Volume 101.-No. Il. 5nvns.nc.M~ito 'a ow inn ym..e MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 28th, he Pu.t,tui,. pcnc nni Oecea,, Georgetown Archeologist Would Give Indian Artifacts Collection to County Museum EDITOR'S NOTE-Purpene of this series of articles wiIl b. te trace some of the inîernsing hisîset, that could well form te toundatios et a HalIen County museum where the hisory of Ontario'o f*Mlst-growlnu county may b. properly dis. ployed, described and shown la countiesn local and oulside visitors. By Roy Downs Nnstling in the beart of Ontarien golden herse- thon" lies the besy, besîling Coanty called Haien. Il inclades eight thriuing muvicipalities, five towns ranging in population frem 4,000 te 40,000, namer- oun quaint old villages and nent rem-on-row sub- divisions, a portion of the Niagara Escarpment the resîdentn cali "the meentain, two fine large crneks pouring mater f rom the headiands into the lake, homes, business and commerce, industries and fcrmlands. Itts a picturosque county with centuries et in- teresting history new covered ever by millions et dollars ntorth et development, yet heme and tiere -untouched by the grewth et a nation-me tind rare places of unspoiled nature where searchers mat, find the pecce and solitude which centrant se witb aur everydlay 1ite. =atos progrens over the past 50 years, and espcait the past 10, has been tast and tarieus. Hardit, a detail has been missed as this urie-agricel. tarai communlt, thrives and booms, and makes a came for iseit front coast te coast. No Suilable Museum Vet one detail bas been nissedl. Cne vcry impor- tant part et our living-past and present-bas been lett eut et the wenderful picture et Malien. For the County is without a suitable ntuseum-te tell the people et tomorrew about the people et yesterday, and their straggle whicb laid the greundwork for loday's presperoas boom et civilization. There are, at Cakville and Burlington, muscunts cf sorts which tell ot the early days in those ameas. But what et the rest et the county? Is an unkempt tour-by.sin glass case, covered in daust and hiding in the lobby et the Milton Court House, sutticient te fil1 iv the details et a wondertul stery no-one seents capable et telling? Or ceuld thece be a moventent bequn immedi- ately-even tedlayt, establish a complete ntuseum cf Halten history? And there could be, accerding te a yeung man who lives in Georgetown. Willlng le Donale John Miche is a man who has spent the spare time cf the last 20 years et is lite develeping the most interesting presentation et the early Indian lite in tItis part efthîe countrt,. Me is mîlieg le donete tlis suice et lis liet leaeceunty museuni. Jolies collectiov et rare Indien aactcs .. . bis mritivgs about the Indien tintes befte bwmite man invcdnd MalIen . . . and bis uncanny kncack fer presevting Iis stery te a listener are treasures cnatiig the establisbment pt this vecessary tacet et ver beritage. Bat ntbo could start c musnum? Cvunty ccunc il? Conservation Autbority? Wemens Institutes? An entermed les yet) istoricel socitt,? This is a ques- tien yet te be ensmernd. Lt us sufice te set, action s nnndnd, and nom. Jobns collection et tvdian artitecîs mbicb lie pecsvnelly dug up tront csins et Indien villages riglil hem iv Mctvv County are c pricelens stact lv the maseunt. Add te Ibis the mny dorment antique collections tbat lie iv basentents, attics, garages and sîvrereents acrvss lin ceunt,, and the fent articles nom on disphay commeccielit, and privetetlivhre avd tbece on tbe mep, and e museunt s boret Hislory Pieced Together Accoeding te John Michin, ecrving the istort, et alton tbcough tbe 1600's isnt easy. During ltaI perivd, Jesuit missioncries front France ived nitb tbe Indiens in Ibis aea and made movtbly reports mhich mere sent te Motrnal mbnnever a canner mas going thet mat,. Thet, set iv Montreel uvtil a boat mes goivg te France, cnd it sentetintes took tme ynccs front the tinte et miting for Ibe reports te meach France. Theve ntritings mere recontît, purcced lit Mc- Ciii University and bcougbt Iv Canada mhece thet, more ien sleted and the hisocy oethiis ceunirys ecit, deys mes pinced tognthnc. The nrtîings are vbetchy but correct, as the Jesuits mcete evly ntbat thry sant. t mas net until 1901 that Canadien ercbaeclog- its lingan yeabodbs ov their fivdivgs. And sv, ntitb mach reding and e lot et supposition ced fittîng tegether et the little pinces, John is nom feint, meli intocmed efthle t 7tb century et the aiea. ece, then, iv bis idea et the countys eecly days. t iv helieund ibet the Jesuits nitîthave stoîrd on the Niagara Escarpntent hem iv the year 1621. Tbey tell et standing on a meuntain and Ivoking tomerd the large body et mater pcesunted te lie LkOnai. Champlain Mre? Il iv even possible thet the gret eplorer Samtuel Champlain miglit once bave pessnd tbcough Halton.' The Huron tribes, Iocted nortb et Crillia te Mid- land, reportedît, beld Champlain as bostage ove inter. The route et is flight seatb te, the United States cnd bis cetacn trip bacli arceut definile, but lin mat, bave passed Ibis may. n 1627, a Jeuit nissionary wrotnet a nouir ai brancb efthte Iroquois tribe living in this di5trict, ander a ciet nanted Sauborissen. He was the leader q Indien Arilacîs tra- r isitn Mivitiv, cail Vauxhail for value * A Victer Suter 4-DonnSnnane IsliI.nsiilies sviol or ths.,s stl *pick up your phone and cail your Value dealer today! THE BRITISM CAR SUILT AND SACKEO DYV SENERAL MOTORS ... SERVICE EVERYWMERE IN NORTH AMBRICA MILTON MOTOR SALES LIMITED 388 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. over 281 villages and clîd war witb mant, tries. Jolie s.îys lie is spp.srd te havn waged mur mite 17 naticns utfluIniaiis, but inds it bard te believe. Atier 1627, another Jesuil listed 23 îemns but- ween Toronto and Cuelph, but Ibis appears te be ail the available istery efthte local district. John himselt bas tound t4 camps in a tfive mile radius riqint hem iv Malton. Location, et course, is net brîng made public te keep the "relic-hunters" amat,. These people, accordivg te Jobn, are nel tran arclianologisis but go cusbing inte a buried camp, cig hem aîd there, uneartli some treasures and leave e mess beliind thent. Guns Change Lite The Indiens in tbis area were suppesedit, triend- y neatral lndiaîîs. Aleng tbe shores et Lake Ontario wcre the Mississaugas wbo mere printarily fisher- mon and vert, quiet tribes. Along the nortb shore ot Lake rie mere the neuira Iindians ntbo preduced the tlint in quercîns and tîeded witb otber trîbes toc mant, miles aceund. g Things rentainod taicit, poacetul and quiet untîl *the Eeclish, CuIcli and Fcencb arcîved witn guns. * Ilen in 50 yeacs the Indian developed tront the *stoee ge mue usieg stoee epens, tei the modern qIndian using muetai, cepper and iren. Tbe rapid cisangoover to uller metliods et living disrapled bis wey et lite and destroynd the balance et bis bouse. hold. Tbey ceuld liue easily by aust banting, wbile tbe wmetn stili worknd bard. Thet, became degenerate, indolent, leebîng turîher afield tor sometbing te m îLe lite iiternsî.ng. trli 16419, 16,000 Iroqueis et the Fîve Nations distict.îsuu to Lakes Ontario and Erie, beceme weakenedclbi rnallpox and other European dis- ISt. Jean (near Cellingmoodl and destroynd it. Tbey -peei lis. centýidec et the minIer mitb the neutrals efthIis cdistric t, ilien en early sprînv led tbeir attack he li îrlh agare eand ntrped eut mest et the Peus Join Local Bands Sretofut ho Huions nthelied escaped the minter slaurillri ierd veuli and joined mitb the neutrals efthIis aiea. Whnn the Iroquois returnnd te tire souibce vcitien et Coterie te mipe eut every tribe, the Pen suiereois tront the veilla jeîned the local bandis and lied veuib te the Straits et Miciilintacki- From 4he non, the taie oethtbse Indiens mliv inliubitc.d Hehion ivs setchy because tbey splît ap and tcevcllied tac and %ide. Soete eaded tom Creen Bey. Wisconsin and a Jesuit Mission mas set up thece. Sune, inv1653, joined ealiand et Algenquins ced mîîtecnd seutb et Scuit Ste. Marie. A tugitive band et noutrals made an alliance mitb the Ottaan aed ment up tbe saetercute. The PLiuns avd Cites arriied near Beyield, Wibconsin, and vrganized an nupedition against their Siouxneviglîbvucs. But tlie Sioeu country mas full et lakes aed maîshes and mleie 3,000 Sioux surîeunded the inveders, enly ene mev esceped. Those mliv steyed bebivd en tbe raid etacned te the Isle et Mackinam, mvved te the maivlcnd acd bilit a tort and village trom mbicb explerers Marquette and Jeliette set eut tei discover the Missis- sippi. Eventealit,, ail these Indiens becante kvown as Wyandettes and ended up le Kansas. In 1761 soet Peluns jeived an alliance and in t1842 ail servivivg Petuns mece rcuuded ep and settled in Kansas reservetiens. Burned in Mid.1600s Wbece the local neutral Indiens ended up, is bard iv set,. Ail that entein et their cacly deys haie iv Helton are tbe barned-eut village sites destceyed by the ravaging Iroquois. One camp touvd by this local arccbeevlgist mes attacked and burned iv t649 or 1650, be said. Fellewng the mass slayings, the Misissaugas. unscatbed by the invasion, moved inte tbis district and took ever the empty land. It mas sold te the Crvmn in 1784. lit seems ironicel, mben yeu look back on il nom, te reclize tbat it mas tbe Englisb guns given te the Iroquois in tbe United States mbicb oeused the sleugbter ot tbe narit, pessessers efthte land on mhicli e e nt live and tit, the tlag et our motlier couvtry, Englcvd.l Our lecal Indiens mere mainit, agricultucal types - cvmivg cern, squasb, naturel truits and fisbivg and buntivg te stat, clive. Tbey used the Lake Erie filet toc arrvmheads, kives, scrapers, drills and spoacbeads, and their trading betmeen tribes de- veloped ment, et the ceads me drive along todet,. Thet, even tceded sbells and mampunt tcom tbeEst Coast and tccded sheîls ntitb tbe Pet uns ced Hurons Iv tbe nocîli iv enclange tvr teliecco. Tbesc bands also traded shelîs, tebacce ced corn te the Algon- quins toc medicine bans ced bealîb potions. W. Follow the Trend Their contributions te modemn civilization still stand eut tedet,. Thece iv thecn c, and the recels. O ur systentoet qvvnrmevt is lised on the principle efthue Iroquois contedlecalien mbicb mes set up in the t SOOs 300 yeers cge. Ouri mnen-as more tbeics -are tieneand equaliv social lite. The Indians mece tbe tirst te use trevcb martace and scout mtbods. Tbet, teundnd the Tbenksgiving custom ntbîcb mes ficst mnntiened in 1643. And the tobacco bacvnsted by tbe Petuns iv those.ecritdeys s vo eling gromn ailovuer tbe continent. As ter the finer tbings iv lite, tbe Indian mas bigbly culturnd. Their idean and teelings ment inIe tbeir beatitul pettncy, their basket meaving, and their ornate pipes. We ente mach te their ecrit, men et Canada. Yet hem, livre in Halton, de mn bondr thent? (iv be covtinued vient menk) Planners' Holidays 'Sees No Polio Epidemic Vitlontie u i U )lIl n Halton During 1960 M li v tlii iiiiî,i< iii ih ii ..hiîr ille li ii,,, i il,îîîîrî 1 5 , Ai irvI l iIlt.iiii'vctl i n 6 iciv Fehsc% i o] iii 195f. r :-l pi iiisv i l ihvi t un hi I i , o pli i t C iili, sis v ,I liv f.t aiesîus ssi,,ii n i,, c sest. i i' lv iiv 17.n ul l, lil iusirrit, iii [.c cli-uitt15 8.Oiiîr i iiîIii nii.ii r iinn iillý O ic l lli,îs f s fl ic O ~i iaî eci. la', 5, lirr li c e tn I., l v 'ii~ li ii i lb. iv Ii iv no[ici, lie I n g iv in T snlo 9 ili 959 lî.îOntaicils" î, lii c i h,:, o a i 1l, iA ser. s i vItirva otfv [li e iiis ti vre ,ic Ii tle luinedCa % k. A iiy rîînî ii t I ý, i ,1 iic Ilizi iii;ici ion lci Mceisu.silct (iti i i i c firi sIli riii.1 ltic Id i i iIiisitsc loîîi%,îcideli in ielîniai 19Sin Cv .miiv srri îîîîîîî'. 1.1 li - ttirlii 190. r IUI ctrr l i ) Illiie cii rl Illl.1-1.ieIse L ifii vise t,. iin . l i11ici t v ri I ýn ,. ic1951, pit oil iiîi,riîanieci again.si the ciseasi.. I*usirrirîrur -iliisiv-ricvI lle cv.iIh Unit hacisacvinaec t iai I iICs 5,,5vle 1 1sIrit i aiii lli i lii, \Val.?0i,000IllI issio viivii sith the ilI tt lhvNoienloiTssiYearurs nccsiiiIrec cisii.ofslvaccine lic d \\1;î -oI i . its ifîrl iilt Iis ilit 1lîlîrre rus'I "" il Ile cîsc Il 1959-lenilî.. C lv iaa rIitcîi c.\ cirl 1951 ,rrrrl 1954,. llvr sontv iiiiig.ahuInîa I rre5 sd HIllon's 1,Isînti atiiu. ______________________________________ Na Figures a AcîîlIt secilltriis, s. tinsser. c ic dIolcril ine(lire MC.0. IL .il n aiiiie figures aie ,..,.. LIun~i 1f clitiii ivais inclcstriil plantvac- c imii, and, mists by pcssuîs.st laisnus plis' ciC ans. I Aivisie vnoi alseclo vvcinaiccl itl i ill tl ,îenic l litce Ileziltît MayUniltsoffice loi- firise andci ci.ils. CanadflhIliu.li makes r.l.. HapIpiiii,, esplusives, hIssa andI pIes- Returns corne - frorn the {BAN4KOFMONTREAL opa noe FormiI9 innce Plan ... Thousans o f Canaclian temilies I&fN> have fonnd thaî fthc modern ap- proacli ta Iheir persenal credit iRlflO needs is mta a lont-cost B cf M ~ Plan lile-insured cen Ask about lte Bank of VI OANH' '.a Montreal Faiji Finance ,.an Ycars for the Plan at your neiglibour- [,J 0 nig c a, r lmuodltfMbranchtedayl WORIiNO WITtl CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK 0F LIFE SINCE 1817 $24 7140 Bld on O.PP. Office sisunvci sitle GrassieCun-srcioiu Cu. Liniist etofPort Cuiburve wcesuvvesîcil bidces fur the cotr e tubuilcitisc secsOntrtio Provsinciail Police liOaclctariCrs I cilcing vat Burlivtiss. A lîsîve ol $247,140.00i%%,ssthîe [.;%%est ut I0 hidi vsliiiiltc(rl. The iisi-.tlisv-siiicie ill be lrrvred ors a itc soiiol Ie ve Branu t emtsrs'aIlHosptial andI risit tIsllue Skosvvid ucge. Ontvarioi Prisvincial Police Cunt- visi vsîer W. H. Claiik staled tivî 45 olliveivicvill mîke cil, he c li e tpolice lier isitivte nvier tise directiîilnofI nsýliviui I. R. tRot- tlirc. .ýsvlcl liSeigevisiL . E. iîsui andI Sciee.sis W. A. Cib- Sorgeant A. Wilson vilIlibc in charge uftiraffic. Darkroont iden- lifivalion vand fineerpriieine soill becslimer Corpourral Loucis Peltisein. Couesties of Wevtîvorih, Hal- ton. Brait, asid Ni uIok soill ho svsîed t sîsît(lise Eîiiiuirs cîad- c.s.Icis es tticltt uevt iii lisem- il.sr Ispeofficies plaîsied tulisvee sire tuirirse. Niaigar a Faits aît Fris, Aitîsîr hat ise t.sttiitels buiiilingsoi tis ivIte vlsiiv ii tilimed lursBelevnille andciCorsa- voall. %'Land Saosi What is un lephont Doing in the Bornyord?" The !hphanl le Thoms Recouse. Iephesit Nvos Forgot. H. Wenle T. Nemlnd 'You To... lILY 24-30 IS CANAMANFAiM SAOMTVMU -- mab ý Auatih ftuêbî«u Second Section. Uht