Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jun 1960, p. 16

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Second Loss Drop 4-2 Decision to Acton h CatpbeliviIie sufferadt) lir ducadt ieir twoo cns, ail second defeai of lise season on Anderson, Tumnsicy ont) Bar- pt Satcrday ohen ibcy droppat) a rager ail badt oo singles forîn 4-2 daciion lu Acton. Acton. Pela Lomson doublet) and) bu Horry Hamilton ouk is bsrirs, Bruce, PasifLooton ont) McCir- c lots of tise season as ise gase plalsiglt. ih lise four cens off 10 its. Hae ar ailnbtlt ob-h otaiket) une andt strutis ouIt i.asoto single for Catpbell- TI Pryer for Aclun aise, mdl the villa. Stan Hendarson bat) a ci routa, limiting Compisailsille lu double andt oo singles, AI Win- M, lto cens off 10 its. Haesalket) gose singiedt) Iiceaont) Lloyd Hg une ond t) sccisouitto. Erand t)Denny Raton caci Lead at Stan rsingiet) once. Aton louis a -O leot)in Ilie Pootitoteot Rimer Dredite. sho P finsi inning unt Adrsons ingle, puppat) op Ibrceaimes., flilet)out i: a sacrifice, ont) Tootnsiay's unce ont)groundet) ouit1tu lise M single. lunlise iird, singles hi pilciseronce, wsafhit)d itias w Anderson, Bruce est) Lamson. for the first ita tn cigit games. st folomet) by on inflit out, ga R H E Acton toomuira e ns ont) a 3-O CamnpIve. .. 000 002 0003 2 10 2 et eaci. In tisaorts, Aclon eut- Ailon... 102 100 000 4 10 t s pletedt ir siunîng othen Paie Boteries - Catpliliiiae: H. H Lawootn ocblet), ent lu iircl Haniltuont)ndWingnosc'; Aclon: w onun an muit) oui ont) tsr yer ont) Lind)soy.w rquaczet) bome. Fi Il ta. nonulunlil ties ixtis usaI C Contpbeli'iiiascorat), than Win- 1-Sftbali icaguas tire keeping h frur'r single, Hendrsons acive schet)uIcs ai[lite publicC doubleandut) atons single pro- sibuols. t Annual Hospital Auxiliary ReportsF Cuuuiuset)frnt Pae t'ourieen Il .5i..Tiscri. mci.Chrismas scu t I tiants lu tisa Milton District Hos- vielles fon thestsaff ont) paients r pitli W.A. for su kintly taiing ant) eaei potilent receîsed a cureuofliser beouiful fioers ont) Christas cenîrepiece un Iheir plants t)uring bier soy in lise dinner tro. Tisa dining ront brirpita. tablas altbuat)Chistas centre- Mrs. J. Johnson, Conventer. piaces. d - t at seny pletîsedt iareport PUBLICITY REPORT îlîoî ail oun Chrirtuntus deconti- Tisa Publiciiy Commitlcirre-Liouns mre donat) oant)il certain- t sponsible fr publiciing tuoil- y sasat) us a greai deai of mones. i tory ents aund meetings if e- Vaentîne Day M questet) byuorganizingiconsenans. On Febîuary 14, vitecichraleciu Thnaanîembermare lisiad un Valentine Day. Tise paieni's itîys Iis Conmtice, but t)uring the hait)rat) carnaniss aut)pecialP plîri year tiera bar bean litila Valentine serviettes. Tisacliinge mork ion isea. ont tablas mre decuratat) mils Sinia Ociober 1959, otien i et) ond t)ie crsa'lions. SpeciolE loouivsen as consaner, lisera hase seriettes mre alto suppiiet ion S becs six munthip e ports oflthestraff. Board mteings publirbet) in lise Apt-il brougist Easter Sonciay a Cauadian Chamupion under theaont)ppoilants cacis recisat) an hisetig "W.A. un the Way.' Tbe RsIer cenîreplace of little ibiciss estire Auiiary matbersisip mas ondthie stali chistdren retcived informat) by lelephona of thse pions bunnies. The dinisg rout January open meetling. tables meeadcralet) mils dol- Dhcuan Pamphlet fudils ondt lops. A pamphlet is being draflt)d, Our laesi spatial uoccasion mas mitichif is propuset) coult) haMulers Day. Altthtia mmen gises lu patients dtitled lu lise patients raceiset)a orcusage of hspital. otiiing tisa prpora ruser, as mil as ail te surses andmunis of tise Auitiary. Thissad on)mne mpioceas. Tisaclin- siouit) ha reody fr discussion aI ing rout tabler mena decunat) i tise nart Board mîeting. tritis ruses-. Enuinias bise bean tada mus PFatiseraTon Chanier Il TV., C.J.B.C. radio, This brngs aosue lu usp- ont) Oaissille radio, Public Service li ocasions until Jlnewmites Guides, for future adsertising. Faisan's Day milI hacon next In the ioming ousiiiany paon, spatial day. muiba ellmn party ont) othar At Iisuie,1 moult) ise t projacis oheat). neot otmbens Ithonk ty comtttce ond) ail wiillideas ast) iniarastet)"n"I hora otho hase beipet ont) a moking posters, moult)ce ci'spatial thansrtu ith a sshtohasa cutet). donatet) dacorailuns ont) floters Ms. J. A. Ctinssty, tuooun coînmiie. Pubiity Cunsanan. Mrs. E. Gamnonrsi, Cunsner. SPECIAL OCCASIONS -Oun isi speciai ccaîsion aller lite ripning of uur hspilal conte ai Cristrmas tinte.Tiera mre five Chistmislnt '8eadecurat)d, ont in thalobby ontin the pay rom nt ont uatthe front an Plan IndIvIduel swtcing cooventently placet) fr al dfrecl ihhting mien r. modelling ai building Me-vs bad tuci n runuîtg lte atones at Br'idgepot Ititi hasnt tanlged. On Saturday lie a arted in tbe middle ot 20 cars id within live laps bad passat) i but four. He was jus(~ about tut iasanotbar car when tie ltgleci lbit Jim Wiltsun andI bs the tinte iguI back into tbe race, beliait t take i7tb position. Bs tbe tinte ah traewas oser, bebcahd corkeci s way op II Otis1hpusition again. bit fast car beat mîts ters closNeir nlastat) and a weil triten racte. [arv placecl louttt.lollo10%ing Hogan, Howard anit Shtarp. Up lIn Sinus On Sondai ai (lie C.N.. Mi% lacet) lifih inti lite a, n sili in tbe Fetauie. Tii puis terv in sistiplace iiinttlinii 'ilb 71 points. JiiHii oard is tlt icadina srilb 91. Tbara were quile a cvaid ents un Sunday but Iti'leittis peciacu la t tine ii'5%%tienti eLl logan ran litsfrot m licel itnlthe winduw ut Caitagitan's cai. Thiet were about six tai s an Hogan's car flippeil t glu it o Caitagîtains %car. Notiotie %%,ashit but Ibis tinlrbad iîboLi ogan atîd Catlagisan. Juni Hitîsaîci oil outb the alîîrc blcanse lieîle- velopat) car tI oulîle in the eni 'be Featuretsvas %voit is Doit 'latsing. Coulson Tries "Port" Larrv Coulsun fol aflthintlie amateurlheurl tacthbut iii lte Ila oureli bu it te ieice and itil rigbt around un tise track. He itad ou gel ont and Icasa bis car ltera. and lueilit nu une bt i i. [le also raccd ai Bridgepoîrt lin Salsituas. tr was bis lirsi ateilipi ani lie did quile mail lii placing loti îîlb ibte teture. Tbe Sprint car s ersupw îî base madle tit alpeai atce ai bhe C.N.E. on Sitiîias but Ilites rcrec raina t in n îia andii at) iorace tisene insîcîti. lt iicie place tiiete mas a 'Pouilei Pull Derby", but there wr nvi enIrants so il it ii nIaipioserot eiting. Nanty Flemiing isister ioi Don Flaming, cîriser cut66) placeil second. Racing asti suaI nit Fr icaN tnd Sunday ai Toîronto. EDGAR HOWDEN Ph. TR 8-6258 1.R. 3, Milton Camph.IIviIle Sideroid WRESTLING MILTON ARENA TAG TEAM AtRciNTAG TEAM ROC HUNTER RIP HAWK MIGHTY JUMBO 515 lbs. FRENCHY VIGNAL Miki Valentmno vs. Les Lyman -- PRELIMINARY Put Flanagan vs. Nobby McDonald PURS? BOUT 8.45 SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Rinodlde $1.50 - Admission $1.00 Chldrin 50c EXHIBITION OF STRENGYN ANDI'CIENCE -tise Cisnd#n çhiniloni tissrWoy. June 2frd, 1960 To SI SontVktbry tiMry Nip Gevais conttnued is mes- Bruce Tisomas, Bronle rgisi tcry urer tbe BrunIe Brevet fielder, guItishe on xtabase A erowdt of oser 10,000 ai(tae Tbursday as bae piiehed tbe Mii- bit off Gervais, as is ffrst ifllittg C.N.E. last Priday malcisdaca ton Rat) Bx oxl a 8-2 sin it an triple drove in McDunald otbo nitgt of gpod races. Unfortun- abbrerialad six inning content t singiet) abead of im. Every bai- ately, Ihera otere quite a faw ac- Brunie Park. ter in the Red.- Sox ineup witb cidents, toto of wbleb seul tbe Gervais, a tlt nnisi bander. the exception of pitcber Gervais drivers lu taeIospilal. Tha firsi bat) is as- h it safely. bad accident otcurred inlise fart sorimen t o Stu Big 0015er car beat, saban HosicaScannai - uHannant illi a triple and isshet) Gars Wittrinto thIe pileber ork a sngla in four trips and) Primo I*i cti'ant) AiMitcisell anti Doni ing 1 ti t Rigu riib a pair of slitrp singles Feîîiglulusset. Gai v îî mile t) te sais laid don a parleei bontiniiihba iospital tuin a check-up. He Brases lu six thie fifib inning lu score Rigu ssas baek in limaelor (lite tari its. Ha gare oitb tbe So' sixtb cen. consolation racc. up tbree frac Sevetal fine catcbes in tise out- In tha e alte tataeHuent Mac- passas and) fildt backed op a fine pitcbing kerelh spun oui and couda sas lu command) ail tbe may. job. Don Soutb baulcd domu a four car pile-up. Hea ss akan lu Reps Ptchers couple aflar a long rin and cen- tbe bospital wiib a ltrtiiiat)sboîîl' Tiha Sos iomped on Brunie re fieider Doug CulIy again pri- dar but rlcasedacialer a cbeck- starter J. Qoîgley for lb rcearuisided tbe Fielding gemn as hae op. in te firs, nnîng, aclclc anoibar f lagoat) dootn McDonald's loing Two FifthIs Itnt in thethird and haîd a pair of dris'anadt doubîrd Orsborna ioff Mens' iat) a praily gouLIl iglil, two rus înîngs in the ffib and firsl base. Orsborne, tinking il a as bie pactec ifluthin (lite huai sislh. Tîte inners rappcd Quig- sure it, n'as perceet on tbint) race and fif lblu Inta Faalui. Ha lay and) is relîie mati Andarson base wban Cully caogbitbh bail. siwas jusi aboutîî tu take a tirîli ii for 10 its. Tbe pair gave up sis Une Score tae fealura mben Hogttn spon wsalks and slroek out ibrca. R H E across i th 'ek anci bs lia tinta Brunie conmttid ibrea errors Milton .........301 022-8 10 2,Muvers10 trount) im lisî'îîî and tbe Red Sos boolcd toto. Brote ......O.. 1 000-2 6 3 cars liat) passaci, su lie bail lu rî~a s'mcs ~.eaa. ~ i ' ~ .saille for a fiflb poîsitiion. Tbe feature mas won by Glan Sburr. DEPEND ON E. A. 'AL' HENRY TR 8-2381 440 MAIN ST. TR 8-2382 for ALL* your powr farming needs *A complete line of top quality Imperial Esso Fuels and lubricants IMEAL (Esso) ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS F ULL CHECKING PRIVILEGES *NO SERVICE CHARGES on GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 0 ISSUED IN AMOUNTS PROM $100 TO $50,000. for 3, 4 or 5 YEAR TERMS " Eteculor and Truste. under WiIIs " Administrator where there la no WiII " Pension Plans for Self Employed " Morgage Loenss Inquiries lnviled Hcaltonl & Peel Trust & Sa:ings Company BRANCHES - BURLINGTON AND BRAMPTON J. E. WHITELOCK, MGR. BURL INOTON BRANCH 451 BRANT ST-Pbona NE 4-1028-I Eranings TR 8-9535) Gain Win, Tie Acton Snowed Under 22-O Smanling litant a 4-2 t)fal ai Cantpbeilili's btg innîng mas Ilise ant)s uf Aclon te presiolus tbe sixth mien lisey scoret) nine day. Campbeaîiiii lasluet) oui ai nons. Dredga, Moore, Wingrose tlite sanie team nt iSondas andt and) Hauderron ail singiat). sîtîtuedt ient tîtder by a 220 Caieîs wssts it hi 'the pilcben. c'. C. a tion tlisaîttntfliteActon Jacks Robtis, cliait it e ils ceýntle lieler di-uppat) Ciesicr's secondîl in oflflit e sen.scatîîeret puy, ai baor a ari n as oui. ira singles as is sisu-out rsas Robats doubledt),Io maIks nevearrariousiy tilraienat). He pusiset imtu to iint)ad ha îidn'tl sa asingle otan, it oua scampaet) bhote wothlie pic- batian and srtutS oui 10. char luI a rtura ibroot fronthlie Billes. et Lest catcher gel amay trot it. Cunningham. Lindstay anîd Paul Ltîmron it tmu singles Doraemet-e bit httrt)user ithe lirsi fur Aclon ant) Tomîîsiay. Mc- l'ive andc a tidiniîniugs su-haen Gregor ant)Btarber ail sînglaci ML.aren ctte in andt Iuliat) unit. Stan Handanson fûtii hiticss hail ior te tarI iss ont) doucbleaondt) irceasinglas foi a tiird inîiîgs. Baîrsean Iium Causplisilla. AI Wingrosc' bu- lbe Actutu iuriars gavea p 22 otarat).doublet) anti singiet). rntsuof 20 h ils. TueV sîtliseilJaîck Robarts doubledt) iica, nrme. liii une baller tint) sînocisEarl Carns isomaret)and) ingl- oui ninc. cd,. Elmar Dret)ge doublet)ont) mupelvlewn the gansainiii iigled,. Lloyd Eariy, JacisLais- file isningwhntha mrig and Lasernc Htamilton ali ci tr iniesîîn arîeîîli mon- singlaîlimticeaont) Ken Moore ccl lîre lmasun tusar, an-sinatat) once. esoîts single anti Eîî- Carns' tonteluit. In the second. îttey Pootnotes: Ken Moora, oui fui scorec ix ris esitu s tlelch tise lireatutua lhall ganues mus lin cadtut lu9-O as Robis doublet). itjury. mas bock in actiotun tfli Eaniy sinfleit, Wiîgrusa humer- second baif of tisa game . - cld, Hanciasun douo heci a couple Campielsvilia plays toto gtînts tf rsaikssscne lb ort in anti ai iome iisaisaknt), meeting Ltukitg tîtît)Ltaî ne Hamilton Milion un Salurt)ay tint) Oak- singlaîl. ville ou Sonday. Bolli fates mili Uppet Il tu 10-0 niari iai 2.30 pt. . - .A total ut In ctise fluth.Capbelile2 payr pay in tise ganta. t) aais1 o w pca oo hrehuons 1u cot- Ctairns wtssa tîe Oi noncr' ustlis pustîcci hint lu secotîi. ' i R H E passed l] t Iilitiltiîtiiand')Actn .000000M 00508 hae sucet)ciiu Lakitgs singie.' Cttpi'e. ." . 360 139 000 22 20 2 Tice nuire ilc litlth made il! Balicriis - Acton: Cuîîniîg. 13-0 s EtitiN singieci. Wiitgitie tatumLisndsay. Duîa, McLieit duldandulHeîii sîtîtanttiLtuu-uit) Riche. Linîlsas: Camîpbel cillie liliiiilîî i st iei. rile: Robants art) Wittgtose. Gsm --i m JIk P"rton sj~Ilu5ea ~~ - _Wî.s asgit clos - - auomtiay esknO.p%îue0q t) 9ni. dl-tt eiess1,Unuea u "n P yce ta erpf . S 11 , and dm08 t 'ut ' I ollaâs I IALF the TIME!1 a..ui PRO VIDES DOUBLE PROTECTION soli wax plus wethrguari siliones ... * ..TO PRESERVE AND RIONTEN THE FINISH IN ONE EASY APPUCATIONI *Keep ihat showroom brilliince lovelier. longer with Velvet-Slseess . . . Wts formuialed for "esircar.coreîîi Leaves a shining c o o i of Crnauba Watt - gives your car coior x0 deep - you'll b. able ta "se8e int~ o It Weatherguard Silicones add extra durabiiity, stop color fade-oui, etc. *Th re's no loboriaus rubbing . . . re-noves greare, dit, stains. easily,* *geentiy . .. and doas h. waxing ai the sont. tinte. Besi for con- & ventionol and h. new Acryiic finishes. . try tl toda1y6 L - - - - -IIIIIII IIIII m IIIII- m IIII- IIII-IIIII- -III Good "Car-Grooming" siaris ai Caadia. Tirs LAMBSWOOL SAVINGS PRICED WASH MITT CHAMOIS Thicis, isavy ftiecea. ideat fan leaisa Snug-itling wmeut- ast) puiisiso ear. band Forwashnq ninduns, glass- hast. Fr mshuq nana. 17 n 10" - est) pnisiing. O t nuaîmch 7 Value ...... .. l onser RUBBER BLADE SQUEEGEE Gont) size 5/* isadu quieiiy ont) cositi r ý e wasoa- ter anst iatn. Cnn- veniexl 5 bondie-...... 4 Seu! Gaver and Upholstery Oleaner- Relreahes, resînres ail fabisuts.9 W utis irusb . . .-. ................... 0 Whiaw.ll Tire Oleaner- Kaaps 9 whistentails lise new. Spray onu 1-su buitte-cieaans 50 tirers ............. ................i........... e GellCIUloeSPOnge- Wîtlh nylosnithroda for 1 extra sîrengli.S onu, pltia.As lw a ...... .. Ali.Fog 01.11- stops ogig s ig o wint)siields . wonaum iecusotux t mit sIver.03 Oheeselolh- Bpuîaqua iy Intf e - for cars, fuenture, nia.42" wide, 3-yt ...... . 2 Chrome end Motel POLISH Bemoves tac. nîsb, rust. rsad saut, etc.. frais eisrnntebrans, rîr. Restsres 1luit tee, prntecls. --it ......39 WONDER WASH ete. dirt l"' ntulni toqik " " QI.9 Enjoy the extra saf ety of SUPER.- IASTIC TURMSNYLON AT THE LGWEST PRICES IN TOWN 9 70/14 '110 duo abet..ei.sund ns TYREX ~lié W4 9 Fine Reicord Gavne Sirds Fre4d Wieners, Jackets for Novices AYM 1Wâa . Tise Novice hockey teant wicb The club inoasteci e fine sea-May 16 tise fieuR of abtout 8»:o in representing Mlton in sever- sons record, baving muade a gond ptisant %lil epa.rltut otf ai piayt)ownu acros tbe country showing in Ibm Litle N.H.L. Lae ndsatioresNofnt ge during tbe past inIer distin- loornantent, oinning tbe annoa LaPnesand Parts Norffadi goishistiseif as a fise unit, was four toms lournamntn titie and leasaint a frevnu e presenlt) owtlb neot jackci.a iban lasling oui olier l is e Laik. Brie district. à 'bursday nigbl aI a oienarrnoasl laams in tbe Brampton Lions Tbese mlii ba day-aid cisk hai t athIeborne of Herb Higgs, Novice Weak lournay. Listomel, tlulbe broot)ed and reiset) tntil manager of tbe team, tae club schicb finirbedtIent off lbey are readly for celeen by George Seobie of Scobiaisý in liese rmi-finals lisera, ment ou varloos lnterestet) Individuels transport, sabicis mas parlialiy lu sin tbehe in lise naxt and sportstuens organizatlis rasponsihie for tiesa ponisoing ofîround.1 equipped lu gise tiser proper (lite youna iaam t)titng Ilite 1959- Chuck Gervais cîî.chet) the. cane. Egg production aI tise 60 canipaigu. mas on hanîltu sciuaut as ie h as ilîtufor hilse piteasan ant am as nearing ils pîraînttihaeram aircen tînt) el- patsl o seasons. and)expecs ai.Peak May 2, ont) about a Iboos- tom tuais lu tisa maîîy playars bol six oftIha playars back ion anti eggs a day mare beîng col- n aliandauce. naxi yaar's laam, laclcd for incubaling, goUEWI$0OLDirfFEou1

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