam' oatiiae the judges of turac, mails a rm THE la he word's one annul Intenationl Te fuctors sebicis brought about uable ton befors hoe marchieS agatnlnatT ;HE fuir. Il iusha, isted sioce bore mu oth gvror'0e Ammnautes. tOat if lho pre viet u tise Trni-iSiiscctuc', adw ntisero, teeublse ne tis e g o ernortoral i .W fe teLr JLe.ireit CO * awstaprovides et 00 nu auoS pince teagtos. cetal- the ist livng Sie wblch 1005041For Courteops Service. MAIN STREET, MILTON fci-talaciyioftuut oSln-tthescruastoeueet 01lm ou bis returs. J. F. Crowl ey - is an evea ctyoiuouai lOutrights, anif thli]ck "of uniormlans. TisB isppeucilautedbison 0 G s u Trs gG eseI TuLSPHONE 26. RusîDnucu 205 Auecssuii sclci- ou GrmmaIsscs- Thei-esttig ftild OSte er wombcSu c is ontefu iy da--ngb-re -Gras sasie, to do honor te the eplgode se Wligc BIoule la 1MIi t Naccald i-sut ton. The istory of Jepbthahi fanouslun(loties lFst." ta sostaised lnluthe.secondilook ai Ttc b tu unei-~îsiîls isll y President Roosuevelt, sud lise pris- ioucus Su oaecteanao, ___________________ ipal stijcet cs5ldered Nus tte cou- dges.Ioex .lnRmri e- twice te sîoe of tisee odMditos aurineji-O Tceud. kisng ofýCee ucli i a Squaye tordrnansd there oye 80 oth on cytosoSther 0rDeucalionuoun1the tbone. suds- Tulng Alose Preicivea tht Toule' toils. Duriog tise fair- nek the isuie of thtlOsiO oS ttc onfer0O5 - o . e heGek e h is lagises oser to sotatie test4tl- ecle are ofittialIy delared te te: coa isitOc (IDentof9a iS. u Tris H. HEE ER ie. chefl ofthenatre f pgeats.Exchsaugeo0f ttewus ad expericucea on IbIs nor 0e reuilered iél aItfument 'lic Nupotccside ucusud the sisisots oS genersl Importauce te tise iy is talon. Wble rstursiiag, hoc - MITO.ON. a fiedteitefeewihpeope of tiese ucerol stotes, tlhepro- 'mailsa vow to Neptumne ina adangerosa I J '--. HILTON ONT. e-si-d mrfuc 0 oefr otion oS grenier uiori-itY lu sat tetmpest SatiSeesaelh uil. Piano Tuntng, Volctng theseUipzig fair. leglIstios. sud tise ittsllumenS of I r If 00gol ha esaelimie wcrea-4D A R Action Regutatlng greater efileut u tteatullaiOtsi-e sct preseuteil ItzelS to bts eye and Repatt'ing. Maritime Rais tien. - U ou tho Crtaabore. Thi wu5 0h. 1-1931 Ford Sedan. 1-1930 Plymouth Sedan. Tise ciptailofoSasvesue, open en- _-------- __ isou. Wbo came to congrtatte hlm on Bt sn oysibi sdmntooo Rse.ot*r tout Y-sepiano issins' bg.cotterîsg a liorbor must fSct obtaSu a Ns Taa.mssaua Pygm« bis sale returs. Iitomoess red Bthuedamiailhlya dmnsrtos 5used t immi ou-ai-sac. Ie usule Thc existence o y 5rc6n'bspoisbtte ishumanlty ot tbis * 1-1930 Tudor. 2-1929 Tudors. asItsecrs os ie it and a * isubrtor pilot tenpau oSo puur rsela btsprulu-bu Ptoosu 24. PO. Box 384. spectios. sud thon rater utth0e ceis- Tennesseeela belleved 1 te a fuilacy sacrl5c reudereil bMmase odlous teUn11 tons touse ont preseot iis sertificate by moilerntisotogiats. The story ornes subjectasOtat leie au exileil froua he1 i Lght Delivery Truck. of_________Ia______________he___ orginttce dicotery in thc carly ceuty enotrent WS.hlly Haralid. 1-1927 Fordson Tractor, in AI shape. penpesents bis certlicuto 10 the hbfoi thl sNIneteenSO century ofSnuu- _______ T. O. D O L SON consul of bis5 Countryanud renesILErERYnsHINOBleueICffins0 CLEAR.n BRAMPTON, ONT recelpt ssiich te gîtes 10 the csus- muccleous, the Iisnest oSfnisicb neos- Insigia cOf Royutty i VR la RCU 0CER Liconaed Auctioneer louas sificers. Tteu ltt ta neccoSsr urcil 24 Sceeýls leutisasd 9 lssbes Ancient EgyptiaTassE Ford Sales and Service Milton. to puy tosnsoge t10. In îratla OMor.ndept6. TO e sà areamlasieil t0bc A ont dWsoteseil near (hsà. by For the Cosulies of HaiSus and Pol. the cuptoisnmust hale carance pe- tbe enits ot a rose- of pyguaes. prof. Selim Hsssn. uCnlatitss____________________________&___ FARK SALES Pronptly Attendeni te. pers teo tor h01t e bus p aail Honorer they bove provei 10 bc iun may adocacd ith 56a sgdlcrna taxes, ant muat ludisate 060 country many cses tbe skelcluus of Obllr.sdacmpesstoenwty 5pe.____ Phone 17-r 31 Bampton. toerniich ho Is going. Toand alstsnredecomi ~l ptyshetu 5618 s as n- fleub icconillu tetothe rouamon eOttom ' tolleheilby Iiletes. The goil eown ____Made___________________lu the mouSil reeton, tOcO dlaJoiuted nas 24 luceas lu circsusnsie& It MailsHor ama msu andl the boues pockcdi lto a very nos hept lu position by tw0 goli lotus ACCOUNTS COLLECTED 1Sopiie Pot ou nuws tors lu Cou- aaisae __________________ santinopte atout 1766 andsieddîn Ber- matsae ,. iloners.jolaeil by a chaleedony. Bach 40yero. Pliun 82.StuulslunthexPteof loe wstopd ya15 ih PECIAL PRIZ ES!1 9 _______place ______ lon e n pedin abird '.1hes 40episce successo -.Felah cobi, btntzamPeuxseil luHombler -gi cullectinge einca ted readasa*ah. nte middle of 105 suown sgedereccStte is erpuensnii-aro.,sd Ts h e tressuren oS the Ladies Aldse-infront nos a disk stuildeilViti, ponioSibseeso lo Is: c-cOlî od bý1erw ton ,0 pstr nclety oS a G"esbua'e eborci made oa oCaaons~t~n You Make a Kitchen Apron poalo toe h ls .tei a enhamasao eposlordslôpe neltilnatbBloionra id bs cou lits, noil ec., nil u. $375, 10 tise Frecsaiasa tdepost on b rar o istion in a lon!r Tislf e i i é nan gum Consanutinope, who adoptedbler. Sha> reeisna ty. At the de- o idIos NO COLLECT IN-NO CHAR1E 1marle thent e0ilWiworee!, aopeO 15 5eSceotsof pe moftathr a e n ~gl KELLY &AIKEN u ooci u o 6 rcltof 2'00' JThte dposÉtt s a -ileraJle une gtoma ,oS tisIorog«*it etshvitheas4,Sc6ad7,MloFa PieLs 'lucarsutrd vrber ntthsuaous for ho S knw aUis TuagtIE NCllT ocsu¶ tocki andbgutt a. u190tcuaifrnlier 1,fer-churéh and »ac ah.anumber t alIter brteeeb-4t a OcNEV LE baty unit cevernestr RW lt~o-5eaI iSS.bracelets have'bees dluoceesd la inia sud geniialiY. mf elrdeestoed tony. ou, "uiU Me~-en ILTON...J.'e A5<*JRL ______________there5ak. msu. Tc es gttaklt loT. C. BOWEN. Prop., HN 7 Id o ation.-WeVlt. I oit su»thougb the dit MONU MENTS Mr. Bayes met Itro.Ayn et a ocalienhavboe besa aisiprettfl' 5ied cUtyor F e h cbartl hissaer. latelr." wnos commmt.-Itdt1i ~ Uaceertsg the bog 55 sis lat «_____________ SOI ou kuow ml vlfer sl ayH5es,' m w hecmayet- SCýb"&i ,SCOTrS in amViuda toues, ater o 55W in- s 4 lbil Vflfn 'a marks.i Graite a abiwd 0b, jes," r-lurneilMcires. " I; fl5. imuo o11t - -,cIMMg ..dMarble erks athehic 5=m milMdI * dm rtsg eh j GALT, ONT. "Hon ,ery lanis r105 nesat 41 a a . boamois" e 11 laleE" HyeocCoeiioifissiGfl Ka.k . .1i. a ntenitsM buMt*0 omtatm. aie -M o& - eipfaih t UaIwà PSlSS. »st i havea usAi v"0- seon h 15e u" 5.ale *iorPb u t iLtI0 our Is84 . ft *e R,~~-as àurl Bydro bscribers -.1 yft have farm bnîldw wire pleas get cuir