Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jun 1960, p. 5

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BpDaamih 08.P 7, Milion Brick à T.. f=u.9a ga Oswr naro Steel scorçd ane run thel ntrial. agu in the fieat hnni and one in unaynigbt. n wn atIethe thîrd, then went an ta acare MEer CaY. the Meter bays play. six ia the fourlh inning ta dosea cd host ta the Canadian Tire and1 the Brlckers 75. eçle themt 43 wehite up at tht 5,," JlFlfl0y Wlns Oaro Steel diamoad the Leg- The Steclers held the Brickers lonnaires onipped the P.L.R. creless unlil the flfth inning squad 8-2. when Bill McTrash crosed the SeraSia Scores Wlnner plate far their firat ruan. They Rkusty Serafial. wba pitched a ment an ta scare ane la the fine gaine far the Meters scared sixtb and raliied far three ruas the inine rua in the battain afinl the seveath and tisali naing. the seveath inaine an a single GrasSake by Ray Coake. Canadian Tire D gGrvas, tSrklessc mas leading 9-I untit the top oad sacker rami thraugh with ai the seventh but rait ino a saine fine defeasive plays white stries af infield errurs aad laad- is mates, G. Stark and Marty ed the bases whea Ray caine up Caputa were tapa at tbe plate. mtb is timely single. Bill McTrash aad Bob Kraate Laglonatreas Tough were tbe best for the Bricktrs Tht P,..R. bays fauadi tht at tht plate. migbty Legianaires tough as tbey mere held dawn ta twa ruas, Mter 12 - P.L.R. i bath scared la tb firsI inain8, by Those hat ai' Meer boys won Dan Kearaey and Bill Brusb. aaatbcr faur point gaine Tues- Tbe Legian scored a pair af ruas day night, 14l ne frain the in tht secoand and tird iaaing haplcss-PL club hy a'12-t score. aad four la tbe faurth. Rusty Strafini was the iaaiag Striken Out Elght ptcher aad rame up wtb aaoth- Fraak Kasyzcki rtgistered eigbl er ane ai is flac ganes. strikeouts and bad a gaad ighl Hardy tiamera at tht plate taa witb two its Dave 'Slugger' Hardy ted the and tbren ruas drivea in. Eir Meters witb thrte its including Toletzka had tht loagest bit ai ont bamer folawed hy George tht gaine but mas betd dama ta Wiliams aad Verts Bridgeman. a triple mhite Ltnay Naytor bad Tht Metrs started aut by scar- tma its. Bah McPbuit mas tht iag fîve ruas-in the third inaine tap mon far PLs la tbe errar and cotiaued scarnne ina ever y departint baviag quite a large inaing thereafter., flamber.M yErs SportShots Bill Brushascored tht aonc PLR Mike McCanaelt, sametimes re- rua la the third iaaing white ferreO to1 as the 'ineter mol- Jackt Bliacô rame tbrougb mith pitre" aost bis first hase coaach- tma its. Tht PL rlub hadl a iag jab duc ta severat bad de- targe aumber ai errurs esptrl. cisians. ally arudthird bs Boib Marty Caputa will no daubl S araowad h lsn basce soan cad tht league la stoîc ak o h lsa pthr hases as e liadt tbree an Toesday INDILSTRIAL aOFTBALL The qietest feltoses la losen Cad M ptWn. t Pts. were Blt Bayd and Blackte Gae 5 n tan af the Brirkers aiter bhi ..inTr .... lass ta the Steelcrs. Otari Stee t - ' O la dostNiFi Le1u Sçh.wW. Toesday. Jane 21-Mitîn Brr Tbursday, Juty 14 - Canadian vs. Ont. Steel at Ont. Steel; P. L. Legion vs Ont. Steel ut Ont. Steel; Rabertson vs Canadion Metcr at Cattadian Meter vs P.L.R. ut Cana. Canadian Meter dian Meier. vTbarsday, Jane 23-Ont. Steel Tuesday, Jalv 19-Canattian Me- vsCanadian Legian at Ont. Steel; ter vs Canadian Tire ai Meter; Canadian Tire vs Milton Brick ut Ont. Steel vs Milton Brick at Ont. Canadion Meter. Steel. Tuesduy. Jane 28 - Canadian Tborsdav .tulv 21-Con. Metcr Meter vs Ont. Steel at Ont. Steel; vs Milton Brick'ut Con. Meier. Canadian Legion vs Milton Brick Tocsdav. Jaty 26-'Milton Brick ut Canadian Meter. s Canadiain 'Tire ai Ont. Sicel; Tborsduly. Jane 30-P.L.R. vs Ont. Steel vs Canadian Meter ut Canadian Tire ut Ont. Steel; Mit. Canadian Meter. tan Brick vs Canadiaa Meter ut Tlsur.Juy, July 28 - opta for Canadian Meter. pastpotmeaîs. Taesduy. Jaty 5-Caaadian Tire Tacsday,, Augast 2 -, »liton vs Cajiadian Legian ut Canadian Brick vs Canadian Legàii » Ont. MîirO'ét. Stêelcst..a Ont. Ste;Cnadian Tire vs'PLI.R. ut Steel. Canudian Meier. Tbursday. July 7-Canadian Le Tbursday, August 4-opta for gian vs Canadian Meter ut Caaq. pastpanemenîs. dian Meer; Milton Brick vs P. L. Tuesduy, August 9 - Cunacian Robertsonaiu Ontario Steel. Legion vs Canadion Tire at Cana Tucsdoy Joly 12-Canadian Tire dian Meter; P.L.R. vs Ont. Steel vs Ontario Steel ut Ontario Steel; ai Ont. Steel. PLR. vs Canadan Legaon ut Tbarsduy. Augusl lt--opta for Caaadian Meter. pastponements. Omcigh Meets Trafalgar For Rural Leaigue Le'd Omagh's big gaine camtes up is tspected ta bc aut ai tht t neop ibis Frtday mhcn thcy meet Tq andef n tely. flgar under tht lghts an Onagis ut 9.00 pin. Trafalgar won a close Devila Stars gaine frun Omagh 43 a couple of Grant Devlîa ptaycd a goaçl meeks ugo and is ail atone in first gaine us hie cotsistetty raaght place. Omagh is second ilh faut tips and had a couple ai tbree ins. ane tans and a lie gaad its. Archie Jarvis rolected Pound Nelson saine tiincly its as did Grahain Tuesduy aigbt Omagh pouadcd Gillies and John Jarvis. aut a 17-5 victory aver Nelson un This is tht first gaine in tht nearty cvtry Omagh ployer Sot a tant three in mirh Omagb bus bit. Wilmott pitrhed for Omagh been hitting wett. Of tht twa and was tht wiaaer wehite Bitl ather gaines, they tost une and Marshall pitcbcd for Netsn and lied anc and they shoatd bave taak tht loss. Several ai Omagh's mon bath ai theta. Otnugh bas regular players mere missing foor rained out gaines ta catch frun tht ineup but att ai thein op an. Trafalgar.enia Chartes Wilson wmut ikely tant soutbpum Archie Jarvin ugant Trafatar and big Harry Zaîba mi pitch fan Trafalgar. Don Jayce mbo hart lis back ai mark Eighth Inning Deciçies Tilt It took ontetra îaaing ta deelde tht autrome betmeen Haraby and Patermto Tocaday nigbt balt imuws tht haine ide, Hacaby. mich cane thraagb sith a rua ta lake thg victory. 4-3. Dan Crnie drese thtesin on tht mauad seile il mas Don Hestop. Paterma's yaulhfut hurler.,seha Iak the ions. Harnby ted mont oi thteseay thraugb tht gaine aftr scarng tmo rîins in tht third anti anc la tht luth, but Patermo lttpt la the ronning mitb twa ruas fa tht sixhatund elle la the seveatb ta senti the gaine lata tht extra inaing. Double Ends Il A dauble by Blake lattis put hlm an buse ta set ap tht play fa decide tht tilt. It mas Davt Leslie sebo faltoweti sitb a bit ta scare tht e ianiftg lalty. Onu ai tht big plais la tht gaine came sehen Rass Cunninghan made a sbatstriag catch an a fly ball utqdept rigbt on galaS totagteagrnrunner on iaseay iran, SGeineoù tp latht leagtie prtj4y ight nre ;tepiolgAr a ; NInat Pattcmq, Mtrby t Lowa'ili. i lI w... i ENTRERS WEE DOWN due ta bati meather, bal the show muni on anymay Salurday when the ilto an Ditrit HrtiultralSociety openeti the ugricultonal building for ils annul sping flomer show. Abane, judge Mes. J. M. Coans of the Cloverînaf Horiculiaral Society, Part Credut. udmires a bloom sobinitîtd by George Cudmare of Milon. Looking an are local saciety presidueni Mr. Frank Chishain and assistant secsetary Mrs. J. McMillan. ,o. îînty statiincry. Membets nshieAop Counicil S u is des-esIi nia the mattev .igvn.i.l Ariene îThomson the filrst seui nas norh anare County M useum 'sler%,e fur d shishtrial vtnilis W eds D. Peddie j Connilned but agoe Ose Il mus agjecei lu abtainîa nsp- olti pholagraphs secte onty lira of the l v',i seul ifar liftise A quîitbai prsttv îeddîng mus solemnized on thesofteraoais1 graiaf maidy ta the roua ty use, ai Satarday. June 18 on thetirte- buildings busement and shouiti Equalleallan Penaud shaded ierracc ut the ias'ely he rcco s-d ura. Tht aninuasi equaliLation af i s' mauntain home ut the Rtv. K. Tht antiquatrd. braken îlamn sesament olalil cooîtty ntuniip- Campbell miih the Rrv. B. A. giascase in ihe corridar ofitibm ulules wsspisseci.t, lis Y ucr NMmmolliciitling. svhrn Ariene Court House. the coanly's only aclîbout objeiosns fronni 055 Blanche, d.iugbtcr oi Mv. and dispitîs ai anylhing histosicai or conerrof thc coanîfi. Assessav Mrs. Wallacc Thoinsun ai' Kints- MLitacoi-like, wsusscors-d bv Tva Ford Rogcrs eporteil thc txluxuIr ieh Couvi, bscame te bride ai lulgur Reeve F. Alec Phillips. The assavnt îss valucd il S202-- ouitglas Wiliiann Fedîtie. .iso committet iigvs-sd ta innestîgaîr 905,687 uni tîhc addition iif S693, iof Milton. the nater. 019,sisîntî fn i fa xubie Hvllsî Ttecbinde isked chavnting in aitîl( îsn-cnmcni prispeticsieaile nylonnsee tlletiisiaiîe Tseo County Seuls bvinittthe moît v's issmesIttletîligoîn îaviinit l ouldesuîîr Dem-misîvibrer inia he cin- v alue up ta $203,598,706. iiglni n etIsaîc îy's isiorv. rount t earneci tha Asal tncpaiis i sCtîiitie iteanns ae su siag since the rouaIs,i ncorpnoratin, salnuiiaiisaelxd ' Si %t nl tmU caîînîy seul', bailbren ilin naiexpendituiics hnlteii itndvipsiltmsklnmeiiidilr use. The anc shosving on Bn lise polýtlisoaitotllu,essnsciit. Ile ring,, l11fisnifte gsiiisn. Hev Nu. 1,nvicb aras apprvcdin tllanini are the lnet seitaise hbouquemt a cascaden1pin!i Augasi. 1853, ta lonm a sîtînîs liesic it is %,cs-v.b.îssîl on ths,.odliwhite s'euvisses. caunceit in Haiton, aras not ih ec1959 i',esnitsi t isi'N: At Ssii Two Attenants saille csî now appra ringso n 2.71: Burgoîhgss39.89; Giigu Tue liide wsss Itenileil b%, les tisit667; Miltosn 3.41; iJal.ille sseRislia. sse.îsng ltitiste s11.49; Esqoesiisg 3.11; N 'i gl*hsssadc princees litre lssisk nits il s1i12; Trafa.lgar 31As4.-' pink siiessoie', .andîiuviin'i a Bantams Qutlucked F Hospial rantîs isssegins'ut a cîhitg carnations. In Defeat by Bronte construction apotneved ut thethtes. Jamnes Pecidie. A 7-2 lova tbey suiiercd ta Jonc meeting inclucîrd $396.080 iiiitosing tht cercinn a re- Brunie Sturday markcîl tht lor tht 66-bru Georgetowmaunit emptinwaashbrdu it finthome ai iaurth ime tht Hilton hantaninOstrict Mtrnntrti Hospital, anti tht hridm", parents. A butfet basehailtetan ha', bcn dteeted S1386,50 us tht second quarter type lancheon mas scns'td ta 11g- Ibis yeuv mithout a Win. Ptuvin V grant tui tht Joseph Bruni Ment- guess seba .tnîi'frotînRu- n a îough ituguet Iis veut. haanal Hosspital, Bîtnigisîn. chester, New Yos k, Si. Cil.iva- givra cause laor courbhes Lea N.%-- The coîînly maineer nv.s n- iesOswmn Sîsînsî, Arîhtîr, Fr, fer and Chuck Gervais lt Iosorîtine Srucîrd ta stidv tsali un Ibmgritanod Sheridasn. prizer iissup jugglingtutakemp ap intersec tisani II10 Sitis'ii.ilassitd rînîting flcireeptisin Ibe witb the club', and iliev now vthc Gueliph LUnc, Btlsngtsn, iandtihîppa essouple Iciltils sune think thcy ave in a position la bit se bîns inn pisisentesti ii oulie loshsnsmooasn trp Ili Nushern Oit tht in trait. marite. laiin. [tilte Strong Ion Laie He 5wî,aiss instrttcîl triponssîs ati lîlesesî. On thîli e- Ia Sturduva gant Rnn NaVier stuîly iprnvrmenis il the Ses tiu isev ns iii m-esidleil, Mill,,,,. stard on tht mond but naus [c n lb Lisse, 5 Siîleî lntessss ievcd bv Bruie McDulle srhiiions iTraalgars rIOn qîinsnîA. came un strnnatlatlinhe fume. ier ).tsllnnsinsg a pet ilinn iint Tmo vans in tht ir',t inningestî Trafalgar. tht pacn for the visitons and titcy CAS. Famlly Aid SUMMER ibtan addmd tsar mrt in the Permissiotnsais grantd lins Iird and licein tht four rthethIbmClildrmn's Anî id t 19"ýt i' IMT BL in. Miltua, nly 1Imîl lues $20pcv aîaath tsr tinsrkTnBL came in Ibm third inaing wsereass'isttacetuli amilics. tllivst MrDulle aconed alter hitiing a a reporti bat the Ansi, and Ot- Effective June 23rd, 1960 double and Jack Kiervan flloe- rcoda mmpiovrms' cmergecsv isai ed hum araunnl an a single. a-as r.ipidlty dmptting C 'AS' Liaeups la tht ganement: Mil- di recîsîr J. P. Jollifli repot iii;1 LEAVE MILTON ton. tirDufie. Rominv. Kiersan. Ibm fondi hati bren seot in' Conie. Juhnson, Hadiny. Thsimp- hctping l.aniie', maisila theïi TO TORONTO sua, Frtcher, Guild. Radml. homes unit keep fle shildrtaItu-, Wheeler. Cantelon. Nayicr. fethtr. 164 u.&Ht Brunie; Bond. Mason, Hardinag, Tht open dmmvsm.isson r iusk 640at.orSu.&Nl Mcl.eod. Sarlien. Cupstiii, Hur- afil)ii aas sgati in Ibmh aglicsut 3.10 pi..Saturday ovly rua o, Neil, Alexander, Fnit. tot«al inimmilice", .agendal, hut 1-oanva o actlina aas talkmn. The towns 8.40 pi..Sundaya & Not. _____________ oflBuringiss a sked an open srasoaovtn ai iglncayv5. oaît DAYLIGHT TIME Hock..' tht Georgelassa Aaglers' andî Ht1tv' Asstiion uaset a tpet- T 6 DS Mii ilions signed by 14 lmatera Inn Tickets and Informataion ut Usgaa ntartlnnup to bat aked aatopen srusaa llis vcir. wb ch bcecd lu se aseverai hum- Tht cammiller, bommncr, vspart-TanrsVait tr LOcai flo[s[Jjen key tittes mînter in tht pet met bracket, coach Dace Brash of theMilton pet meacc al O ut n Tr cks teuin mas teit short hy tma vans Red tHalies, vetera toaain <ta urduy mben tht local', play- horseman. teuds tht park again cdt Brantt here ut Ontario Steel this yeur ut tht trucks ilh eight hall diamaad. Final conft mas harses la is stable ut Ncw Hamn- 31 for tht visitors but it mas no borg. NYs Buffalo Racewuy. indication ai tht play as thte lac' Stan Lave. caatber local rbap, a!s oouthit tht visitars 86 and rift s atso t New Hainburg wilh ntae men on buse ta Brontes ane and Raany M cDonald b as faar. three out this year. Brush la Bax Bob Cale. Archie Metcalfc Mît. Craig Brush wovrd tht pitrh' Nichotsonanad Ross HaInes are ing rate for Miltan and strarh out fourchas sho re a th trckseight men mhile isnuiag anc malk. fou chpswhoareonthetraksBukcr wus on tht moand for agala Iis yeur with Waadbine Bra te and onted fisc stribe' track their place ai aperatian. ats. hieposigtm cao George Learmant of Haraby. a hases on halls. nesecamer ta tht spart, bas a Lineaps: Milton-Bvaah. Des. horst callcd Corparal Mac la is jurdine, Clemenla. Pattersita. Mc stable and plans to get a god Due. Stirkle. Secds, Heurn. Nuy- start this year. l er. Moanluin. Gervais, Cose. Tht tocaltlrack ut tht fatr- tirante - Scarram. Devcreaun. graunds is ased maraing and Sa. Bruown, Faryniak. Baker, aight hy maay af tht gentlemen Moffal, Herbrundt. Lawerence, la pttiag their tratter or parer Landerson. Treble. Shovting. Eh- tbroogh daity rua. right. Haines. SPORTS DANCE CANADIAN. LEPION BALLROOM Brunch No. 136 FRIPAY, JUNE 24, 9 p.m. TINY HOPINS ORCHESTRA Praceeds for Logion Bail Tpan Dp"r Priu - CoÇuples $2. PEEYON! W YELCOME md tlisemats-vnias settlmît tndl nu scusîna mnnld bl ie ld ibis Pesa ta eat Year Hînserer. ficmrtnutsts wmutb girma nn othe 196h agriculturul commitie ai Ibrir Janary meeting. Couacil hy hv-ilsm resinicî the raisiilcittaiy oa ise- stock. Il m',asstmid tht Depatrt mntof*utAgriculture hart ceass-d assisanctun the idtmnity. &Restaurant Telephone TR 8-9e2 B. Traynor - Agent a bftli FOR BETTER USED Ç$SRS And Relibi. Automotivo Repairs You Can't Go Wrong At -li. Wcdld noý attend tht fteld day and psmp meattoattdintpur last repor.thtfaierseutah hdanSuaday, Miay i ut Part Credît, and iIf yau remember, It raineti aIl day. Haseever, the tonring church parade mas beld la St. Pau's lUnited Churrh la sitatas tht chrintcaîng af Miss Doana Carluse, daughtcr ai aur assistant rover leader. Bob Car- tam. Repuat Sale We derided nat ta attend the moot ut Mt. Nemaoun tht t3th, becuase me had heca so busy with aur service projccis that mc li I ohm nhinri sledulsle in aur den vcnova ion. We arc stili bchind ina aur e novations atnd me bave foanti aur- setves in aeed ai marc supplies; thon vit have decided to repeat ournspriag hulb sale. We mut bc scîling tht balbs froin tht saine rampany. buît me iii give you the suies pitrh la tht ltter part ai Jone. If yau are missed, and are intertsted, pIeuse contact ont ai tht Rovrs ~assouri as possible alter tht blite. During tht Jaly tnt metkead, tht Crem miii attend tht Rover Maat ut Gait. stuged by tht tsi Gait Canadion Legion Ravcr Cvem. They have sent us a int ofi urtivities and it tooks like it mutl bc trotyuan'ery hasy and cnioabte meekend, homever me nvitl bc able ta ttll yon mare about tl atter tl bas taken place. To Jamboree On Jaly 22, 1960 ht th Amer-, iran Jamboree mut lopetsin Col- ceacta. Plans ta attend this Juin- haver ave nom being finalieed by 10 iemberîsof thecm mbwo wmut bc mataving domn lu Coorado Springs ta gain livst bond iniorin- TIço-Çanadlan Champion, Thursda1ç, June Urd, 19609, Giv. Trousseau Tea For Donna TuHford A trousseau tea mas givea June Il for Donna Marie Tuffard, daeu terf Mc. anti Mca. Aastin .i Tffard ai Miii St., Milton. Miss Tufford mus. married on Juat 18. Pourietg lesaiuttht Tufford home mere Mms. Helen Gond- tack. Mca. Bert Vernon, Mm., Ana Worth Imather ai tht groom) and Mca. G. G. Hamilton. Mms. Val Hendirk formed tht atian an Amncricsn Jlmor aet%. Hall o tntIm miii be leasing on July 16, and te rest miii start out an tht 22nd. We mili be able ta tell yoa mare abaut aur trip as tht tint drama closer, bat for nom memili caitinue ta renavate aur, deni. Intersection Crash Causes $200 Damage Tma Milton men ment involvcd la a crash ut tht Main and Bell St., antersection on Thonsday ai last meek ut 7.45 pi. A cor disen hy Cliflord Nous- ton. Main St,, travelling east on Main St. slumed dams ta make a reit tnrn into a drive may mhea tl5505 struck on ils rift rc,'s corner bv acar travll- ing ment on Maint St.. drivca hy Robert Reid, R.R. 2, Milton. Toalidcamage 10 ihe cors mas estimatet i ut$200 bat there ment na injauries. Milton OPP Con- stable Coimen Wrigh t investigal- cd ut the scene. RALPH AND HUJNT LTDa LER. 1, OakviII. Milton TE 8-6449 lMtp.t4 lral t çrge* UU nenla. lielplag la t, 10t9 mm -MOire Miss Katby Tofford, Mca. RBet H004, M ca e lPoo4 qnd Mca. Water Watseiaa. Tise bride, ber atather ad the grooma Piner rtceived gmacts irions Miltesu, Iort Cned't, Dakvlle and Toronto. "DtA sainsane eue,?) ANOTHER GOOD IDEA IS THE SUNOCO Batlecy. Warnanted long life Fast, sune torts ia uay meather. Came a i for a liberal GORD MILNE'5*Io Sunoco Service Stafon 263 Main St. TR 892 ANNQUNÇING Thal vie hune been mnade the sole dealers for COÇ%SHtJTT FARM ÉQUIPMENT Wina a Fbuleus NASSAU HOUDAY 9 me.PNOM ft #e lt R. H. TROWBRIDPE Suis Line kqueaing NorthfBai&SeaULne Tg 0-9831 ~AY* CAt4PING~., Aft~ G.8 out in th. wonderful outdoors this aummer and enjoy an economlcal camp- ing trip. Seo new thlnga, shore new experlences. Start right by goeing your camping supplies et Milton Sports and Cycle iraqs tente to gaaoline cans. PUP TENTS Psrt fo ur the gadmierashob attsmping tisu or paose' n ti ramplees tri th poras esgtamplîs . $6 u 9 SLEEPING BAGS Campuci1,anîh flitsiz. ippet mwatsrproofi hutinsFiinsl htlfotisens mils Lîlis $8.50 TO $14.95 COLEMAN STOVES Dîpînîlable Colimnaqaaltty ta double z d singls buternstsi.Campatanaî itsV tsi curry. $9.95 AND $21.95 LIFE JACKETS Cinsîttun Govîmn mini tppniivct ifes son nag vîssN.Dînat tubs schanais,mih ynîr lie. Ret. $450. Nîîm........$3.95 Adulis Eeg. $575. Now .........$5.25 AIR MATTRESSES GusîîîiLI LO Air bedl mbbsti for cmrn fait Ruhbsnîesd dîîsb'sorIe t $ ilso tir nYsttu a ils lnitl $79 PICNIC TABLE$ Colemane saîlase lubie fan pî*caîr or catis ping trips. Sluîty alil st constuctiona Reg.$21.95 $i95I~ Wooden modela with tw. chairs $1995 COQLERS Ksîp fouît iî'h ta a GS.W. an Colmmun couler.t Large sîzi, compostdeisgn. Con. suic t rvig bondis, FROM $6.75 TO $1895 BARBECUES ISpecial- --..........$2.95 LAWN CHAIRS ............... 5.95 FLASHLIGHTS .............79c le $1.79 .5.1 How about p bicycle for that girl or boy who pasrn.d? FREE LURE TO ANYGNE BEINGINO A CQPY OF TIS AU TO STOJI MILTON SPORTS & CYCLE IN THE HEAET OF MILTQt4 SOPI1 CEIE 201 MAIN ST. MILTON TE O44751 ---7- 1,7 " 1

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