Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jun 1960, p. 1

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Volum 101I.-No. 6. THE KLSO DAM PROJECT of the Sixleen Mile Creelt Conservation Authrly hn s1d white lice. The dotled ares indiceles the main ares 50 6e f looded above showe le Ihins eriol photograph by staff photographer Roy Down, received the 1e dam, tond around the ares will 6e used for reforestation and proection of the officiai approval of the Goverement of Onario on Thorsday of last week, and scarpment sprngs. while belw the dam (foregroundi will 6e spart. for nwim. granîs were opproved for $166.000 toward construction and $31,706.25 toward ming, picnickieg, fishing aed other recrealional purpases. The work is 10 6e the rost of acquirieg ils 341 acres of river flats, ecarpmenl and open laed. The completed by 1961. This pont inter, a works parly han rleared the bush off the ares was arquired 6y the Authority durieg the past year, for a combined flood, dam rna. This photo wos taken lookieg norlh-west a01the site, wilh Highway 401 control seheme and conservaItion rna, and plant are being mode for o 100 acre, le the background and the Sixth Line, Nassagaweya falle0 Oaway 10 the left. renervoir to 6e crealed by a 750 dam stretching aceoss the portion marked byI Esquesing Must Pay Da To 16 Conservation Au Esqrîrsing Townhip wilt have! te old Norval lu puy ils evy toward the Klsîr ccmeteey and r. Conservation Area Ihs year. de- clone, je a cir spi= -muin of noe.payment ery. Thec ou' V s %1iee eteks sgo 6y 1thé rncîry hoad towmisWipcoeuncit. 10uetaîntain tb Represenlalivsnmet wilb 1he ingood repaie. Sisteen Mile Creek Conservation Riiad supnî authority -p Miton Tuesday attd Toscnscnd i were bold Èhat Ibir motion rame newr ad gradc afler the 30-ay protes( periîîd. chasesi. No octi The township sare of te rosisth eus is jut ocre $10,000, or about 10 1erqei per cent ofth1e total cosl ut the Pernil dam. - Coons il adi c, Mre Graveatones lime lîîiaes ar At coueritl's regular meeting on mus cd lu 1001 Monday night, il was agrerd lu cd then cîforr obtain the solicitors adice and h-lawsý. Permis an estimate of rosIs [r closieg move 1ive 1lion NEW LIBRARIAN for the Miton Public Libre Ralph Blight, an ordaineit Anglican prinst hopes te, become librarian le o heological coll Monday folloming the boardls appoinîment et last meek, Name Rev. Ralph To Milton Library Hilton Public Lbrary Board; Huoun College took pleanure tht o ek in an- 1uacd wth a noncing the appoielment ufth1e He nrrvecdI1 Rev. Ratph BighI uf Mimico an, ut Anglican cl librarion. Ne succcerds 16e for- and Kent rotr mer -librarian, Tom Anderson, on trace feue who han accepîrd a position mith Huon tlu aIls the juernment os refurm jei- aI 1he Univers! sttutions ibrarian. pot yeor. His 13o In Mitchell, Ontario, M. brcame a ihsi Blight reccie is public nt irai college. 11baho edocation there, then Presently h'v g Ilaet[o Teachers' Coi- Blighti smar lege aI Stralford and lter Jim i and Bil graduatet from the arts course dutirs je Milsc at the University of Western Ont- teemed qite &dto London. 0He 1enatte6ded0Milton aS erh Government to Pcy $197,OOO on New Kelso Dam Project Thie Government of Ontario and 266 acres of open land. The springs jn the escarpment. The Thursday approvedi gran ts total- property is on the DoIt Alexander agriculturat land would continue ing $197,706.00 tu lite Sixteen farm, aust south of thce new High- as such and have a high demon- Mile Crcck Conservation Author way 401 and contained belween stration value. A small area below ily fur acomhined Flood Control the Fifth and Sixth Uines of the proposedi dam would be suit- Scheme and Conservation Area je Nassagaweya. able for recreationat purposes the Township of Nassagaweya, Conservation, Reservofr .ioch as fishing, swimmtng and itree miles norlh-west of Mitton. The porpose of the schemne is picnicking. The Province wilt pay 50 per tu acqoire lands for water conser- S166,11 on Contruction cent, or $31,706.25, of the cosi of cation. The Athority witl con- The conlract fuor constcting .icqiring 341 acres of land incda- strucl a reservoir thal would the dam witt be awarded tater ding river fiais, the escarpmnent flood 100 acres, and contain 1,000 this year with soork tu be com- acres tedt of water. A dam wilt pteted hy lte 1961. The Province be hujît approsimalely 25 fet has approved onderlaking 50 per .1high and 750 tedt long, cent. of cosîn, - $166,000.00, of Council Studies The land outside of the reser- the total construction. soir woold serve as reforestation The sche ne wlt bc known as County M useum and for protection of the sevcral the 'Klso Dam Project' Hallon Coonly Councîl lossed around the idea ol a.long-amatI. e Is S o e n H u ed Coontc Museum taI da aflernoons Jane meeting. and1 the agricullorat committre was' o a a e i i e urged by Warden Doog Sar eti o n a e S x L v s of Georgetown 10 look mb tu t A mother who woke op conehino t.arly Monday mornteg possihllilies. probably sac d hcr hoshand and four children trom death by Esquesing Deputy Reeve W i asphyn ai on or hures whcn Mis. Gcorgc Pollock ond [lames f rid Bird kicked oit 1he discuss- burning around 6cr refrigerator ai her 357 Kingsleigh Coort é ion ohen 6e wondered il the re- home, according tu ire Chiel' A. E. Clement. cen tly-acquired John Coulson es- Firemen were summonded and arrived jost as the f lames tale ai Hornby might bc a suit- startrd imb 1te floor. Chief ýClement said the lire mas caosed able location for a museom 10 by a moen heIt from the freezing unil of the refrigerator which contain the coontyns century of had pulted toune and had meapped ilsetf around a piltey, caosing hislory. But Milton Deputy cxcess friction which ignited the tire. The fire hall mas catîrd ai Reeve Mes. Mary S. Pellit dec- 4.57 a.m. lared the huilding - although Damage bas not yel bren estimaterd but the ire ehiel said needed - should 6e je Miton, there was a lot of smoke damage hesides a ruined refrigeralor, the rouety town. S6e eoted some and a hole borned through the fluor. Cmttinsard on Page Fine The four childree are aged five. threce. and lwins. one. iShare Compa nv Refuses. Unin-.i ithorityUno 1 ngaI hvrcmc itacieg the grave-T iniliaredtcT CtP.L.R.'s Work Week - 1nculd cac h cn a rieigeud nhsiof Loc.alUnion 4970 layoffs, anded 1cemedli Unted SIc tworkuis(f Amerca no ob -i c no ng producliost a PL Roberton Co..Milton, oitfur cav wrek.Mr Hays i -inicnde.nt Bilt gase a two-thieds mat riv ap sat te6 mpany felt therc .ied t.ue,.tl a pioc.t tua unon plan Iota oldhbcnoebuidngouf)he e .ihoutd bc pur shrtle wok wekinlpat(sf. on na, taken oe cote fie t e.Buth conlpany rFire PJ.aJtdow on proîductinbous ttngi i on nGrandstand IfHouses mas againt flicamed on Children cil fii Pcermiltsar îicy.Ba e onC id nd colla.ges tlu 6e Repîstîn nfi li ,UnmnagrAlaDix iship stcs, proîîd- presîdcnt ClifHavs i leo)ili ýckepesd oer -M i ttheitownship Unions pla a oi a hnle1vaechadeh s : 'ITuionto. it nvîb cree r Ictýagica f he nuCst eut i Dxk f tegi " sînply urfMDC. h a i ng thc-nin empoe.Henllicell'vbeli hrana] c~ d thatsnefi is ffi et1 OIhi idntdanagcdth El tcoi 90 and 100'mrin. and thcc cruLi.sly clu-c. Mc nLed ru- we e t b luriher lantiis Éhi-. iiperatiiin il %vose fi maintain e k. Ithat c0 icw i aiU . lis-,'te giOiSI(iis Tecmpanv <lsI the Unioniinag~iiier cinphiiecd. He explain- ihta er.sin sales, nuit tic-c tat acc-sse., tu the grand-l FO rcn mports, nas caauslng theCusit owc ait tcnccd wih chaiti tln e cc aund childeen hait cvidi cnlvcclilifir iigaint entranse. N. Wc'tl havîe itu hoit patents te- ~ untsClose spîîîsî Ic iel children are lourdi THEY CAME, THEY SAW, and they ment home te bthe their games plui ti.iiile da.ginî agricultuaa groins- tired feet aller evijoyînq themnelves aI the annual FPo t i 0but ae ~ F r 0,e f o th d 1.'ihcmangesconuit' rwd Sakntatmoulins water, especially childrens mouths whicl' priday W~C cspectitu bc sisit wi ti oways senm o ehungry ftcrn fltie They wr oMilte U soileas cusluince .rceca.,c-s tissu Dr. YW . F a e were ne dicoo aged, hny merely spent 16eirtme aI the mony y il,"laie Fleming.,emanage f< a e the Milton Divisioîn Ontari Sieel___________ Priadocîs repiatles thIis wcsk. * York Goverior i-e niaird the sîsst dîw smeicsi A Mlto iîîslstricti I îm lonc unusuat ai tIisinIic' 01 veustsc <si an a ictie îsscmhcr oiiflic ailtomîli ce eus iers sceer cuis [loRisas y chîsich is Mihoitsinow srm.ii higcDcsr.Jeîscsn ~La b o r D e le g a tio n J The expecicl msînih sit ilium% as aiiicnhci-oflflic Boaid w volit edtabhout ()0]liecn, Mr. Yîîîk Unvcrsity, Toronto. P o e t U e p o Fleming explainrîl. llis iesitsy classes brgn r t s U e p o -~ ~ ~ A Miton BrickHAlay uidaiei acnsantceltio f10 tsi-ai tabiibîîhr Jack Fiost icîirsececd U .S.61 --- AMiueBik, manager Dite'St . isîln, N.B. anti a graduate 01 la desle ing ieact lclclî0%î..W.go - - GrennoIe rc pîecis lfoilhat Si. Francis Xavier uicersily. Ms- leades traeesenthe lieosrge-ssetise ifvsal ndvic.A.W. ruup; pi Ai leîlustry merel hait.We Plan Gilansd Princeton. He is a peu- pat iv ton .li s 16 Gcrg tent CliiHon M antive presi ped neon mntclo ee ptovres hab ineegru ogisui pannger jendhe Bcd Mîndasy aiternsîsn lu peu- the P. L. Robertson local 4970.1munit -u , p imoto eerkctsnmi slmy e haina eolirm tJames rtein t et rising unricpluyntent and le- -stf photRov. rerweeks suaionas rc avejuiroel ames. .C' - ascrasedim nports. Followniga rary i h Re . trcwess i' evîjs ,cIa lrcu o eea aa-t houe merling wilh 16e M.P. wh vnuly .Iowe usbcsn c. an sumpai________ ati Crrto n-Park 130 Cars whoe een 70lfDithe staff ut sightly oceiitie chairnan ofut narjî leg Hebegn 7 12 omît 6bcactinu' crsn o c a unise107UAW ron Wednesdoy mainteance a'id shipping. M. Trubuflgor tO 511W ruuee's oca unonN067 UtiW. Greenuirtd 16e Miltoîn Brick rpsrîrîl, or cri or haine en- uc a e e o i had kcpt ong att inIer whitcMukiulDoI igghicnrithi ris n îor pruhîers,Plnfo tsrc pkigacues ther brick plants had stuscit lue Despiea15 rtnyr' oercie esuîgesîfrîî thersî r te Plzin lue îlsre ql parkinare suice Blignt scî,eai sccks tIbm. mbjcli reddwn amoctue 16estua- C. W. Clark, chîirman of the Mil- pal -ciemaut aeileigmleqikynîv ei ohe re picturercisulil chan- aw lise a cme municipal hall, ton. Iston Parking Authorîly repured Tht Job thebstalion," hc runciuded. Tiafalgar towinsipcouricl Mn- Nom aI Lom Ehh Iinsvweck. eeh J bday agrred to cirecel a 5400,000 The ielegatisîn was prumpird Autihurlty meisîhi have elle- stunc eLondun, and grad-etanicipali building on te10 ln'scet Me. Besi lin the ltali clutîrd purrîsarse ti th1e turmer harît k6 oieogy deg e Extra Srnenth Lier souîh oeth1e Dondon lahor situations carrent ltc cbh Regal Tiansport priipereyon lelut Me. 10 ycars as mini1r Insisia Iis eekus Champion, Highway. ut prodtuction. M. Ca puoore- St. at an undisciîîsrîl pice. Ais aiso1 charges se Bruic readers iii fînsi a muiti-color Cotncritaskcd 1he soiitur lu porîrd the Ontario Sieel plant agreremeet in being finalized nith mbcrs tetien, before goino itbographed Insrri suppiied prepare an application lu 1he had rboned o1eneetison of pro- t6e memberes uth1e L100F. ltor, grader s the Diocese ut by Ganmerai Foots Kilehens. Ontarios Municipal Board tue 1he duclion, une arcat brick plant had devetopmrni of parking for an eaIr o ed Library Schol Al acrosa Cansaaibis maak, building. Architerîs Barnett and rionrd and anoîher mas cery vsinsated 30 cron i Main SI. Ani sity et Toronto this hundreda ut meekiy nespsp. Reider suhmitted sketch dram- siark due lu a stowdome in home je front of the prerent todge ofi Mil secentuat plan t 1In are miii ha insarting thesasma sgts of the building, building and a ftoodcd market. hall. omnec rarian je a theolue- racipa foider iîh the reguisr Recntly, the preseritonship Ne addrd Ibal imports front 20 Ranitfor Tatas be gr; Issue. offices have bren su ocercrowded pan and Grmany had raosed M. Clark notedth1e agreement off-sti ving in Mimiro, M. lit marks a "firai' for msny thai drsk sparr is at a premium, large tayoffs ai P. L. Robertson mith tise Lodge catird for 16e cd 50 rid witb Imo boys, naesepapers seho hsve nasse poil of the dance hall has haro plant, and the union presidet Aulhorily lu drvrtop t6e ares in "Th il 6. Ne bgan is usasi iis typa uf promotion ha- partitioned lu provide extra of- hat predicird 16e 'plant would front of and 10 tbe rear of the ing ir ton un Monday and fore. Hope you enjoy reading ire spare, and tomne tomnship sun berome a marchoose. rs(sting building. The i0 yrar the fi ,impresurd mith lil, and i i maras a hamidyra- deparîmeels have bren housed in Besides Me. Capolo, president liuse provides 16e peuperty rent aI thc bis irst day baerr. cipe foidar. separate buildings. William McGinnis andeeculice free for 16e.irst year with faine cd. -sIhere and delved int bingo. About $2.000 mas taken le epenses have yet te 6e paid. One efth1e highlights et y nighl mas the lurky dram. Milton marchants donaîed the for the moelles bingo and tome of the pries n the dram. s fîremn and Canadîse Legion Branrh 136 sponsomed the val. MAeets S. Best ment, Imports '.A. gronîp: president I'on U.A.W group fromt Ford, Oak- sring oeil Me. Binbeook re- ville. ened the Canadion Meter Co. Ainu ailending sere lum Momat , and presiden t Roy Dia- and Sut Slicktey. eispioyeen of drepresen ted 1he Local 707 employers tait mcek applird for Arme Ready-Mix Miltonsehere .5 o 5 t ssowcrertification in 16e Canadian Brotherboud of Rajtroad aet Transport Woekeen. Me. Best said ibere ocre snme ~ gssd alteciating idean in a U ate ropery A.W. bncIe presented by Me. Dia- mond. ebieh st-l taer bc taken stsce annoal paynenis lu Ottawa by a union demun- vaent lu, 16e annoat muelci- nîroîjun. On'cor imports. 6e said oves. tarifis are nol the oniy notation, sc Authurity wii insiati the A ton mon sugge.stcd, whercby a xsry drainage, ccci oand manufactorer mud pay a higher e1te prelpeets nciih o hope of ion if hin production hod ltine topping the aleca nent yeor. Canadian content, and a manufac- rClark nîîth 1e aulhurity turcerusng ali-Canadian peodurîs lsid peupeety lin Mary St. woutd have a loseer rate. re a vcan t lot ws tlubc Me, Hayes ralîrd tor tegista. d and stoned lu arcomnmod- lion against loreige buying. ont se additionsît 10 cars. highee tarif is on German and uther property on lbhr corner Japanese pesits ocre toggest. MI St. and Montgomery Latte. cd. d hy the Auihoeity mut alto It mas nuted thal the Manu4l raded and sted lu decetop facturers' Association scas harp. trelt parking for an estimaI- ing aI unions about high mages W cars. and htgh standards utliving, but sec fient cars shoutd be park- Me. Capuo suggesîed the Cana. en 1he Authority's areas feuar dian peuple are osed lu Ibis; lerst of Augîlst or Septembr my gice a highrr standard ut liv. ec tatest," Mr. Clark conctud- ing lu anoîber country witt sacetftctng your own. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSOAY, JUNE 23rd, 1960 by 'Athort5ed »0 9 d Cla Mai Sixteen Pagea-Seven Ceneâ

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