tu ht se th cBI 'i N P( vý si ai h, S( a] C! tt vi A h tl t( u si c t] c c lir T h é , u a n à h a b leo , r d o " J y y 2 8 h l ? 0t o . 4 U n d e r B Y - L a w ao n s a re flo t c a m ll a d w it h , I Unles Pro ision FoIowed may bc necossary for thse llaan' ,tideon Camp, Business Men A M50 fine cao be levted ag- Uri"a Caution alnst a :tomber of persans 'as a Mr. Pearson in his letter warns Lead Sunday Chu rch Services resuit of tise methiode uaed in ail thase concerned in these L Two ihurchisesirvces tht prov- Recimer gave a short addiress.ot acordlyng a nrane antrson actio ns ta e ant an inncent LW. d t hs asurcofsosîratonpesotisttCsittOn an ChistanDrector of Planning and secret- thtrd party isas somnetimes iseen ELCTRIC ou those wiso were presenit were esperience that mas impressive i aryreasorer of the Burlington invotved and tise Ptanning ield t tise Mar o n Sonday, its earnestness and sincertty. and Soburban Area Planning Board has given approval ta uly 3 and Sunday July 10. The Tise sermion for thse afteittaaf Board. avoid caosing unnecessary isard-* ervice. on iuly 3 was field under was delivtred ia scislarly and 1atrCruaa hpt ie.Cnr~n the auspices ufthtie Oakvitte- elaquent fasiion hy George etrCcuad shpttemCorctn Bronte- Miton Camp of tise Sheridan. Mr. Sheridan descriis- Copies of Mr. Pearsons letter Att soictors and rocaltues are and Sevicing Giclursandwas ondcte bvvoilthemeeingbetwen he aw-have hem sent ta tawyers and therifre earacstty advised ta -e. -an ascndced hv nd ss ting inetWeenter4-real estate deaters ta Burlingtoni.ui.tsttsr l.asr* sorma Hre.Mr. Iar. tisa er iidJasa asiul ta haper -.andt sorrounding arccs. Hi.stat- tussesseg a Very fie siiîging 10ofutSt. Lukes Gospel, and thedlstats c wmah II ilnîU nli Hc haaMlo U893 cdtiehardisastheaskc ew nnthl friqu al rteliand Tht-, alvcd Poe.itnT893 oice, ed tie cangregatian inthie meeting ietweea tise ricis yooagthborba enskdevalfheegain.Tisdicil ingîng ot several famiiar iymas, taler and Jeaus as tld ta Cisap- fiorf lwud osn t ad thase misa act for porcisasers and aise sang hy request tise ter 10 of tise samne Gospel. Tise clim nes itw dnse as ofaud _____________________________ tymn Tise Niaety and Nine as a irst meeting teacises us iow we isoneacs ntr artserfstratv tulo. Water Bisseli was present most act -towatds our felltiw ho- ison 0f tse saler he ready ai.- tnd g ave a word ut tetimaay- man heiags, bt tise second tells io ftheisale hn ldrect con- It sas a atater ut great inter- u us that wisat is mot important caeaPns rento a ytw iti et ta tise prenenit ta have, as fr osta do in ta folw ChristThspatc idreton lise speaker on ibisuoccanioni, a and iecome His disciples. afPoo tveintuab-wwhh visior font retoia, outh Holiay Teat EET ALTO'S 4H CLB leders whomet n Miton ast eek a maPlanningentsBorardteisin requtredent f th cista fr M r.a Sauts Hldy ravMerALO t4i LU des h mt tuMltonon wek Dmoe rragemnt-f PlsatesnisBardtis eqnnnt o tis 9frica, Claytun Cles. M.Cln Ge ie uinDywe- tise 1960 edition of Miltans annual Hlton Coualy Fir. la front from lett are Jim Caraey af fore any sucis transacton takes ban camte lu Canada ta study fr end, tise residents ea;oyed a treat tisa Hostein club, Mîke tecCullougis, Jersey-Guernsey club; Douglas Jackson, assistant agri- place, Hamener, there are cer tise minitry and is living ta Mil- of deliciaus strawiserries, tma cultural represealatine; Nino Braida, Acton aad Nssagaweya Forage and Clt clubs; andi John tain exceptions. This uffisace la ton at presenit. ta his siacere and crates of miicis iad heen hraugist iket, Halton Forage club. At tise rear are Tom Hunier, Forage; Sandy Buchanan, Beef; fiable ta a penalty not esceedtng crment sermon, Mr. Cles spoke ta tise Manur an a gif t tramtise MuieBay esyGene;arclua ersnaie .A rni;JmMKy e 50 an tise tapie of Gods Lave. He Kinsmen Clubois t akaille Thiss MuieBay esyGeae;arclua ersaaîe .A rni;JmMKy ef 50 explained that Gad han adopted tasty and seasonal treat wsvery .-Ed.Cl.il., Potato; aad Add Woodley, Hostein. us as His chitdin and as c-ieirs mucis enjoyed and remarkn l --- - ,, orn ~ - NTONLLF of His Kingdam m t enus. As a apprecciallin merelisard on ailNAI ALIF aeuto hs eaini ve sisal side. - ~ sieday sec tise glarV f God. Bingo Pr .,uD spuacy CoaE of A rm s Hk>,P rust APPOINTMENT Business Mena£ Service Wilis M. S. Allen calling tise Of. 30 00 hu s Tise Cisristian Business Mens numisers, 12 gamnesutfiingo were A t Bous,000Seore Committec ut Oakvitte conducted enl oved h y over 30 residents onA o usfield R unionSiareisldera of Hation and tise service on Sondas aflernoon, Wednesday evening, Joly 6. Tiree Tise 23rd reuntanaoflise Bous- Ollîcers eli.i. kl for tise nest Puel Trust and Saings Company July 10. George MeAtister taas. reidents watt twa prizera acis, field clan waa ield recen tly ta teunionare a s loillots: poresidi- are heing gins the fi rat oppurt- tiseede, aunitvth la Ms Faza.tar ha purcisbrtPrkaseCalil. heci30oy.000r Gogeow;ltreasuryhse3,00 rasr ead tes eimerandtiselA- DMrs. tOmn Mr iwsamadELmiwtProna lsi eni. L osdeFts; rGotankBsin-sircs ai $1200 a slure. de t ts iga adMs r sde rr HwasallhspesdeplMrayBosieîla c"r l o.-piend i. Ftank Bava- -Gler expires Sept. 14. Afler ibis -.i tiu yal tsd lise piano ae- cacis of tise folloing: Ms M.Jarvis, etrorned escî-vone. ai., es, Noivalsiodvc rsd ae yoal hramyh compartiments fr tise tamiliar t'arises, Mes. N. Batrlow, Mes. 0.visii.i a deltci.oos lui.iseon sns uni, Rosa Tansley of Caeisle(;t,îîere to ts oisle m b aIsms ia ncesn.Me. Homard. Mors. L. Campbellt.MMe. served isy Mes. Arcihe Cairas ut sccretirs Ki.n Bualsielîl ol Jar- Nerdtute pi.-Miio McAliter offerio .d r a na adOiiM.E ikr e Milton and lier i.ummitcee Tise is, tit asitie, Mis. Archie Gun- Atioedcatlolisco- readtis Seinttreteson fr.m M. D-Forest, Misses H. MarcvCscea-KaBoled ediy, Cipslvlelati $ ilo n adu Ciarter 10 f Si. Lik's Gitanel, Suilon and K. Hill andt Messes A citera 'andti legramns f-tom - a$ ilin n pi u ieginning ai lise 25h vese- John Eakier, W. Hughes andi J. Turner. frienda i-WbseUrgesSttt capital $699440. Sale of tise ad- 1* 1 1,.- - - Ata indStepîsen, ., B - avisa gtonUrgis-op capital to apprasimatlty Dîscovet HALTON MANOR - ee naiste a iserpii.sii New Highway Sig ns bhl.000 Regtnaod Hi keran Bof stii.ld 'ilsckn Hgiay41 President A. S. Nicholson andi spoe o hs ieanisailtis lim- Moiitaissi.kiig ilgs y 01Viie-Pesilent and General Man- M otorcade, Outdoor Picnic IlyHdai ytith Iisail it und air isattcmoisie cln igedau0. E. Manning point oui tisai lsl,!d' ua..1ari. rturig ui ulint",ilw sei.ttIllie sale of atiditionat irrasurs - O.E.S. Treat for 56 Residents Bauslietd o Totonto spoke ai laitsnck. sokwsmcencsay h On Wdnesday aftamnoon. dent asuaremindier out hua vry diftemed sligisily fumotisaaiftise ;10uis lc,îingIsle (tacets lira- ; yinh a incres ar om5De00- P a John 13, a motorcade aI 2 njoyabla afarnoon spnt msth ris lineua. lît tligttsn.slv IrtuclismiNc iss have. 'nr n ivt o . 00- BY L .COSt x lcain th divway Th cmfot ndwelar ofth pogrm orchidrn nd duii son,____ami__ Company of Caaada is pleased tioè- R T-Y À instar mdetswee elf aknr e f isepo rum o cisidass M.anîid lt n - o le. Tise masidangerotîs arat t a e n e eappointmntstjs(hls-t Manor and startia out ttpon a out syoMes. A. Sykes, lise super- Ms mGasy atls S oi cn n"ui-u uoi o h ih rteo r rne .Coso ty auosftii te 5iahn-ahig matar jonurse Ta 9 CutsituaisLitnurseaisthesîsirtîadsas. braitmslgirlsr.dMore, arol- C 0nciperici.t hve otcniltonr.taretise 8position .oo bies aoe ry isevsa or fthemue oisier asistans, Mnr, nd a filoa il ods.- ld t)ilîsait ciirsîscies on lise atotaccident injuries arr asus-supervisor ile tisempoanys oe!aea noratbafgr.Ws biaswredivnhysmau tsaue tisrasitat, r. te iaHaren, Barbsara Iltirren-,ltytisaamiltonisi. tm altana isind ithe ladies of tisa Haton Chater No. Niestros, isus aiovfsas rn etanSoys unsier 5 Ruanie Wistcî siig i avi aitlisit -tnask tisLie tee.Yebatisehats aatxrmttabNOtisure.erOtOf.. 280 ut tisa Orier ofthtie Eastern tise ron. John Boufictd; baya 5.10. Bia h- v anti1-(i i Starand hei pasenges wre WnteronDLnns tise elnawIlbra tisathislils shape and youea 56 rmnand wmmn esidenta of Forester Treai itrlo-1, ayLoi Bstslseldi OIclig-el ose e h e the Mrier.The ocasio wasthe O Sundv, ul 10,tisegiris 15-t4.SMarly LosJacksLem'd: ittiticitigic i s sec t ne ant vnatr6 ahn ahns1Cp r annuel mtor ride and pienie nup- residants ejo yad unotiser lâc-he- lient uti assc stm ia ear- _______________________________ vn Iar6 mcie aisna ap r per providad avrry sommer for ioas treat, donaird thisim ue hy J____________________________lmintedsholde tise residrats by tise amrm- theindrprndrai Ordre of Fouerat- Sise kick., Mes. KeihW stap nve bndorcur.-oo--asnsto israrted and gencrous ladies. Tisees ut Bulîngton. This freintolu, Me. K. Souahil;stOIJNVR A2 NEEDS MIBLwaaring tise naw Pîsytax COTTON-PRETTY 'Aurtiy Mtron of tise Ladgema a doublie une anti consintecit srambie. Rils Winterton; pie s-,avrytma1W1taI ics 2-40 Mes, A. R. Couttr, as prescrit ut a paper pucet ofiomagenie plate, Bais Laking adBesi n OSPaWER mAS Wwom. m w=WAJE'LL 6Ey ine.WhieInn. i 2AOC and tise daigisifot evant mas con-id mlk and a dxie cup of ice Soutismeli; lticky anotMrsK. W4 IILL oc6 îTA'PW' 1S0 And Il coats only $2.50. veneti hy Mes. T. J. MeDonougis cream for ccrucsmident WicnSouthwal FU WIE<OU 1CEE and Ms, Frank Ruddell, Theib is t eiat mas dis.risid ltiste Prizes ai ties taparhu motarcade foitomad Higismay No esdenis as isuvîng coma fom gis-an ta Mr. and Mes P laJy te X9. 25 ta pryside. turard met ta tisa Porisiesiicy gaea .haariy em of Georgetowmn furte 1t Hutanvitia andt ien ssIs alang rond of applausi. fr tiesa gen. lady attd gentlemtan pjsclt, t) ow ara yous-trucks and l y e ther Guelphs Lna vtisougis Camp resusdsaurs unit aiso flute isa.t-Cathserine Ruc Bauslii ui letractas-s oparatina? Giva brîlvitie and Lomietirtatith on muanis Club ut Gakeili. misaha d voungstechilti, andcuLid ety farm home of Mr. and Mes doatrd tmo crais ut sîrambere- Wison iof Almonste for0,11 usar th POWER they n uiRag fPcya rsinSok$.5 a$9 Maurice Raadiseudriear Lomitir îi.a on tsi. previaous Sondav, tisa tangent distancce. with atline fsont Ai AFl ag fPatxBa nSok$.0t 69 Plenle In Shade Hny When ailthtis cars iad areserd . f'gt1 I hE coid drinks as rer sera-ad tu thesi.IDE TALLIFE C rasidanis anti miile tiesenrri "Terintnsuaecaun tise Bet Terms FYIR AR'S t1ORSF:M LOi heiag anjoyed, Mr. Viggems, uni.eON'(RPDLYWER edilNui% sleclians on his accordion. Si.v- OA ERSNAIElr crut pienie table a sd 5cm set ad ie l i ic a up ndtir a "sprcadling ciestnot TERM - LIFE - ACC. & SICK. nqSi!SRVC oyrd a dlicisous pienie soppi.r tt8 iiirt 0 MI T.T 18 cf sandwichas. teu, patty icake.s Jh n l Mostgage end Pas-inesship insuranca ~ I1LL and ice crean. Mates A good Insuranceaagent dors nu Sunoco Sesvice Statioan TU 8.2381 TU 82382 "la The Heart of Haltona 1A speech uft tianka for ibiss -i 84674 saitfinsueunar 263 Main S. TR 8-9725 mconderfui uttemoon ils ils ...-lha boys i for-bNcin motor-mîda tisougi sonnmevery picturesqor parlsof Hulion County ad ils deiciaus pienie sopper as givan isy Marial Tiompsonuand rcapondcd tu iy Mm, Rradiseud, Mms. Coultar and Mms. MeDonougis A rail of flita savers mas peesen ted ta caciscei. In five short years you have helped us become part of ICA~'FI1 the community. Thank you sincerely for your confidence. DB6UNT NE8AD, We as-a very proad ta have become on important port of Voue confidence and fs-ust hava enabted us tb show sucis Iltise gromth oft lota & Peel cotinties, mîtis mrîgage lons consistant and substantii growtis. of ovar $6,000,000. Asut June 30th 1956 1958 1960 SAVINGS & TERM DEPOSITS $ 721,359 $2,591,641 $8,600,00 TOTAL ASSETS 1,415,451 3,273,674 9,375,000 PENSaiIN PLANSieILLS Somothinq naw has been added Ses Our Colos - .Mixing Machina No Fusa! No Muasa! Any cltr in ans finish mitinsineconds. Oser 1400 colos-a We stili have ready blendrd peaints t a avinga o 25% - 50% ANVRAYSALE Opposite Miton District Hospital Yau rcclve 4% inarast an Y Savings Accauni and stili hc Iha privilage af cashinq chasi any timo. 1 aus- 51/2%inies-ast se pid an Tas-m Dosigned for- the seif-ampiayed Future ava Depasits lGueantooli Invasment passan eus- ragisias-ad Pension kapi t ques Cetiicatesl Issuad tas- 3, 4, as- Pan can assura yaur future wil 5 yeoOC5 5% fos- 1 ai 2 yaas-s. socurty, white savinq naw an plann yaus- Incamae Tax. For your convenbenca aur olflCes ar* opan tram 9.00 ta 4:30 " Fridmoys 9:00 to 6:30 Our Officeen and Staff will ba glad ta givo you furtser information anytime. tea minimum. Oue Offices 1hae piaauad ta ceuityau ln ning your asiate. Your local trust compaiiy lIALTON & PEEL TRUtT & SAVINGS COMPANY Presidents A. S. Nicholson Gtneeal Managers 0. E. Manning Sacretaryt Angua McMiiion. Q.C. OAKVILLE BURLION BRAMPTON 112 Osus-da Street, VI 4-3216 451 S-oni Sreet, NE 4.1028 il Quen Street Euat, GL 1-3365 Mon 0. L Maning mn . itLack oMgs-s1J.A. Casrai