Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 1960, p. 2

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... ..-- ---------------g i#iiVq Upu ff * gfi*i C i* ..c..-~.. 2 The Cairadian Champion, Tlursday, Apri 28th, 1960 ÏCAMPSNLLVILL! Sponsor Father, Son Ba nquet Village Regrets Bank Close The faîher and son banquet of building a home near the C.PR the 1tst Camphettvrtle Scout traeks and No. 5 srderoad. Teoop and Cob Pack mas welt Congratulations to Me. and attended by 85 ut the Masonie Mes. Robert MePhail on the hieth Hati Camphettvitte on Friday ev- of a son. ening, with St. John's Angtican Visit Relatives Guitd catering ta a tarkey sap- Me. and Mes. Daniel tuglis and iper and the Rev. R. P. Jeffares famitp nf Trenton spent a [cm asking graee. Douglas BuekteY davs visiring relatives and Ti wetcomed att tathers, guests romt ends inibis area fastweeck. e-lington Coe-ntv .andr Buriing- Me. ad Mr s. Allait Etadlies ,and toita. tis-dtalerguest stretie 1grtrtd -attfient Fa.tst eekrrrril I MctCrasls chairrtsrof Burlitrsptsrrfie ater's sse n libld Distric-t cansmittee; Mrs. J. Clark. Me. ad Mrs. Wailace -Kirng. who t-epresented ber hushand as Move Away r istrict Commissioner for Bue- Mr. and Mrs. Thomeas Jackson lingion; and Mes. SaIly Hamilton, and famits have nros-citodaa Pistî-ict Cuh Master for Bueling- [armn ut Hillshurg Iis meek. Que ton; also Leanardi Cross. Wel- gond sishcs go sith %ou. lington Castrs District Commis- Fiends of Lloyd B.le rse t tione and Mes. R. Cardinal. Dis- pteased ta sec hire bomn ere trict Cstb Master ai Wellington surgers-in Guelph iastsrveck. Çounltv. Regret Ctstng :Janrtes Wallace, Scosrrmastee Residents of tis area tregret for lst Carephelisilie Scout setv-v mch the discontinocr iv Sroup, addressed the faîhers. dlay service of the Bank tr Nrova ec ctts and Cuhs and presen ted Scstia. a hich bas bren in setrice CoLtrss wtrh nese neckechets. lue the 45 sears. Tttesdavr rus ecciee-theirs from Mrs.atid ridtv ope5rngs and ~our lard Baier and Tom MoTEur. business beingtlranslerredtt Mi rrh Pack leader.tron is trot rets rttrrerrierrt. J. MrCradLvtseIcomed the M.aage L. J. Hases, airer loi rampbells ilie G roup iratathe But dcay reieving sii irerin the Head inglon District. Canrpheiis lie Offtrein Toronto. inakes the 21s1 grop ai that Hghway Work P.istriet. Ait guests raaght. Reil Const'trtonai~teissv se- geetings fromt their district. R tg op equrpuseratLttftirc A. S. Fordinal shassed a film on the- Mahan hend anrd arc resirrtr W.old Jamboree heid in Engiand g t tandtoilote. buittling tlr cutci an enjapable eterinf w-srs.iighssas 401 rfrn Hrgiss te 24 Irad hy ait. -t highma * vNo. h. Mmv hboys tento ntesi i r Bazaar Profitt the Eastersvacartionand ii The Girl Guide and Beonerecd the beautifui ss.rns sttîlrrr hozoar and tea held on the Maon- and sunshine. 1t hall was seeili ateoded, ast Fishing :veek, and $35.00 realized for Fishing for trour riii be the c ocrefiog.order of the tznirsbi sseekend. r. Meand Mes. Douglas toglis Tes and capture the Charepiorn arre digging a celtar ta stuet prre tidiotss. :OMACH Presbyterian Young People Name Committee for Banquet The Dreagh PreshttranYoug Stncire ssrep.ths'is usten~Leti ýeopIe's Socety ,h.ldetrrree aMes. Fret Galbtrith antr il Jng on the SundaShoiore on the losti ber nstthet, Mits orn Suodav e%,rn igteoPenre.trr . h pas-rer] arr% i fistrng reen and r-oerte attenderi. Tuesdas rearrnf gMis.Punrean ;im MeKeetie in hadhbeenrinport healthlfr rtine 4he chair for the husiness recert-imee.and\%as rushed rt Mitrrtr ng. Merehers decided la hoid Hosprtai tan Thursda.ts st iheir rnnuat ibanquetoun Mandas. tseek. Mtay 13. Btrthtl.ts- reeliofs btsi, r.tst Dine comreittee is Jaaoness% e k ta NIes. H. Rutherfrd, Mis Patte son and Hetha Brocher: W. Fard anrd Miss Helen Betteker. bubicity coremittee. Marie Curtis Pnod Marguerite Peacock: pro- ASIE grom camreilree, Mrion Marsh- -d dli and lire MeKee. ~ m 1 'E tne .The devarionais weee in charge Symal" ' te d of Marie Curras and Me. Nesin. A T oLclFmle fltr ou "The Wnndeefui Life,'T oLclFmle waas shomo hy Gardon Raynue This comreunttv sots shtttked ira k00 euîavcd hT ait. The meeting heur ai the sudden pasrng lt Elsd mitb praeanod a îostp Mes. Pr nionu Tuesdas araren lunch ma.s served hv Anna Peu- iog. We exteod aur ssreparhv rrr kock and Mrion Marshall. lber farits. especialitsMe. ansd I njuries Mes. Fart Gabraith ant linh *Mes. J. H. Chapreon injurcd Syreparhv s aisttextendied r, fingers on ber eft bond and re- Me Frnesrancs tilPaterlicnrri quieed medicol treotreut o-heu r retJns 4he cor door shut on ber bond on also ta Mes. Colinu Beatv otri /rs $Ionday.reerran inthe recentirrssrrf ii - Robert Beowrnidge benke a fahr ilim- nn 2rone in his leir cîhore recently M Confirmtation Service lind also had ta have medicat r. Ottes ansi Dei-ueeo or girls. M. and Mes. Georgre Pellt- tenuo and loreils -Mes. Robraht I)ebuteensWork Wheelbond. Me. ant i Ms.Som The final meeting nE Haenhy Reid and fareiv arrenrier the ,uh Heatthy De-u-teen5 nous confirmation sert ce alt Christ Lmed . Fiday esening ai the Church. Mireicrr. atriStndars litarneuf the leader Mes. C. Put- thei ruieces, M.urecnan lerson. Nine girl s ussveeed the Joanne DeMois. stere among thrrse eoll ca "A form ounilk oererilk taruirrerd ~ out-brought Irom home. Errlitsing the srrrece, atrs.p reegisen on the reany trou suas heldin rultcePrrisb tintl lorres of milk. The reokiug of roi [our the oreI s.rttirered, iii lage . chce%-se as deronstea ted arelies andtiec, -and tuvlirds' oods and trop ssere Margie Petiet rerira spent r test leviewed. Ideas for a childens dassfast rsckh s it b er crttrin 1taety in fond and deetratitos Drrnna Petetterirari Drrtstrsttrr 4sereuilso gisen. Mes. Jac.k Simep- Bran Peitetterirr trfTtkr itev l on, assistant leader. reviesed spent parrofihe asteirrtîrtkrts 4h etosit esson. sith the Pellettîerrrrs. The girls iudged menus and Me. and Mes Jrte Pickert trf tuilding menus andi aira worhed Kiibride speul Saniar strir. Irn their club boraks. The shit. and i Ms. Tansies Bar res aai :Piaping Soie siih Miik mwas Bruce. -sead and parts given out. This Bruce Banes spent alfew itvs >fil bc on staget Ahievereent last meekssiîh hrs iser Mrs. j3oay, May 28 in Mitron Agricuirur- Bruce Basuden. .@]HHal. Aloveiv lunch serecdhy Mss Matriyn Wriggtessrrttthrri bhe hosîess and corerittee. Mur- Georrgeown spen t part tri the E-as ieue Curtis and Caroipo Pesslress te-e hoidavs ssth Mr .arnd Mris. 2)riught the meeting o a close. Bob Marshall. - Tonsits Gone Me. and Mes. Stuart McFadtcetr *Alexander Finnie returnesi isited Sttnsay ss lb Dr. anrd Mis. iroreean SandasEfoiloring a ion- Dog Fordand Rhrtttcil oMapie. ~i perarian in Miltonr District Me. aund Mes. A. G. Clatrk rai Trt 4-tospirol on Thursday. Many hope rrto sucre Sudas s sireoftri. lie is soion feeling reucrr hetter. and Mes. Wre. Mcrae-lsen. DAD'S RESTAURANT C A MP 8E LL V 1iLL E SUMMER CLOSING HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., .......... 7 p.m. Fri. for c'eaning purposes) .......... 4 p.m. Saturday -......8 p.m. Sunday -.......9 p.m. AIE WISH TO THANK OUR MANY CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR P. L. ROBERTSON GIRLS coppnd the Sran Chishotre Miltron Sowiareap moment tleague lrnpby for lihe second ynar sn a rom Mcnday, mbers thse top 12 bowiers defeaier] (bren niber grops irore toms meaques in the avouai roil-oif. Mm. Cbrsbolm is seens prnsenliug tbe iropbp lu presi- dent Matie Murray. Semis rs ait iront are Gertin Moustars, Mary Heipel and] Donna Grenho. Standrng are Alisce Bsoslis. Paly Canrnon,- Coiteen Oearats. WillyMison, Dol Cnrp, Kath Coules, Lors Evans, and Norma Kirhen OGrou1as tise5 deivatnd mn n 48 Alley Rockers, Ladies' Spes al andi 24 Club. Approve Zoning Changes MILTON To Accommodate Industry TUS in P O the a tit cri Share the lie Wealth l age rciIIiig [lin al ý,L(I-11 iý'NNi il, ia ýcLT c ad le ARLY BIRD GAMES $200. Ill',po lolei Ilraas11,rrrr l saen In,ý FR1.- SAT. L' IL'Ud ltl IL(lIt 111 IILIIIIon Il(- Mtltoiis t"THE SHEI tai ,11- n id Ies tai ritli F..1 5 ORt RecmmmmnesdVariiiimg ais "TRZA AN Tise Brro' rt ttrrtrtt 1-at trai- r itts.ILr tri tisa- artetuoldas TA~ilRAN ANDt ngtittr arrt iett iar i ssase i -itr tr tie 1 e1 trat' amek MON.-TUES..WED. lit ss r ttl i re 5loi Ili, o-tt t ai [tîr 1illîmes RmmrPlurteN S itec rttt itr ra tata ri i t i a T.. tar atri asra ta- tats tl strt tIntaS ...taff i ta tai rtar rat st.t olI lle555 ai aa btlic R oulesa -sa- Clite ). a s-st i' q -ýoli - 1,N Iltttl, sr -atatr rasre airasvs its1r),telirtFsO.1a Plinr g t mrI rrrtri î-îs rts O i tetssttf srraIk l It ' ei.-tatas soi tttt a a a tm and s as t its t li oi i s isil ei ' i i r u ira-tt kctt vittititiltisIlitstars t inIae r atasrrsa sasl; 0 oi Il, -tir stroiass .1. ssr issrrasPE CIL saX. lri lakeas a e 1111tiltfai[stEcttttt'ttili a drin p. l', Ilril l a Balln S. UND motbers fvitgff ON MER DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 8 A LOVELY LAPEL CARNATION.. A DAINTY ROSE NO CIHER CAPl SAY IT HALF AS WELL AS BEAUTiFUL BLOOMS. SNAPDRAGONS CARNATIONS MUMS CUT FLOWERS POTTED NYDRANGEA POTTEI3 MUMS We w i-a flowers anywhere. Phona foday. kiiUImQe"/~~~ 42m ANS.oiTN PON R890 TOWN AT TRAFALGAR MOTORS In -Orangeville' .Tht lies partc i Jut fo- yer [hi [ohi lui [hi Lorne Scots. Paradé 'Sunday te LoQrnenSeuls regiment of ruarked thee [(eut lime n prany regimentol tue of the Seols. Next 1, Ha1to and Dufferin court- vears the service had heen beld ir moved aong Second -Street beir] Ils anoual chuech in the Dufferi n county loren and rehere the remeres paid Iheir ede ut(Orangeailte Sunday. [tt ant Teur il bahk place ut Buriing- respects ut the Cenotaph aund Ion. finaîiy woune-t p atithe Orange- The regioeteu oreed up ut the ville armorruy. 118 Dengevilie bigh eboo t o 2.30 Il suas the fiest parade the pipes 118 Y «.-- pr.. then parrded lu Pirst Av-anrd drumes bave had riîh the re- wo of the muai ostaianding crsue rebere Ihey atîsteti o 3.80 gireent rince il suas unnoonced er messbera of Hornh5rpr..Evensong orl St. Mark's thaltIhe boea-n oie-i be olrene-Eng 3yl Orange Lodge 165 i-g- Anglican ClIurch. The Rev. David the Edinburgh tartan. Ied honorai-y cerlificates [bis Wactier, chapiairr tr Or angevities "C oBn Bro. Charles Brooks and Bru. trvandsrrrstsr.s.s..srsaei iise R-s Aisrl- sireinirtire paradre ru E. Wilson have semver] a AIesti ofs -i trs-!osrsas. trsersi ise ssaraare ofs r (al 'f 118 years, Bru. Brooks flice hn in onwr r61 asd Bru. Wilson for 57 Parade Sale ftice itemreers in the regieenî's si-s. Bi-u. C. B. Beaty, P.C.M. Foitowing the chorch sertice- brasband as sonll os the local aaenled the aseardsasa a mem- the parade meed up Orange-'" CoCrepans regrrecur. luo of tise esteeneiln which r les main Broadmav Ave. suhere Serserat reereers of the pipe y ai-e held by membera of the Han. Fart Rame tbah the boue-ilta oe parerin the Legion e L.O.L. sate in erolt ai the post rfice Churrh parae-tre er-eIbis Sanday, [i-o. Brooks gave an Intereat- suinete he pipes arnd srotes plaryrd suhirh gaes ta the Emane-el g historr of [hi iodge froro "The Carrpheits are Coumin',"ihe Bapîrsi Cttorch ou Commercial St. e ime he joined. Bru. Wilson ver misard a meeting ln 27 yeara. -Tom Bradley, solesmnan l'or A. E. LePage Realiors announced this week that Dr. and Mrs. Mac- Kay would bc moving [o their nere home in Milton shorily tol- Iowing purchase thi s week of a home or 108 Chartler, St.[rom Mr. ami Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Henry. Mr. Bradier, handled tire trans- action. Dr. MacKav i-centlv he- gan hispractc n theMacNab building ~~MIL APRIL 28 20 Regutar INGO Games .00 JACKPOT LATE OWL GAMES N UMBERS APRIL 29.- 30 :EPMAN" Color 1) & StHIRLEY MLAINE )THE LOST SAFARI" Color 011 & BEItA SI. JOiIN ACKt' Aduit Ski - & IEDliYAtBI-R-RT [CONDS TO HELL AT CHlANLE.R iAY 2-3-4 RD MOTOR CO* HAS ASKED US TO SELL FALCONS i or FORD BRITISH AND 15C AiR DON'T miss THIS BARGAIN BONANZA MAKE YOUR OFFER WE'RE UNDER PRESSURE IN TWO DA YS -APRIL 298& 30 EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 1960 Falcon 2-Door tfivsece-tl aroitre 1958 Ford Ranch DEMONSTRATOR SAVE lie reotiet urrrC'ago TU -PTOE . il 01*Wa o MHITE WALLS ha- --u'I le REGULAR SAVE -p eiel oodem PRICE $2.195. $2650.r SALE PRICE vo Reu50. FriteSAE Po' 30 SALE PRICE $2,195. $1,895. o3 0 CONGRATULATIONS and $25 Cash ta Norma Hardy and $15 Cash to Ron Isnor and $10 Cash ta Faye Bell AS A RESULT 0F OUR GRAND OPENING DRAW tro alge FINANCE MEN ON THE PREMISES TO FI1N A LIZ Enetr YOUR DEAL IMMEDIATELY 409 MAIN ST. M1L TO0N TR 8-2369 CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 136, MILTON Vimy Banquet AND DANCE Sat., April 30 - Legion Banquet Hall TURKEY SUPPER AT 6.30 P.M. DOORS OPEN AT 5.30 P.M. CALL TR 8-9005 FOR RESERVATIONS Tcketss may be prckecl up at Caniens VIMY CHURCH PARADE to EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY lst Parade leaves Legion at 1030 are. 1 ý 429 MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE TR 8-9501 1 ki 1

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