#OR aRvitCE A» 13 ATMBACT. F ION CONSULT BRIAN BEST r RCAL ESTATE ANDOKEERAL INSURANCE 310 Main Si. Milton TBR 8-02 Hurry, Hurry DNLY2 LIrIT. News N.H. ornes on Bel St. 6% N.H.A. seortgage. 1t00. clown. FulI pricer $t3t02.- Garden Land 10 acres coltbeautifdslgarder land, 2% miles eres Millesn. Asknt $7000. Open te oster. Sate your owns tere,. CatI Bob Lakira. Farms Farms 74 acres. 1l mile fromn 401 Cîryver- leat eI Puslincb Lake, 70 acres ot good. level. sandy laam wrk. ing tend, gord brrr buill 1938. large bouse, F/A il heatise, bal0rsem, mapic tank, 7 miles le Guelph, 1%b miles le cheel. Asis. in Ahoe$300.m ihalg cash. Kingsleigh Court 3 bedreemn, slid Clay brick benga- tees, large L-sbaped living and doissg room. moern o boser witb breakftast nsoeb. Veesos- tawn kileben uoeclo dirideci base- ment. aluminm storms and crseen windows. Full pecre $12,- 950. 51~ N.H.A. merîgege. Car. ries for $8450 inrludcng lares. For burIser ictermsation catI Brian Best TR 8-6292 Jim Seeds TR 8-6731 Bob Laking TR 8-2710 r-Il LEGAL Notice to Creditors IN TIRE ESTATE 0F TISE LATE ROY EDGAR ELLIOTT, Decera- cd. ALL ýpermens haring crleis agamast the elaIe et Boy Edar El- liolI. laiee of5te Township et Ns- sagawrya, ile Me Ceenty o Haller. M Ceasi.whe died as or about tbe 251k dyoft May, AD. 1960 arc brereby nttied le send in le the oedersigeed Admicstralrxcd uth1e mol eltate os or bete re the 12th day et Acgeel, 1960 fulparicea- lors ut thereclaicms.aller mOu-b date ltce eslale milI ho dsrbaîd, baving regard esly te 5he lacms of seirb theeAdesninsraris shal Iben h b orecaice. 'Dalea aI Gergetown, Otarie, tbe 130e day et July AD. 1960. BLANCHE I. ELLIOTT, Adeinisîratris. Or bier Solicitor. M. E. 'Masdeesooe Q.C., 61 Mill Sreet, Georgetown, Ontaneo. 1-0-3 P.F.N. 308-60 The Otarie Municipal Board IN TISE MATTER OF Section Zla et Thse Planning Act. 195, and IN TIHE MATTER 0F an appicea- ioa et Tise Corparation et1ithe Tasseet Miltensfrr ppressai et hia RE"csted Are& Oy-Saw 1233, passaed tise ltis day et June, l9Ut. Appointment for Hearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD tsereby appoints Friday, the 01h do y ot Aegosl, 1960. ai thc beo 'alftpagt tSmo erlorin sthe atterssoo (lIeraIl ime> aI the Cor- CIl Obomberes. Mlles. Ostario, fer the learingc ut al parties jolerelred in su opeicgoer oppoieg Iis ap- DA'TED ai Torsto Iis 710 day utf uIr, 1960. B. Virbers. Actinsg Serretary. (seal) r-Il-2 CORPORATION 0F THtE TOWN 0F MILTON By-Iaw No. 1233 A Iy-iaw ta tsrtiser amtend ny-tees Namiser 11301 as anrnded ky By- law Numiser 11580 icig a Zen. >n By-law tist regulates tiseusec .6landu cend strrtures lisereon. TMc Couscilof th5e Corporation ofthte Toms of Milles ceactseos follows: 1.That t0e Zoning Map torminog part ot Ry-law 1130 ce Oeeeby ameeded as tolleese: laI)Bs- clas'gicg le M-1thMe prers ccl C-tescroting on the meel ide ef Otario Sret North asd extecalingeram the cerlherly lies» oth11e Townc of Milon le tee pees- ccnsuterc bocdary o the C-t (b) By dbangisog te M-t part of the preecct R-2 zoce rosliesa or thc west side et Otarie Street North and etcndieg eoelherly t os es eesemtsouheely bouri- dIly01 C-I zone, a distance ut 371 edccl te oe noutblimit of Lot 2 Plan 351. acd contaiced belmeer Ontario Street North acd the C.N. IL rifft-o-wibyandckaaesris'i cold etorace plant tee tree frut. 2.*Ibsu Bs--bm milI camne Ccl> 4orcer upocrecehsi-ssth0e eprra ofthte Otarie MuniciplalBad CORPORAION DP THE TOWN 0OgILTOIO, S. G Olildu Mayor E. J C.Ï j , C.ýkc.1lt-1 lee Os of 61 bc Hý ch yu T] H( lo tl b' fo Picn.ics, Re In Week's Tht members of Oneagh Pres. )yterian Church choir anal their 19 edef, Mcc. iRobert Browncidge, Il Id a pcesentation 10 bonor ana cj )f te rmembers, Haroldl larcis, s vho miil c morrical on Aogtsst lat Miss. M. Marshall of Bcamp- ri on. c An adalcese mas rend hy Miss N ielc Brcecanal thc gif t a t eatilul bloc Kcsmood blankel IP va reeid hy lies Graham. Inepressiof his appreciation arolal said hc m oudl rcasole tvcry much, as a rcmcmbrancc )flhc happy boucs oIfcielowsbip hilc he was a eeser of the J hoir.F Att jain les wishing Ibis fisc jouesg couple much bappiccss.N bcey wiii recide les thc groom's c iem hoeron thc second 11cr. Sunday Scbool Pienie n TOc annuel pice cof thc magh Pccsbylrrian Sundayn hon mas Octld an Salurday ai0 ecenby Park. About 80 gasbcrcd I. or the dclicicus nous merai. i cr wbicb thc ycueg peoplc cn- h joycd a game cf hall. TOc rcesb iver fctldunaler thc leadershipb 3fOchesuprrinlcndcct, Camroe N [arshal asd thc leachrs. Haro-d 3y Park is a ciras anal safc plae V co apicole anal cvcrybcdy healt, àgocci lima. I Mrs. Jack Triseblîr cf thc sixlh ocn bas hccs a paticnt jr MilIcn [strict Hosepital for marc Chas 3wcrk ill oiîh pscumania. Wc trust she je sooni much improvral. 0ur sinee svmpalhy isexc- resealulathe wifc and cbildre,l Jhney anal Judy, on thcir sudalen hercaeeein je Oci ltess oi ahusbandalnad fathcc. Glen Saon- crs. Hc je alec serviscal yhv isr cîther of Hamiltoueand brotbcr, Edeard cf Toronto.t LIGAL icontinued) Milton Area Fire Committee TENDERS FOR TRUCK red Ieee ropcrty mark- g'1 adesd eE J. Coelogas. 'eeHal Mlo. Oeie clt bc eceed ee Se 12 o'el.rk aes.. Pcdceeday. Augeol 10. 190,tee VascIte 1t-pc teuek or eqeel. speriftion moy br oblained ceest E. j. Cestigas, Teowe Hall. The loeeeor aey tenersel ,crcsarily acccpted. E. j. COSTIGAN. Tome Hall. Milton, Ontario. b-lt TOc heprene Cort et Ontario Wiliam Walter Edwcrda, Plairtitt and Narama Lilien Edmardu and Frederick Martin, Delerdorla ORDER PUpes thc application by the d0a2eo't aos rcadicg the etto- doit eJerDolmoed Ord and pa ýr eadioeg 00e affidavit cf Vers tansIT 1S ORDERED tOuat ser- vieapos thc deterdant Frederick Martin et a troecucpy if the Notice ofTrial ie tOcs action -ad ofta toue opy et Ibie ODoer. by pahîcabain 0s Order legelher cote the said notice erre a week tee ica mee on Jaîr 2sttand Jln>2810. 1960 ie the Caradiar Chasmpionea es ouper pcebtched os Miton, Ontario, shall be geod and susBcroct service tf te ood Noticeot Trial uoe O Dctrsdael bhere Sogord aI Milton Ibis 1510 duy ofJute 19110. W. N. Rebinson. Local ludgc. NOTICE 0F TRIAL Tabe colore hat lois action mas set domnon c thealnddaytf Jue fr teIrilai Oce Toronto Non-jury siolicca, Dalcd aI Georgetocn tOcs 27th dey ot lace. 1960. Hewsser. Ord. acd tles,i 39 Mais St. South, GergreownDet. Solicitors tee thc plaictift.1 DEPABTMoENT 0F PUBLIC j WORKS, OTTAWA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addrrmced le Sccrelary. Departmeet oetuiehc Olorks, Ottama, B232, Sir Chartes roseper Building, Rîverside Drive. Ottawa and eednesed "Tender tee Additione ccd Aleatins Feder- ai Buidiog, Milles Weet, Oct.', rutl Oc rceieed arlil 3.00 pe..cE. D.S.T.), Wcdeday, Aagast 31, 1960. Place, spmciliratirss aed tors <Yitender cac bcsees. or cas Oc obtacned os deposit oet msoft$75. sn thetores ot a CERTIFIED bocki h e-eO t0e erder ofthlie NE- CEIVEN DGENEBJAL DF CANADA. throegb: OhisI Arcisitert, Boom D715. Scr Chsarles Tupper Building, River- seic Drive, Ottama, Oct.. District Arciilt, 225 Jarvis St.. Torocno Ont1. aud con be secsen thlie Post Offices ai Guelphs, Hcmilton, Oak- ville and Milton West, Ort. Tise deposit miilOc rstcaaed os returc u tise documents is gond condition mildois a mecth drees -isc dte of receptios id tenders. It sot eterned mitiss is alperiod the depneit miii 0e tortejtrd. To be cossidcred, rosis terder must- (ot 0e accoespaicd by one ef toc alternative securolocescoiled frin lise tender doocumentss. ('ho 0e mode sn tise pricteal terme cap-ird 'by the Deparlet and in acerdecce mitelise condit- ions set fou-b .tiereis. Tise tomeet or asy tender nt ncceecariiy âcccetcd ,ROBERT FOBTIR, Chiot of Adaniltrtive Ser- vices and Secretacy. c-lt News of Omagh Arta About 73 descendantesaIflthe Mud"on id Meel late Thomas andalCsrlotte C.le-34 cisidren attoniled teOmagh Hugb gathereal in Moefnby Park Pflsbyterian Mission Blandl 'on on Sondas- for their second an-, Weeaday afiernoon. fletty Le- suai reunion. icte readth ie scripttlre mess- Diseser mas seed after mhich age anal Diane Ford gave thc 'ares mccc Octld for yotsng anal prayer. Marlon Meeshail ld the sid by the comrniltee 1nc haorge, bible star-ofthf1e 11111e'boy and Mr' and Mes. Joe Irîtt of Oshawa, the flubes and Joanne Fallersus Mr. anal Mes. R. Cccicksbank af read another ebîpter us "Santo, Port Cccdil, Mr. andI Mcs. Wm. the boy fcom Argentina.'" The 3cdlcy andl Mr. aed Mcc. Elmrr mlssionacy cong, Jrscs lores lit- BailcyofutHorohy anal Mc. cndet, ir ldro' mas esng anal tie dre. Stanley McHugh of Oak- meting closcd mish the Let's vil. Pros-cc lfer mhich sccap bocks Thc eldest prscnt mccc Mcs. mes-e made foc the baie. Cookice t. Calbcîthocf Palermo anal Mc. wm sr dved anal cnjoyrd. rd Tuck of i4ocnby; th1e young, foliday VIalta est mas the infant dassgbtec of Mc. anal Mrs. Harvey CampOelt Mic. anal Mcs. Bis- MeHughocf anal Myrna holidayeralit Ibrir Oshama. collage lOis post meek. A social lime ceneming frirnal- Jimmy and Scenda Dyson of joies anal a delicicus eupper Toronto visilcal milO Ibrir sesail crat broughl la a closc ancthcc cousins, Valarie anal Dcsny Oresn pirasani day. Comesiîîcc for test soerk. neri s-r arc the McHugb Brus. Mc. anal Mre. Gien Marshall cf Oshama, nrc.-lreas.. Robrt e- with K aren anal Aitccn hoal a heui- (Sugh. Thc iocky dram cf the day lenlise Mushuka district. adies' leaiher bond bag mas mus Biclhday areltinge lu Miss Lii- by Ocrry McHugh. Thie hoo liant Pinnir un Juiy 23, asal Miss becn made anal dunctrd by Ru- Marion Marshall un Juts- 25. Lit- bert MHugh. Thec tlcMr. analtlc people having hirîhays suan hi. MeHugo Oal right ehilalcen,are Quetie Sacpc, six yrars on ecased are Mirnir, FPcd andi Juty 28; Mary BElizabeth Curss, Wsley. The 010cr four daogh-. liscyr ycs oui Juty 3i. anal Cecii cers anal sun mcrc presrt ai the C. Pailorsun, six vears un Juty pienie. 31. Vo Repair Kelso Swimming Dam Begin Stream Erosion Control Mesbcrs cf thc Oltcen Mieure grcc'cC rom thc pis' ce the Co ck Conervatlion AothocjîY, aI prcopccsv. Perl Constrcticn le nc- thir crecosi mccting in Milton, guliclisef mith th0e Authuritv lu maearrang.emets flacther porcsasc topecil ltram 1he reser- wocrk an Acshcriîy proojeeîesoirsie tiscough thc maCcrsera. A cuntrccisesigeal itO P. A cumesitire of Dr. C. A. Mac- K Kittoor A.esoocatc-, foc drcilcal lin. A. R. Seioviece ad Alar Day eainerieg dramicoge ai thc Kclec sects cameal tcsuprvsiserputo.reo recovoir site. tu a sescît emimmisa dam ai thc Kcec oDam cite. Tise dam je su.sAi cl- Pond Cranta coateal belowte cpruposcal cccAl omilice tocs loreîl l recrvoir dam, anal ii bc sait- cccnsieitr txnte ce emaliltares actle lacor ss isg. ponde. Itlceas cgrec-d hi-, con- Eronion Contrai pccndt hr'ce t e OcCauntvcf Hal- Asasher cesmeilsee ci Witfrrd ttc,, Birt, luise Kbzey anal ehairman _______ RoblertMacrshalt mas sameal Cc spriea $4.000 sirecon bach eaosioc astrot proecl ai the Sox- 1cmn Valcv Cosservation Arca on Gjrant M adili Appruecl cf thc Dicparîmenî cf INew Kegistrar Ptanning cool Devetopmcnt mas recriord tac a $1,850 eacvry ccd Stanley L. Hait. M.P.P. bas as- prtiesinccy engineering elualvcofnoone.d the appoinseee of tOc pccpcscd harbaur dcvclop- Grant Madjît as Local RefisCrac ment stretching fronuestllke foc thr Counîy sol Halan mith shore lu 1he Qucen Elizabeth Robert Sbocîiit anal Mcc. Mcrg. Higismav ai Dakvitîr. Dakvitte Oas cccl Gilbert as DLpaly Local Rt- Oce dectaceci 95 per cenrtbenclil- gisirars. TOrse appainesccili lieg. anal thecrmainalec<of caste beceese effte ive October 1, 1960. wiii bc eharcal by the fcor other parîieipaîieg mnnicipaîiîirs. tnereaued Business Stili Folluted Due ote io ncrease ino tOe TOc aeihocrity decideal Isociîre aol t ofbusiness i je ffc ta the Ontario Waîr Reaeurccc il ws olunal cceesory i1i ap- Commission, naîicig pollution stitllpaint additionat ddat. enisîs je thre ceck beloso Mitton. Mr. Macîtilt has bren respiaral Pinal aaageenetîs mrmadreOc' sOc Attorney Dencrate Depart- foc 10e purchase cf gracel righsenstfor severai ycrs anal je ai11he Krtsc Dam Site lrcm Pret etie qualifird 19 takr Ihis posi- Constructlion Cc. Lial., as 32,0W. lion. He and bis fcesitv miii bc TOc Auiisociiy anal thr Towsship siosing Cc the Coussv of Haiton cf Naesaamya arc pcresiited Cc ce tis e r future. CAMPBELLVILLE Indian Witch Doctor, Me m the ccpl busi and they T% pila Dur Mcm uet m0 forti WHAT A SNNOZI Barbara Jean Bacc, 4 andl Davidl Grîgg, 4 gaze mithfoafscination at the faces of the toIem pole bul by Iheir leaders ai 1thetesmanuel Baptist Church Vacation Bible Sehool. They took ime out f rom Iheir mask-making t0 ge1 a betler idea of the fealeres of totem faces. Thec"Bac None" ranch letches thees craft work andl gives thees reiigious teacning. tach day finde cees registrations in the sehool u-hich slarîrd on Wednecday esornicg cf lstI week. TERRIFYING FACES are briîg emade for totem masOs eshich mii Oeshsowî Il their parents loccght fThursdlayl aItOthes- manuel BaplîsI Bible School brîter knomn 10 thc children as the "Bar Nons" Raech. Frtday e tthc losti orning of thc som- mer sehool echich began on Wednesdlay of last meek to teach the Bible asd tb gior the chidren acivities and plelty of fun. Mrs. Milf Ioorceni Toespkiîs mahes suggestions 10 thec cOud- ree on hou- îhcy con creale insresîing esasks eshich moulal Oc hung oe tOc muils cf Iheir roolein je echurch basemesi. ýdicine Man Encountered by Cubs on Bush Hike [ce. Lloyd Bas-tes-, leader of meekesda a Saubte Beach. loae an upecctolu in Si. Joscrybe SCampOcîbvitie Cube. lobk an Mcs. Harotl Marc is cunvoole- Hospitl, Hamiltoan. Wc micb tarira tour tlouagO the nearbys- ing lhrse dayc anal mc mich h0ctr0cmoctOa cpeaycecvccy. Oh tonds un Mcnday anal met a specdyrrecovr. Mc. anal Mcc. Marchait Andiets miCO an Inclias miCcO docior Two en 1ick Uat ofa Hamilton epeni Susday sitb a medicine man, alterc hicO Mcc. A. Peleccoon j e ccvecs .ng Mc. anal Mrs. Homccn LucO. y laîscbrd ie 10e basOh elarc fcoesan operatiion je t0e Queens. AIt eimmrrs arreejcying 10e mrina home. mas- Dencrat Hospital, Toronto, village pond een socugh 10e ma- mco ncarby esideis are bus- alec Mcc. Prank Blt isrcovccssg tr is a lili chilIs- aI times. liard ilO broken ipc. Mcc. - M-ro r M. anal Mcc. Roger Mahan and cas Reial of R.. Campbrll- famils- arc hclidaving at Cracc- o mOu rcidrs ilO Mc. analodlk ti ek sLloyd Stoes, fciltins rr bcd- B R 1 E F fard o Osition es, anal has a Ocobrn ip and -Tree anal branches mer frit. TO No postn cdOs heduTheuin ascrs Camtnhrlilllc hard hall O ankies fracluceal. She jei d yte oesjeig tr banuame cieath1e hall game elph Hospital. Pridas- aflernuas. Dre tarte againssiDsnîlcs onc Satiîrdav wber rs. Stanley- Price had 10e mis- branch cer KitOitIr frît ce a Dundas falcieolta appeccc Ca play tune tu talinshec biicen on ccc, caocîcg cume Édamage. Othe gane.e 10e ares ant he a Iactae-alisi anal is onSi. Jcsrpbc hospitl, Hamiltotn. Holiday Notes Mccs. William MePhail le bull- daying ih Mc. anal Mcc William Henderson in Vancosuver, .0.. Mcc. Brlh lane of Miltce is cunvairseingataithc hume et Mr. anal Mcc. James Robertson, R. 6, Milton. Mcc. A. H. Woclington relurc- tucral ltu Toronto frue the hume cf Miss Caihacine McPePOran us Wednccdas-, lOe os Salordas- Miss McPhedran anal Mcc. Arhur Nucrish anal Kay escloceal 10St. Thomas lu vieil relatives. Mc. anal Mcc. algar Calrne, anal Mc. anal Mcc. Thomas Dates speni the meekenal iO Mc. anal Mcs. Jack Nicholson anal famits- OC tOir collage sear Bancroft. Mc. anal Mr. Lccnc Colting and family anal Mc. anal Mcc. J. D. Cordie spent last mcck tocring tOc soclh countrs-. VîsitSasekatchewan Mc. anal Mcc. Walace King refi bs- train on'Pridas- lu visit rela- tivs in Ycrktoc, Saskatcheman. Mcs. Rus- Davaven is spcnding o fene doyss il Robert Inglis. Mc. anal Mcs. Jack McPhail anal famils- anal Mc. anal Mcs. Douglas Inglis anal family rach spenitOh -Aftcc Imu machs cf tosisg mcnrcy, tOc KinsenLcgion bingo circal a fcm dollars last Thurs- day rvcning eshen 229 alrnaleal. Tonightls jackpots standal ai800o anal $650, anal lhere arr 21 uther games on the pccgcam. Urges Caution Diseased Trees Omnccs of res Ctrece arr tccngiy a dvîccd ta watch foc coîdence cf DuicO Rm iesdcaso. in tOir tices Ihie esumcr. Us' uatly iting of ltceicavrc OC COr lips of the branches ic the ficci tige of infection. Infocird res Irecccancot bc cuccal anal choulal br resoveal irmediatrly. The co-opecdlio cf ali lme trer omeers mili Oc nerdeal 10 cucb 10e oulbceak le Soulhers Ontario. The Canada Depactmeni af Agriculture publisbrd a book- lt 'DulcO es Diseasr", mOicO le avaitable free of charge fcom offices of tOc Ontario Depaci- ment of Lanals anal Psrcsts, or tOe OrpaclmencciosIAgriculture. Ans-anc mhO n amerestrees shocilral lis bookiet ta un- dersianal hum the discase marks. Miss Lizzir Kennedy speni Sun- day mitO Mies Teno MeKenzie. rrsrming utld acquainlances. A preseelciion mac Octld in Kil- bride Hait un Saiucday evenlea la OooocMc. anal Mcc. William Lambert, ncmiyerds. On Ochail cf S.S. No. i schoct section, Si. Grorge's Anglican cOuc'h anal tOc eorroucdieg caemmunity, the happy coouple mccc precenteal silh imu chaire andal amirrur. toc mOicO tOry ihanheal ail. Dancing m'as cnjeyed Oy ccl. Boay Weeked Over [Orheheeenci cisiloors milO Mcc. John Ciinour aed Anna clerc Mc. cand Mcc. Siccetet Wilson of Ealen Milis, Mcc. Macarit White andt Mc.conal Mcc. Charles Waison cf Hamseilon, Lloyd White cf Detroit, Mieh.. Mcc. Alec Cees- liig anal Mcc.John MeOram of Toronto, anal Mc. anci Mcc. Wil- liam Anderson of Guelph, Mcc. Mary Prank cf Gerogrtomn, Mcc. William Builard cf Kitbridr, andt Mc. and Mcc. William Anti of Cat. Miss Ruthb Anse Cibsoe of Guelph us spreding a meeh mitO Mc. anal Mm. Jack McPOcit anal Nancy-. îMasler James Bacîy s- espenîtint a mek milO Mr. unît Mcc. Attan Burnettcf Pocceet. wwctE ÇEV C * Another FooI Tricklà l DRIVING AN OLD CAR WITHOUT A SAFITY CHECK-UP Coust records psovee hac iOn footisO anal siacamaus tode tsodayscarse cihoos diceerig andcorremiing uc-kcacaced wOmîs.,esisatigneal humes, isent arîca ,- haause choseconditions caase pats fil- tire, bloc-outs, lss of conrol AND AC- CIDENT-S. Les os cariers poar car NOW wilO our sciecsîihc BEAR Iqoipsens. Thatk Star Repaît Mat Fot " The Accidenf ThotI Dadn f Harppen" MOTORS Ontario st. S. TR 8-2393, SAFETY HEADQUARTERS Weil, mOrs il cones 10dry ctcanisg you ' hcl ave to setli fr cses bcslUt. Mol ehen you scc )o ecoIdry cicanisg ta us. Wr takc cvcy.pr-L callstcrsuryour gareaos e lotutrscd les ike-nees condition. Tu achirvr this mc have highty M t caineal specialisîs in rvrry drpacîmcsi-fcoes spotrr lu thc final inspection caom. Sc mhy seuler fcr second best? COMPLEEUNE PURINA * CHOWS, CONCENTRATES AND SANITATION PRODUCTS * AVAILABLE FOR PROMPT DELIVERY min 0EDGAR HOWDEN & SONS * au FED SERVICE 1 PREMIUM BRAND SOCKEYE SALMON Soiz. Tin 4 C GOLD REEF CRUSHED PIN EAPPLE 20 oz. Tin19 CUDNEY CHOICE PEACHES Tin 19C - CONSTRUCTION NOTES - Fruit and vegetabie, frozen food, dairy snd mat counters are in plateeas you'Il notice in patainu. The conveor boit that will carry our produco frons the pro. paration rom te the diuplay counters liatiniad. Work la progreuulng on the noos parking lot paving. It looks 1k. another toupie of weeks miii 500 us using the new building. -MIKE LIDWITH FOOD MARKET Thq~n.i~< Chmpin, horeyJuly. 28th, 190, -Tsose who mrent on holidays -A gang of three 1000 w tê.ý* this week are wishing that those mn ave spent about fivo S* who are on holiday are gettiesg cleaping up the pioneer cenelèty, the naine meather, hot and sticky. on Bronte St. W.M.C. MULLIGAN, 10.0i OPTOMETRIST aI MARCHAND'S CREDIT JEWELLIRS MONDAYS FOR APPOINTMINT PHONE TR 08-641 Doctor.l "Tihe beat tlslng for you to do la give up drlnking and amoking, get uit oariy every mornlng and go gotail.d ariy evory nigbt." Patient: "Somsehow, doctor, I dontM think 1 deaersoe the beot. Wbat'a second beot?" e;,,CARLINBETH ,9 /ýï TC/ if ý (jýl IS,