lht -17 To Choose Halton Répresentativel For Furrows Queen Competition *The Halton Plommens Asoc*- ation tlis year WilI selecta rp resentative ta take part i the* Advmse Safety Oucen of the Furr.ams conmpel The At Farm Ponds Mattcnatonl. BIBLE Thecocntesant wilt haclctc At this ttmeof yaar, mater wiii on general knomldgn of p Taaln yecat 27 i arm ppe cra. draon and interviews an plawing B %vil] give aniaakress unte c-mnt pihevl zd In recent years, many Ilaltn iitits 01thlie local ptasann.s as- 111ults Atesrpuoi farmers hav constructcd ponds sociation. anttter lngaage tndmanns it- ou thir frms. At teast ane or The Haton competition i la wits. aspaigagty ahan iter h tma sefety maesure-s shaatd hc bc hetd et the Junior l w'n rmittu auutoa eg lu with crriad out eround thseponds. Match spousored jlaitosvintram hehacat ne cpris Hlton Piowmens ntybAss hac .Threar.as.nsaieute Keepe In fot ambo pte ad te'Hito Jaoor dis'îtiions ta wom ds thet arac or a tuer ube n arop, ora Asocatio an Ferrspitllai tutathe uinitiated and the or a iner ubeon roe, r aAssciaion-unSeturday, Sept- unwtary.Inmradncdl- two inch hy eight inch hyr is emhnr 10. The competition w s alit tit nffutore advancIa foot cedar plant on a e p, haopen ta girls I8 ta 30, residenti gage ii diilutyh hen dy ta the pond. on farmsilu Hetion. Fmrgntned. nteDuc at Advise Farmers ta Consider Materials Handling Equipment By W. RsauMIlee Agrleultural or twoaned a hait tons. tes ittatn Engineering Extensien Speelalst hati os mach. Whiie spriug grain is galul ta Il very mach grain is ta bc hc later iis ynar then ardiner- moved sertiaatly, an levatr is iiy, lsrvest wiil sîill ot hactfou recommaunddaverait agras fer ewey. Perbaps tbe intervatit'if ilnsavausuc-b mare gtaitn afier haying givas usase lime ta far the saieaharse power. SonsaL tilutabaut hum we might fermera in the coan ty have but1 handle the groin a ltuile casier pis lu their hern itaarseand bava ibis ynar. an cevalor runluibte grain ap Precticetly every magazine yau ta a hight sa that if mili ras ta pick up bas articles in il about eny bis lu the granary. 'Matarials Hendling" and piator- Pl i lds Luad as aI big tend lots etc.. mlitre The pi shoatat ha big antangi Ibis eqaipmanti s ased. I1liint a s0 thet il willi hoid must ai a persan tands ta thint thet ibis 1 i.altisla hingatreatt ron maieriats andting is ait right the conmbine. A system sons as for somebady sha has e large iis bas anaiber advantage itt set-up and ihat il cannai halls thet if grain %fats ta fiteat lutlise tIs aeae-fermier vary mach. granery. il cati ha augaradtu lalite oued Returea pi t ram the bins asti levatea Iota Tiis is nal truc. M onay apan t bhamn beektolanasaibr bis. This an auget., aies-at ors etc., iii lai s atth ie dus( antibeati giva yoo mare retarns in tarins ouI ai tbe girais. of tme saveat and mark danc If yaa arc sbort ai ins. oi par dotlar investeti.tian practia- migbt lite tatity Lan idca litai atiy auy othar machine yaa cas John Tornuuliet Ridgeiawn tlass thint af. dat'eiapad. Ha toat sheals tai If toma ose asked you if you plyatd the ibannmbcraiepasdivg taauid shosci grain tar 15 cents asnbuta biga abn N'ouat)ti, au hoar, ytta mast prahabiy giaed asti boted fltdetig l- wauld say "Na". Yt this la hom gaiber lat mata a ciretatar biti. mach tac arc' ssrting for whan Compares Favurahîy shavnliing grain wban you couid The casti aiIis is arond $3.00 ha asing an augar. a tan starcd, wbieh comnpares Augets do ha-vasonme limitai- vary iavarabty sith $1.9.00 - $18.0' -ions. Whle thir capacity is for steel ar square pivtvood hins. vary large mban usad in a uer Tha.sa cas ha usad oisida, bol horizontal pasition, if faits off ara httar siled ta luside ose, very repidiy as tbey are raisad as arcalal ptywood ies. ta a vertical position. If yaa waaid lite plans fur Capaclly Varies 1ibese blus, tbey arca eta- ableata For instance, a four inch auger this office. Estension Brancb. 20 feat long with a bal harse Ontaria Daparîmnent ai Agr-iculý power malaor ou il siii maya lare, Milton. 11,500 paanais, tor neariy six tans Ramember, natshet c casi son au boor. If ibis samce agcr s ct bttcr vainc for yant mancy staad an cein ls, tecty irpsItitan datllars sucs insaiat bat ta 5000 poontisficr hoar, triais bandlits1cqaaptnnt PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE ACCOUNTINO DENTAL EARL G. BLACK< DR. G. A. KNG B. Cnmm.. .I.A., C.A. Dna tgo Chartered Aneunlant Doa ugo 163 Main Creet OffneelunSoyal Building, Mito Box 4w0 MlIons,ont Hoana 9-5 TRiangle 8-Of42 X-Itay esure Tnt. TII 8-9762 LEVER & HOSKîN Cbarlnred Aeauntanlu DR. H. F. GALLOWAY Phones: GL 1-4824 EM 4-9131 Dental Sureon Il Main St. . 212 Xa in . W. 15Mae1.u tmfle Brampton Tarante 55MinSiHnurtreîpm. X-Ruy Ceavine SURVTORSTel Office TBI 8-9201 -BOWMAN, BLACK AND SHOEMAKER CIIIROPRACTORs Ontario Land. Sueveyoea and Englnere MacDOUGALL Main Gflent rancb Ofilent CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 30 Ditoglua "St 13 Main t. Guet p Ont. Milon, Oit X-ray - Lai>ntesay TA 2403, TII 8-ea98 tultysittltîrrpy - Traction Manipulation 35 DannStM. Nortb, Dabvaie. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE VItnr 5-2291 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (ees hre cetd Standard Toune Gning Eat-7.t1 a.m.; 2.40 p.m.; LEGAL 9.21 p.m. Oýng West-8.55 a.m.; 6e-Il gm. NNT Y. îC daily. ENT Y.DC Barriater, Solicitor, Notaey Publie CANADIAN NATIONAL 196 Main Sirent RAILWAY Standard Tinte Telephone TII 8-4491 Going Nrt-8.17 arn. Guilye cnp unda2 r. T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q.C. Dail ecegi andy. arrister, Slinitoe, Ec, OPTOMETEISTU 131 Thms Street _________________Milton ARTHUR A. JOHNSON Telephone TBI8-65511 184 Mule St, Mitie (Lloysd Daviu Jewetteryl GEORGE E. ELLIOTT, Q.C. PhonTII 8-9972 RSm. TII 8-9678 arse Sict.Norypbe Tuesay and Fiday morebingu ar& e.Sletr nyPbi Eveelage bY appoitateet Office - 207 Mary Sreet TelePhece TII 8-9202 PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURI SHARPE and NICHOLS llonday -.............1.18 lu 5 9ttfl W. . SBARP£ Wednestday -....0.30 arn.. -1 g. BereegCoilar a Tburaday .. 1.0-5 pgm. ed 74 pm. Ntne PuSlictrnd rrtday ...1»-5 Vina. and 7-9 psu. 146 alis PIubMlieu Sattrdai 9.30 I12. 91 TelephoenTII 8-0071 IIN RAL DmEOTOUaS F. DAVID THOMPON MecKERSIE Bariter and Solicter * FUNERAL HOME 189 Main Street PHONE TII 8-44152 GHT er DAY TB e-et slneere.Courbes. ServIce sudoeeTB 8-M69 guege thae statatfurtef" vhc is 'beaul" Ipi anaanced hanc) ai- art means "hua'. Bot the plural ai "beaui" ([cg)isla bieats, wher- as tisa plataiai oh'«eet' (hible)ais "Besita.Alsa, il voa rete ta tha legs ai a table as "bettan', vta %vlt ha iaugbaalet for Itaflie Dattch thal rai suaepiatata ai tsamatt legs. tuaniiaitte abjects, iscsandalntiaiais do nutal e 'benen"hast 'pautea". Yaanr alillictaties at naît s-et oner becatase eviaientiy tbe Datici taaesatcl a Itigb aegard lor a bot-sea tisa is legs at-e caiteai "benett" lita buiann eiags. flt "paltea" lite ather attimals lu the 'reaim toi abstract sanrats sucit as'tate'.haeaillicuits ai setecting ia stitabia tatarti spec- iails in primtitisve tatguagas s t net aseai. lasthe a ttjarPhitits iile catecis. ritatta .ntttg tttata exptesstions tai tata, tisa m ta'. Tttgtltg, "tagata" ia Pattpaga and a >%ýi" inlloanoaieselect- cCLI asastttcsttg tctigttsitaae tatu tati a notale ,aad tlita-al latt att pettple lr i l ilr Bible tratsiattat nitic seat tersa caLs la liatatflie tiglit ta-at a. Bible Rcadîugs Stiiatta1iSataî-'i1: 128;Mont da, 2 Sattatel 7: 129; " ieatesit t Chiaae, 9s -9 ; ia:Wcatttes t ý 1Kitngs3: 128; Tlttts,tsi. 2Kings 2. t-18: Fiiav, 2 Cistats actes 3-t: 14-33; Sataaaai.atv, Mai- tieta 7: 24-29; 21: 28-32. POOR SUBSTITUTE Mattrist:"lmnasttt- alt.ttts etaaaor rttster atnd ltt'anviling la replace hlm." Farmecr: "Iaiout ihiatt saacatt. Let's hcar souctn KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mtoaaiter:1ev. J. K. L. Mefleatas B.A. Mas. R. maWri.t ATCM. Oroatisi andi Choir Master do Ibme gond." Nuaobaau 10. 29. SUNI5AY. JULY 3lza. 1960 10.00 'aa-a aaeSat"ias' Satti GOSPEL HALL 296 Dnta raot.S. N., Milton TII 1-9M9 SUNDAY. JULY :11-t, 196n 7tt t.l"a siviatae. Frankttttcaraey aitdiBonaldt iant. Tht: apecaaievan-eartti: 'sices nsantaaune Maastay, W-stasday anti Friayaiat 8pm.Doatntas abh nin saand bt-ac te nid latettatnet gospet ni watts ruan tlrntahghiun, ansd Gad's otais'reme.la i«l sa at the Bitataif tiseti. Titrer e -' as cltnionstatt-;tiattl Saftanesrvcs Ail are -laratiy naiti. 'lita Bialter tas.'Thitta a itlt- rutsitavtn.and aaelbyofaat a tteptatttnattattthrasta Jaatt ai itt, i,athe w la t saet atout-t; i EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Cnommercial St.. Mitonu ChuteS Seretaryt Mrs. D:n. Mrton,.TII 8-9718. Stadesi nesinet Me. CiytaataCotes, Joannesburg Samttsaty.l'rntoa,e Soutb Alaiva. SUNDAY. JUIN unit, 1965 9.3t0.n.-Saaadey Sciann forate il 1.00e.m".-Mrning Warnbaîî. 7.00 p.m-Enangess4ie aSrrvace. W re.aeving gttsltatlrnitatara: ataur ev.rsrvices. 55iin- ii e lldentiaa,lsmto la anti eaiottyhe fit-tinustais. Ytaa watt aittetiaytheCia.- tr-ataat ni Ma-.f'tayiati Ces atadte 'Ttursday. Jatte1t. 7 nt a-i atatetn n v:acationaat ile Scbsasa. Ait parensaminte ni te Lhiastt. Fridas'. n p.m.-Ynang Pe.sptn'i. Wednesdo-a v- 7.15 p.. Yotug Pennies Prayer and Bisble Study, 8I gm., Adula 'Service, GRAOi CHURCH ANGLICAN Milton.,Ontario StetrSe. D. A. PuweUi SUNDAY. JUaY 3sît. 1l60 7tb SUNDAY AFTSII TIINITY .00) a.m.-Hiy Camamuins. 1n.00 a.m.-týMattant and Sermnn. 11.00 amr.-Hnty Septism. The Suctar lu chare. bl v Lat while Pt as "pub] a watt le et s', tht lsdas meaninî is dallet Frequg ycar. we "Have weys se berrassi Usuaiiy neverhb sote t son wht n îlots abviaus bloc arý liroogt lts anc sirtactio mid st-a bul poi Sc'ta a el-lie t t agt'Iclt i titis apr paaicm W ia ton [lt sleing Cu.dty C.udtu P.dfie Cufl.1upf -j CHURCI4 0F CHRIST, OMAGH No. 5 Sadet a anod 41b Lin SUNDAs'. JUNlie31.-t, 196 10.30 aem.-Bable SabanI Ciasana fora ait afas. 1100 a.m-Masenisa Waratap. Fa data, 8.30 p.s.-Bibte Stnaiy. Ya.a Are Aicatys matroner Lstetrau"Heratd nf Trntit". CKEY To.ronuto. Saday, 915 .m Sec "fferatd nI Truth" us TV Channel 7 esrry Sanday, .50 LOWVILLE - NASSAGAWVEYA (ANGLICAN) SRictar: Rev. B. P. E. Jeftares, Campbatlivail ULsier 4-2577 SUNDAY. .IULY 31-s1. 196n TIlINITY Vil Si. Jothns Choral. Nasaagaweya 950a - ttt-laaly Utaîstannatan ad Chutrab Scbtai. St. (Geoarge's C-l-rab. Usewvaita i115 an.-iaay C.intataan a ndtt tiatatel Seta., . NIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A latastasssrysls t TIIE IPENTItOSTAL -ASSEMa- LIE8 0F CANADA Corner Wakefield and 25 Higbway Feulera Ber. M. Chrielenuen SUNI1AY, JUIN 31:.,190 10an0ae.-Stnady Sobounl. Clases fi-ailaitget. 11.00 a.m.-.inntg Waasltp. Con- 7.00 pr.-Es'asaeltiieservice. Wednt'aday, .mi.tn- Prayen and Bible Siady. Falias. 8 n-m. - Yonig Panîtian A chriarluy.ta an maba ynu ornte Ati wriaaame BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESSYTERIAN CHURCHES Miniatena 5ev. B. A. Sevn, BSA. SUNDAY. JUL I 7 1960îî 10la1tiatat-BontnatWaaabap Ser- 10.15 a.m.-GtOnagbt Sondey Sautai. tî.:îî .sstii.-Oniangli: VatnsitiîSer- lita T. M. MeKrunti.l, ta(pMetar altatea. Dakvillie. mil prcatit. BAHA'I WORLD FAITH Bltatu brlier - We desira bai tbe gond nf the eartb and the hall- -pines aI the sutaons; -a at atn- itants ait benome aseonee lu tailb and ail mes au brotltera. ST. PAUI/S UNITED CHURCN Main and James Mta. ' Miltank Minluler, Bey. J. Lonne Grahamu B.A., B.D., CD. DUSING THE MONTOOTi o JULY 11.00 a.m.-Morning Wunéheinul Eax Pee9hysienlaa aurà. M-MPi-ý 1 1 . 1 - 1 1 - ------------ 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 111,11,11,011blAol» il NALTON cïUNTY Weed (eatwI Nws hsl V. E. McARTIIUR, CO8JNTY WEED INSPECTOR PAT88Y' ENEMY TO werd contratu publia prapcrîy. WEED CONTROL Municipal badies eh arcure rs- afi luterestinluauy marth- panaible far raads. aimaits, parts irjecl is aitea referred la etc.. iii auly praclise mniîd cou- ic apathy". Accarditig la Irai ta tise calent ta mbicb ras- tuomu Canadien diction' dcents -arn iuîercaîad. Litemiar e mord "apetby" mban nagiactad uniouos mads on rail- e naaîs means "ment on asvy rigbts aifmatys etc. sewsed hs' s of feeing". Miscat osertiublic corpoa.tians wiiti nty ha adjectivea "iataîbaic"."tis oe ualte lr piapai y avisasfsite O la sigbtty changedainîtd loalettaspayars are sufiiently ad as "uucuncerugd". conuccmad. anli etIbislim ai "Public apathy" ta a seriaua ced inspeciars are, ask-ed Paecwy ain a godw-e cnta fou ati thc meada in the clsrogrml ay mmonity. The eane up? Tu e ibsca-aPnretion af evnry individuel cns tupbc"aTo mc thia a-i-s oliciled sa meed contrat cen ing question tuanaserm ilcat orhhl onrbto ,my reply la "Wu ds wili u bath public and private prap- )e an tiraty ceaede up boterty in ait Perla ai Hatan colin- endcavuring ta carryau i17 ica st tcrai."DISMAL OUTLOOK lae nwedsTrectfi u- A local mnathnr ufficiai stas ae nomrl atr isesae su ullan mrung lu bis, forecasis ver tce rai' eh see t cb e hame a oet th ar eltny iemare communîs' andasd jot l bch snuxiaus aucs suc-h astrni arroi" and "chictry'... nierd. e.Why do youmwish lu bha hans- t patchas ur white and lrra!di" bis biaadquarîars mruia ac cvident tu i marc ur him bt theaverny.ncpaty "Becausa fltaclinsale bure tonu Iercuanti. dossi agrea wiîb me." ha te- enodrsnaibs cots- plied. t'ilas îandanad iarms. idia ____ id subisiIsons attder can- an. hast samatimes ta crds lhtiingaunocpa 25-DAY SPICIAL tas. In raiarring lu suai IOW fl IDTIpI i privaîte homtes or farms. RAIL PARES I ibile prapartils as wseti - O~ t1* pesnifa reas cornmauai - cuaagas t cpaisi rnp- the MARITIMES tdu tsReponshl locals nutis DanssRarc thiauyr.s0 laIel i- h ise mv l t y 2-ayIml hh lp "c ,tNul5tiishavstiliie iti eipne.d isnshais loeita chiai onbvIts o ccvîaiî is aaid f~ l'l'c li lc iacaI a t p)lis liboîilgadait an.- ai hasIdî eln al J5015h e epemer-1 ask the mon who chose j;gus Before yoî Instai) any type of atnmaiic heaiing iniynur home. why flot "est the mari who chose gits". We're confident maît ofthe answers wsu ad lîke this: '1Cloenest fuel ever", "Dependable--even la the aiverest weother" "- the records prove naturel gus 1 I8 thesalait atutomatle héotinq fuel,, "Quiet ot a kitten"e *'Coula ne more thon other auto- motlc fuels' "Hotînq paymenia ore easy - 1 dîatrihute themn evenly aver a 10 month period from Septembee "if you need service - It's free" Nos io a good time to iusînil natural gas automatic Iseting eqipment. No down puyment - n charges 'tl September and be sure to esk how yoa cas racine e big $50,00 îllowance. Ses yaur gas heating contractor orW UNITED GAS LIMITED H-AMILTON - STONEY CREEK DUNDAS- WATERDOWN B URLINGTON .BRONTE e OAKViLLE *GCEORGETOWN - ACTON *MILTON THIS SUNDAY'S 3 Church Calendar The. Canadiain Championi,.Thursday, July 28th, 1960 ~taf Phoos mthin one week ai orderiug,an Staff hotos cost only 75 cents for a alosay ------------------ Ibb"»IblW un, SER A man cen't outrwt bis shadow but a driver cen outrace his hcadlights. It le elementary com- mon sense for night drivers tu drive et a speed that wiUl per;mit stoppîng mithin these tretch of road illumninated by thse head- lights. if you are outdriving your headlights, potentially Y.- have aost contrat of your car, siince yau could flot stop =eor reach- ina an unespetedhad tht suddenly cornes loto view. Hiad yaur picture lu tIs h. m plats tatcty? If sa, yaou'jlIprabhl ment a aupy for 1lraming or a scraphaak. Raprints ut ait Canadien Cham- pion safef photos are as-ailahirs The only way te mako tarmimg pay... moelrn moibois and machines You can't ferro profitably today by using yesterday's methode and obsolete machinery. They simply don't meet the demande of modern farming ... high productivity and low production coste. The profit potential of your farm can only be fully realized through utilizing modem methode and the lateat farm machinery. Today's farm machinery meaaurea up to the tak of domng more work faater and more efficiently. Ferro labour, a major cnet in the operation of any farm, la kept to a bare minimum while the amount of work done per day la greatly increaaed. Critical farm operationa get done at exactly the right time without depending on the availability of high priced farm labour. Maeaey-Ferguson machines and implementa completely f611 the requirementa of profitable farming- more work with Ie manpower et lower cost. See your Muaey-Ferguson dealer. Massey-Fergusoin Limited TOIROZTO wasn't a recent photo, the printe are stili avaitahîn. (P.S-Thc price is the lowest of auy namapaper lu Halton Coanly or srronding arca). ' i strune Omust loctl ras- ara cttncerned ahatut ibeit ýtnsanti ards. bey are, r, gtitv ta tomne asant i 'apathatia" lu regard tat