SThe Canadien Champion, Thursday. Jasa çth, 1960 DMQOUIN GAMPBELLVILLE Ouline Odor IRemedies CommunityCb N For Fuir Grounds Arec Donatès ta Fund urSgGa'teJa lc 1 csntinute feues Page One area originaîly retained la widen- The North Trafalgar Common-m . the masure ptles woued bh e -* the ccmetery road. The Cern- Yub met Wednesday aven W ins Thrqv êA w#ards at H-amrrilton ':n ,moved every 10 days and he had etery officiais dtd sot reqoire ing of tast week ai the home ot r suggested it waes "still ton in- the tand and the towinagedMs Fred Near. Twenîy-one Cogaoain Mp dsuerhwratnsokn issfr1 c freqoent. A surface coverisg ontu its sale 10 adjoining property memers answcred the rolt cati. M. Btack of this vlaewho gr-wek i honor ut Miss Ruth bers. Mrs L. Crawford wa se the land futl area was also sog. omners. Councit conctoded the Mrs. Bert Lastie presided Sas daated tram the HamilonGen Ell tRN of Burt ngton who t ocaae a refuges family oOt gested and the fair hourd agresai prias i s reasosahie. crai sick friends mcme to fie e- ai Hospital on Jo ltw h h r h o cm aid an Saturday. adopi nit ta contribute ilt from a ditch Ths rezoning of tomne praperty mamhbered sih gifîs and carts, amards, ane generlpoiiny On Hansen Feairsrimqipet U that needed widening. os Ontario St.. is scheduted for and $t0 was tu ha sauttoîafie one toi highesi standtng in Mr. and Mns. Donald Kennedy res eit Equsen isti o t Deputy-Reeve Pettit asked if an .M.B. hearing ai 10 arn. os Star Fresh Air Fond. thaory and unc fur highest stand- ancd tanity hase maved tu the rs.en ald seuiresaioviceT lime cold he used 10 stop the Mondas. It concerins severai ot- Il mas daidad 10 hold a social ingîin esaminltîîna t medicaHansens atm an the aaît fin. Books, compassas-, pins and note w seselaof the masture hut she was hec pi-aparties la ha amalltislh asasing bagilînine siih a piania norsintg sobjeats. Raymottd Griswotd, Dianne hooks went 10 Mr. Danatd Fer- d tal aithetar gaons hattim at ia-smadat. stp ar in1Juts. Otta s Ilitadatihar oif Mi. asti Cîmmîîns and Charlts nuitAt- riar and Mis. Ru Lewis, Bramnia o wautd makie the masure tifl A ltîter [om teparkintg atiîh Mi S. VeaîWitliai a nd îta MMi-s (tiaB,îkni isa i siîia .îîiîîai î i aili cats, r livi taîî ilaîp: - I tor musitrion tgrassing. The oilysaici taeniaiibais mti igliti Jl .tMii Mîttît aitîalictal e tasMissa.s SaîdIa ui MIlleal. it illiitpoletuila tanditbooîks ltu Mus. 'rom atatays i n caserisg the land iti ime-. sinae Januarsanid rasievv' amrng ist rit îîîîsatalsa.en- Conîgratultitons W. .Meeting WAasotnad Mis. Jamas Bassian. i wre caused hy met groonal but cd 15 praperties uarih anal saaîlh J.osait y ait. Coingratulains Io Mr. Robttrt Mis. Chartes Mitchell was lius- Girl Guida leaders, far thair because of the present dry vvca- On Main St. They si ateal tha, Lunch Oas serveal by the hast- Inetis os tha lirai gîcat grand-tcls.s t liuc Ca-ipittiiaeWtt- rusknpalit-d oeA the. te stuaio mii h hat- av a astr panfan draining. ass anda a sacial lima anjasdcalhtitl, Jciiray Rtoy Mauiiilt manssInstilata Jane meeting ~o apo ancmasac ti rsai dp A iiyr reeitatonw a nloda tiingeand ar patongihara W.A., WM.S. Met - Mis. RobtaîllEttl coerlaineat Wedritscay as-asisg oilh Mrs. sash analucomases orMn.eLoyd d that the slime an the areek was but the groond as o sbchasoffici- Batlisai W.Aaîtd Lennaîci Andrewas presiatisg. toBaylylu lesandrmornthegrup; sot causiug the ador anal il cautlently dry batara aperiais cas Waatiiasday nilarnaîîn a i thaîoneMrs. GeorgecRaberitsnR.R. t. ment 10 James Wallace, Saoulta be dealtt ith in the future. -- .Soeprkn il bc ait-'Mi-.J. Hill.t KILBRIDE Alnsn- guast speaikar andad aaer tir the group of 29 Scouls. hagîn. Samemiparkingedsoina.M rs. tngram prasiae i-ato c;h -talaIofthe l in s umsia-in the ugests em edia es tai-at aoW.A. 'Sa-iaraitibasi ness nillities .satstsfaiNassagassava towsnship Extead Thanks - - oncirt. iier h eadalatter, Ask Repatr r î'îaiscaassad. Europ~e Pictures ..,itaIlliînpraîaîîîant sînca iaî-î Eaah leaader inaividuatty lhtînk- tram Mm.bA.seifunks239 B e. A rasotiîon wsnsappraveal kv Mrs. E. Forai prasîdttai- ie! tîer îaîîîaî30 yeaaî agit, a-atthe Waima's Inililta efor the whgons b e ous lks oothe cousait requasîlsg the Ontario W.M.S. sablit wans apanaa i tih  A The rollt cati sas ansmarea hs a-Uparalion anal heip. tomard the stmong sma-it anal sali itmas quite Depamiment at Higlisavlsakinka u ns llwi A W . S M e nalnoufvorioe aîl hs Poni ms. J. K. ao uiua.h unhaaahe. "If me manteal la neaassamy napairs on Martin tut Mes. E. Fou-ct look thea aation I Tue W.MS. taldai n iun taeTV ait-tradio. chars.tanK ha mgnm oothesi lima in a harnynra me motlhava Ontaria Sis. Lilt adthe lta ail atts a SVCr nsîaa louuahsSahI Oilioum ast Mon- Prescrit Repartsa cafurap had aitauuam us boughl a tamm." sha- oae.She Concit passaita bs-hase (1232) silh tha sauta i shnss. lasaiautiitg. Martait30. Thaetii-a- Mes. Marras McPafhil gvfaualie susic. mentioneal ihat ton beautiticaton the axcuion oft an agraa- tMMeS. P. Mrisgaul e lithiclantt.Mu-s. Jua Ha-tics sclcaumaîl wcaetaiv'% repotn. inf ii .-1 Ms ila aaa huk lismutlipess sisitors bot ment iih tae Aaandar Ambol- ahaitiar lIl t uatis Boouk o lltaladies luinCainihaiiailia. part is. n1 .iu1l anIus eiarM.G.Rhesigs. she siialhomeomnens oouhd aisa anca Service. Thae n is tu AIria . Cri!.Si. Gui r.L eîui.tpourt, Mis. Charutls MIhal. like tu impresu iheir visitors-. pas $1,500n a ar hi- mantlvi Tuaetasurar gu iav the intuutnuitKithtu la. Plit% %\,suadtiattaothlal Musteat Costeut She suggesied a ise ut poplars pasmants. A hs-lt.u o raguaaha ia reporut oaIll ltahhsuuîîî[a Show Pltures Milton11Fauit-iiSepîanîlîu-. Ila-as 1Mus. Losyd CaiuIttt al cnuislci- atasg the drainage dilch hecansa anal goarnn the ambuanca sar-taih svas t-at- gîatilslin. Mu..îad Mis. Ciuk (il Milion aeiaia al lu le), iist sh%Iot uai u tsicaul atnlt t ich as shygo atan s ag iaeasîaîîou-ar for nastsaak. Sa-taiail quiltutops suara lin tiuitutctliand.iligIiteann1uu loss i, tecoiniigsar - statut haMas. LatunatalAndre-ws the out ait anal se ltarga A eilan tram the sasiaa sitaldibandîaiet ia lui aqliuj ati ar. îaîasîing tihk ttuie hirti p iiu hliaidChooîsîît antîu M ntui Mi. Muttaus-MaPtti.The mountstrsgeti onsMsWitartshe lossu stas in acu-aris ot 5200 Lainaituas selvicand tal scalt uluia cual-ctIiusiaali ttaitt-ttu l abitia iuilitas -nug taas stung han Mes. madeotha sofestins sm or tonituamanths ot April and al u. ilîla anjNuca. bt- lras i unia Fot an tut liH. IIBt1h-lCar C.ulsMlaîh ua aOa ta those which corithlor Pearca- Ctîncit. thay salal. suas nagiig- trtlnouthmr utuiP eisaili huatalti M B autiasWuh.,a ttsuuCh eanrCarlesitchelanahiQei - eniaea i hs a-or. est iunsol acaaplusg tae aguaa Mi-s.Lautua Chamherainhufietlai hae lavneal. la purchuasa Iltavard.uîluitae Mu.anal Mus.F. D. Million cala- Seek Zoalng Isto. ment anal the servi causas uiltit-astisathiauinus sltutir utsn los Mis. Hae i hiaiikaiiMr. anal higlîitsisandling ut Eniushil btrata-al hairt40h owadaiing anni- 2Caunail agmea-al laseek the al- cuit to operale ilhoot munihis chdaisaan ing i haue tut Mrs. Mus. Clark andaiMus. MaiJunahutMil tuttiiliitSahluuuuIl wsnsliacilauas hsWadnasuIiu. . vice of the tosen planning cas- payment. Towsn clark. Jim Custit-Barrs MaDoala. flice tiietr piasafliaul"hat \iIl io\îsar. calli piurcau-a ua i iaauala Cuungtai i fai ins tua asiandeau toilant. P. Alan Deacon. on tha- gan. totl the ciail tuambelS ai s B.uuh.î.J'ait istuutJ. Thitîuus A airlunh\%,tIlsateisaeadlail uthaai cairt-itiha Muit .adtua Mu.anal Mrs. Titis lil sun saha -- oning bs-ia- 1 allosa the North the a b aan pasiuîg Iltantiihuuti.ufadiia s la puasaulu Sasai a au;Ill t conclusion.tDistitiHuitl isuilciel uta la h 6tih .unuiuau- Hatton OPP la have an na-ohome ancacservice quriamis. Tue alu-' ganteîs analuntsîs hala aai- Visitons Mrs. A. J.Fat austnin usa t - lta utaitnJutta IL an Brouta- St.. in ana-.-iaeniiat ta-n sans ciaitiiedpausuac utidai . %%actalita Bit H.iit iJean Mis. Walaeri 1litalss pahintast-% zoa-na- arrnged. ouîîîaibuut anfuiit. (1,luilu h Mis.-Milthl1. ____________________________ Bruce- MacNnb appennedal ai Somne Work Dose n l ilau suit ahtusalituts But îhît,hiaa-trecti I Bill Wau -causit lanal explaineal that theavs o BaratJa 1akdatli o 1i %ý OFF ose ot n smnit hause as Reg Lauhaum cnsîut a.\ rstu c iciî Jaut u.ka i u ut ii aa.__________ hedura-s 'at ta is tuf-n SialChilît ilhaut iahasoviltsurc hat- Ml,.slu la -uslicita Iliii I.uîîui a.ugbl maisbas .uireaaivahanaA suinta talus k *M, Dr\edd. -chape], hadbecsn aceptable to anmh- cca e n itoFnineh iouL ttit ltatuittiai i l uNsaa.u 1iluh. NY.' th -bcOPP. tllicii %si.Wt The OPP quanta-nsin the base- aen bai apamnatns bslaie ntri ait i iliii tnduai huttii Oisit -ment of the Chaires.AdS becs aompîcîaal. Me. nditMis. M't)ui.olall ae Miii JutaisCuaierpanttinca mlu' AdS-kinug hait homa- iniMillIltunZuuMhu.Mut3a0Mu4jtt r ciety building ia geîing crampeai The chairmas of the stracts HgmSuaes atgh M. and s. cWIV5Vc he satal. Thena- hase becs qoile and alonks aammiiîeeaanai iha Tua Fa-rat . W. M raHttatia'i JJ4?- a somber ut additions lu the chairmanaofthe ia nncaauummi Sah Ilot aronF foet snc teprscithedIniiprataaiauhug, sîaass.Ta murer as piakeaianal another Dr. C. A. Martin an reart \%sca iler %i% is llot.,,,i.,,,,,. Students Pick WHIN POPI THE QUESTIO, additionofanconstable, making the Mitisiale Plain noadnul soitiTheautunmittbi-îu huuî taîup. .ha aI irrah s e igb.tannarcs bbe OFFlat seck taken uucr b he bc on, ha- aunge.iiuiaii ontutu ,itatibia ý1960-61 Coun ifl w.h"i I hergh n quaries eleahene. M. Mac- Couasaitaiso agraad la muehtitaaidiefot thiah heNbas t iip, .(andwers u) gu o a. Nab sali bbc police tasor the mith the- High Sabuot Banaid iitha planning. Tua niitiiiis t ait Gloiatuvu fuit-ls ta uinedaip a ls pu pu sPs -location anal salalthe presence ot tisaiOual morcon the- banaa s i, he îîîiiîî-en ttii-itsi i tu ofatîtttha 19t0-61 sîudieîîs I hs aDsyl the police on Branle St.. might suggcstion ihai thea tutti- su ar gantesandaltaiillt u uiltlti. lluual i ihiDsuuttg slow op tome of the specaicni. in sta-caigtusl aa n i-tbuîh Shtihiiattiu Causcitior Peance recaiteal that c[ eturshtra m.nltansla ha btseanimal______ rialn, the mttef mwas arcaaiy aisaus- cd oven ta the tatas. The cati Naîiait aiaa-prasiaiini sas Bar-a ted by the planning hoaral. 1obbc tua-n saas asimabaal il r ire hl ereRbno Notes Advantagea - ill -'%ea, us ura nd Cooncipor Chantes Jahnson 4Il ce tTttstl la aC ~ 4 uauiocke %vhs oll ea C nolcdal a natget of the plie Ton- Bruae MKr:n w C i -stayisg in t Oms. "If the espieî as givess-pcnmistion to iuspeîich nahs oajcto aoueltuh 0 tisia i tairallaat il ràhait-Huita 0'sisae il is osîy îempamary. il able- ton the etuse paakan I db a u dMtnSttt hautplahes tutHgi-t a25 s-.o v- shoulal hetuilabie. Cuunaii mas agra-cal hat bhc huaigft coutl Sabrdai ai hi.30 p.m itiu1StisaaMuniz%. agnecal tbe police in toms moulai sot affurda a ueonosa- nulain as' of $300. A ait i sat bc a boas. Mn. MacNab sali Counciltur Wilson tans tal ai hut Sisi.__________________7_Court o i i bete 10hac Ia-police Ontario St. nsa-asmura ilt ha .. Miiionus a suin sd bc i s there than colher tapes sexita tonce nus iaise cas baglu. Cotitsnt-, u i ciitbii i u the foserai home. The hucciirRbetRli kdm m tpici rilghilittiai lt IalI seoaiainecal tour tuoi c-ibesi aasrti t Msiaitin S . e î StfleuriChoose fis G lt Fr in: six eeksbersif sme srt o advr uiai nlit Su.s t (ic i. lri us-frreoallons. hesid cas bccarricaloutuas t thlait s"Cousaitwoandencd if Mc. Dono- para-se ta keep iheir abidran s.ý Chu tait n %su îhcade oilbtuh t hy Canîteon af 144 Wakeficld ?otthbbc ods. Boulesaacc-ha"utsMartin tSti..uîaupictilta - u hit A0TI CSJay-Burma Casuals 1* Bluestone Ties Rd. misusdensîood the arrange.-n ci sbcmnt nl Muia ui.ati ut m 1t M.uts Su. AOU OR 18UC Van Heusen Dress S Casual & Sport « ma-iasshe mode with the toms 05cr bitaitirbitaSrtnncontrbise nVeruti on the 12 tout stip oatlanal at th edmagine lies. urSome ctr ai ie vFuitetne 193 Itueai aithShirts he rear of ber popety. She a-e esssafcîy as oel as fttvicbih c uî uiîai(, tae hulauiataie UlmSoe ocuseai the toms of changing ta protection. 01 Mes. (hautltnscase. Miltasl lesoeSot 1 e muhfrti diint e omte eot ee .O.P. ConstblehhaRuts Ruperani A2. LA letn pr ê -lanal. She mas totl the sîip proveai by coonicit anal they wrma-ma _____te_________ShitsIl Hbb Jan s.wautd caost ny $25 but she i3 52.236.40 ton fine. igbt ana oic- -uniuia iuiu.liJ i crgrScs SSotSak 7. paying cdoser 10 $40. Councillan $641.26 fan meifame. park-. analr s- . rasai i 2ah "u lta"b a -Johnson noteal the 525 allisot public retions; 5457.15 tan pro- Chi[Iaumptuis.oks 0 pot lak inciode bbc tegai tees nea-deal petiet anal cusutugenaies; 36511- la ctrauxact the dent, mich in- 52 ton maien; St,554.36bfui o r sn ______________ scludes about $10 fan the decai anal sanlaios; $2.580.29 toc bbc «anal about 54 ton the torvey. strerta and alsh; 66727 ltt Not Requlred capital; anal $5.735.45 toi-tufinae M O D E R N I Z E PHONE TR 8"538 M LO The 12 foot strip is part cf au andadaministraian. 1 Y O U R H OM E Beuiu ,, neir d For the Ftsest Cilles Senstre e -' i - t eaufata 5c isb-ma s dai Petmoleum Productar distinction asndtcomfonI 15 "Award Fred Bell Roary Irany F-Esiaean eýd ~>' ~ binau ýMILTON FUEL O Freds. Lary Ilerd (..mpetitian 1* Ne- Ho-es FeR.Bell mas amardealhea n t husi s fbctelai ut co-opeatals iiiolen Rtary Club lnophy on is Daimy helmeen tba-msetes. ieFo Herd tmproeemest Assacattos The speoker teas inoduceai by Recrealian Rooms record utthIe egutar meeting Allas Francis anal thankeai by Ray' O Kichen Cabinets of the club Tuesday mhen mcm- Murphy. -bentses tertaineai D.H.î.A. tanm- ens ftram the unea. - Pesidisg for the meeting sin the absence af president Harohl Agricuturat Representalive A. Keisos mas vice presid-ni Hase- Francis reviemeaithebe asis for amal Grismol. Il mas nalcal thai ïthe amurai la the member mak- Mr. Keison had hai o make- :ing the matI impruvemant. The is asiten fom the local h an b R A O IA haut of measurisg the improve- ut the Bank of Nova Oaa ia soas R Y O ment mas mada- up an manage-.a-n thas mas astiaipabiai Building Contractors meut fadons.Votunteers Mike Lcdmîlb. AhIiie Usahie tla ha prexent for the Francis aid Ray Otn gi -a t tpresculalion M. Bell rolc is arrange aking ai, the Ruilans UL 4-2263 Zappreciatian for the cub',.reaog- Park lu gel bbc gnass au t anal s,îao. itutt shape atter the wcatber da- Bx59MLO t, Chanes aa ý J. W. MaCoitoueh. ugricuttun- aI represestative utfa-ct.,adness- I' rai the gnoop on changes in tha Sfarmisg isdusbry. lb tubaes a vs mact businessman as ma-ht as a a- jaak-af-aii-iraalas touha- a good gfarmar." ha emphnsia-ad. he spear bouttineaitomne of th ocnriuions tala-sac is mak- ýing ta agriculture in making il r possible ta treeze semen. anal "r more nacen tty dry sa-mes fur long rterm tiorage. Expeiments on comstting diseuses with miik ma-ne alto il oultlineai. -- ToFelds Mr. McCuttaugh suggesînal Ima Sfielals in mhich the farmer had maork absal mere in public reta- lions, in felting the people thal a if n a arm mwas mare atîra- .Vtve than a stuffy city desk job; MILTON MILTON THURS. - FR. JUNE 9 - 10 "BOY AND THE LAUGHING DOG" with BRANDON DEWILDE & WALTER BRENNAN Also "COLE YOUNGER GUNFIGHTER" Color with FRANK LOVEJOY & ABBE LANE Same Programme wilt be shamu at the Saturday Matise SAT. - MON. - TUES. - WED. JUNE Il - 13 - 14 - 13 "NORTH BY NORTH WEST" (Color) with CARY GRANT & EVA MARIE SAINT Show Starta 6.30 S UP P LIE S 200 MAIN ST. TRB8-9261 PRED ROSSINS «InlaThe Ileart of Haltos" Base Lise et Third Lino LOOKING FOR A G 09D UY N USED FARM EQUIPMENT? '. CHOOSEVIOE-CNECED -USED EQUIPMENT AT OUR LOT. SPECIALS BEFORE YOU BUY. AND NEW HAN'Y IINUGRFUT H A YI1 N OSKR 2A LAWYIB EQUIPETI Aýcdive. Summer is Predicted For 36 Lamne Scots Bandsmen Members of the 35-piece Laine cert at Halton Centennial Manor. Scots regimental band and bandl- Sunday evening concerts wiII ha master Lt. E. G. Cartt are loak- hetd July 10 in Borlington, July ng forward ta an active sum- 24 in Oakvitte, and Augusi 7 in mer, with two piaying jobs ai- Militon. Sunday afternoon con- ady compteted and ait east an- certs witi be Augtast 21 in Acton ther eight tised up between and Septemhber 4 in Georgetown. uw and September. Thes an Septemher 5, the bandl First summer parade for the joins in the annuai Lahor Day unit's bratS and reed band was parade in, Hamilton. the Garrison Church Parade in Dance Band oronto, where the. locat unit Besides regutar band duties, 'as honored t0 be choses as several members have formned a aisy handl and ptayed the regi- dance hand and report "ptcnty mental marches ai the varions ut ance work" ahcad. uiiýaslia pa sseatihe revicw- in tand. Decoration Day LONG CORRIDORS On Sanday they ventsred ta The wortd's tongest straight Aclou for the annuat decoralion huilding corridors erectsd ai day parade and piayed in parades one lime are those of the four with four uther bauds. f tour tevets in the Saskatchewan Sommer concerts hegin this Legistative Building, 520 feet evening (Thursdayi with a con- from catcnd tu west endl. ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE TENDER FRESH New Potatoes ASPARAGUS1 3 Lg. Bunches FOR 39c 10 lb. fas 59C ROSEDALE BRAND SUNBRIGHT PUMPKIN MARGARINE 15 oz. Tin 5c BICK'S BABY DILL 21c LB. PK. GOLD RIBBON PICKLES DOG F000 24 oz. Jar 39c 12 T'ins for $1.00 SAVE 6c FRESH PORK TD Shoulder Roast TD 39c LB. Gt. Size 69c Box CANADA PACKERS JUBILE PURE PORK SAUSAGE - 39c LB. PK. SLICED RINDLESS SIDE BACON -- 3 LB. $1.00 CANADA PACKERS WIENERS - - - - PK. 0F 8 31c Free Dolivey RUSTIVOIS Phne,. TU 8-6"S3 SPECIAL FREE SERVICE OFFER FOR STUDENTS LOOKING FOR A SUMMER - JOB? CAN YOU *WAX CARS' *BABY SIT? *CUT LAWNS' *TYPE' *DO HOUSEWORK' *HANDLf ODD JOBS? TELL OUR READfRS WHAT YOU HAVf TO OFFEFR ADVERTISE YOIJR TALENTS IN A SPECIAL COLUMN IN THE CANADIAN CHAMPION ' AT NO CHARGE HERE IS WHAT YOU DO If pou aie a sîndeni living within the circulation arnuaof The Chompion, corneIN Ff RSON (na phosecantis, tua helleru) ta the Champion oficeta, 191 Meain St., Milton la pince pour ad. taah ad may cassisi of up la 20 mords isahading stoduni's tusme and almy ras hus 16, 23 aid 30, but no change of copy miii bu permitteal onaseibhead as stonled. Castifti dt appearing in the specant sdenss aatumn miii bu pabtisheal FREt 0F CHARGE for maie anal femahe siodenîs teeking emphayment doning the sommer manthu. Offer gaaal Jane 16 la 30 aniy. The Cuindiqa7 Chumwpie 100 VEARS OF SERVICE IN MILTON AND DISTRICT 191 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. lu 1 ---------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------- --1 --------------------- jE P. -1. CHECK OUR USED EOUIPMENT