Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jul 1960, p. 8

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nuacua a~1, r The Municipal Battie "Tiuuh man lices in thc pî-esent, Suira bi an intant berumea thc pait, e deuutes tbe mjurity f is affarts sud rhouuutstu tthe future. Itisl the future siht judges mans deedsaund profila fromtbis sciievaments. The swft rush of terhnnlugieot change, w.htrh card-es ail cisc befure it, heurs bots the hune ni the future ond o deadin fnar ai desîrutim?.' S. M. Black. Probably no single item iv sa common in manicipalities loday an the lhoaghl, ime and effort direcîed la the expansionoaithie muni- cipalilies, indlusîrial establiinhments. A new indasiry in a iown brings wiîh il an enîhutissm ibsi breuthes new lie nia commerce, and ciizens generally. For manie- pal represenlalivet it meuns a neour0ce ai ian revenue iv budgets ihai are lready ai limil. rabably ibis is why a recenl publicatian "Ontario Indanîrial Developmeni' blds ta mach inierestin iis reiew ai the puni 10 yearîsand ils prediclionsoan the naxi 10. During 1959, 146 companies esîablisbod nom industries in Ontario tbroagh buying an indunirial silo, or raniing, building or par- chasing indunîrial preminun. Thal means ai course 146 camponien ta be shored by al the bungry municipalilies wha are eunrling vory. ing degreon ai enîhusionm and aeivily iv on- couruging setilementiniv ieir parlicuaor rom- munily. Moira Tranto laak the lions nbore ai 26, Brampton mon ibree, Hamilton iook savon, Guelpb, Trafalgar and Burlingtan esch Imo and Georgetown, Oskviile and Milton ove euch. Equaily important in the indusirial pic- lure ai courne nis he fion ibsi daring 1959 573 Ontario pantn mode additions la Ibeir oninling iscilitien. Agoin Meira Toronto lead miih 164 additions lined, Guelpbhona 12, Hamilton fine, Trafalgar gve, Brlinglan siu, Brampton tbree, Georgetomn Ima and Milon and Aclon ana goch. Laaking ahead la the shape ai lhings la Safety is a Pq Saieiy ralen and lamy for punisbing thase who vioable lhem have nat prevenîed a large fou iin roifir accidents va far Ihis feor. The Royal Bank latter far Jaly sien "SoluIf la a Fersonol Thing" and mn quale iv part: Safely is s persanal lhing. The very im- plieity ai ihis fart mokas il necensary la re- peatitil alen. Most acidents are cased by ignorance, carelessness, selisbneîs or impatience, andi ail these acciderils con be prevenîed. There is va immaniîy fram danger: the îbing ta know is hom la meatiti. They are uniorlunste people mha imagine Ihotl île con be whaliy serura and certain. Mon hon been living on the esrîh for perhaps oquaorter mil. lion yesrs, and cdaring almani ail ai Ihul ime hia lufe han been ave cantinual slruggle ta keep himself live and la bring ap is child. ren. il nsflot enough la put a guord araund the physirol bocards. We muni pal a guord araund aur iinking asmo. Cansidar aur emo- Surely The Canada is the anly country in the marld whirh nelîher respects nor proserves ils pia- neer archiecture, acrarding la s rereni mogo. zinie article. n Ottawa a cenlury..old slane inn mon bmr dlown lot foull a pravide spore far a gas station. In Halifax mreckers demolinhed Hrsebraok House, the home ai nineieenth- century privoleer Enas Collins, one ai the cityn ifew remining Layalisi montions and a gem aif Geargian architacture. AI St. And- rems, Manitaba on the Red River, a schoal bult in the 1830s, where some ai the mesi's erif leaders mere edursied, mas tom damn la suppiy lumber for a pigpen. Why dont me treai aur anrenlars' homes and public buildings as the national resares ihey are? Anthony Adamnan, Torontoa rchi- tect and uninanîity praiessar, ielî me hadnt the national self-respect la value them. Ruth Hame, direclor ai museum research ai the Ontario Cllege ai Art and president ai the Architectural Canservoncy ai Ontario believ- ed thai 'berousa aur traditions mere imo ihausand miles omay me rouldn't beliene tht me had anything ai aur aven that mas morîh- whiie." These may indeed be the muasons me came in the 1960s the repart nuggests s 25 per cent ineeane in the population. if ihai held irue me would hune a Miltan population ai 6,250, Arian ai 5,000 and Georgetonai t1t,000. Oi course there miii be other factors that wiii aller Ibese figures and the gromîb mighî indceed exceed tise 25 per cent in ibis aiea. Haitons popalation lias gromn irom aroand the 50,000 mark iv the mid 1950s 10 anar 108,000 today. But if Ontario indusiry is ta grom nat anly miii theme have la be new tachnologicui de- velopmenîs but an increase in the Canadian content ai aur natural resources befora me expori lhem. We must also have the initiative ta, denalop new prodacîs and ai course neek nom marld markets. Many Canadian aparalions defined on manafacluring operations coald mare proper- y be called 'assembly operatians" because so mony have simply invalned the putiing ta. gether and assembly ai imporled parts. Wherover econamir, paris shoald be mode in Canada and Conadlions procesIbeir ram mal- erials loas grealer dogmee. The buld.up ai an increasing nariety ai îndasîry is Canodo's means la continue the raie ai gromth îbaî the country deserves and mont have iv the siulies. Ail the forecasîn point la inceased acdm- ily buyond the mid-sixiies bat iom point ta ony greal aciviiy in the early siotien. Il in qute possible that tbe levelling off pomînd me have ail adtiicipaied mould camne same- day moy have arrivedi. At the moment Ihal miii certainly mean increased compelîlion for nnw industries in tbe manicipaliiies. Tomns in ibis ares do nol seem la have iared badly in the pasî and thcre is ingîimate hope ihat the share will nerease os tbe sîraiegir location and services avoulable heomme more idely knomn. .rsonal Thing tians. Emon if the condaci ai other people héin been the cause ni nur emnolion, il is reaiiy me ourselves wba have creaied the resulî,ng danger by the may in mhich me have reacied. gai mv connvoi alow carefaines lapara. lyre us. If me mail aimayn anlil the outcome ai aur mavemontsis srn, me miii liever move. We mont bnom hom ta take chsn*s inlelligontly. iducolion iv safoty hegins miih slady ai esponsihililf responnîhiliiy for preservation ai aur oamy ion and thelvesosfniothers. Il doesnni ceose mlh siopping and looking and lsîening-il goes on 10 lhink. People mho re- fusa la îhink about soieiy are etlvig the stage for tragedy. Omws are vol enough la prenerve nnieiy. The desire for safnly s is e backgroand from wbicb b os sprung some nineif per cvini aur criminai bmw. The Roman iaw naid: "The saiely ai the peuple is the supreme lam.' gui untiiime desire o taive saieiy the lam connut be effectine. e is Time couid use for not pîeserving aur ixlory gev. erolly. Sa 1,111e bas heen recorded ai eariy Halton and sa uitle effort mode to preservo ils isiory relics ibal me may indeed monider if il ix because mn feel our traditions are across the sea. If me could all forsabe the rush ai ibis "progressive" 05e for a iem minutes me migbt find ime la meuîaily reconsîruel sonne aith Ieoamiy islory of Haton, the dense for. eslsrcriss-crossed by the traîls ai the friand. y Mississaguas, the rusbing streoms ihat pra. vided a bornent ai saimon, the back.braaking mark ai clearinig the densuiy iorested sand. Hallon han a istory as rich, romantie and marîhy of preservation as any area in Ont- aria. There ix surely ime ta make Ihai nuira effort aI preservation now. Brief Comment Surah ibhere is o remedy for the cor joc- boys ihai pnriorm iheir car-hustin' anirs on the main streel meekendx and evenings. Squeaiing ires seem la ho the irodemark auldane oniy hy the horn hanked greeiing oocbanged mhen Imo ment on the ibarougb. fore, "Buttermilk Sky" e*IN A COMI s i C eteiilttie i, lii,, lits' 1,Iiîk lie, ae t e s ho%\ Ile rîtise1, 9cm.~JOTTINGS e The Canadian Champion FoblisiieU enryTurdya Main S., Milton Ont., Memiser of ts Audit B reau ai Circulations, lise C.W.N.A. and tise Onaio-Oocbrr Division C.W.N.A, Adrerisineraesonteuesi. Subsripiions payable in advance, f300 in' Ca"nada, 400 in the U.S.A. Au thtrized as Second Casv Mail, Post Office Deparimeul, Ottama. G. A. Dilis, Editor-in-Cisief James A. filin, Managiog Editor Fubtisiscd in tise Heurt ai Haiton PubUlshed by te cDli: Frtlng and Publulolng Ca. Lid. BUSI NESS A ND EDITO R lA OFFICE TELEPHON E TR 8-2 34 1 THE GC BEV 1 M D1 LS50YEARS AG c c c c Tsken h-rm tis e is oail adian Champian, Aagust 1MUNITY ofi ibis 401 rosi ta Jonc Si.. iben nîtt Agricuiturai Siciys ibig Sept- The report for t909 ai is i,,ucbeit seco iStuecis Ae.lThe itc'mp- ertiter iaifai.Lsis- car'sitrade spectîr ioiPrisonsand1 wandti at,i ss rient ,î the Villagc, lie Daitel lfai r criîess titre 4.i0 ndtise fait atiries showus 44 prisonei ccl xiîen Robeti Bora, %o-os rieîic.erlnii194. lTue ifair usuiallions ltý 0 u t12,000. tencer in Halion.lîtur le ai rlto an Vilage lias progîcssiîelv edxcitise precioos s,ar. Tisei eraiiins evi-rtpcdatd ,ur î,isa tot ut f NTIE0TED Nbscommuitîcri xrur170. Tise t,, î,,îdeî jiiîsi birîldings iice bren irost ic1- e NOrICEliaging baskes iicasi per dciv liteeacb 1eltti soiig cd titi lie site. teptcsrtiitig lac- it.ssers otse a-up bsktads xaof 9 eu.siosn esliievssegrets. ecof iiilin Oniai, tain seutle- Sîcb uercis nt îub tndiyads. Nvjuil8.9 mnsedshowini.1 ipause ticrcenmarks, meu(t ii1867. An ai tisons br,e. îsc,,mmfoits ndu g ise ibd oe a-l s an rosi lbraugbu iii. s ili use icai- î hiacksmiiiihecomuinUan sebeciea istighithouhot and .~,whccl%%,i-ight nss ibruo'i a rc ai- sînce heing 23.47 cevis. an%î othietdrixer. 'm suce tise tub mm rnits esprersses ils tgetla tva il tbuse cuicrisd. 0*1DON'T WANT tîîdsveilin lise misIiîi unes l ai lisi ssck xiisetisxntimurgencrs cases ve- d itd iii OuilltitiDisli-iir bl i i, l sity rîgisitisai same litibtie be nîlleIlte ic iliil ,af i xsivrberl suo rotipei-t iris v lt tthe tit gaudrIlecbtical ýtaIJ nanv f %veai, cled Ilir-ii lu , sstsi. til te pol i ce niipcedilliittpticiiitg nec- pitiblxmatis, nioler-srbîmijrîst flett tes aolîtit a cummuniir*, i iiik. is the eser pîr-setitide- 0 VISITED THE Pitoncer Vil- toge ni Ilite Black Cîecek Cîtîserv- ariontit Aea onundîrav. (FlFîiiîs tub0 and bis secondi bouse il 132 inriratc pcogccss. Ticî-c are ail tioi trs. 00. Tise sillage is duc liiirttmpieiing oin 9b7, ta sccriiair Canarias cententiiol, s ilbi, lai irîm sampiebe. Wiî a liitlr'imnaginaiiitionitoigla.t is sinipie tî)ir'.liie xv ii a tr' ititutiiitspi)ijr'rit is and11. r-lico tonal thec c)iiipl(Ir-icrinig 0 BUîLT VOUE basemeni frîtl- titis'. ilbrr, buif lt )rlsîîsete cî,,îîriîî,t,î Bi-rîce Mcfitevort sils lice ittitklitsare utiiibie to elli \ou itiilc andri q uip oins-. Appliicttiin ri tutus lctlie bibk rle ziiliiahls' îîLit e PuniOllice. * FALL ACTIVITIES saem la bc liiîing rip despite tise mid- s,nnî eson. Min Chomber of Citnnitre lias sciseduled tise lnmltrd aireformiul.Rapi. isiurloxc\%eri bv tise Halian ion vut the municipaliiy sehece bicuinv plan-s a part. 0 YOU'RE NOT tokine 500e tufe in saur bonds nom ohen sua approacis bai narram bridge on tie Sisiecn miscre tise Dan- Uissitigismos classes. Tise nens bridige, tlong in construction, prie n iesc fîor heautiiol lancs across the gorcgeseiib nu fcar of scrap. or on bise appr e A NOTE Wierduxen Rei planîtuor tisetu s ecr %ve m Most aifoc uri e A COUPLE eresserre asked hart gane. "Oih gaad gamc or ing." une rs'plie (0 calt il blec %ver rioting ait On Mîîndav afiemnor J,îinsion. thexscii knîossr ville VS., meitmitisa o and seceaccident. tA cendecing bis probessianal la t a cuit lisre or fo aid. and puiiing anc artr the eults necis. cîused il drc*iv ceor op. ilsliîead Doc's check ansi lrake ift drising il upîrard out ai rîîaching truck.uge Tise serti koun Civ sialiion Ring Edvard,%, OF~ artsirein tise A. Arisors purcisased last nic sisc we t iv Nr'iiGiliies, Scotch rî"-bcasets laflo 1,0, hao ne oail s ill bc spending bvîken bs une oa itis rue. g isorses in.lise stable on1 nîc. moreing ut lastsi-cck. Tf mnars faund lil impossibI. E 0F Lie Leagu- tiare bie fracture and us hum tise big gamne able animal mas shot lu l a scfil from lils saffecings. Tis iii thc tiird inn- partial insaranreaun tise - cd. "Then tisey baU uasete parets Tise Wateeîîus riait e, Il us-etise field." rircd aitishe C.P.R. stati Mondas and on Tursda- r,w - -'ýw superinienrieni Wilson1 iii ths second concession quesing. il is a fie l chine. Tise ssurd', "Cou EV BILL SMILEY Halion"are'painteri an large intters. Besides lis lic coonts bus boagis fr mine. Topped, naturatiy. ise o chiue Camembert rand on aoc- et rnd honorable brandy. Weil, t1uoni t ike lu admit il, brui numcihing bas gone seîong. MsV breakiovi bas turnecd oancib bcetuastinduurlrffe, same as ai home. Lunch bas become a ccesse sandmich ansi tbe saup du jouc, saineol awveiclu seas defin- iueiy made le joue belore, yesier- Utîs. Tisese ai-ecîcn in bol, cromdrîl. stuutiig dumpv iv svhic lise iflies aceisice ris oct- sve as tise maituesses, misa lorok cul you as ibougis you'sl made os iitsecrol proposai il* fruaask ilisitiora i on Bot lise reat beari-breaker iv lte dioiners. 1I iditil.uni once. Wcni 0oui ail by ms-self la ru pasi clip jonand cuisitreuil ci ota. Yoît kiiowvoniriising? i csrans lacrci siroigisi nie before ibey brouglit il- cource. Ilt s va loncv in o buitroi rniccbiar tuait o-ris recdtol ci-y. Tise Baroness uirint ion.p pro la bc ibere tisai niglît, ci- user, If il badnni been foc a nice aid couple f rom Fort Wl- liamumtaitisenesi lubie, ti'dbave fr11 as friendicss anslise Prison- e of Chillon. So fromt nom on.,bisai dasbiug bsouevardier standing wmus bis nase prescd againsi lise windom ai Mbmy's restaurant, rrodiog tonîgisis speriai on fle menu pinned up, iii bc fours iruif, And 1 doul raure il t eser secoans- aiber Prenris-fried polato in my flue. And i couilise dus-s unlil tise weekend, mien t con get hoame and ejt;oy a raid mcal in tise proper utmoiapisere of kids flgisting, spileëd miik, and ftor people ait taiking atonce about four diflerent tiings. Climax Road Machine Ct. ilion, a No. 2 crusiser mit gaeesielUic. lingel portable bin and sereen; $1,600. Wm. McJanneit, super cvi ai tise Indusiriai Seso enisage, Cape Colonv, is i oni a sisil 10 bis fiber, McJannrîî. svbom be hb veen for 39 scars untl i s here in Sovriay' verenini.N Jannet v is e unie clUi laiber's firsi tIaig broagisi up iv Seotiand1 grandpaeeîîîn anrd brs b Souths Africo for lise i )QD OLD DAYS = ;0 20 YEARS AGO thc Can- Tuken 1,rnithe filicsaf the Cas. 1, t910. udîaChsampian, Augut t, 194U. Wiîb an enthusiastie swing la the In- ibeir sîririe, more thon 100 offie- Reiîirm. ers and memberes oa ilMons rs sen- Hom Guard and Lamne Scots, -ss ibau beaderi hrMajor Harold E. Eorl osîmisci anrd the bagpiprs plavrd by Rer. aucrage B. F. Andre aiManscmaod ond pri 500cr J. MacKar. Milton, baU a ibece bai ibe mile route maecb vesiedav en- clY ning. A large nnmberai cir- he po-C ens lured ouita m, atch the mcn dciii on the grounds ai the higis n Poist- Charles Bores, Kitheide. sus- painful lainced a seriaus injuef on Piday ,le mas aflernoan. Wilr norking ai a 1 servie- garage bc is building there for rnecks Wiliam Mitchell, bis sam siipped ni îîxer and cul bis bond. He a-as attend- ta suri cd bs- Dr. H. R. MDounalU ond Il siruck stiiicswecre required la close c have, thcmaound. iplace. The Ontario Provinciat Votun- vdesdcile leer Firemen's Association miii ,birb J.iî,îid thib eannua i convention in i speino Tb,,roid commencing îamiorrom Bilock, lFî-iia. r oneloding xiib a big is legs dcmonsîeaîiun an Mondas iCivic ownrs Holiday)i. Tise deirgaies fromt Tucsday Mrion liec brigade siti be Har- ce reîcr- olU Coolson and F. ChilUs. le ta ce- Hornby farmees are busv ibese ie valo- dans xiîh tise wseaibarrent, ) relies-e mbicb is a bounliful crop. Tise ic wsisnpring grain i saiso iprving very animai. fast onring ta tise boltss-ather. olri- Arthur Maves, Fosier Si., is ilie or-n iaorzd ai tbe rirtuosity of o io n plant in bis back yord. Belom e. coud lise groand use plant is grownig loouk tl eaiibv potaiacs, sebile above aio Es- ti mcc s a nell-frmrd tomato. .înt ofi- Thc Argyll ond Sutherland ini i Highlianderso aitn hc ýer l re rgimcn brn i0Ham nlu es srmt exceral fine voun e nf romtMil- t. Ham- Ian, entrainrd in ibai riiy on iti man- Monday morning foc camp ai .îcsaîor' Niagara-on-tise-Lake foc an in- - - dc cefinile period. ptr Rex. J. O. Talion of Harnby, cbaiîmas ai tise Halion Presisyt- -ciniend- en aif tise United churcis. induet- ual. Uit- cd Rer. Douglas A. Faeey inia in lasown itceminisies uf use Patermoý Robert Brunie circuit ai tise United ,îri nul chiuchin san imi ressin-c sevire s ariialild on Fidas enenivg. Ren'. D. Me. Mc- H. Oalogbcr aif Oakvilie gave ai bis tise induction add ress on "Tise elws Task aiflise Minisîe Today". by bis FaIlosring tise service, use con- cen in i.'egrioiis ai bath churbes un- pasi 13 iidinva erception iv honoraif thie Rer. and Mcx. Faccy. ... D.,dgin 'Round the Dqistrict BY ROY DOWNSt BURfLINGTON-Town courncilioes feequcnlly interrupîrd their speeches aI the ast meeting ta spit 001 cherry pis. Foiioing councii's approvai for fruit gromers ia keep gons ta frighten amay siarlings la the arca soua lboa Highmay 5 Imbere gons are forbiddeni the geomers reccprocatrd mith a basket ai ripe. dark cherries. GEORGETOWN-Management and union officiais of Provincial Faper Lid. and Alliance Paper Milis. imo local papr coatig plants mbich suppiy a large share of the coateri paperoared iv Canada, are morrird that the fedecai cabinet miii cemone their tarif i peotection. The companies mccc among 28 firms fined in 1954 lac price fixing, and nom the Goveromeni is thrcatening 10 ifti the iariff exemptions. About bi0 men andi momen deprnd on the milis for their living, and fear lihe protecction losn migbi slow their work domn. STREETSVILLE-A group of iniercoird citicens bavr banded logeiber 10 csiabiish a privair. kindergarien in the village on a rani. sharing basin. Initiai papil rosis mere sel ai around $i2 a monib ta cover cosi of the clans, but it ib expecîrd the fermlii be tomered laler. Classes are ta carry on, unlil the public sebool hourd ca pronide accommodation. GEORGBTOWN-Landmnark for muny yeurs, the CNR muter tomer bau dinuppearcd fram ils famillur daminaîing location just sauth af the station piuifarm. Il mas made obsoiatc milS the railimys conversion from team to diesel trains. Thinsvrasth e first time in 36 ycars the tank bad bren cmptied. Tliires lssavssomeiing t la tub e lits' lit of i11e, s ' breis"Il i telîsi ws uri cing br l-i, rt uiîîîgiî a lis-iri i ox,- ICiris ii pitisii iof abeautllo taîinlubcristîîken bolîtleam ong ite andses.iillic nympis WLd uioto ihbate luis tcthan i gutite mise,, %o c.utriiibei- Tlîrt's tise mriy tv-c e tsrîîlhy te businessil erling t, t.inIi ll Cityil. Tlit lite hber, iltlciiyocainn lite prîvi ricrîri e, b 1î ihavse Iiougliii il must bc eicven tia toiou, r11 il itesta-tit'irt, exer rît, lîttien. flacbaliser' nie,îiine bsarlmrvs ticquireri net-es iof steelcanriaocrîvii,îî Merîls ,îrîîcîîrihome wmccal- miss raîîriaeirîlnge of* gags, giîliitg.rarguments, qiustitns rîlîn asmers. iglîls oser des- s-il. andurinoenriles ecitrtire iof riamestie, soial ansi peestînai prîîbiews, coîîibeid by lise saab. Stîmetimes t onrd ta clencis My icclis, close my cnes, anU 'eticait ram lise babel iniauone iti my frivarile dreams. Tisere i'd bc, in a ramanlie restaur- ont, jusi Sitting down ta a daz- ziing spread ai glraming sibver and white vapery. A mhitie- gionrd maie waubd he bend- ne avec me soicioosiy. In bise rimly lit inirrior, gypsy musir stired tliseses. Several de- rosiolinu momen, abviuusly ries, lonri4 anU bored, neauld bceyeeing me wmus aleresi fom nrighboring tables. 1 moulut ip my apertili, glunce mils casual insolence ahoutisa,. tîtîo, non greet lise seadritare lii,îîîia,îs ri e scuiliesi lais tu%,sIlie %rme lisi sitb me. He- n oldslip rtue anotaefram lise Bt,îî,îîss fGorki, scoird ocrs ltaom. tirboni 1 baU noridesi sLîIr Isisehn 1 eniercd. 1 moulU cari il, give o shotrt,hbrrs iagli. an 10ev bu elîtirctenltion ta tise gunl rasieridrîck, tes' ooed in ules., and stîrcirîli îîîeparîrrby Illtectie[. Jrîi liscenontle of lic kiris îsou,îd kîîîîkaorca gi.ts ut iiiik, anrIirilieiî,icb rt te iliciien ioule ai limiten, grîipiîîg afot tiiloig, candsiassuring mv xiletr' issu ciiiigbi, lili gelthie rai.n' i,îmîîenii butishe stocsnit ircri iii lltîxe cigrsbci. Fil nes-- et kîtuxe lxv i ven t togli 5vei o ibis mitttiitselex- lit g it urii th le ice ici tur- Ili Il. Tiîrî's vvbs 1 seas tîobing lai" Ni oc,îiiîîr'tiecn i %vent oi osriiiselitil. t coulsi pcueiai:a ligisiibrakfcast, xriiiî perhaps ast tîrange jmire. crisîx baron, roll candri brnes and coie spatan lonrliîcoîîsisl- if iacimureamelette, a saictr, cîtîripecbcps ci Danisis pasiry: but inlise rs-cnisg, tise marks. t llaoned lut nase out ail ibose cbscwing lle itiieign rrsiaue- anis mn friensis iii the ciiy ac clwctss ieliing me ibcy rlmasi meni la anc n ighi, anU (lu thons up isiomv. 1 mon looking. formard tu etîld vicisysaisse on a bol(eren- ing. cansumuc i milsquiet ap- precialion anU crusîs bread in name 'candietit French pace. Foilaod, ai course, by golden ilîcm potutoes. rrisp frogo legs and a supers saiad, tise msote wsasliîd doma isy a llght Ruiine S" a4 d a*S04M 1 0 a -~' , '. Tihe Turning Point BY J. M. STARR The aid saying that "Beauty is in the eye of the beboider", rings troc In sa muny ways. For example, the flowers of nature's uncultivat- cd saoif, are ta some, a collection of worthtess meeds; but ta others, tthe mat beautifut array of 'miid flowers" .for a weed is somethlng that grows mhere it is flot wanted - and ssany of the flamers la Godas vast, uncoltivaîcd fictd-gardens, are as iovety as any we graw la flomer-bedo. Try tleeping a corner of yoor yard as a witd fiowcr gurden. Choose tait spîkes of wiid Phlox, golden Toad-flax or wild Snapdragan, whitc field Daisics, Marsh tris and Marigoid, cootir Tiger Lihies and Shy Violets--ahl gay as bulierfiies - and sec mhaî a reward- ing paich ol color yo cao reale. Natre s garden isncîroun idv: the Ilowiers hloom in randomn profLlsirrn-slîh,I the asianu oailie hoc, lIi-lizers îoe gaieleri banc. They pecp aut like fi11nisai, rom behind rocks, oraaog flic waysidc ... anexpectelin lovcly. A sommcr field in laie Joly is a joy tu behotd, the fragile whiic of Queo Anne's lace, blowing gcacciully amid the Azure Bloe petais of the Chicory ... set againsi a backtlcop of golden wheat, or a hiti carpeird in grecn. The highnvay's cdge at moroing la adorned wiîh widc banks of shiny huitcrcups, twinkiing and sparkliag wiîh dem. How iacky wc arc ihat wc havc thc wild "way-facing" gardens. Gardening is a wondccfol, happy hobby for ail ages. Nul onty do we benef il ourseives, fcom secing the beaoly cecaird, bul evervone passing can benelt t lom ils loseliness! Bernard Shaw wroîc, "The besi plae 10 sek God is io a garden. You cao dig lor Hlm therel" Wr can work away ail oor rares as wr work the soil-the vcry finent type of mental iherapy for those who are under the sicain of rcsponsihilily doring the day-ihc vccy besiaocoupation for the active or the inscore child. tf voo rildno find lime cariier yoa can sill prepare a small slrip of soi] ond Ici yoor clild s0W bis oamc in grass serd. He miii bc Ibrill- cd 10 sec the outile of the familiar inters appear, green and soit- springing op from the minute, dry grains of hîown hc citred nvilh si!Nor n til100 laie for a second piantiiig ai onions, radish or Bachelorsî Battons. Or plan iv anoiher civ mecks on iciiing a voung- sierhory several cherry puts, or peacb siones, ibai be bas exiractcd feom the fruit himscli. He miii bc elelighîcd tu match his omn truc gram, anti biassom, and hear fruit. It xviii hecome a liv'ing symbol la him oser the years-gromieg proof of the conîinoiîy of valture and the monder ai Gîrî. Here are soînc heaoîifui ihoughis tuocarrv svith yau ioday, and serve as a îorning paint for lomorrase, mhen 500 nirew wiih nem perspctlive he garîicns col naturre, tor hecome muarcr of yaur amy. Tbev arc sceitien hy D. F. Gurney ftm er parm, "God's Garden" ns bicb is noie svorid famous. "Thc kiss îof the son tac pardoîn, The sang of tbe hirds for mirîb, Oine is neacer God's Heari in a garden Than ann'mbcesc on tbe carib I' Dr

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