8 * i Wbe. 1501 5We01 Teee3 Sape t Tour WOsioso 1000h nope EARNARDO Uba Y ee meo EoSo sn CAIODY b eo pdon T0 Banoc ftuttbiau - OUM 8 MILTON, THURSk)AY. SEPT. 30.137. BrlnloW.. Favored for Kuoaifr, Ieoad, Ke' lTe brunette i0 thoughtoullm, (JÂNDIÂNCRÂMIONTRAVELLERS' GUIDE. reland Honore Brendan, P.1 minpxturaaes ua o f Peope aonioée serinous amennctos. I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i Saint lanf Brick for buildngs wou ridinge n1.suhr hpse a3 tlrn Whrt 1h elrythn a e uits)ày onNie. AN4ADUN F1AIIO IIAILWAY obero salais ar ltcoysrenOeflcivliliins, deeoyed nom and lions Koohoir. I eeeepies a numbero clre. ao oriter ie Pearen'sLondon -GOeoGAttrB- boned. IrOlen onorte1 manWo ltho~1ruacd, et yeor,. Ryal scesn lpo ol!.1ertodteeoî hnbede e MANS. ILTON. ONT. I7.40 nt.OtîYfr l. soobnoand asnhelb. l ud ing. ndsltsad .ti p r efontr"VoleToef are01 moote! et lb 142 Delly f-oin«Hatdi. e hAan Mo, adioner eeecriPer-5I, Iodla. and ecoly eiht iles long and Owenti~P~retrheli ue havenbeen "W la sale. bore 1310 III yeorot befarent e-il China nd oetwrod 10 gypl. Aie. y-five .miles ride. 0811 on era fcandoe rhne ode ots Il ; aall. codn .....ted aPrcanget o ,00ts, fla.b t ro T hme recauta go.mnm.Gelyie« 0.0? cuinhl.fatherdvoal ge, orit aond- bofymoars r es linthle.ceere r e eTe enl aoesnomeoLa'ee"t ,. lo"-Oaip BP. cune t 3 cyoe.erlseo aI Mnr.Gerc odand efelo.Reoome t .11 ee,11e ueeedlolereoneledeneo et lmfocaisé- 613eM.brick f, îrwdi Irelno.dorrf1onlet.pne- e by Iel tracin rngnof f "ethe hc 03 d . o eoeOs, A a E 1.05 . tP. .~ mde. m! reud erandn. tril! girent palaces ef brick, scoln 0sprldtct 3 liee I B. WW 24as- yeoptIud t. redon. the old eSc! BOY,. â nn1, n ecej olS ur3r ri yrcy brci lond e .buder, the goe-Ocîer, cm~esilsWt Detsl 30u.- ttmpesad mmomew&» -w.nIncabfrdlb ekond e rfehtdo nd o- -se .4&89if Plà la-.BU Al- poiinedblbihp foresvoern. nlln focgeîtheboanging grdons orf Btly 1taoeoly.Bceie.3 1 tccer0 Ther efeldseand as- ,55.LaaeoatGeinto skt.o .,.2pu. .1PM btnee nly frlY doys le reace Teabdceo bcet 10 eoi h0Ieled ogrpicol turd ineec. 13e ae thei exglorera AOVCt~~e~ itog esb-,i I..o. CIIn-to 13 meruton r. 1 beleis tour h- Lie BorgIet in the Chico Trib. locaton f ichbbone 3 . aot cf 55e Gains tet, e 6 r-16 10 thé nobe can s oe ih h cofr . mirie. or. amixrd peeple. The r megsns o n oot ole~odE. 013 ne edeeredtre Ioocdibu à - '- _u. oto e algb re, c ecrbiecetr ol ase le- .soeb îs". eoo ew land Vroc thé parodieseofetdmoErren npyroamide, ulca polr ae no!e e eInd-, Ois5b5 MS il.WI0eleo -I oeno came t10l1e retordâtdan yt 13te gicre etbrick. As on exemOple, and Atghonieton. Me i ioIt amonoos..tttocm~ce2 8.0 W. 1 .16 .1% jetai aleough for yere ttr Amore, one a pyrotrid et brick nuoida f ece,13egh quitevroelkig, cr.oms «.t.bbsOlb..ait ______________ 000mes ocd by Cobus S. Ciroe rnohere berb In onrecerd- 13rey have ro1er lotg brode.w b-.&% of 'a jal 'WBredo oiux!ccd m o eghl by ed it, re es0e prncd ords: regelor fectures ond oa deWY1 08.00W ~ ~ ~ v ya p o u o ftâI G H A spead1ksone.nete Dip r ae preninenre te n chich leIoL B A M s..3nelo.e.net:Zm t Bea Oe orth theelb rYof té atOclOieY and ,ideobilltesins. Ioam ou eeth sie cler in l31irhtOepoenT1LB A M «La7loasot. p MOfNnUMun 13 ausrip0 f ai perler t10hanaescmon inelc au-t.brotro; 1ey bove drk eYel'n ~~o~~e,-go In.coce, Ec~l9 eiol..n Euroe.O Ce- aperler lae es co1f the deiie..Y black, wavyboire torem0. Dsslg'n on RelosO. , r310sbrailler sin met conrteof brick,.lotomode rT.e KaomlrileIsogege 1 loea LIIO10TBay.Uont taGla oit re!trer In»frainr mcd whinb odbrred t10the omeoath1e todo-ArYan grccp, bo 1 11=00- T fotion begoutailctinlln 49. ndof ple dr. tPrin the cderlcceomr - ro.tnea. GALT. Ph-ue Erenoatur icnrico mos dtce.- bellctr cf 1he lobe. 1 am inderct- pshmwsîcn udece.n of roan mrl ----------- _________ ered the nId Ioerd Bien 314113 b- fir and boli endure freerl cfimitie dalecti e I ligo ot ______________ vasae icIn trhofoli.Bin dans, but aou one-cortor cr0l C.R r NER dn' Ilad and Engligh haebllong taee o hly mon sillint cder Or.STEVENSON &ROBERTSON gRrT eIllffierolI.50! et tG II tUS rac scornonded by bis diciPiro, or I Fua Ofrai O Amenricena r101 Glay. bu erw iCe, itcoted cn te bbooksoftht uait In depptredilâon n 1 ot i- I 13r la urron no hetlof th*0 le ant oh. Pniper river,.in oceecf lb. aident fkjloao ~ Ottfats ai BubolUSi I cilued Aeorieo porodis. balre cf 13 1. .S.R. îehllO5 XBY 1 - i 10dmfth Uofprolisher.r rPnom m Agmel for Gobe lercend on f the mn lpIottle O. 11..79. PROoreslB MILTON3>. Grape Fruit Casse Fron. roqur cile. in Europe Of unique Fsrt Zoo, le Chioa, W&$ O.K.scolonet)1.., L.'i ___________ Spals je 16tk Century inere Sc gsiaI Spbie cathodrol, Oierated Abeut 1100 a. c. ad__osai______________ Bruns bave bero cultivoled ince 1crryinenlla.Yacdor Coged animaislhaveoltrnco te.- sesssaw ce bfoe ber ms nyrce mn!priceleco fresoce ohih br o naclod mon. il'% prohobe ha1 longoomeoredthora lacargo to.oded mn almngre ~ . 9 E. 51E bluory lb p on 3,0 0 t grodoli! hring red ioce ed cnor acon priti e tr can d m INIRl. bsor. le ae non a a, te ubequenllcyersof pint odd-I of asort. The ftroî recordait oco, OR.6.E.SU Fre Lge Acieft, beeo Bto by the ancieolEYPt mdhro1hiecnta1es ble on, cm.rcOtIn China,odses a Ithîrlhlos aod surgeon l.LI.AIIel Bts, coeodGek, n ce 3 rl enIer f Urinlaattclc.ood oilerin th, Wshington Poo. i hunebl, EtIc. eyemcobd13 elcoCO r, la le thedlb. AI-UkrainiaO elIIpaouet 1100 E. C., Iltram eaaocso.t îr e too tc cto e grt. Acodetry cf Scences, the lileoin- eutrrd ,IntelligeceO Pr.'I Ancirnl tOooilioOOstlsOtao unil tgierthe wrld ane doh. sacr- nifocnt opera. OO F. W. 6. FITZGIERALD rlisoo eonn t Ee bfStuc. hefeao cl OR . . O.BERTON ylesu53 OMMe MorUa 81.s Reramendacf opelec hon. c, îeting "fiatle hd aliondroute-The bo n oileiod rh 0i.Doces Cumse smsmrm entetîy t inhe faoofîan, loite donlogo. rthMorca CecI JatresRHichard ocr corn» encloraerWvis ta prsrthit pbyslg1othe worisO1eocd's gventent appIeýprodtc- Imonded the Guerrier drfrolod by ih a wld heasl. Tmost XAMOOI ta heait vour UMMliam--47 -Ip.China - m cuntetheOnutrexth Colenttonontugst19,he2,inot.hindw equ log elhom asqut fly lyael OOeo 18uc.t-î i 78.0., Ot cediog 100,000,000 harreln. lin one et the ment fotroue naval10e001rgnedoe.Atnh pINSUR.metotmuPtu... 1sonol tan th- iorxCc lilalteo e Azoos.19 1112hFrec peiccueol. l9aaoa broc A N C E Ir crnom, eerle bett0 .ggetrrnleof BIl imes. Oocrs m etans kspl lious lhey werecel for eoElOtOOiy rdcn b.3 oa. o à r a t in olts riginol- m i e oer ier by oroumel. o i I edclllyiIom lîpr d haie lewHadOee tncton-oeybodyg araeet un buldllnce Of steady. edbineIDsrflie8I.Irco caend Ion by OIra c.u dt, otr cta allse an unfecîccete repliverdioeered LEGAL Frealn AlIO t ce soid Eaglaod, thoncrosi ob l r onidsko ,hefalihfuî, eesily regulated Lis 513A10311I8 Dru ate AtrericenClnes vnNew b oebI 000 o 3e Mbesraoten.hse elng o FIlae t e toile lcec.ily Cotoieo. Econbrilliantvcirr!eleolriied ao ilbeers inothlede e leta. Lat olo g o W. ~~h I.d dICKit olf. AoIel 001.c er aod le.- spiced the ntice- the legeod and W. Il es 0 ei1.r orAmerirno, Biish coco1lcviciCbillty hadbe zos eas e bOOW tbrtr, hegon. Hon.i ih ndce nI 13e proceos cf frceoing dispelled r' ofe Eoglood probobi! bcd te 1 îh n io ehn i F ~'o mhn. dhi ocam i f mac zI da p.ied h Lrt o c o t ,o h~ U b e -- an d leav « f or loe m a h . Occole.».Mr si.o..1mcr EWAR là neit eror tartodb.-ulry Yoro Iter, Fronces Phlip You'll b. rnighty pleaLsed Os, hi. 2 o.:0-M àmamaa.- rage. o cks in5 Ssie, of Scilly *IV !cllcwrd hie enococle.es - t o c y in a gapfrui lied mOr d !ethrclanloe hole othe30 Oc ic aide of 1e wtaer toase ihti utss m kl grapefruit? Xeycil t"eBritslaoie con suc h rl rdaiteat the camne litre. watelemConodioin Coke. fim nheneatsftqestidon of anasicrohsli f.1 e iî Sariah, oqarors In Meoico leand Order fr0131 3OUE local The newer i filet the nor 00lth e laie f Scilly. NHed for Il.u 1301 lecrlerscbâtioled hod rooctHAMCO deaer-ho desoerves B"ocelr, olînle, bI. . aa ecceoth'bograpelike ciu-ao-f 'e fed,10 diyc 1ebg ris. ,~roc cecooorouasttnot -r. G- R A MSHA1W eror bbe in whieb Odeo foIt.to, o f' granite, liaet and 08eomlhbcleEnPte7U feblnO.HA OO!coceCEOVNLMiO imh rnXLsA.uw..B miAobmse t.m lma nedrs 0lc. tcdd !oaho e eapooatla1 oually ronerîleb. 1e3te HAMILTONCANADA T.Ioh.. 54.VaiatorendAUC4004r 'da byb; ý.Spattarda rcrl1 in lthecents oaofrange centrest. Bone uldeel Zoo .113 atteoctiOt croodoR. S. ADAMS __ SoId liv A. S.WILLMOTT jvaltOtttSons M l7 alletded ta. Btu1 etury, bal did Ont b e- rock looklitspetrifed, preisterie E.aIOT mss .a m on stuon uer~O- cme ,papoter r eh lcoocpargcoleY tresterO. Othero are like tiant tee- 6EORREEE LIDI ec sud10000117. tie , rtsulorolswe vrniranTitifen ___________ON_____________________________________ lette o gcorsle toterel, The Constitteiio et 3eUnlîedi Orrulaèe. olctu.ter , y pli oit. onse108 MILTON1 . 1ce lerroliet orote Opeto-lo itormero ,c.ildi.g..Oloain tere cirgeomble brc. qaoiiyorrok-Stts don0 ot orbid Anrrireom ecoo.Mltt.Sloawlu Wers, Once Woms lot rocksu, ore f wit'l 00fu ie-n te fllem tile rsh0cr ro 7ethc 0. blIlMned esmec10oigt, t. ocon asiIY h rekd cri Lne ermely dpa toot in"e sahectoO Z.319 IN TORNTO-- iay'ward . aoece byr-octtofvnerton te one hne180fcrtrtd te sae baonus and emi.icillced peoples. inhoilcolI f tprepeole.rde atrerc o no tiech would JBt . ALWEL,e.. Polîtethontht tale reterrrd tein the 1vise e Toolh Ocb onR 3 bon P.blit Tra sport Bilbeloenlysecellh rhcpler of si. hiryo. Fccm certoin mark- hip 0f 007 persoc 'woaoi e lttr attt0t0' iBIVIE Eril l .rn, noteoaiothe1 ba3se0oithierck whinh cerptLclain, roeeie or rein uny m Bks , treet cOcI(Ltîoy,,-9- 0ILY, DIRECT meteeRVICEHcal -Y or. in130 tort hic3, til iuorrboýàiedt101 tie c o hit r oe.orsol OO00OTtm.t. w Teeinh RurlscNew o ly Ch- sacrifices wOrre clb.rd there 10 pre- wrto heo ntro nt of oypren, pee- uwý- TORONTO aud; InILTON The loae in oIrgie .110 OrsI 31,10180 day..art ThelaeOSTO ad0i000at aitri dyscta'ffce or etrlolet o n! ana1.00 ttroe, BoperLe in Spain ced the Cash- bin, mocrlo any trpemr, DENTIBTRY er obwî lfort iîle rer i Wer î aw-Gat oct inprincesororIerigo powe."The MOIGand CARTAGFfritdsnThePase hw,,w.hLntcuinomseruf- cp et10Ce fi-ýIn1nocîhero Indiaet th1e fot of a ed mre shalem admedin Sotnd. teHimalay od rato, iaitie Ie ient ler 81 eotOned n o ut fur-co OR. 6. A, K16 c a-,, .1 1 btane od siteo 84-cîedmtell BrTA iiREO&TROTO hlTO- But the Yountlady eofoobsiceo irât1frîirLeplocid clley o tom L.eri atetin OUnoI.SoalSclio. iieo ITORON10TOceeed b poiblitesof thé Hec. in fond a porîleodor type of1crottio ilý.38 shawl erl! in the EighlrrOlb ce - hoOl-goauthoîr e crer ater bir _______ _____________uy wen Brih fficerî3cmcoa ettho e e!tlcal and seflet' 0..-- ..O«k FI..h..ie-- t nln .:m " crly hale. Ad iIta frne le Iln. etebler 1 10 i0 Ecglcnd and'T ji a tcîem. eereally-amld. Theserr. ot eas siOleeyearso ld. Whie 0-0.00 ~FR D' poilo. on510 ane satinOcuO fo in shaely atIr0 cr10 ohrc ot 3ee UhîdStnohmt OR. F. E. Tu10100 beorle ce 10 i SERVrCEeton te ocbeiforhpe petndmoneoitethinc milh l torloi110eohHlol DENTL SURGEOB .. eD' fo3aisl.0d~ , cfr possessono pet 1101100tillo rctgo In 1111 OUo cerCe II mgOtruBc 0 iode beo te codele. Theecoand type Seacch o acde Hic rosi natre a to" -MILTONbdlitoepu is3e end enrcoohti p tbetdrd nladodrcfRichard Clarke. He tro$ o typicol a-Ra-nLisy .Gs ITATI. G Sthey li tm fite peru he oncr eos hitrprrorPtthin a1 aY s.eomo.. TRE Mrott pletrn Wavggell. ohvloc eetenrA-T OIL -TRSw.gtiran boys and dit decc l- ocincod!for onitereol t î,îo TotBOC. lgaoeîem te gamarly cheqccro A fine and hottdy with hie flt1s or aune. nfeciOnaY. dla gornauo: tiarerode the Paoty Express Thne Chtrcococt i. c. ûondand0paterember et$aZ tgi$',' Wihyo Scuete. rc oa aO0..te .. -a odd migh Ficae mo niaoliosxen n a' oait o iiat 0acooth eo pti-. a", R amisodoutolsavon peoud. Lolr e rd elegcl bled. o l as aband. ___Evertno,_____________ broand theîr 0000cr hune Prmt an orte eceeet. orre produced tenî olwoSl pe reteleif00 od 2 t-a - 7.11to 9e.W .-o a iifiesse.Phono 176. or 1$W. Se n 30to ath e i b3,Vnotre, bol 3e nnve Upper Ji NePo teaerd O rm eti e - b le c k o b l S n d il fo r n atld s th e to le th e co nee n lîo o l ly re T h o mo r n b e llo t m o u at n - Fhcsc of Mont. hope os dopicled n dirlimobe lino, triere crooiles ondl llig- O t oiion toer, laO cOO. _________________ e cymlopedioo and on Astralieors 10crecr ound I lethaIIene anitruis itoOlagOolempe. Thoetontle lae bm ..vathei upper icoo cther thon - IleeCoor cilleritoeuberà pissnt, a 111te bromneno rt the Imor e oi-o thcy open thete ~ OTICE Iot dc 10pn -nmîDinner GCorn- ofcrtre aieo rne portcmctmc3es. This la o idinuloan idesl-ý LIeo eod uOLImOOP Thareola, ohl eP fr itms cf oses* l Tkirt@netlc C*Dtcooy iler huabondo puocl. SIt yono wo h Oc exnaodlcel- Licennd AuctoneeraudcotCctieut.0MUST ho in carThre la mueb obccîl! ounol 001int nd elldoenot dane. tn f nef iee aOnima. TheP- so ol a l Ml ismut. Bier.d .m. tOcWBle f000. 3Zii u hige, ay awrt Foc thtCotunier c0I Haitec & Pol hooOiItr10 0PtOY the oae5in et the fomone Oco-bkint e , 0othbgd 00 to Phono 14-e-lt 5008te esouro ppublitonoonc "-a edinome of 13 1 3 i teVioloor' hall. il erocn0 Lendon Weckly, buttl miRueN.3 MdTN T.--.P-O0% op1uL, obya13Swanderehtpnd Edgar Allon Pae chiverd the buppe oly ota oe phead uleliblsmIhoOhlohtaotrotnooo -,theselGoi.Vo i Compayof tMameors, hooriot ýinique dtinrctlooietm C he r animaoisl,oand tlrowrcala î lo him bote'.o .latsiHydo ilS . tlionooelOt oral-mmeeehsein]e t-h. ienýre c ii O.l, m0 hei Lonodon Ob»glMore eorba b r1-<licer tyter! borr 1ie plice pmple brliaved Iheor onitr..Icms emelhr eo bltct- nl t .tnl.ntth. meuol- COU 1~Y PXIHLTONpinoof Eet Od.eier 1h1e todor i 3 gan oftbl 1--in1 con i.to 1'.t asý Omue. Tth. OC)LJN-rY OFr,&H^L--rOr'4inaiecerpany escEdeordîIII <Eeg- herJereO. In hehouh The MYs- alatpteor apper lenst8Ihatolnr h.wh.- h 1937. LO C A L C O U R T S C A .1 37 i I yi ul. or ht: : reed b ho eeîd..tdei.nrd one O t inth.ctî,.nan m e Y - -mto oni etan - , -je erIk (Cypil) Auctdu corrnfessoaI ofht o13mcî oneod hy ai- T.otouoostreu, iso .0.0 Oosrt tt .J0hrI,.3m0l105ho tîtehapeonothibtnueee$doom,..nmnnbhmanmt tod. L. hall tiers Rogrs in New YCck locorclce ttlîl ote greand. Ichul o.3e O sveler Mon ca o r nI morth - oc I.yol hloo - - - - -"oe.",cbeumode o captivînttual 410eporutoodhmselOonSlon. S.V efflomr -«de l. tendlrt t ien. lo/obr.i r *îot 70 four y sne. r , 10ebutce are îlot. fi0 s ffaes.00 -oy ,brtOOoi fn 1 ..todIa.13 Wl ia3e fo" hi-self00 bd tacraies WlO it h. o ldPeniof Oc aui.n se_ LI__ _ _ _ _ ILI_ P -_ _ _ _t e__ _ e d h e l e r a n g e P e k o e B l e n d A , 0 01310 L h no n e otrr in e - - f im e s , t rncnt0015 rt5 0- t.1 0 001 i.sn o I . Jh. litetoLd 10 eogi 0 1 36, .lelz, ..tfn cc. 0..Ta..P.b. Englochst/ ai OOerrOOerlsOooIl onr qit probable filet the de,.s~ ae P...c bbnesel baue 3BlII nte inA U le ompimet t Ilon.fo weren fiet VDR EECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OtbJouotirent hontsanettOo Vosle lr-ed au bfor tant 1".1tcntoiumuAer1ono etbsarc.tojeorth.0010- Oy &ao d 0as a traquen BI rder W. 1 D. 1111110flol, e did l te wowi pIng.* messe Clof ilA M cd bm body wuoeatseol 10 2.0cm - . oyna ko-MOf. 1 '