MILTON JUNIOR RED SOX ii play hils meskend lu the flgin Watch Junior Banebali Tourna- ment in Gakeile and meel Scarboro Satcrday exening ix hfi Oit round cf the i 2team iouîxey. Players lefi le right inxthe fient rom are Murray MConneil, Doug MCutcheon, Dox Crnie, Gord Haselfeldi and Jim Knight. Standing are Chris Romnham, Deug Kesox, Bill Scott, John Hopkins, Toniy Boudceac, Wayne MConneil and coach Sic Haunant. Absexi for the photo mets capluin Glenn Wilson, Jack Duimsira, Bill Waiker and Tie Charlton, Juniors Pile Up 11th Win Monday Preparing for Weekend Tourney Milton Junier Reid Sox added1 1yel auothec ix 10 hem dsring cf1 iclîries Menday sighl suhex lhey1 coliecled a 6-4 wi n cicr Dondas1 1u con heir in margin 10 Il as cctmpat'ed iih oly timelussesi ccd a tic, Mcnday's gamne lcsied only sic inuings homecer, as lic Dondas 1manager Roy Yiîzen pclild hic iccm eoff lie field ix proicci cf a1 fiy hall mhieh ho ciimed mas1 fcui bol had heen cled fair. The( empires theu cacdcd lic gamne1 fo e c bau, Big Triple Jim Kîiglîl sthie bigmas ai lic bat in Mniapi game miiexbe crne lhrcugh ilh a base., lcaced triple inithe fiflh insing i.. pc.itic Ses ix rt a,, f' ter lie c ixicix iad juuîped ic lic lead. Join Hopkins wsauncx ixgcs..' Carlisle 6-4 and Ilien o11 lie itl for lie Red Sos and bor' Thucsdcy Don Cet-rie pilched led gooci hall in aiiomiug cxiy thinIo a cic9-7 s ictor v ,îec Waîer five hIs ix thectlti. dcxix. Inx hg.uuîex te Ses h,,î Sonîlay lhe Red Sec mccc de' te coenerouît hehu,,iitlegai,, he Ieaicd foc licir secondi lois oflflic us aller getiing oule a shaky year whien Bolingion, the cclv sîccI ix lie openixg inuiiig'. John clob 10 do il ilis pear, bcdat t liopisins di cxcthe cxix Wednesdav 52. in tlcuiing oeuh'toer its, lIo Bill Walkec, nem hurler iii cach ixnltelc i %iiniucx hen lie Milton squacldccii tic lu's lite hoeie gailie d ac li lcir ilh bis leammales mnaging roux. ouip for hils againci lie sharp Tt. Readp for Tournep Borlingion liiup, Theclubi.h..., ec,, hexi Pie- prîing fic lie Ockîille Iiuiiat' 13 Sîrikeouls Pictul Junior'cc Balehaliltourna-i Jitti McTaish came ihccugh ixentl hi..h lakex place ibis bol' miii 13 sîribeouls l'or Buctingtun id..vsie'ketii ai Oluisilie. lii compieccy sien the beaus' The Redl Su..xiii plavin xthe hais. lecruliien t as te Hlliuu leigueex Inxn ot f'ciitleir hu'ie.,t %vcclxtp jiuiorclu i iewîcil tic cop lhe Junior Sec ptayed ohiWe.i' cguuu'.iiczii,xlieut, cucl i ii'., necliy and The,'sdap îigh, xix- (le pi-oiiice. Gain .500 Average Sox Drop Bronte Braves 10-3 In a rc'ccheîtlid gamne piaycd Thurxsdcîp ighl in Bronle, lie local Red Sos again aiiained their .500 plaviuig average hy de Caime lie Brouie Braves 10-3 for aeclean'.we'p oftufle leur gamnex llis xc'.utu. Tuis in gises tic local'. a10 mix - 10 lois r.." cord xc fac luis yecr. Aclon, ttca.m Milieu ix bat- ilisg le repîcceni Hall ex coux y in OBA. plltvolix. ix ciglîl points bchisd lie Red Sos bol have seven gamnex te play wuhite lie locals cow hase leur. Anp eom- bixalien of leur Milton ix'. or Actens ccx., ciii fixe lie Reci Ses lheietermediate "A" cham' pitcxibip for H.llcn couiy. Oniy Flue Bits The liiiii righl'handcr Nip Gervais again ccc'.tle isser, holding Bront uielejuthreecons on fiîchbixs. Hix maies commit- led one ecrr mbimd hum. Nip brceed lhrough lie caciy inn- ingi and cclp a imo hbaxe error by li liciuder South, mien thc îid gui hulc cf a hall and ieeb i je'. eut cf reaci, causcd the fini coun. Unevualy had cou- irci iy liet igilihauder led tI. lic ciher ime rux'. ix tic lilli innisg mien ho malhed te hases loadcd acd a g.îîd single iv Jim Swisn scoeltheî li im. A percci ihrom iy Miliu". rigil ficier Tom Barrehi i.. tic paie hld Breule i rîîîn'.ui.îg anp more. Barreta[,'.,) ihrem Gari*pyHughes cOtl cl e..îlil,'base itli a perfeci srike hi, Run Shatnnnlis Hugh- es iîied le itreici, a ingle Ict imo basex. Miton screrîIwoeu inte firxt on singles by Dcug Cuilep and Prime Rigut ccd uic malkx tu Tom Bar-tl acd Stu ilannant. Tic Sos mcclt dccixix onder in te xecond ancccihird but eropi. ed fcrfr tr cu'. ixnte focl on e maik ix Dn ,Souteh, an 'mien- leresce cal un tic Broui.. cach. tec wiciput ip G.rsaix On 20-6liirhy Win whii BrueMDule ld hem ho a 20-6 îtu i ovr Hiii'uhy. Mltonu a Banlaîtu "B" .club ixnliceilaltuin league, led iiînîugiîîueîhier lic "D" Hîîruhy ecIrp. MeDule gaie op oniy lic-e its in giug lic rouie wdilie te locaIs galhercd 13 off ibrec Hony ubpiirs, Lam- son, May and Chixhlm. Seven In Fif ti A big iti inniug cîhen Milton scoced seven cons spelird lic fin- i for Hrniy, cnd tien Milon added fis-e more sib e cii le top il off, This Selnrday Miltonu plavs in Campilvilie muile Hornby is ai Dundas. Mosday lie local sqoad wli laie pari in a celebralios whhisi planned in Aclon wien tiey milmccl lie Aclon banîcas In a regularly scieduled tilt. hase and tliceconsecu ise he reliececi. Hisxune lii'.'.cam,ttc.' singles iy Cohicy, Hyail and ie '.i.î l a gainue ag.uucsu C.uuîîp- Hannaut. helix lie iii an citei'gene., and« Tremendoos Homer h.ud xiii.,une cli's ie'.t. ille ccs No cens scoccd ix lie ilîh btî luct',,lv 40-)i îe i..'. hd u.îIî four mtore iii the sih isien 22 rui'.'.crcci .gaiix'.i lii, a maik lu Den Soth, a single iv '.u dcl17 calks.a.d potcd 23 Wayne Hitxoî, and a lilde,*'. si, ikc..eîx chcice lx ip Gersais.xei lie tilisoi Fis ln stage hfur armendces home hiasce Hîî.,u, i lied n .ailIit rex hp Doeg Culicy lii'.lir.,l ofhb -1i un acatiîu.ixg Ru,., 'li- lihe vecrifrot oser lie clt i up'. .d cmne upxcih caguuu, ficidfers head. î.î .cp Pîc. i'tcîiiýi. Broute lien calicd uex ceell his iiiixg landli,.h.u d 22 litin pilcier, Ouiglev, hu t e Icieci tu 5lî gi5e'. iii lezcli te ,i step flie Sec as H.acî suingedci. lui'. icîanueli.lic is pil,,: ilug. ilotie secnd acd Primo Rigogu iiei ii, lbase inplace cifix- sicgled hum home for lie fiuai jurcd Ail Melan'o.îx ccc cf lie fume. Notes: ip Gersais is flicin- cicuiexî iticier in the H.uiîuîuA tkias j, Uappy coocif league, ieasing a '.us wi oelosrcod Fv gmsAsks, CGets Remuatch Holmes Winner At Woodbine 1 Dodto, B.,, tl, a iter.lîcr ecc hp Ress.Hulmes, ]()cal bthec- mac, mon lie t cxi racce Thit xcîp sigil ai, Woeciic Racexxay ix hec uiroiticg iurc lii'.var. Jiuxuuî 'Red' Hîtime'., ceicîcn lu, cali horsenaumuiish-l.iediux,,,g tc loit liv i-.- live, .onictle Oiii cri., liu ceu.., droeercilute min is the Clas"D" itr. Red itaci aminr of his w M,,ucap nigil sîlen Jancet hi,î iii.ced ihird inxficue isithu ciWood- hune. Traci Notes: uMxcinix uec,,c, a. a driv er laicip ai Wîîîuîiîî.,c Red liai heen kpbcl xvacd liî.î a is iii e horesna.îed Litie Sosie eces hiy . . . Fred Telliuusî iai heurt ah Weuhi ne silice il opesed bel i cchturicg te Miltoint miii hixsiable of lirceherses1 miii lithireconshelickcilisi ... Tic iruullers lice ai Woîiiinccliii tic ccnl ch Auguxi asd lieu ihcp nloie to Montucci-... Ounith li- en side cf lie border miere ac numier of local mccncre iii, iahiiing fer iss, lie racesmils- cd fnom Buffalo Raeemay thii uecci lxBatavia Downsi ... Suime li Wcdhine tu go lu, Batasiar as mcii -. .-.Ranny MacDenali îho, trinse. oit oi Miltoen s inx Mînreai ctIllite Bine Bonnceti tiack micro hoicia sisableofci lirchorxex mcckicg. 1 Agait Brurvo Iras. '.CW .'mue îlticc, a' u,' .eîcii ice.,, os," ,lîl iiitheuuugluiv [cci Au..,'. ai rc,.... AI 'Bucp' Du.lîuîîix Ili. lie s,1- ct tuf o Miii,,,,Aucu,,alulerllelZi ei gui %%lieutItle B,.,uuuBoNix'. fixee Alkiri,,-Kiiiikiili tcu,,,ac. xci ng 0%tise riug Ilecitm-e.lîcg cad luecSalticlcup. "Youu i't i îuustoiup Itle,1 "l'ni geuiin. gelili', Aiu,tm-. Iudilie IvIt Milliuuî. In fus , i- lice 'til.île Li e,,i ,uie, '. ilini Tuinc v, tuiiluî.k i îliecîi wcu,,Aikiis'.iu,îcinied ii,. lu,'.il- lieua lite ii'.of l i c- ceci. 'i Waila ii,, e-uiili ,i]' i ucuiui, ',rollier paeiuueri," lic c, cil."O.K." 5,d uiliiiuV.,1"ll aoliuu h Miglty imUusu?" "Soit'.lle uiccil, do, me gui," Aiki,,s BackI liere Aug. 6 "A wicci uux ciîîlc., ilial ii. Aîîgîî'.î i. Riglu ict ck aculile Mil- luin AîeCria, Nu.m gv.otxofullieue, l'un hu'.p", Mi. Turuuîepcsc.cec. Si.3 liai'.. iii I Ci i.î.c-h i'. rtadle. On iliai ceîîicg datue fliteîgo. miilite heixîe,, Ile Brase Brother-,s,hitali,îîî iaig-ie.uuc citauiuuux nag.icx Aiki.î'. lite Aîî.%icliac k.uxgcrueo nc ii le Mesican jumîping helî "flite MighipGUrsus.", A'. a seini-liiialiflii.-cie, ipuîul,,,- Frccc-ly Viguct ilmii havue ci 30. mMuteIrYah Muke Valentlin,Ill Mafita mî,nîieuhotv. Tue pi-cii tutu- cut lbout cit itîi,îl gc'upelîcuSac- dur Kovaseanlid Bob Natîdor, ci Hunugary. ALL LUMBER MUST BE SOLD SALE ENDS AUG. 15 10% OFF ON ALL SALES - Fre Oelivery - CARLUS LUMBER 2ND UNE DRONTE VA 7.2421 IFOLLOWING mih Mev, Ceoand Don The 1960 stock car season aI the C.N.E. finishcd on Sunday miii a 40-lap championchip race. This mac won hy "Tammy Ten" or London and Norm Makereih oif Toronto piaced second. MosI cf al the cher last cars mccc' ouii with meehaîical falurci. 'erc'., gas pedial stock opus pari mcip iiiixugh the race andlicmsa cciv iacky ix gel the car xioppccî wîithî,îil any scriue.,datiioge. isii., iioiicihii,, tir tic iîa.p cii,ic %el hy piacitif ccxthiin tic cini and 1.41h in. tie heai. flitc mectianies haie lhe uem "Chryier mdcc" in nom hut are xtli esperiencing difficullies îxith il. Friîiay nigbl mas lie inst lime thep mccc aile 10 lry iouti andlflicte sctrack cijilu ieip ilien, mucci. Faut Trial Al lie cals hlld 10 haie a lime trialin ii eder tu qcîaliiy fxc lie 100la lInt.iernationalciun Friiiay îighî. Mccv'., lime Sai 18.3 andi fieictîlsesi mai 17.8, sxc puacas .,ec hebc a ealiy mcuiug. He hou tic scveulh lasiesi ime cf al flite cars liai qoaliiied. Thiis,10-lap rce.' och oer an tîcur tu ru., as il mas fillil d ith pile uis and resiacli. Lesi than half cf liecars tai siacled iverceahie 10 fiiihtiheCrice. Mers had It qoit in aboutflite 401h lap hecaose lie cugitie .,iated lu heal op, duc tu al lie cauticot laps. The sinîter ofisi. race and $1.100 mas Jiîn Howcard ci Hamilton. This is tl i fniiîe caCaîîad- ian 1,11. cicr won lie Internat- onal, se Jim h.îs Imo goed cea- slus to hc pleased xiii lie ix. The 'secnd and third ipots aiso sceut 10 drivers.: Tamý xv Tex of London and Jim Wil- sonutSpringfieil.Fout-th uplace lvnttoJac.k Ccxxoiiy ut Dci- cuit, Mic.higan. Merv is Faurih The final top lice foîr Ile ciîatpicnship m.înepac: Hog' Th* Coeadian Chimpion, Thuriday, jury 251h, 1960 ,3 Mr& ff IIeuto, "JS. lEdt., Mrs. Clin Mouston, Main St., Milton, titis wsek taok charge of Tii. Champion'% socti aad Personal news Items, and her eoumn wili ha found this week on page 1e. MM .Houston cviii appreeiate r*aî.S lct.n -aacî aSia ave euehreS, visits or visitors, bleuh. dgys, anniversarlen, presesta. -ISor wtat'have.yoa, She mazy ie reaehed ai her home, TR 8-9284. -Capital Press Photo GEORGE NORTON 0F MILTON (fac lef)i) luesof 59 iigh school studenîs f rom Canada ai- lending the first Civil Defence course for teenagers. spensored by ths Canadian Civil Defence Coliege ai Aruprior. Above, lie Ontario studenîs are shows miii themr housemoîher snd commandant, Ma.'Gen. M. Peniale, iooking oxer the ruscue practice set and euhur eqoipmsnt thep miii use during the Imo mesi course. ait, Homard, Flernme. Coliig and Mhilleein liai ocde,'. Amateur: The points fur lie day and Larry Cool von euîied un in, i spot. LI,, y won aucher raîce anii ancthe, crash heimel et, Fiîay nighî. Laccp aiceady lilii mon a heimet xc he gaie luis une I.. lie driver mhc liuishcd second in tie race. To Pinecresi Tuehep'.ysciii sîm hbc ,ît Pinecrexi evecy Tucxîilî unlil [lite iicxt wmcciniiSeplemhec. andîî eserp Scîiu,îiavnigh cxtiii [lite tiîltcf Ocixher a( Bridge' port. The InternattionautiaiPinucetexý xciii h bc n Auguxi h. ReueActon SchooI Request for Three Levy Puymoents Yeurly A sgetcionfottt Ill'e Arpcy ier,'ui itp.,towhi ,54ici ii el] '. %as i s...' l "C(: e xed al. it c it in.itl the secs, 1.4, i stric'.S 1eguter ttîlecting Mo.n- I818h S..hoo i.,, Ininîg h.buit..' il a. TIhe beid sugges.te(l itu filtîe t..tcusitip5*, ...uiy I ltaycet.,bh.. ,.i,ed in Mar..h, tes, xtyear. J une and Septembher, hut court- closnttliicy meuld have ,tuk,,V,,ciisin %vit',gii..',tihe Ciclit butiew the..'mcc, cas laxes mer.. aiiey Ccns..rvalii Au Aotty te nliet it o ur i. c .',cet ljvcditcticn,,l sigx. te the Loue,,.., iWill.iiil B.d cl c.,î.ClolaCut.Cncrsitiotn Aiea. ýcalV bllIle le-knovi IisOBITUARY ix', Ll tuu) dt i oia.. . I... k .î.. e ___________ ~iitii.ti.tttiitt itiiiiCre kii.' Nassagaweya Native front IlletOct. Interred on JuIy 17 expaitethli ia toiixipasviii seii ileittcRiiiîiieStiieinzi. unt11e it a i l.i. iti îîcx- î ..ciii.bouei..'iî.i,,alîî,î .i pteit iii xpelle iii,,. R. B 2. R,,.kx%,iii. Pllivi s Rticlilcfsc tJ W,-ighiandi.iM iilc i 1.ieîiKci,,e(,x JiixcpII M..Haig cetiitiineiî tu, ..xî,ciî l ei"iiSi,,, ,ii Iî .c, ilit tuirlenes n IleticFtih tc'- Miii.,, Afredl Alen , d iiiA Ioiîîîkîî c hiait.. ciiixi.,. cpatit- , i,,î c ei-ci, %cic' Touti cci t'c.entiv. Ce,,n..i ligicedi xtu Nuiiiicitî'. K..'tit th Riliîiiieiîi, hae nx cix cn.erecict. fiiitii,.Ancici,.ii. Sivii Rius- Anolie coiplint sc,iNo'tnnnMlltLidBilt Bar- Awutecixptin cc e..iîeii her. lien Bil lxiiok.. [cxiiLixenci,,, o A ia(ici-,Mi. M..Miliii,vas' '.aid ciivr eîiii.iir %%,as Iiiting 1lxI* in cNli'.vgatcî',iniii195,'.son ito i ciii let xpon,isan caied of,, Agnve, IBell uni Maîi.îiî,M.. luwdie lus llieLou ,i an Dc 1le lt c', , [eh lli ii tic' aie x tieitlitir. le tî.îi .îi Liigiliî,iiuiss, xand Pay fer Food die ticttGutelphîî fencr-ai itiitii Txxi.tepr-c'venlt.*ivcxte ic uniii..,. 'itst.iiaî, Jîîip14. C.c.,, geiiiix ti I Iîî,i,s aticiAigier.' Assoiciatioin i'iciiei couicit -"Citeis pi..kiiig ic'g.i in 41 iii., pixitiphallît a a 94 fccii bil est Itii. iieck ,andt îîîîîî i t e pick- lot 450 pheciani.,, xii..ili li pen- iîîg lie i,,îiî ix diti t i llis EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Commaercial Si. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SPECIAL CLOSING THURSDAY, JULY 28, 7 P.M. l'lie ciiîtcn iltake par-(i in w..'. i.ît ptoiianix nritiN'pliy i c,.,a x.reated dctring a meck of "Piocee,,itg îttliCii,.' DIRECTORS. Miss Audrey Lawrtnce and Mr. Cîaylon Cotes EVERYONE WELCOME SGOLF RANGE 0 Pra ctice Driving DEVON ICE CREAM - SOFT DRINKS GOLFERS' SUPPLIES 1 MILE EAST 25 HIGHWAY WHERE THE BASE UNE CROSSES 401 HOURS: 4.30 - 10.30 P.M. WEEKDAYS 1.00 - 10.30 P.M. SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND NOLIDAYS For Informaion PHONE MILTON TR 8-6228 TR 8-9229 KILERIDE Visits, Visitors In Week's News Mc. ad Mcx BillI Alison, Joce. and Lirîda and Cari Gervis.,of Mlon spenîca fem dayc ai Asii qoacy Beach. Atînierxacv gcecîingx golo Mc. and Mcx. Donnie Coolso,, lus ix-ek. S. S* Pucnie Thte Sunday Sehoci pieuic mlix el lsi Satucdcy ai Lambiert Park ith a cilcudauce. Mc. and Mcx. BcrtBoditi ci Alierlos and Mc. aed Mrs. Sian Buoditi cf Jaccis mccc sisilcrs Cicr lie mcekend iii Mc. and ,Mcc. John W. Holi gîmorth. efrgtttioen j*RsPairs ta 811 makesai&H Imodelsi *Rebuilding hsrmeimcely a d ntsàspeciaity. AL WR G ANTED Burlington NE 7-1018 PERU PARK SaudyDANCING Saudy9-12 Rock n' Roll Band SUNDAY MIDNIGHT DANCE 12.05- 3 ar. MIJSIC BY "THE TARTANS" Must bc suiiably dre,xed WHITE SHIRTS - NO BOOTS - - - - - - - - - 1.30 P.M. TO 5.30 P.M. - 7.30 TO 9 P.M. YOLJR PRESCRIPTION WIi L BE PROMPT III:11LED BY A RECISTERED) Il-ARMIACIST EMER(lENCY CAL[S FOR P'RESCRIPTIONS SHOULD BE DIREC- TED THIIS SUNDAY To TR 8-4492 IIOML 'IIONI NUMiLR I R 8-9924 We've foi iii leu îcom hon. smcre etesive disiiiîihi9c xiursiiu'pîcmenix xf tocs cutuils. 2lt:S\~uouie; SPECIALS ON OUR USED EQUIPMENT s.. ibis 41 7'COCKSHUTT ~ GOOD AS NEW MONEY AKS.SUTu" IT t'S GOINO OUT SO USAL AYGO DON'T WAUT FOR THE BEST UN FARM AND INOUSTRIAL INDUSTRIL à EQUIPMENT FAIM EOulimEN see the O JOHN DEERE FIRSI T DU RNAN'S TV end RADIO wiII be closed for vacation JuIy 30 - Aug. 15 Lengths of wired molding can he osed ta Provide enough Convenience oullets wherever yoo need them. CALL US FOR A FREE ES- TIMATE u e ctrcwmig Wel i nstai adequel mng andotieIomeepour cedx -ai med e s ELECTI DON"T LEAVE YOUR WIFE STRANDED Check thii Two Car Spatial Today 1955 DODGE l4a, dtxp -Radio ,aîd 1956 DODGE 4 docr, Auloîîîati, 1,în'.mi'.'.on $1380 Don'i mis&s lus 2 car deal, Cama he finaneed on une losv monthly payment. 1959 MORRIS MINOR Watgonu, tuite iute.Shtow lx...,,conillti . $1395 1956 OLDSMOBILE l% uoi, iem, umer iake, lux tec.god lires, t,,,- enccolale. $1640 1958 STUDEBAKER Pciîeî,powesxeerixii e, ccs, ra.dic, good $1695 1956 FORD Tcuo deer. $795 1951 STUDEBAKER joit. Yîu ne .'il, mccc doceil. $575 0 NORM HARE RAMBLER SALES ALLAN CLEMENTS & SON BRONTE ST. TR 8-2328 '.15 'J' KERR'S PHRMAÇY WILL BE OPEN FOR YGUR CONVENIENCE SATURDAY UNTIL 9 PM AND M iiii, 111 Z-R i