To the Freehold Electors of the Town of Milton SYNOPSIS OF BY-LAW NO. 610 For the purpose of issuing Debentures of the Town of Milton for the construction of a system of Stormn Scwers for Surface and House Drainage in connection witlt a system ut' Sewage for the Town of Milton to the amn utit f 20,000.00 bearing interest at the rate of fîvt, and one-Paif lper cent per annurn and extending ex or a îîcrted of thirty years, repayabie in tbirty annual pa\ nients et $1376.11. Thte vo' if the electors quaiified te vote on Money l 1.w xiii be Peid at te same ime and places as tile veting ou By-laxx U9. 1 ttercPy îertify titat the aheve is a concise state- litent (ol the questionl te b b ixtitted te tlicelcecters. IlI tii' asnt et the electers ix elîtainedi teftie By -Iaw, twini.te xxili Pc taken inte coîtoderation by the Couitcîl atter ftie expiration et une imoîtlitfreux the date of the tîrst publictioîn, xvlich date ,vas Noember l9th, G. A. HEMSTREET, Cierk, TownofutMilton. l'o the Freehold Electors of the Town of Milton SYNOPSIS OF' BY-I A14 NO. 639 l'i n, il i t je f ii t -. Dubt ek iturie ft wlii ixt tJ iii tti i uîconsttion o in u Is n îoxtd et i i)îposii I\ork in and tftoi't xtetnofMitotn 1( 1w ai3333333 t of$34,000t.00 e borin î uttreust t tlit .3i' 3of ivc 33331 333t-hlaipe3r cettt per'iatttittiattd i' tî'îiit ix _,ovur a etieîlf et'vtx\ ars, rlax' able in txv iiIt ttitîi us' îuttof pincitipl and xlintîrest .ltioiiittltte f o 2,847i .(0 fttoii' waloiei oftpaersc. 'liii ),( x t w u3' liu t'-. (Iit lified tot3 t t 3i t n M ltiv H\l I\jî \331 1w h(Id on I333t t133' iltii ( l 3t r),3tbi' I :ili I ..3333i i it i1 33 3.3t i , 333331 3 inutftle t3,:( 33 3313(1 'ottt3tti3i3rttîti Fixe (331333kiniietii iter- iim I,3 tttilt,'toiioxxitt' piii'i - : Foi,' titi Sutit i V 'ic at Ih3 uiout flouise, Cta olne', Iii îtx'%,Retut ningf Fo3i t Pr tîic North \\',rd at the 'iown333Hall, 1e11tt V. itie Diujtit \- Nc(tirninp (ittic(i . i - I iti itt (,tii (it .' l tti'\r. tilu a o e i a c n < i 'i ii I oix u iti l:iittdixi euuco s.I l3 it i(J -ic'ul c't33" i - o iii.iteil tii 3il, i11 titi'm 333 . 1,( t(kunii 3h)ctîcnid r titît Pt tueil îî,tîîil i tl ' ih,3N 3 oft oie ii u nenth frointtiie ditioftii iii st ibtlli.ti.3 tlii ilti d te' 33ixNuxetitier 13)ti, li Iil Seed (?Ieaning Service il Ciourei lud i t20c his ai tiisuîn. i 'ici iastd oi (1 barn. Icarncd and n 3((3i l e 25c bus. xi .1 ,, 1-3 111 331,' '"33 .3Il P . :il i r-eï. -3-3-. ~L 3 .x i3'u I.O (e UIGU-CLASS i 0.1P RI1N TI1NGC, ' 01 !P \Veet"111 otv(' 'oli prompt uand satis- Leiter lleads 't' Eîvelopes, ai, sizeïs 09%tineU:,11H 1e-1-1- à Hospita for Si&k Chilen 67 COLI.tGE ST. TORONTO 8 (Motecraft Ceaire. Torono) (Country Oancra. Thimcitrao) eaMr dtr Dýeabra.1931. L-,l 3000 11e "capital loe ouxo C1l4ra. Torontx. t eexgk 1the gae- c,100 or lrend u la cref ntac0O pxkItllty, - enoobIed 10 i10pree.i upoa 0the parnts 1of Ontario eat a003 ceppiad - llîx c0111(0 fe qually eotloled otba uaexclled servic0 er fikich thu Ieesptci . -003d1fare oeftotellapaled-xee 1 look mfee moeayoungtes.ica(udoned mm occa for t111 aintmenanece, Wbat noppaecd a1 131 nue (301 mone 01113100 001came t10theospital. nUlu ul i ~t 113003 iermt f that. If0th0 HoxspitaltforxicOuIChldoco iThedtHogh -,lîfe 30.33 e .3003 ot li00dcTo r.ntoyx and or k C1330(330000 xr l e r ati ..t30 ot od ' e 300(30 tc -ny axd 3 t, roi "' aii-d3drap oOer lioulxi(3333.3donci? 033 tap"9335 K 333 lle 'i o 3e ' , ut .h0.301.3f0f ie Oha3.33,the 33",o Herc andItlsna T oiherec . , rird tii $x o So.Mr,, Wr. i .3u3333 ,eo if the-, 1 ." 33,' -i.' '. the * i c Kid 1*3Ul et tie B-. of r,, C Canadol t il C' 1,333.'d3au .3 r f3 3 33 1 ,333 Jw 13 333 l",33 f 3 '1 3 3 3 .3 lutheDmto Deir Ca - of - i(k , 3 i 1 il Ji, t b3 ,iil 33.01h, 1 Oo 113. , 4, , ci i 35c. 0, 1-Y 9 - 10 il,.," 1 il- 03x33031,it 'nCcAS dii .3eod, 3Si' 33IcIe' 13(330.31,ü, 330'3333'3,,(Il. Tteeto. .333.. "x ,xt thon the 0.3333.3e 3333,f3 .33 i Ic. lTie lnlo t t,' 33333,0 '33 t it..' tilex e miurabxî3. of3. 13 i- 100033, 03ti, 333313334und i3. 110 133ri33of 3.331 A large rock3.ut!i t'. .33iitu3ili exoutk il the ape ix IL,, t(3.3" anontuxd iriid as a ion3xl.'3 .,aig f3301 convicts of .O3îi(333i3. 313,o arexabot0033t100x30333it a gur of t1î(w. As esxape isimipossible unne- 30013 iof3the cogged cxkuextofxthei (' company of guxito l i ot rxgrld as estolu. 1T3e con- ,Icts are cxmpeiled to orkiuand ure gt 30 xpporto.uity 0te lvr xtrede îrthth1e pcuibiiti of iixxoixiitijg meoey 10 thuftixo 0100 itou 0a0301 Ile nhens-xieuned. Face Raaly Thisol fIn1b1s "Art of Thiti3img' Abbe Clu,- nef snyn 1500 fl3mte333out03ofl 1(ety people dxoflot (bitoS. but lîî e lite auto- mata.He oilxiOx it m 0003people do not ihlak '3î 30 tenminuotes a dur" This a nalu(rglxo atogkt of Mon1a(gne'n t "The oxjoricy of tpeux pe are too lay to atack a prohem wuh mooce taon a rharge or teco.' Of corne, tarre as-e aubjecte 0to ce t foc oreu cixdloxo mindo 10 moules-. Toine cinded bumon soucety ho the tiempi le narive t nomeaceceptable principhe of goverument. Ait1(he end 0f tmeniy yearsofo! crs tudy ha salI 1e bcd fonomd only one prinipe-that ociety l a aad ceemplcated h tingt-Eýx- Chne. T 8- YPuture BI$ A combtais surrey oe!au latuce oy $2,775,000 113 the Oedioo Match King, I303 Eceuger. "My 'eear(ating' match,"Rnces- goye. "3e mode olfaa pecxal substucce ol my ownudlocorery. "Siatehes cao ho made vlth itu- (lac la appeacance and une 1tu0the crdbxary safeir mtcese. but vih thin diffes-ance. chat they cao Ire amed c bundred timon. Thay therefore wok out ai oe-setiethof the cost of 111e Swedlcb match. 'arah.match Interesa are concerned. Hardir a dey passes that 1 do n0t gei daulng offero for my Invention.1 "Al hI have onc00enltcxlet t1101 ight iciegarottes as often as they 10110 '11(11 151matrh-a(voyo the maematch. SMy only dedro la 1(0 guard my Invention. Ils appeasance an the markt la enhy a questio of MOKO(GRm'atom> Th1e production o! cigarettes in Canada Ocn11e (ast decade bau rlsen b, oves- 70 par rent. Smoking 1(- bacca has litevîce Increasel in popa- arlty thoagb net te the came etent os cigarettes. The output o! cigars on the othes- bond, han dectined, O! chewing iobacco ihere vo,% o !a(icg- off in productio frono 6.640.134 ponds in the name peas- o! about one-tbird. ~POPo=WnNpE "Somber ((te xu eco 7 "No pioe-uset marrie.' "Ibos goxd." = 330.331 nogood. l'se tepdad tu nine "Tuas bul." -"Not ax Sol, ikea gol pienir xf 100003." "Tkut coo.t "Not sohgool bell on it ight.0 "Thon bad." ' Not soobod-omne c lhiboxae.' 1110e gxxd." 'NotBou gxod-t buti omo l niglut." 'Ibas bud," 'TalaI ou bal 011e bircel '11h .Tbcn gool.." "Yai, thax gool," Ban&aamm in 3M00B. C. Th1e Univrsioty e! Pennsylvmnia Ma. seu00bas honmh1(la regarded as oesoc th1e oldegt dOre ln thevosloi The die1 vbieb la sald te date trams about 2700 iB. . vms faund by Dr. K. A. spelse, n excavtions t Tape Gavra, Bo1«. PotanoIs. made af baisai day. The Baqài,u% ars aoeesuged e»0chat IOve sppseM feu and tva sepMtuihree cM tisecube. The unlveulty Mue«Mubac aIse a haCkganm oard azefs.lisun iuN.i CL. I lelubolied ipeebabbt e lam *- eta a Tffl-3au M r ay tee TIie "Chbatelaine" suggestsa ADVOCATES NEW COIN THE PM CE 0F VICTORY - Hou flcton Hdpéld tu Win tise W*1 westermn a» B l it 10Wosoid 8151- ît» oc muth 101117 Trade ThsOngh0ht Woeid iw »oz cMhS uli if Schoma Should e d &O 1in te tet olue0f the "*ff- Fermerir a bookkeeixer ina sa oi ieldatHltory of te Wcr' in old the Abertu tomox, but nov a rsildant o! laie. at once terrible and glorioni. Of Vancouver, Thxmao Shaw Jeon. t the gacrlfices made in bood bp (Iret crediied by Rt Hon. R. B. Bennett tritain tn order ta0 vin lbe Great wit hoig originted te Idà,Oa War. Bideby aide wiih tbat rod 0310 Empire coin wbicb Jeflno tail- ezpiied tha vondet fui ceaftibfl- tâtively caiied tho "Pox.' TheOrcomm non noae by medical science ta "Rez" (e nom aico uaed to doignatê victory. the propiieed e coin.I Major T. 1. Miteheti. D.5.O.. or It masinix1903t that Mrc. Jencon, the Royal Army Wedficai Corps,vit hi th"o ointerestied ln farting near In- iMiss G. M. Smith, prepared in this! volume on "Miedicai 5.riM a ma timsicla ail ni fcauaiti Ofl 8 Testsceaie. : i tshows hov the prahm o f the conservation o!fean-loVOf eau te acnieiy mffeted by the .uccaIaor1 failureof -theb effort& mails hbla tho e iosta retornti ssc n wounded t(0 1the effective farces.. In the case o! the BrithFores. h (ta caicuia1(ed tuaI 82 par cent. of the10woOKded mnd 93 par cent, of the1 sick or injured vera alimataipre lorned 1t0 cama form o! duiy. Of the %unded vho returoad, 64 per cent. weni agalo 1ta1the front lune. and the1 reot 1t0 1(he0linoa o! commcunication, garrinon duty or th1e l((ha. The 'aiue c! ibis aehieemiant in a proionged mar, vbera rosi forces haro 10 ho Set Up 10 trengih, ia enephaained. 'rhe approimala totai caouaiiiea ln tac British Expedi1ionary Force arc returned ai 11,096,338. For everY easuaiip inflicted 11p 1the visible en- emr (nhat(e) 1(110inviible enaacy (disemoc caimad ivo. Buîh tbo perrentaga ni deatbo THOMAS SHAW JENSON fr001 diaease and th1e percentage o! nifilAlt.. et r. enntt, deaihs !rom vounds are lovai 1110. oiig ltr frnti Caig.r3'." xi a Ithanirecorded in h ot fia lr*03et3r.'ii M. 3 Iiirxc3plan Anoiber rosi improracoont in not- for i. fiortrar!ix MiJrxxio'o (1Mr. cd iib pride-the prerantion c!f1the lx ,i(Oiti(ii,'330i 3 . dxi. e Iteric group of fe'Cer. lihe South 333330 ro epi.i'ed i ao ,33(rriew ai3 AfrieanoWar 1(110nuner of admils- uitxiiof (xi, ,.i'.xcoini 3xd, wih -in as138pr ,0hf tegh ,vout heappr.imt"ly$6 i can-uad theodeathe 14.40 pcr 1,000. 333 on. In' Fx.31yf 3 ulu 10lrance th1e repectivoe0figure0 Thi w33d033.0 on hor ,,da toc 191(5 eere oniy 5.8 and .26, and Ti --l03333 thehuai- thy ar a ldon ky (918 iti .20 oand t.txg 011 1. Onlin3the1.Dardanelles, vilh 030 iss 033of 333 e3rohuxix The 80.49pic 10000 admissions and 2.82 -3 '3 " re" vouliid bouc deaiho. mero the figureacomparable. "Px"a fi %330(.3'iii(,tian dolaic rnrdog(oofficiai records, 86.07 beaisxt i th(, doar xoiPir icn. xof1the total canulilea 1t0 f,'t -, f3 xxoxthear 1(the. chtlng orme mero auffercd by 3333.33i33 f, utco.tres(obr 000(3the lolantry t,58 per cen.hy the f,.. 0. 3 3 ixtiexil3i Royal Artiilery. 2.57 by the Royal 3033.3.3 33,333'Mt. Jensoxo xp.uioed.l'xcinercc. 46 Se (Se Machine Ooc u'nitî A 3.3,333333 .coi oidted l le Corps,10S by thecailndt t 0 he0px o $6,Eaiii coutrylbOt3O3Percent. bythe Tank Corps. t333330311 1(uuiixxtctr33Uid Acoding telarge slrianalyses, cui(.xxO3xatxnationlraead useotheir 58.8paricent. ofwoundowee Caus(- oud currency nar0ne3 for frac13000 of cd by ebeito, 39 by bilioiu, 2.1 by One "ax" ouldequa 100bombe, and.32 by bayonetz. " 3nt" in M, J, x i's i3îrxoeThe lTHE LEGION 1BOOK. Ch30333 " su"-0ciu 3,33pissid as four3333 ce tipIian s300i. erei3pe t Ps-ince o!fiSWas spire Cnlque t 133n330 xl20 Book Ic Aid o! Lagiun. ln i5'o3'.'it3x11,rior xid Oneofxlee aallere 1t0 cial»t(1e , recii03330033 bct3i3:. i mp30(ld. tret othe Prinef WO.eare- Ait ixececa cîx 03 3103x teithe i 3eoiioe3u..the prgrescoflTheLDe- inenaina vtnr io'(xt break- iogtxBook."Thiseuique ol0ume, 333 the soi3ations. xrtteran.d iiiiieiruird. ai 1the "Whi ali tiuos axci ortther eriarrs nu 0311313figureor thcOe oumo prîxex lewec tkan 1(113 of the M& Sfl0.ousO toimiie'.weig'bloixcoi golntead nove iste, piotu and artiste (on3the (,f 33fferen1 figures, tlmold aci Oid iCountry, mou pxbllohed ln aid of n,ýi. illions by making the prce theBritisb Loalon. and the King ex- 133310,'3133tev underuîa.ab in oex- preneirdeired (bat th1e recelilts from 313000e fr(re ould b50 xcarl yIto sate ckxuld 1be regacrdpd au a îîrder'hîe'din ll eounrie.C The pro- ihaob-xfferlng for hIt reo¶aery. peuxl nî,,d 001 affet teiib e orr In oneoflthespeeches he made in ,findPublie the Prince mrmir ietoaeadod ____________ "Tbe Leglua Bouk"t"a1th1e10public. eOL2ýRFUL MODEL ENGINU H, dcarkal 1ob(c nta"u but a rmarkblebook,' and add- clevr wNiso Mehwd Spet Fve d "I e'aald appealt to reyonc mbo tievr Wldmo Medaaoe Spni 110e000affxrd to do nu te boy a ropy.' Pier Yeas Buding StL It thoenprîtutiuoscf the Prlaceu ap- Avwork(ng modei of atlage type peal are txbe ruiced. atect 10.- pauungeengne cxnstru3trd othe 000 cope ofthe bookmuet be soid. scal of ome inch io one foot,3jthe (t la certauxin ht cothic.g mould Se volt of Alred Waikic. 373 McKay morc gratilylos lx bis Royal Hlgb- avenue. Windsor, Ontriox3.. a macin-to. 0000 th (e kaowirdge that ibis lt ta theNId C (R, 'hxps ointat ooJ.mark ad beca t'eured. . Me. Wo(11er pent fse ryiur ia Notblog quitele els10royalin-In- 3001pleting thei morl, wh30 per- cplrcd icmpieied ort bu e cr beeo atee iîider ax'teaxî Pressure xl 40 prtated bforee Becauce of th1e ds- Pouods. Atlth,0 010k 3on thc modelt inctio oltbe roolcibulîrs, "The wmsdcxe by hiiin h30is x'xrbebxp Oxio 0Boo 1"la nltsell a rovciable lnthebbasecOntof3h3ishome(. Tbe treaur, but lisworih iemore ko.o mrenisteoc ccxo riomplein 0 y doubied by itu udded irtxe xlfbb! dettOli.berneanixarout Prototypeofxl 103000 xl helping a tpirndid cau.3. the tste iatO's wihau3lthfstiThticause la the wefate ofthe men puuocxcr trains. 'oxfxxihtuand lced deoih. and l'ho mortel laîqx(ppcd mwti x t x. Surrohavng axrclced the 1gbi, are dtait asou tmx ixirr, hichS ct xx.mw1(cdlxg t au even fr00103 mtes utty dr actrfrxmrthe tank ln the ofcourage taoface life. Moreoerli tendere a.d lorrelt ittotheboiler o aoxxooruog tSe erdowo and Ilidron a x 3lxg" eorop. txv'isloered .xl tbce wo h acc lied alier eyna otoo the trxcb tanksro (Sut thoeo -n-_______country. gie exeiaok3the0rail3;oppleBE'eEFC1'S OF MIXED FABMINO. mo ouelik trucke on tie tender, file prerîiy 'el no ihai 1ur which iiakc focrueyrdiox. sivrcrnxtearc poolexperts 1100e been The botter la 1tted wohstO oîourgi03 furmero ixn1the West iu go ina Oxi(cio.3id a 'Oter gass. The wate toxead ar1i0g and net trust s Is ioatedtScmoucî0lof3a.o1(Ume. mur bIn'okeat growing. Receni WiixO40ipodof tetaoiare requlr- icct haeeprxxedbxvow e liwxuid ed f0 xpeeutc fie cagior. offiletavoe Sex utifiisadeixo had Seen the rxodbooooSudrt0 pxxade reglo" oariel' txiioed. Bui an instance iectng t a trialtetoTh1e'raer IN cOu e ic vex o wcbsuxebadvice -rrrled in 33 0flues01hicl ure xlf1the muO toiixed. The 'Noth Dakota ar3.h type.Agîit 0t13303oxtego n ev years ago Mc. Walkîî 0uade3theio mdr mîHi- xmade a -riof l78,00tartina1i out th e i f bS333ints300. tkIai the lfsdistrict and txod thai 23,000 xl 03.ct3 010000r uxcoi trou, thoeoglae ((331 Sd nox coma, 18,000 no pige, In thb ohops. und trex moctcng ait25.000 nogardeng, and aciuaily 23,. f11010l3u 3330 puro tim455 Suhd noralcb of potatues. Thai '('e3 xxdri rixgho about 250muoî eocyear agoaadtearVey poundo, micreu thexfulti oie tocomo- ,moto 3the lormersop, sacxmucb nu (bat tCee mejuokomcii ocîr 100 tos. fita leorted ibai la Minnesota, North and SothDakota and Mon- tana,. presoai-dop farma incomes ta- .N'TS XEW MATCH. I tait ed marc ikhan a billion and o bal Loos ()WWOrtodc Bu Wil Lgh dollare. 0f Iis,. eeai ylelded Tooe eltoOeboon15h il( isolt$178,000.000; dolrylng producal a Hoodree Tims. $300,000000 and beef animals, piga. Ferdinund Riniger. an Auatrtom cblxbeno and abeep rturnal more xkremtlttse ixcctod an oc a(led (ban 5cOO000,000.-LatO1(on Whig- "evei&sing"math. or wmueS lie Stanxdard. .0d b4king os hseýpîiehsoîux3th biixîe3petuand tae Mute Haie G. elue11, O,etxoîSte Chatet -rý recipc hassbee îested sod eppeoved in the Chatelie in CUp butte 1 oop hoppeld dtet 1(0103o boi010t01(e 1teatpoooxux.!ill 2 egot - ý teoupoon Ocieg 1 cap chioppe1 raiins ti etpuo i33'ol 1 Cap ihopped wdioatx 2 rapt paltryf (030 m, end it tOoe-h ryigre- 033 Mi di,eo. Crem utte, udd sug 031 u poofuI oiellbecteneOOs adiioo3illa. Theo and bake ,ddxoeetherd ofth ex.330mixtur, to 2 mn !rut and nuts. Addme fcîxand mt osri iqid altcmaelCy uriti ailsareud ep,,Ily d If 3OU buk c. b oo St be3sent0f ilo qoý, ce0 cnode""c minutes. ,pecd3 delighIhIl mtecdtho- t Lîc,îe 3 5, .20 Box Mode., Cod, Cana<-ian Pac"fic is Leader in Team ' And Good Wiil With Organized Labo, N iy 4, rPxai3rx33o.thcai- laooy'. Tiax. toduy, rhe fruitîof about 1890, bo- ed,' n a('iti th j,ýe o i he c 3at ofi 886iSh it 133 beog ixto latoci ý L'ý ailt e liii r oH, ilroaci dx or the haio rated. wxiii establ;sh. i x03x33..3Ooxi3ixi'i iui.o'uliîux1 Sixotucooxriencxxcao bc.-iuld id 11peogrerîl- ther.,t iiown wagc'e areementero mai,;the branheotr îraocelexîîîcg forxroilwo' mi. x.oy31, i0 the orguoized roio'oy oel Porex- rhood givccoi- iOi.bi3hing of a rîhedueofe ample,3ix o. G. C. Robeirtson, tioyces' metfi. rigultrons ndrdatesui for eigixe- Miirte af Labor and for maxy The emplite Thore stovid P. 3 . dotrd akib0.3o.rhx "Raian cr P. 00ativd. ce0t003.of ce itor, thexel3a, otprothedoyin.t donpointsot, knyool olLxxx- mticc Pîrcoen nlEgnmn~uevc-rndn !11eOdrtnOW S ((u ce ee ioooel(Otcîc lRuexdîlerphcooye brn 9rex1î mainkti hO He Orngb ei30you fadtuitr anismcolnte oanau- i Si ainn prtx 3 xISovnte igocol gacnte itex 5eprecdmo ecoanldlci S (1 ersr iuttec5 xcrea-o(n03.' b rSen !olnoilotcnlignrto nh biout oih reltîmubxs iu f, 0 yoomu ut obeti oeeouo en3nted a o Olcoiiebteoda uc ieaix035o-m eain emr 03y,17 oedifuf saer enu--pmee bni di eunigîoeplye 0 BLook forîtdii maik Me0io dors x i- or dny hotokl r Transatiantie Telephone Lands Order The eneratoc sas forre-c!of(the Mopie Lea! Milling Company icar ecin. a Giasgcv merobo 3l logi-grouee ber in hort crder. Picing up lina recejote in Une office in Tas-coco a samlsm taiket-1 ' wit the indealer, ueisgluoan te our for tonsadats dtlivecy in Glaagov. Asthe recense eatnP on oie30 tsIphlssa 002theint .eg Dimanesclaphose vabsuicadacbag tht rush Iaediag af ttc gour fren1the e3333 et pot Coleo.Nest __mig tinoesUdy beoglte rAna Captais.Jousmen. passlTrmoc00 i e (2laugav vtin23,00 bag a C dios lew u c.od avay la ber hll. haM n te gncaly ee k1. mae 0~f~0 cc 00 5 Er o "i DR. U.1D. DENTON 'a ylutlfl s Surgeax 3 . uineol. PHox at m R A G. BREMNER. LEGAL WILLIAM I. DICK ' H: UTCIIINSON & ELLIOTT DENTISTRY DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON labo aàppaloOmocnte 0.seOo'O.' i *7 DR. G. A. KING DENlTAL SURGEQON F Oseitun Rxyal Building, ( 7 ' -Rl"ee 9-ine b loc0II ',. NEILSEN-. The Chlmopractor lOIS yeacr ofprax33x.'- WàalenOOHAY aNr ex oiIoo 21(005 - .30 tuiW30 y,3(3 p1me15t0 for oter days a-i i t0l50 Dominion store. (j 013330k :3 Phone me for lTWCKING of Ail Kinds tAise tor Sale ilhande(s-o.igtoi(Oc te. Pipa. Shal ting. l1 itiYs, and steel oo llkind0 X- l.MICHNICK 171 orBo w MiLTi. , COU NJTy 9CAL COUR . - Oa.d 00 Mondar 30.0air ADaemn O.n0- to.tb says A N DY 00 teest1 gays c FAMPION )AY ID g ORNINO a0~ IILTO ONT o' s'Ill (000 i.l I C '33 0~06.ndchac be(co i "y . ,30 BLIGHT & %VI, mPU13LISOICM . .ANDERSON,M.1. .,0 it.. p ~îc0 . .r-7-e K. TEESO ,M-D ,L.M.C. rk V.SN~ELL, M. D., L M C C I UAY Bodies tiI N- ',4 In oeceOxch- t.-d3l-"- DRS. McCOLL &StElI 3ph...Ci 0s*ý,Leiaî mdVxtei be ImeOOLL "" u p Ttr CAM The il ' liera acliShdlly simple neu, ra bsdly thec Cltt laine ilstiiutc. Toronto, tdol ,3ll ba doulY irmee e- caueocil's sit on teeptiOg atid îeuCC oî lTy iinowt ecee. Itil o.iie in beod3 (00 iuoeriiore 3 tpper 1,30- gestionin îehurr'o. LUNCHEON MENU Lma Becoscen Cetteroxe Hot tee BiSuii,3i Canned St3e0berries Mo iHeriii' Ieor Coffee *MAGIC HERMITS ýr