Organize Halton 4-H Forestry Club CM~Afirthldr.n Carolyn Gardhouse First President histui l eudrs fer 1960 Tb1960 4-H club mu k in Hal- he Blair Even nlg AuxIiilia uon were meal by Cacal Smith. Ral to~L.. n Couuty as sarted ithIth Wednesdy ecening. Mrs. Mahon cali mas answered hy paymels -g er ubsalîhe of a 4HFrsssr Equip ment Dealers apened the meeting mith a puem, af membership fens.MisChese Mrc.bIu on i o-gab neafianeai a ose aiIboFf r NehCo pan For a Happy New Yeac, aisa gave she Ireusu.rers repart. A la tr lu s odemanvîcrateîr m e C m an ane, 1Knam Smneshing Go.dcukia sale asasplanard fur Ap- Places Second . su hec upplv itu arm in te ils heurbcct tiomet] bu Mike" Shali Reign, suas sang. iiilomed 1 M. Aeslc inanofmei Pic, sus A nus, Nclan sirur Aha. YB.lahehymu Jesus ni AHaciat Saia -,ssaiiviisNoioniiultlialliniladiaird 0. A. ssih prasar liv Mis. Flial. The A.~~~~I H ubuirlR.R. 3, Milirss lsulu s îrCc i, îîil,,sl[îs i iser l rît iii silrsa sr1rukcr aLkan Iront tisa MiS. Marc iilîcul [lieiili p ilaied Lasisio nise-uit iii te 'A - irecthu ion 5)D.. f ieciis I L i'toiC se 5:55555 isse Iilerv. 12th h it s, ls. ii Rmians, s , i isg ii sais loi 190:Ai) îrlesi t, h Diisina ieNsasiI-as i iisr Iiiii[isII'tse,',.isteseeruiirssissiirssliMr.1M.iiii Marire Iissut. s\ise-jsresiientl S Campeiilin spsued by flicandi R. C. Cuningham. .ouavise4lai la.ilab a al ans is .Rbrsi adiamn neMshi;vcrelaro, Iindu M Canadian Duali Purpase Sharlarneser oaithe Onario Dapacimefll Mike Norton bas bacrt Case utas and aiss gave the annotai Wallon; assistant, Nancy Mathan; Society. oi Landi and Frasis. Club leader saia sBiiiuiu1a m earmihwscr lscei ino, Bannie Inglis; choear sac- r The aard mas annoanccd as fac the projacl is David Muray, vassIlh 10 yaars' asprriance ing and ancauraging. Repocts relary, Elaine Smith. h the recenl annlsal meeting in fieldi afijeeriis h uela l in lsiservice. 'Ors" Tucrnerlas mrc giocîshy tha sariaus sec- The nem afficers than lauk t Guelph. Is placd lIshe McGibbsiu Sisicen Mile Crack Cra cirrn heticnn lha implameril business relsîries ansi al shasuad an active charge and ail suani la Ibir "I entry second la a Oebecaenlry. Auhriaiies. lar 30 vears as delar Parts andidn ecasi in the curk. A lasser at graaps far 1he slulu periad, Ler I The Il casus prassacas an avecage R. Cunningham Speaku s sice ansiager. appreccialian ranon s eesuine mhich Pamn Humbly, Laurie Me- er ai 8198 Ilbs. ai miik. At thesecoandimeeting oai.lise aithe relardedl elilsren suas jPhail, Stisan andi Pally Vais e -club helu aisTisursolas evenirsg, AohrBad read. llise hvmn, Sîandin, ai the Siekks gaca a musical mnrhe. li Jisaarv 21, R. Cunningaminss- AohrBad Poral ai Assaiher Year, was 5 Aune Mitchel.l clasad lIse mecs- J E.W ieo k cLisseri shlesr belisand iid irs Miltoiri Publie Lihcary Baard idung. ing iih pr' m -oloedb ii J. E.W hiteock reaks, flise lansiing ltrcssr sas rcceiveaa$15,.000 grans fram sag Ad r s e lb plarting andi variosi isanlisis Miton Cauiici'l, as repiireld in lasI gstall Officers Saisis Ps vri uisn A d e s sC u %ek's crrinsil siarv in tha Chîa- Mes. Mnziassansialssl bs sthelana ss iaus n - The alsn Jrsey Caila s aprjeel, 1he clb memlsec p110i. Breedalub jesey[bair'aah ll sasls paTahur. i -e siorinslirilui hase dicecled ers lacr 1960: hanararv pîsssisill, meeingai he squsi Ton-s bller bell, o ar ak fle faun, the suriluafle Milîon Publie Mrs. Hambin; prssiientMrs. R.LEG ION meeting asrmana1mentEuqaa-1ingIIOTassard.Mahae; furss visspsssidsn,lMcc. uvaslalHaalmlsagmeniprac- SCIOOLBisasn.Wallace; secondl usepî, ship Hdall a Seacl20.s'hesces. I - Mcv. R. Hursen; sssisliv Mcc medetidav Jaaaarve 20 Theh Club afficers fac' 1he Hailisi lis 1998 Cîai a njavesi 237 J Robertsoin;asssiantIs Mr D EW camaeadsuih e4H Faî',slcs -Clurb inlurode C.ri'rr sesiercent.aoflicsvillradie iiMcli;NEaW SrMs i noua banqaetLi ssicb J. E. snGriaus.peidril'li cic, ,ris reil isaaaeca; intssisanl Ms SC.rMpt Whiîelack. former agriculacral M ar, __________________________paed t ailav dîscassed saur sie-îresisltarrndi Massg-,'il 40 par- the vears ha- ChascrarM.S.H, ighligbls ai Arizona and Cii- ares Lassan. seiav. lissen flire sua Wasid War. dChr sss'ecnca nerrs. . He7 arnia. ic - - - a sMePhail; suppin and hale, Mrs. Olficialin as lise iesens cn- Oalining is trip la Ise saalb- DO. Inlis and Mrs. W. Wbb,; sialliiin ai alicers aînd chair- westeriusalles, M. Wbiiîlck pisînisîs. Mss. R. H accru an d Mrs. maniai Brancb 136 sic 1960 sure sîrassed bhis impressions aif the W. Mallon; wlcame and setiarca.Zone Commasndri er Bahain daicy indaslry in Ihat aorca. Ha Mcv. J. Bavnissu aed Mc. T. Mit- ansi Dapulc Divtinet Comaunder coacladad 6v making a campar- chll Gild Tiuings s ecesuiy, H. Lanib, brulis iiiSlriceisvile isan af t6e inlusîrs in Ial at Mcv. J. Walace; pcagram sum- Tnp Bumiers wilb Ontario daicv producutian. milie, Mcc. Wallace, Mcv. Har B sc 3rsri icCnrla Elet Offieers ieMs tml.Mv .M-Legian cane bowlinug schampian- Addiianal speakers icladad sr bliion.kilceseriv James Bremuer, scearvaof 1e Brhday Song A ip edilsuruu eiecav i Canadian Jarsev Caille Club. M. The bs-mn, A Charge lis Keep1 mcdrise-sip erav si sniirgai Brolrgaiva an asrinaaofaeî- - Hasse. ssusng. A chais business cmesi an metgu- illreemucarre nb ta soparias5ri lsrssci. The bis lhuiss tendiancus, îsing 1960. ito.suug sas sung [suc seutailic Cummitre Furmed The elcian ai fficecc reculs- 'iebers. Mss. Marc gave the A Valcrisliie Dance iv lne cul in Ernest Davies ai Gueph, R. Giuiid Tbaugbi, Gruiscu ris Kîsîs- flise Fbruarv 13. R. 4, baîug'elesied as piesisient. leuiga tri Gaul, suichbsau ck Inco Do ath so Atnwa i urbegin the newaisrc. lu rsnactiaiiscilh the Miltoîn Dan Mafi16 sus IAcsidnand a-The rail sali xvsanssecreuliceasea.Cariadian Legian iv, Bruce Nixan, Nrsal, sesond vise- b: v isc pavîssen t III lacs. TheliimuusStaC-rsmmlc eale fivl isapraidat, nd bmu.uirlTbuaLs'caCbCeuiiietsavear 1960. Cairiucu ii orlresid senJ .acis, oranu triGiser. %scs sang. The meeting the 1 egisrins camînirîce is Densis arceutwsprelai e cearvHlln wa~5s cselili pavec v hvse Rowsuesanduîcîmîîiîîe membecs caalywa apainad.vecsac u4- -r ui~ 4 - pîiscisi. The hîîslSsv assisied Lire Jim McEaches a, A. Maîliassi.1 LTER TO THE EDITOR FOREST LEROCKETTE CENTUION-ba s be en named Reserue f breucis ubi, iee n cc Cisck ealic d Jhnon sd AI-Canadian Junior Yearling Holstnin bull. Owned josntly bui.11. ffective Feisîaacc 1.t, he Q ~uash Rurrors b1s D. W. Shiveiy, Springfield, and Ashile Faims Lid.,Wilon, Chldrens Ofrleers t egissu bail ivs everseul uic Leg- he as Junior Championa Western Fais, London, and Haltun The silsisen ai 16e churcelIinn pucpave cash Ssiiussuisî Black and White Day, and Resesan Junior Champion as the scbaul belul hiaî Januai e-iiie-ugbi. O n Hospitçil International Dairy Show at Chcago. iug iri Sasursa ia tb tise pres __________ R. R 3,Miloniens, Brise Walloin, in 16esahr R. R. 3 Mil an1ITisameeting suas apene-d hv~ olc Januahe: 25 196 public office ssiicb iv bing inging bvmn 295, The Chrrclis Tear16 ior spunsared by hy1e International One Fousndaian, iallumed %vsu is b'el Dear Si, - - *Lesadership Gsroups in te Philit-p. li er hv MaryDanisç. The C m I svuld like la ake a litte aif Wsaripture reading, Luke I5: Il 24.ý Manufaclarers or yaur spaca la lry la quasb aoma îîpiuev. sss rcad 6v N- nc Mahan, Mis HG GRD MMOAL afth sîupid rumrsu a6 b BIBLESuggested Readings Jisvce Chasser gas e I1 Hsr I GHGAEMEOIl 1 wsregaled pirt vrcn SuiIsuLE. Tbcvvr. day. iifecin Hl fteermr e aigath1T skista. Luke 7: 18-35; Tacsdav, ceiveul 6v Lia snd Katv MsLaren. 62 Water St., Nerth, GALT Ailai has raarsregrd g h iO aV * Iukc 7: 3650; Wedueslav, Luka The irlhdisv sang uas sang for TELEPHONE »U8 hoptl tfcure and food,8: 1-19; Thurcdsrv. Luke 8: 19-39; JudeIs lglis. mare tld tlame hy peuple subu Preideel Carloc P. Garcsica Friui,1u iii. 262: 13; SaIsir- had nul bran in 16e haspîtal, oc 1e Philippines bas endarved the duos, As 18: J-22. even had relaives in Ibrc. One asrmpsrgn rftfh1e Bible Flouse1 sbauld diragard rumars framnbtcthrfir distribule 120 000 cospies: saucesa Ibl nsucabri I omfithie 'Sermonu an thebs,Muni".1 THE CHRISTIAN IIDEAL TE-49SNLRV 20 afraid il is anly hamac la give-I"1hase Lluass msiuîaiued,' sui'Is Englaris. tise Christian Rîsuru sama cadenca la checm. Presidenl Garcia, 'il substasersalirs-Lcagure.iformsr in 1937, s C S Cheeri Staff insitutians man' mac boulotdfisc1,11rrganrzariin uhish iv endui-C S FARM Hasuavar, aller an upauian is paiticai, scial acd esnamic turing tr i sîvken flic peoîplelis andual0 day stuyinthe Milton adivancsmu,lthueaut iong>îseir rssibiliiv tris Grî snud M AC H1N ER Y District Hospital, I am in u pas-endura i 1ev re nul lorianied, lbar c uigbbrrcnol tu delrav orr haon la hava irsl band inform-apan 16e rack ai morsal peascici sire the flue Ha bavcers-stecu. Iu ato n ihti nmid, I and uprighb ivhime.'adding. th'16eiriserussrds.tus paruts> c fasîNO T N - IDtD If sun sure ihautlfeur ai con- Word of Gad sbouud bc 16e ual- ieCmaîmn:"hricîsl~k~ Irstnta nyhns a- ions cOssaIguida:"isse 16v cerghbsrrss ibvaIt." oan, Ihal il iv a manderlul has Ti apsni aItfu h iîa 6e scriuru ALNPD AD BAPO pil, silh a staff Ibatl iv unlail- cuvah is cmighcc mprtofaiT h 'e soanrelu havsierlul.' s ALIA DAD RMPO iugly cherful, fram 16e Dirastoruar efrhge oaivi B iietlh rvru of Nursngclowndamencd subrgiss al t6e patients al 16e cura lbcl i s neessary, and marc. The meais I bcd wr xeln and wilb a gand ruriclv. dsvpsls, th ea ffuel h a l d u e la m ad is, I Iu a Iu a lilîle mare parvanal vsi, I wauld like loa dd haw krnd al w the staff mre la My %aile, ccd la givea agraInai tbauk 5-u 1tu ail 'L ok or no hands V 4 af lbem .- Whau frigbsaced, a maîbar wuad cack allen flias aff wilb a cick bI hel ecu bache legs. Do yos know that yos cas now reduce.yoar fod couts wilh a money back guarantee on yosr foodi if you are flot satisfieni? Many tatisfieni castmers in Miltos. For informaion withot obligation Telephene Collet LI 44143 Hamilton. - Don't heitte - investigatel Mny appline.. et Wholesale Price.,avalable. Hamilton Nom Freezers Ltd. Hamilton, Ont. Clever trick, Buakeri But mhea it cmmm ta lever tricha ikh hot ater ... move aver and make roaca for eletriity-aud the master ai bot ater magi- a miodera eletria mater heater, Witb lom aut electriity eeerp member af the saivcneivte c,...-a-.-,rt 6hta r at t. he. turc of aafety combîceni mitb abeolote cleanliseas. Wiha modern two elemet eletrie water heaker cf the right ize and capacdfy for youa needs, you wifl always bave plety af hot ater. To get mure ot oa ifle - gekt the cana out off eletrieitss. oi a tep. Yomalaieahave the etra reanriaf cocfort LIVE BETTER ELECTRICAL.L y.a YRO When Napelenmal de- posed hy the French in 1814, se menstth0e Island uf Elbe, secen miles rOm the Itlas mainlaed. Napulenmas gamen Elbe and had full nuvereige righta avec il. Me had tencral hanses an the' island, bat bis palace mas in the 6hlh ehind the capital, Portoferraio. In -1t15, after ocly one year, Napssîean SelS the island ta enter upan bis Osnal camnpaigbs, ending iu his defeal aI Water- loo. 'MY 8ANHB Tas CeàsdIan Champion, lursday, JBISuaSY 28, 1960 13 * * ENJOY..- THE EVEN WARMTH AND COMFORT FINI QUALITY COAL PROVIDES Phone TR 8-4484 For Prompt Servce R. S. Adams Stores Ltd'. 264 Main St. E. Milton TR 8-4484 Business Opportunity A AModera Sunoco 2-huy Service Station hus heen mode uvuiluhie àn the town of Acton Service station experience unnecessary as taining is provided and a salary is paid while you are Iearning. This is an opportunily for the righl man to gel mbt the business for himself arnd earn a belter than average income. In wriling, kindly advise phrone number, with resources and assets uvailable, tou R. L. MARCK, BURLINGTON AND VICTORIA STS., HAMILTON, ONTARIO. THE GREENS MADE IT ALL RIGHTI ... ail $100.000 of it. Mind you il took Mc. Greena 1B yenrs - and tbats wbat 6e made, not wbnl he kepI. Like the Greens, mast of us in our lifetime wiil earn more than Ibis imposing pile of bank notes. Question is: 60w mach will we keep? Sys- temntic saving ut the B of M hélps yoa keep more of what you make. Jut one of thone 100,000 dollars will open a envings accounit foc you. Keep it strictly for saving, and theres one thing yoa cen say foc the money you put into that accoant ... you have reaiiy got it made. BANK 0F MONTRLEAL 5;%dd a Ài da PHONE: HAMILTON JA 7-2901 BEFORE 5 P.M. 1 ~ BURLINGTON NE 4-0421 AFTER 7 P.M.1