S~5r- - - ~- -t.-i.7 'liii OeUl.*r ChE*IPIIU*I Tl¶swsds%~i Jefr 20511> Edlor Notes Lack of Minsumns~ Mis Rocteforte. .Lowville, Was ample:.tirer fOur Peuple a' B 34M u ltosteaa for the Juiy meeting of a eengilryng toisay the Illinstst d thse Mountain Union Womnen's In. samne thing but because of chisce stitute. Mms. J., W. Robertson, uf words, ailiadt a different Durlnglise bot sommer days a e ptedent, openedth ie meeting meaning tes wiat tisey said. He limat many iamp, coletors have1 itsone uf ber inspiring poems, saii the gretesi speeches ot ai' he abit et torgetting tise [asti fooWed by tise Institute Ode ime were made with few words tisat eaoh summsrrer there are a and Mary Stewart Cqlect. The and used the Sermon on tise groset many ns sueofsap were given by Mrs. Veimo Nor- as severot otisers. risen wisen tise ouf doors bas iost ris. Notes Mussem Need ilis appeai for anotiser yeor andi Money was donated tetise Mi]- Mr. Dlii admireci tise heauty tise cool darys arrise, ouf corne tise ton ansi District Sata Clatis or Lawvvitte antilaitiser ieasystmp albuoms agaie. Brut h liasi toand andt f Care tiuîing te spots of Haton and tise Niagara meagatMryothsecl1 bsnsseso.ecrrretadtewise risoice sommer issues are barder to se-i Augusi Pieue of our toretîers lu making il cure, wiîb tise resutltaitsomnei Tise program commitîee tu thier home. He mentioned iere colletors are boving tii po mitre plan sports for tise pienie meet- is inteet inlucommtunity partis. itian tise reguior price or do ing lu August are Mes. J. W. Rto-tieir beauty, usetuineas antiihot bertson, Mes. J. M. Readbead. G. rare, tise cteaning up uf oid ce Armstrong and F. adiet-. meteries, and tram ibere f0 tise Os Jlit1 IGhana isecame o re- Ral a wsanwre y Apiner. tie freedom tie public witis a new constitution sougisi, their privations, isopet hcswsaipe s ieGsn novel way to advertise o coming and struggles. He tated o record alan people in a recently ield ce. (1)nen thsoellang; (erswere:should be kept out tieir tortitode, terendum. At tisai ime Dr ai mixigtisy e setinividu21e nd triait and touaitand pregrens. Me KwaneeNkrumahs aas etleciedthett preiiiydesinet ininidal n- ebulir's tirsi president. As a ce- vitation; (31 invite tieesta came ptutiue ntisteir cmiing uIn-public, Ghana wiit remainin tise anti te, tisus cousin g curiasity; Tweedsmuir histories and tise Britishs Commonwealth oif na (4) teii.-pisone, tet-a-grapis ond sta ie oei 94u r-fos ii istoric event was ieia moau. ey leesering a few articles 1. place in 'Wnrdwibts ecaeu îa Tise mta Eeypriniaeme s saincvry otorfltassmps atiici ar corrs.Jesp.sbrtsonw(intan One dint douisi is sinceriîy stili on sale. byMe.J.W.Rbeisnli a-in a pîca ta tari or support o Tisere are qite anoimber ut others pace). Sise explinedth ie rmuseumn some place in oltion -John Harrison Photo titiferent irises te Ghsana anti fulli meaning ut bth words anti coonty, andt tibe hupeti bc MR. AND MES. BARRY CANNON are sowr foiiawing iheir caris irise bas a sprriat naite sai repouibiiiy alt ment aaSipeaking ta a f ikeiy greup. wedding Juiy 9 in S. Georges Anglican Cisorcis, Guelphs. Mr. ci-cef0cacis riilti boi. Tiese privileges. In ctosing, M. Dilis spoke on Cno ntiesncM.Jon annadtseleMrCn. ace isen arroctdiig tu tise dti.n Publie Relations bridges, tise unes tisai are euseti ann ateso fMr.Jh Cno adteiseM. o Vici tise ciili sasharo. Hercr Tise tapie ufthtie meeting was f0 ceosa a aîceam andthie unes non of Tiomas S., Milton, whisie tise bride was tise former Pot ace tise naines as ivetsn isch onder tise public relations ccp- of fiendsisip. e saisi in facing Dictson, daugisiar of Mr. andi Mrs.Nurmon A. Dictson of principal trie. resentative converser, Mi. J. J. pcoisfems, weso offeetcrossaouc Guelph. Tiet wi ivien Suli ugton. accrdciig f0fiuths on e-hidi uhe Kennedy. Sise iniroduceti Jim bridgera before we rame ta fiem e- n he iilti watt hum. lere arite i Dilis. mauagiug edtor of Tise ant ibfis con no more be dunec wr naines as gisen iitheflinci ipaf Canadian Champion. Miltion. e bere than oaver tise unes t! ia u a ostrust. spotie ta tise ladies lu fiscmmon- crosa tise stream - antii ts a a < i e ow ng r o self lu tise weekly, andti iough is bistaeners: ta relax ant i lve oa * 1 nt 0V, ws odv seriaus, is mmssage Sat given inl tile more. Scoaden aur outtooati iGU TScU i Upio s ir@ pny Tossday, Kwaîiensî; Mesnestiî a bumurous say. but dceam once in a wble. An Oakilie tria elimetiTisetas-oyeacîs, Borrînettîn tubs haine Tise irai ot bhis speech cou- Museum Topie Caniadian Champion nernpapers takenrise pele. cerneti weetity nernapapees. Mc. Win. Dates, roociesv ron- t-w olig mxd rbe Tiere are 963 weetieien Canada verser, ibauketi Mr Ditis -anti a w boln mie trls m wa anti about two anti a boit million fis-cfp discussion follaneti witisa tropisyin Miton Saturtiay nighf, Tise coscri aas smait as many copies. He saii mot everyane Hation museom as uhe tapir in tise annuol coonty league chamt- sare asiy un liai idayi andison teoda a double lire. Tise famiip Mc. Cool son gae abumoroos pionsiip pay. planera anre competieg in tise circre betonga tas one lire and îeading, 'Gcanny ractises Blocs Oakviife Mavor William Ander- pi osincial ptaydowns. Riniis skips- Conodion saciety waa tise second 1Mgi". son skippedthie rink, anisiri in- peti by Norman Graves ut Gais- ite. Tise weekty ne spaper be- Tise tuech ammitec, Mca. . j c ieiis aife anti Mc. Shepiserti ville ansi Ernie Hili ti tetanif le langeti to tise tailyccele. J. Kennedv, Mes. Langton, Mcs.iîom Oatiite. Tise trapisp seos iiîad second andt iirt inetise 0 WOII Ti is Septil Tanks Ne adviaed members ta leore J. M. Readiseati anti Mca Bert presenieti iy Frank MrNiv'en on competition. ta use tise rigisi wacds in making Joues sernnit standichs. anti brisaitaiftise newapaper. Tise ast In oîsr c at ivitv on tise greens 0SBuidozlsg S Trenchlng communication. MH fn a t aîcfs duing a social boit ihoor. tsist-vci, fisc Riifrians strie - - ainesi oui oin tieir annuaat'l e Ssnd 0 rvl0FI Boston Ladies' Aid AsH M ilton Brga de fouioment vlat bels]dWttsinratiav. eOF1 W.M.S. HoId Meeting Holiday Season Off to Preston EDGAR HOWDEN Tise Juit- meeting of Boston A bout f2 or 14 f- menfrm s p5 su 25 .E. 3, Milton Ciurris Ladies Aid anti Woent Mlo' rgaewl ci re-P.1 45 Missionary Society was e tti a i SIOrS ere tions b vrigadtmoe w h tPe ute nmeaciaus iim b rrieCaepbelvill ideoi tie henty oFiteenM mDuerwrie Senecal ram tfissdistrict ai- Civir Holiday weekend a sedig presceit.Fitenmmeswr tended tise weddiug on Satortiay tise annuai convntion of theUCi Tpresient isChrot of Marilyn Campbelli anti Don Ontario Firemens Assoriation.' Tis peadetMis hototeFto1, _-,ai Zimmerman tUniteti Max Back antiB Tigisar Turner, tipenedth ie W.MS. with _bCestiefn ntig tg Doxoogyfotowe byprayer. Ma oi aaaitis in Milton focal lite-mainwiii Oattedic s Tise usuat business w as con dort- District Hospital toliorine an ap- tiemonsications, campctt tisan eti ater wicb Mc. Douglas Ir-pndcom nMandat- mocn- buiinessessions spredti P U N ving bad ithe stutit book an At-pndcmyo ria Ahmnws ag olo-ing. Wr wisis ber a speetit- e- tîiday eaening. Sa ti dySunda rirba. Aiblrnwas ting fottawrasecyitndMonday. ed ury. Bibe reeing b ca. Pd rom Sundertand tire Chier A. E. Clennm si S. Mua ym. Ts etngcoei Mr. anti Mc. Reg. Johnson anti enougis men woo ti ran i wiho yu.eilticen, Lacet-anti Lynne Marie unwn forc ire collts oe tbwe Tise preitient, Mes. Ciffacd al utelnt.Otsen s ni Brown, openeti tiseLadies Aid f w erndt M.Onti es W d. wifis prayer foitowed isy a byrn. MeaienwtMranM%.W . Tise usuaf business wa epoted MFde. nd . Ga elt ceadiug Acosas tise Street." Mes. ae- ri Me. nt Mra. Gardon Miii653 J. Elliai i aiso reati an interesting Finesr. Cdhies -Servi--ce article, 'Unto tise bitta do I lftantitamit- of Newmacket. T ~D A Y For te Fns tsSrieThey'v@ got Il up my longing etes". Mes, Doug Mr. anti Mc. James Vansiekie Petroieume Produels p t ii, aurid anridte "Tying with is ied witis Miss Mllie Vansiekie lis te.safe M ILTO N UELs vînzg eono Curri tavreti isethoupNiagara Ino GrattasGage way. an od faorit, "Tingapples orne in St. Catisarinesaloti Weti-M 1 T N F Esa ige nn ou a Liior Tee." Anuiher reati- nestiat. -A T rv ing was ginen by Ms. E. Me- InNagr p e t.. I Gibbo tn lsdwihte Mes. Fax Bit speni a tew dat-a ise eing n .Aaetwiistiewith relatives in Niagara Faits. NUM C asg uncuta b-n. asoil enaetiNew Yack, lostiweek. CAMPSELLVILI-U FRED ROBSINS 15,0 isuor. MssGeace Feoper of Mottai Phone ULsiar 4-2271 Blasase Lino et Thîrd Lino SINC __________ spending a tew dat-i witis AL2 NO COMPARISON MajoieVanieie asenger plane crashses, otf TALIpFELIGdi wiis e, broc itram peolerne-ta A new nainelias been given tai siPO ure gv axet a ep a u- new ailmeni. lIt tis e diseuveet- -I--- o tenting ta, take an air passage. of "elorcitis" - a candition aria- e'e-c Thisiscauteasta wiii tise taiigto ssaetisgssee. tiaireora t oai atalifies Tisose attliiteti lotitise conceptà seem ta matie ltte impression faet6at0pr s ia on laiber drivers, eventisaugis tie .p.. ferla litie 45 anti stowing mileage deatis rate tac autam' o- ianuta 25 foc an exlcm bile icavel is about elgisi times gvats mp e itisa is as get as tedemtceissegie laimesion a th comril ilns egn s tlig H. has alreadly Ianded to se. the tremendous 25% Discounts on Barbecues, Wading Pools and Barbecue Tools. He's going ta save $7.50 on a $29.95 Barbe- cue with Hood and Electric Spit. FolIow Charlie now ta, MITO HRDAR CALL . bssi% .oimb ,U0555 u MI. . Met 00 TR 86258 .4ce, Uoio55.A55SWMMINQ PO. ses.jtai MIsa.a&so1- ENJOY «MIe sfussla. Ni.oi sIusl .soevw M5.5cm0bas ossehms 55550te ier , easnssossO. POOL VU. sisas Sr »"%emi-ae. THIS SUMMER. t"#.dptéhudiso ek unsiW s Oe est-sie oi. es I .j . 5 ol.5. 050 IEdgar Howden 1I du «Il. AND SON O5055I#Éti50.g E.E. 3, Mitnl TE 8.6258 0f L=mmu Inumber ot diversitieti subjecis lu Ounlise foies *iisspecijaicet tieldi, it will fatie Prospatrtyit- o'a soetime f0 cuver ihetu ailt. _________ WAllMML A certain Misister wisa is a very mtm l 1decar trienti. mas preseistedthi 1 ui'5 NoRdly Irnu siamp albums alinoqit illbst Kanveku; Tisuestdat-, Yarn' Fridat- witis in mont- cases as mont-as 10 1"nuspss Kafi; Saiorday, Kwamiu. anti15 stamps ufthfie ane issue wedqmlie5550 atudi tenamination, Evert tise isybi1-athe dibis Girls - coneca hati stampa patition baise, Sunia-, Atiosus; tulondat-, Aj ua; iisem mil b muscilage anti on ahfw... Tuesiat-, Abena; Wednesday, Mîentnaliste albums we taunti Ps' Akua; Thursatit, Yaa; Fridat-, per mtiney tramt a number of Efua; Satuaca, Amma. rauntrues pasitid in atong wiiis Eigit dat-saluer a baby la bore stampa ant in many instances i s hriiugisitîttanti sharn loata lnupaancre rnuîînftiuonutop tot ai lei tirenus aussi ivets onr ut tise paîper nîtne. But tisee-orsi tise aotue narnesaccorefine f0 thc us peu fît turne. for e-isliiii f àb iat- un miiiifleatsarnm. Tis is a gioti somrniton weeofferedti t railedthei on crmn. re-rnount ait tise stampa in base- use ougolng ecemon-. leftottira for aur gooti felentia On Jut- 4, tise United tatioes yaungason, btl bel lene il or noi, s isuaurt eir 50 star ftag stompa eeet- saap isatibren mounteti banacing HMaianstaiebauti andti - plasfic tape andti tamatie i I %s whit mot oftheUS. lagmottera wocreaimosi ail ofthtie ataimpa have bren harizontal in lre tmswr mounîrd wt oa ineulitot, titis issue was prinuesi arer wideplastiw err w iîh Myfe as s witha veticl fomat. grai nIoa a onnet's neat anti have Topiesi Coiieetiusg bren sutfering foc avec a wet Why, bat Aitisugis ae lytepslto negleet anti have onit cernas-raianti ce- lte ban# coteîigtuingitheaum- mu starnp c w finti tsaiif tt stunid bot neibrt a ts iler impasibt e 10 rompt-avil is Shuttian ri, tirwisb ta fint pao f si cequesi for information on t> tittise trouble tise wrieilan. FOuCYSO. nirai rotireuing ai tise preseni utpseafe omnsap lrne. 1-ornever ave miii reaumne jui ose etwofmanstmp ibis rîttumn in the fout anti wilt un a piere ot paper wiib plastic loeo fisensio danl ili ibia suisiertin tope andti ibm rp rcmavinc fisc whenyoî artel-rai issues [tir îîsinc ta the plastir frot stomps. you a n cash -for1 Garbage Collection THERE WILL BE NO GARDAGE COLLECTION ON MONDAY, AUG. 1 THOSE ARtAS NORMALLY HAVING THEIR GARBAGf COLLECTED ON MONDAY ARE REQUESTED TO PLACE il OUT FOR COLLECTIO0N ON TUESDAY, AUG. 2 -TOWN 0F MILTON ift aManfMOI tg t1 Whal dont? Iung musay it nk, of courait adve gel a nies -sings bshln< - icas take advis- sale prices. Asd,1 tspotsomeelhineg nt, you cas pay IL Or, if Some- ans in the famfly gel Ssick, lfs niceta knowtlle money la righlttere le teok After hier. The tact tseverihisginifelios better wlten you'iis gol cash inlte bath. And It doat taite lang la ramn sp a nice suni alen yoi smke tntaii bat reglat depasts. Ves tir, money ln the bath rsaliy dams Elfe a man tIht len-feel teti feeling. Do yoa knaw where I Save My money? NVA SCIA( ,'naturallyl BLET BUILOS A BE H 'JUB lhe indumtry's greatest engineering edWSxes, - the best pewer - outstanding stomina for whippinq t m." - plus ral dollar- ny. Truck mon cdear across Cona hsc-n F# ... and'sales figures :HIVROLUT is thec best truck you cm ah Ww«here. 4. and OPTIISBL 5. W SSO E beitTRASIS-FRONT5SUSPENSIONi SIOtNS -sivttsnae tdependet nt I iraik diitg ast sspnont ilwit- abut as înunth as tuiptil. se irnieins lise eiiy tli seist tuck ride ttc hatlke si ole Rins cor. ind tionre esen deiigted. Re- nules nuits, toits oru ging, ners lingortrhuck lits, tMiUstE-iAT5 TWO stRe EseAR Chevrolet trucks have rarnet frt lu mind, frrnt transcontinental hlt- SPINS - lias. . . Te-stage place lu sales. Andi engineering ad- iug, to a door-to-door miti runs, you sopîfns nî truckrti c vancentents of the tond t-ou see above knuw Clievrolet lias been doing t sprîîg fin eti. Fuit iîad are a bg, psrt of theieamon. Tlia'a os em nimku tpylku casos fait springing ... yna wliy -unr new u[rck should lie a other trock rau. Cousuit thietruack ride suit it tishe tino. Clievrolet. Tstie ativautage ut other experte 0k your Clievrolet dealer'a. trucki me's exporieuces witl Cliev- You'il fiud [hie combination li& no rolet. Becauae wliatever juob you have equal anywliere. CIIevRo. mr~ UK SER YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVEOLIT TEUCK DEALER TODAY BELL BROS. SALES AND SERVYKE&t 1 . . 1*1 1 ililla i , - 1