Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jun 1960, p. 7

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6R1AN 'T.MULALLY TR 8-Z436 "NO ES ORO TODO QUE ILO RELLICEN» vwlut n ass: 1"allluoui-go"d t igltees .. -bt yar. en hosuem s ral value Wben ynu "lu e arm frnm Miton MOiaise -Sles Lid. Ors ibce1 aeoo PONTIAC 4-doueriSretu Chiotf sedan, autamatis, radio. white- sallo. dise, iranhers, tocup tighia. las mitruge, harieun lue. 1959 BUIC1K In-vietu. fulif rouir. prd. 10w mitee. A b.g saauog os thia 0ne. 1958 FORD Failane 5W0 4-door sedas. -ylinder. autamaeea di.b. -utp h0tigu. Febced to 109 FORDFairlane, g.eylinder, autamatie. radia. 2-lune greenj and swite.,l1maIar 1900 DODCE, -cylindere.tandard transmssin.n 1004 PONTIACS, 2 lu eboote feoso. 1054 CR075.. 3 ta cbaoae trum. 1 sleeing treiler, sirops 3 peuple. eaaet e. Odser aIder maket ansd modelsaon Ose Gm/suil Used Car lat. 0EfIVAN. GRANT. PHIL DR BUC2K AT MILTON MOTO R SALES LTD. Phoune TO 8-2355 SUMMER C LEARANC E SAL E AT REED MOTOR SALES Voue Local Meteor MerCury Frontenac DEALER 1850 METEOR -dune,.to- tons greenu and wbîte., -rytider, standard transmission. A iseatIy nsned 1-asner icar. in gond sus- ditton. Picecd tla sdi. $1,595. 1957 FORD 2-doousetom rasch wagon, rrsn, V-I enine, autn- matIe irans on. jeresthe vebisteefoc yon tation wagosn tee. An ecelenst boy ai Sf57 DODGE Cruader 2-donc. tu- tone grecs and swite. f-cyiidr, tandard transssiona. Titis s a -hosutitul. laealty awned, t-ons e car. Picecd tao eil this seek, .nt> $.100. RItAL EBTATE M0OlCER $13,000 Full Price For this 3-hedeount butugatas, ait- ueted inaeoenettpart of Milton. clune to achsants etd stores. tastutty desoatetet sitis many eitras. Cati nnw for as sppoisninetutolusaseand sec setî docusu dlwn poymtttl. N.H.A. Resale A comrpetelyla-ondnra-ped borne. set amaucabaomesaof ramper. able value, 3-bed-raam boiagius sthL-chape iving-diaing roo., deeorated. elored tisioretsend cea lite in batheuonn. glent tined watoer tank. lusninutm uluents and sereena and enobini- attun doors and many, ntsny th- e ens-os. This peupety heu bers reduott tue a quicb gale. Moving to Burlington? Or perbapu Dah'etir 1thase lisîsucu asalitbie -due those aes loortue Credis. Cnabnville and Bramspton. Cati sose and aveul yourselt nf my 2cenuniy tervicer for prospetve hume purcbaneet. No obigation. A Specialty Canit ind tse tuane ut eboire? Hase yau ronsidered beritsg il brîtît? Lais avoulable in nany r- rus. N.H.A. appl:rattunu arroa. cd oerunvenlionat morîguges. Cusomntbouit houoeu for mata prodortiansprices by btiders ot repaie. Cati 50w lu view plans and loataians. BRIAN T. MULLALLY TR 8-2436 REAL ESTATE BROKEIt 1119 Wakefield Raad Milton ,-a For Sale Cottage on Lake Beiseaad, 1002 fi. teuntace. Ficerd ai.02.800. Mad- eaie dasen paywrot. Lai. 10' x 400, an 25 hiwoy, hut oatide lau-a lîmits. rired at 0.500. Foew. crluonau.h,100 acreu, -o-JOli75 acres produetine wnekiasg land : stise boune, 6 rounts. vnocy tirets decaîrd, haedsaad uand tr flios. -rcerd air e Limce- and -prssure ytew: urpet batik barn. cerment stables and impr- osent msard: raod sprisg and pond inposture. Las ttxes. Gcod cast. Priced $25000. setb terrms Oo Na. 6 i -hrîrayand Abectuyle, 1 arre. -eaam bunga!ao. ,partly finishbc/. sire iawssexeet upiing. rerage. Fac the bandy mwan orebidrr. tis it a uood bîîy ul $3,500. For Rent 200 acre -art. abaut 70 sachabte, balancePasurerand bush. ste bouse. 7 coama. good bank bacs, teeamn. hysdru eqaipped. Reasas. able -rsi. Cali WM. WOODS ,Mltolns. Phne TO 08-6o57 0001. J. MeLEDD Seul Esiate Breaer Artun. Phase 203 g t atc ail rensioin tushace ba ppreciaied. VoueSt tese1.0. -FOR SERVICE AN£)OTOAT 1050 CR0. 4-donc o-don,eres. Thbu eare is lkpers wand cas ho .Pursaelaed duris g nuer mret clearancie fr090. Cercles foc $4, montuls-sithnon do-s poa- ment tl e cepamibe port-r. 1005PONTAC dluxe -donc. V-8 engin standard transssaiun, 40-lune green amdi tse. Anoîh- e une of te qsaiity aned cars asailable ducing tissweiks sale. 001-r 0$M. Crrie or f41 mantulqi th sna dots parmnit ta prseeed creebt. 100U FORD 2-dune Vitoria taedtap. Neress tise rese eci y ou tink 6here arc no nuorereruity cdean 153 modems araunid. A eai beau- 0>- ai $795. ALL THE ABOVE FIJLLV RO- CDNDITIONED AND GUASANITD. REED MOTOR SALES ise lRme u of n-OsereCaes Onario Street South HMilasn TR 8-2393 C-6 Real Estate G. W. GOLDSTRAW REtAL ESTATO BROKER TO 8-9921 R. J. INCLIS, UL 4-2505 M. TNIBODEAU, UL 4-2248 Campbellville 6-cants borne, -iscass-r ired, coud vndlian. Auting $1,200. doses. Blance un i 5% mortgnge. Reduced NOAuR CAMPBOLLVILLE 2%6 ace. 3-caun borne,toundat- tun, Oyttro, sorti. Wii toise 92300 it1pire wi11s9,011. du... SYDNEY K. LAMB mto103R& Ii00OEAJC a mEisSt. B. AsIes Pisane 024 e4 BRIAN BEST REtAL ESTATE AND CONERAL INOURLANCE 310 Main St.» Mtoln 1H 8-808 Name Vour OWn Down Payment Ratiul 3-he/riium n, gtas >-in Kiogotrcgk Court, entlec -lh, large liing rono. 4-pece cerron- un t/rd luOscono, tam'ih bkit-n fibes. extcao nota/c aturinontp sorm ansd sereen sindos, liv- ing rouodrapes and near tes dm-btrOc slave. Oserira foc $70.45q munthiy inrluin-g taons. 4 $10,995 Full Price tbstacey 'home, centrait-r locaîrd. torge lising marri. 3 sice ine c bedeusens. kitahen, 4-pies bath- r..m. -tati hanentent. F/A oit 'isrtin. PFildasen potimano $ 160 Carnies $70.45 manttb inctadisg taes. k Building Lots c Choise dotsain bsn or countryc ns eavelable. Cheektotu/estor iuformt-ioun oe a CI2STrOM -BUILT HOMO ailured ta yor reoriaerestis. Voo o-l ho mone- astiy sorpeited aet 6e calas yoo geltoco or mness. N.H.A. morigagrusus wavoulable. General Insurance 00e aoc plcase/ toa asttocse Osai o-r arr nuslbheagrnsfote e HalifOa Isurance Compans-rfor MiNou and district. Casa/o's Dl/rîtt Inorasse Comtpanys. Whotevee v arnc s/-Sire, &u- ta. trasel. iabitito isstrance - dhltrk tu/a- fr the BEOT pou- sible raies. Farms - Farms Whabevee yur sced. se bore a ïfuent or umeli baldinig tu ssit 5or reqoirerntnb50 ae frmt 9 aiestra dmo Milton, usit $15.000.; 100 acre (trnt stoe thmtne. 10 tlt trunt Milton, f24.000. sIis good lents;15 acecs iheaeesw it evel borne. $1lfe00., 001-r $i,000. du-se. Cefi Buis Lekinbg, our sapereneor ed artoaandscountry cep. For fsctiscr Infacmatlo as l Brian Best TR 8-6292 Jim Seeds TR 8-6731 Bob Laking TR 8-2710 MAL tokittw u pOIý QUtitK ACTION AND C. WICKENS A. E. LePAGE MILTON INOME fIHOME $10.00.. . 8-oomd brick homo. 2 soparate -pbore btheaures. bat weter keaisu sbs ithc, dosttal brick sente. hsttdltg lu e- cetîctut ataoio repie. loSned ln cntre cg osf in <110832 feor- ed lt. close ta saboula. dtst end tisopit.,$80. per month in- T . Brdl2s MinueTIstubgle Bronte Street $35.500. 1 y daico huldinga lut. 06a x 00, 805cm asf seter av- atlableTitis peapcety tuas pou- athîldiro. Moffat $8,000., Oueelous and treueoate cre anff 2 floues ilts 30 o 28 barn. eterellent condition, atua sevs aus ceace oalat aICobeand cIme ta v401 hitissay. Plcase Call Tom Bradley TO 8-9.543 Oit!8-4121 c- AUCTION SALES HAMILTON - MILLOROVE COMMUNITY AUCTIONS Opesiug Sale No. O Hsey.. nocth utlbIgrove. FEODAT, lUNE 24 7 sm. Sharip. Yîîuc articles oepted nase. datly n a.m. -7p.n* .500quae tret of ttoae upuce. 5 acres ut parking. 85EV.' BLACK, Austianrer. DEC. MAWHRiONEY. Prgp C-6 mu 9-1051. NOTICE AUCTION SALE Of Fane Steak. Iualementu. Fecd. Fuesture etc. Tisepruîerty o LEST E E OEOWN Lot 5, 00k liste, Esqutise. n SATUKDAY, JUNE 25th At 1.30 ubarp. Narenterre as tarit is suld. TS7RMS: CASH. FRANK PETCH. Aurlianrer, Toi. TRTel -M6, Geai-gelown Ce.Cre. Cleeb. e-6 Auction Sale Of EicetrleuSuuappie, Tasis, Lauhber ste. Tise propety ucdlise netttieth LATU EDWARD IL BURKE On the Peet-Hýaitn tases une, %h ntile muathutNuesel, an Wednesday Eventst .Jane 29 At 6.30 eelite tutins: Cltttte -tise ut elesteirlan's ossies iating seirtug. Oseite, am otescoail siesconduit pipe. and at] sapplies raeeicd by as etectisien. both ewrnandued. Large Celle drill reto, gond as n ecgîiifd pipe vite on legs; eigid pipe hrracerand pipe cuttr; ropper pipissg; bcase arfutChois blueks:; laey sooden blocks; quanily ut tangue and geaavsd ttumeshr: 3 U il eit s. 1lit i.: 2 bcasy fI. antgle iros; qottty ni alicer aned lubant;steel door. 3 a 614; 4 seau/en doars; abut 40 wanduwses4 x2'; qeusy of hvy extra duoss; large wsncbehcnb iaasliy ut srall bonIs; uit drums; utonit toc steel lathe; ouuiiy ni ýEiriiauu liuutd lhe coorciat. by intstaed oibis sale. Alun 1950 Cher-roltsr. Is gnad ruonditios. tubjct ta renereobit. TERMS- CASH. FRANK PETCH. Aaolîoner, c-f Te. TO 7-20U4. MILTON STORES wlLL BE OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT NEXT WEEK DUE TO THE JULY 1 HOLIDAY PIOFICIINCY AWARD WINNERS ut Faiciew schoals graduation banquet on Tuesday sera given poirs. Alsooe with principal Harold Speers, they srec Mariarie McCorwack, home eo- aamics; Larry Pelletîeiio, indasicial srls; Bannie Powell, general proficiency; Mary Jean Coul- sons, sports; and Sasan Johnoan, Beverley Doles and Allan, Citizenship. 'W 1 -5 . 51 î'a , - '>,ias1e>-. HORNBY Church Pi cnic Attracts 45 60. at. Shower. in School The Hornhy tUnited Church taho tu-it ho 14 on June 28. prize and Anne Bradley seon sec- Sunday Scboot hetd Ihe r anîtuat Mes. Lloyd Moy is a patient in uînd in att Essay Contest entitîrd piesic at Hendersan Park on Sal- Milton District Hospital. Esery- "Maple" sponsored by the Tor- crday atternooin. June 18, sith l'îlcaiishos ber a speedv recos.rry. osto Daits Star. The winners 45 attending. Plan Caterng were announced at tbe annoal Races s(ai-ted aithticee ocitîci. St. Steplîrîs .s GuilcI met at tho Horticulture Flower show last fou tho votîng ana l ah. Eersî, nc-hîae oft hi. ostîtMes. George werk beld in Milton. Mrs. Walter enjoyrd tho suppet ptepared ta1w l'testiclge on Tîtesclas eveing. Cîulton and ber son Richard the ladies. Julieo 14,. tuila 14 niettilses aci cach %eon a door prize uitthIe Mr. and Mrs. Colvin, Bieraio on uio pieseni. sanieshw Halibat-ton s isiteci îciîh Mi . and Ibits. Pieiig ctieîi tho 60 et Shower Mes. Eci Baies ani tamilv 1101 l etingin iiihe tsual io.aie. A miscelaneous shos-er 5505 the se ceosc. ts. Ptt Flipp,îuce gale te ce- hieldinbu oor of Miss Dorotby The manv friencîs of Robc-i piil on theowîanie bouquet. Cook, bridie-to-be. at the MeCurdv Neison of Gra.ndi V.llvv. lt jiii tî%I,. Ait tPlaoi t[ o/o final or- sebool on Friday nigbl, Jane 17, of Haenbv, îsish tue a speecl\, le i rngemients Iforta setciîîg batllttî lb 60 uîglîios and I îicîds ;il- cosers. Ho lu a patienît iniflic,110 1 oe2.inig Orangesille Hoîspiîtl. Ms latSînlî uî ic osgae -o nor o Mandas ltrn BlueMîîunit;îin I ccl couvîent: o htiqîtei (îaJîu e -Drolibsopenecl ber- gifts Camp ai Cliing%!Ucîtsu1icberc e l2Foand hMr,. t cistît ciRohersoîn o 11h bte 11rasîg bas been tîotict.viiig tlor t12ilvs. U as elecied Iot ic îeîe, -c/îg Lunch %sas sersecihy ftire Mers. Ken Cartwuright an :b1iaqe 011iclsi.luc ladei ies. dcîughtor tof Potes hîîaob h isli i iied t uitoile dîiIivs ancsilsert Sincere su-mpatlsv s oxtenducl scitîs Mr. andi Mes. rtl151iHiigîlentai 1e liithe chutieht iclen. t iiaiia the cammuaiîs lu Me. andi aci tasitslbia le-scî 'fsle lotetiitg cl(isvîl tutihP'«lisse1Mes. Siins ilintihIe death of Anniversary, Blrthdass andtl lui u is seiscrtblte bhsIMis,. Haîtts icher, Mr. Fred Lawu- Congratulatioîns Io Me. andîl essasiteib% Mis. Normatin son suht> passrd amas ut the To- Mes. Rus Ellis usho oill eelcbia,eCIoamp. Il Vuss leciîI- lect 1101r I o10Genera i Hospital on Satur- their Ilit wecising annverarvha -e aaiîiher meeting untîl Jais day moeeing, Jane 18. un Jane 24. flitec ore ioiMe. an/Mr%. M nlMs e-Smusss Birtbcias oeotins li Filen -- ted oitb Mr. and Mes. Don Wood- Beadies suho ia sitbe 12 vears of(] Esuay Winneru bock and family uf Cliingwood on Jane 24 and to KenONeil Korrie Sue Leurmont won first .on Sondas. HALTON MANOR ý See. Inspirin-g Churdh i Service On Ssssctv alt:ernti, ue ,iiii. Jîn . probes ,oaisubito mode passible tbe of rousuog ntarches secren, an ir.slait-ing cicIlsscit".i-,t--i bCibisî'scIlcaibiositheioîss, turspoe/avd iîbsucsconsting sied ,n he no%%usiti l ii ium %vunt, Concert In Net Hall seiections au A Scottish Rhap- bouerl mmeo l ak i Tlijîi b.ssco lncer t oser lu su/v. o medciesoutcompositions sevra romeî tf is (tislI -le isesn lise news audcitorium by Brahms andl South Amorican Brunie Miltuin CampopfI lIse Cill11nlbh-nets additîioun ta tliseMono, msisc. Tisa ospeebalilspopular cons being ini ctharge. 'Fise service 1,is presen ted o usbirrusdaveser- nunthers tere The Wieard of Oz mas in the bonds ai Raipb Morii lg. Jolie 9hO,ibsuent about 40 Faolass and o ooveity number lus o-ih H. West a i te pianot. K. b,îuucbsîsea of lite îrene Seuls The Waltiig Cat. Scotiand ofiorectp roves ansid IMililars Sandouîrk theur places Coid drinks and coukies were Scottand read fhoccriplore les lunthie stalge triplas anoîbes ut serveci lu the bandumen and re- sus wh-ich o-osIlle lirsi 1111111000tîtsir sers esjuîsabte ptogramu. si/cols ai the close of thepro- verses of Chapter 22ohSt M i Ie conucert 5505 ptesented hi; gram. bco-u Gospel. 1 IkîuîclPermi ssiotn ofthoeCCommanc- Sec Dance Recitai HaoldciBavbam (elclu100/ Isle ing Citicer. Lt. Ciii. Kempancd Os Fridclos eniog. Jane 10, a seron, auish baci illouet sui,- cîîndoctoclbtahIe Dites te rutf umatports ai wsuomon resbdents inltille "Cothig. Me.,Scuhant Music, L. L. G. Caî-leit. anrd mesrersidents allen/rd a remarisec litaitfisesubiesi iilirhe proilm waso .1 prea porsio f ,higbls interruîing and deligblful ciutbing is oi inleresit Ir 01er voile hol musics bat Ilise baund especîs stance recitai gis-es bs the pupils and tbat theee.areiiiarts rleu -rutpayas u smir conacerts in a.Mrs. Mary Socds inthe audit- onces lui cloiing in te Bible. Mr.r aruts trcalitics lbruouo the Orium of tho Hbgb Seboul. Baybam crummenîcclotusosuie rut sommer sinths snd ilt souus ho- Therugbthe kindneof thebbcMil- tioe se rornces zadi cIcr e oi uiemoapparrenti Ibalto%ses ftoIit, Kirsmes Club therérsidenss t'le tact tbail%%,liens Chitivasbuculmursic e iofsine ireat in %0ore transports-ci fom Ithe Manor boen He o-as o-rappect i soai- 1 1 to tre rththors iis scommer.lI tbe sebolin o bus. Idisg csties, alttisuoglispueplo ' %rues-nimber %%,as plaîvo/edicie Aller tho aucdiecce bod been o-as the soltrisf the clruisng (A h hiiîn ad s usîl tho prîgram wsecamed bs Mrs. Sec/s, aOoro- kings.bInbe Book nb Rerehastiruutshovvvdî great sariet-. Sevorol gram of etgbteen doncec nunubers use reaoîifr00rer ltitud/esuwaoe farmiiar o<>1/ bismssand ilnom- o-os prsentr/. The ececllent dancing and colorful cotumes - îeigbted the speciatoru. Eacb of tus-Io o-omnrsi/rots su-b LJf~neitended, Mes. 0. Homard and Esqu sing Consrvatves rs.M.Forebes, wsupresested wih a plant of yeliow and o-hile NomeMac prow Prey mms ini a preety voue. Mes. lormrIv l Hunbyand ow o SeLs'generosily. an/ kin/ess A oso- cecutive scis clsd lm s bHîb micuu in ebauing the rsi/rots asofuurts o-hec the Esquesing Crîcervatise Georgetown. -ait the fi no rc-iîl is grrotl ap- Asso-itin met un Stemarttosti Ward Chairsoon Later peeciated. liati. Allon/once rîf aboub 50 unp A meeting sili be caliec ini Businesu Men ln Charge Wedns/ay of bout meok wvas cric- Sopiombor tus appaint o-oei choie- Lovelv singuog by twooibtte sideeod sery gooct l'or Ibis lithomn.i-grsac a tqrlsro ut 500e.Mer. Sprao-i o-os cotinoiv persi- marbird the cboech service in the Prerident Harding Pice tf Sil- (loot lilho Hallon Young Cons- nom auditorium on Sonday after- vecreek eesignrd (lue ta il boalth servatives fronm 1952 ii 1959, and sueons. lune 12, The service o-as in and ieorî a sorbts if isibobes is statiîng bis third teri os pro- the bon/s if bbc Christian Bui- frontFilo-Conserativs.s, l vinciaul lice-presi/ient of flite On- nosMens Commuttee uf Oak- Rieccîd persibeel on is placee tareir Yocung Conseesatives. tille. A nombereuf famitiar hymnu o-as Mac Specîml oh Aclos. 011,cr Among brise o-ho spuike o-os more sung wvith Me. G. Bro-ce officees are, vice-peesi/eni Merle Stan Hall. Guesis i/tit ineii/od actihng as conductîr and witb is- Reid oh Glen Williams and secre-' Gles Cooupersul Tra[algae, the îlaugbler. Miss Joan Beornor, torylteosue William Andcerurra. 000015 press/es. playiîse tbe phono. C - O O - a v ew hse Iwo littîr girls meotinord1 Praie Gils' ooks croferencs-fiseld ai the OAC er- pieaing fasiin. Tlsev vwere Phl- Pas Gil'B o s coct. lis and Shirley Dcniioar-d lieJ -Fine Dlupiey tilles of tiseir sangs seere Roore On 4 Clu Proect Mes. M. Moitai commenîrd on for Jesus and Tell Us tise Story - Mes. Hattie Pice o-as hoss the dispiayoutfince boots mode if Jouas. Thesc cripture tesson. for the Jonc merting if Nasso- by tise 4Hi Club girls bin cnc- Chanter 4 if tise FirsI Eplutie uf gomeya Womens losîbtule recco- lion o-ih theo ee, lise miiky Si. John o-au read by Me. George ily. Mes. M. Maison opencd the o-oy. The excellenti orisdine MeAllistereand orayer o-as offr- meeting titis o opicot reoding bs the girls o-os esidened in cd iss Clore Laing. "Effort" cocceening oalle boys t1 o-eornpieiioc of thrsecolen- The cloquent sermon o-as de- repot crd.fui boots fiibed o-ib goo utri- liseeed by Paslor Jint Pride if leotcad ion [adns. Fisi Soptisi Cisurchin Oaksille. Roll ralo-as aseer/ by at Tise memrberes o-ee rcminded Me. Pide upote un the subleci fosorite cisoul subleet. Thisnb- of lh is iptay if baby lavettes; ai the dbmensions af Go/'s lave. otes if tise test meet ing. as rcad1 baby biantets aid pyjamas for Ha descriised Godus love an hobuR by Mr.n A. Fn, o-ee adîpird tise Miltoil Foie. as long asu Etersslly and os broa/ fobioing miicis Mes.M. M hiî Mes. H. Pricer.Mes. M., ouWisueser. Il busu dero tisaI deait vtitistise impurtant points and Mes. M. Meisun serscd defie- il reccies duwsi 10 tiseo-est meoiioned aitiserecntDisritoiusurefecubreents. sfnsser and saiigis liat ilbris"s Annal. Mrs. J. Hnyecaî/ Met, W. A. Fesser scrsrd au abolie tise toftirst tisougisuou an fthe Public Relation Ofier court euy cuilsinur and pianlul. men. Tise MacLeodi clan- deszend- ro#ds by hu, ta Dnveâasi and enta of the laie Kennetis and Oea- bow tbe churchs a run. trice Maceod-came from Oear Sot e padinlig ýand fer tao raokville bal for telb andporsu ese tayedicing firsl reunlon of relatives ln 36 forthecdenanddancing for yearu. the older folk. The MacLead or- A corntudîlce was formed a fese ebestra played for-the dancing. montbu ega and afler a greel deal Fond fareseelîs unlil next veer of work and address bunting tbe seere expressed at mldnlgbt afler relations were contacted. Over a mout enjoyable day. 100 relatives were once more re- unltedi. Speciai Mention Tbe oldeut descendan.t was rqw :lg Stephen Cour of Milo ,ston MJ ofs C11,3 tbe lote Ellen MacLeod theolod- est tamily member, James Me- Pberson, busband of Isabelle MacLeod of Guetpb; tbe young-c eut inember, wee Gwen Anms strong of Milton, Mr. and Mrs Harry MacLeod, R.R. 1, Acton, bad tbe largeut family in attend- ance. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Jobnson traselled the fartbest-from Gos - port. New York-and aiso bad / four generations in attendance. William MacLeod acted as mas- ter of ceremonies. After the houn tîful supper served in the bal program featured movinf ptc- turcs, solos and instrumental music. One otber feature of in terrut was the rrading of tbe bis- LAWN CHAIRS tory of tbe MacLeod clan by A n- A MO gos MePherson of Guetpb, who H M O K aiso, gavras-ery interestinf talk on bis trip tu Dunvegan Castîr BARBECUES wben be was on forloogb in 1944, of bis trip tbrougb tbe isianti And eusse Cardon Fuenitur. arratorupWna>;*wavpurvaeaaoa-awropaa 'ff for fan ln fthe $un. -Next Satttrday promises tu bc a bosdcl o n ss stibthe Scot- a A tish Dancing championsbips, HuIs ý 1 Rosary gardon porty and o-rosi- WIG ing show ail scbedui'c'. è INTO-AIWNSG -Fridcts of nen week s. the ALUiINM PRM July Isi, Domioion Dayvhlia and stores and offies witl bc ciosed [or the osent. - p Doctor: "Weil, after checkhsg youu. over thoroughly. theres no doubt- about Il, yuu have hydrosy .. thatu 1ton much water in yourusyu. Sateumnan: "Il ust have been the tee cubes." Speaking of ice cubes, did vou know that ice wiii reaits help !o remose %um that is stock in voue Octoth ngf Just rub il on and watc t he gumý tosn up. Don't fou! with spots though... sometimes vou can do L more damage to the cloth. Send soilrd clothes into us as soon as possible. Event hours can be important with some stains. MANY THANKS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS WHO VISITED THE NEW H ILSO NS RESTAURANT OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY AND OVER THE WEEKEND DRAW WINNER TONY DOUCElT, MILTON WON THE BEAUTIFUL WALL CLOCK IN THE DRAW FRED ROBBINS, MILTON WON THE ELECTRIC KETYLE HgiIsea"s Resturant Bronteo St. (Baside Hilson Transport) TR 8-9733 GOOS) POOD) SERVED IN PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS 5V A COURTEOUS STAFF. SERVICE STATION NOW OPEN QUALITY CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Lubication - Car Washing Parts and Accessorl.s N 1 1 ve %UNývLÈK 1

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